- There are 384 Calories In One Cup Of Avocado
- 1/2 an Avocado Contains 145 Calories and 14 Grams of Fat
Avocados, despite being high in fat are very good for you, and people keep discovering more of the health promoting properties.
One does want to keep a close eye on overall fat and calorie consumption, but a little avocado in your diet, especially in a salad can go a long way.
The fat in avocado is primarily monounsaturated, and has been shown in studies to lower bad cholesterol, and raise good cholesterol.
Why You Should Add Avocado To Salads
A key new discovery has been the role that avocados play in facilitating nutrient absorption. This study from 2005 showed a significant (greater than 100%) increase in carotenoid absorption when avocado was added to a salad.
It turns out that fruits and vegetables are rich in carotenoids, but low in lipids or fats that the body needs to absorb them. Carotenoids are among a group of micronutrients and phytochemicals which are shown to help dramatically improve health, and reduce weight.
For those of you following the PEERtrainer Cheat System, the first 1/2 of an avocado a day is on the left side of the list.
Based on the research above, you might want to make sure to consume avocado with your greens!
What is interesting is that even though the research is now showing that you should add avocado to salads, people have been doing this for thousands of years already.
We recently published a tasty recipe in our recipe section. We are getting excellent feedback on it:
Avocado Nutrition Summary
A good source of:
- Vitamin K
- Dietary Fiber
- Vitamin B6
- Vitamin C
- Folate,
- Copper
- Contains more potassium than a medium banana- 877 grams of potassium in one avocado vs 470 grams in a banana. And much less sugar!
This article is written, edited and maintained by PEERtrainer.
PEERtrainer is the developer of an innovative, free and easy to use system that guides you to healthier eating in a very gradual manner. You can learn more about this system here.
PEERtrainer also maintains the following pages that outline the health benefits of common fruits:
Calories and Nutrition in Apples
Calories and Nutrition in Apricots
Calories and Nutrition in Avocados
Calories and Nutrition in a Banana
Calories and Nutrition in Blackberries
Calories and Nutrition in Blueberries
Calories and Nutrition in Cherries
Calories and Nutrition in Cranberries
Calories and Nutrition in Dates
Calories and Nutrition in Grapes
Calories and Nutrition in Grapefruit
Calories and Nutrition in A Kiwi
Calories and Nutrition in Lemon
Calories and Nutrition in Litchis
Calories and Nutrition in A Mango
Calories and Nutrition in A Honeydew Melon
Calories and Nutrition in Cantaloupe
Calories and Nutrition in Olives
Calories and Nutrition in Papaya
Calories and Nutrition in Peaches
Calories and Nutrition in a Pear
Calories and Nutrition in Pineapple
Calories and Nutrition in a Pluot
Calories and Nutrition in Plums
Calories and Nutrition in Strawberries
Calories and Nutrition in a Tangerine
Calories and Nutrition in Watermelon
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