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thindude's profile



Member: thindude
Member Since: 11/27/2010
City: West Coast

My Goal:
Changes I am committed to doing:
13 gm of protein at every meal.

1. Report here daily how I did the day before.
2. Recognizing that I simply cannot stick to low calories when I vigorously exercise 5 x per week, I will switch to lower intensity cardio, weights, stretching and perhaps yoga on days that I work. Weekends I will allow myself to exercise vigorously but I usually cannot make it to the gym on weekends...
3. 1600 net cals daily
4. I will meditate twice daily and be mindful throughout the day: both of which help me be centered and stick to my goals.
5. Use my Beck Diet Solution cognitive skills: positive self-talk when behavior is healthful; managing impulses and negative thoughts through awareness and self talk. Remembering that I don’t HAVE to eat every time I wish to or when food is free or available.
6 Avoid tempting environments when I can: the breakroom, free-food table at work meetings. Opening the pantry and gazing.
If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing--that's why we recommend it daily.""Impulsive eating feels kind of repulsive to me"
"Instead of feeling deprived, I will feel pride"

To motivate me:
Remember family portrait we'll do next year.

Remember how good I feel and how good I feel about myself when I am lean.

Remember 5 de May party May

Reward self and look forward to those rewards.
Think of what would happen to my wife/kids if I were to die prematurely

About me:
LINK TO MY LOG: Lost 110# finishing on April 1, 2008 Married professional male with two kids. Live on West Coast. Tend to gain wt in Oct and lose in April. Trying to break that cycle. Lost 110 pounds finishing in April 2008. Lost first 30 on Atkins then 80 on Optifast.

Diets I like:
High protein/Moderate Complex carbs/Low fat/Low simple sugars. 200 cals per day of cardio.

Workout of choice:
Elliptical + weights

My plan:
Log immediately and frequently with eating Stay under 1800 cals per day. Cardio 3-4 times per week. Wts 2 times per week. Meal repacements.Following Beck Diet Solution Daily logging and commenting. PEERtrainer support Chewing gum. 14 gm of protein eaten at every sitting Aerobics at least 4 times per week during wt loss and daily during maintenance Planning meals Meal replacements

I need the most help with:
Check my log to make sure I've totalled the cals for the day. And comment if I'm over cals. And make sure I don't eat more frequently than every 2 hours.

Additional Info:
KEYS TO SUCCESS/HABITS TO REINFORCE Following Beck Diet Solution Daily logging and commenting. PEERtrainer support Chewing gum. 14 gm of protein eaten at every sitting Aerobics at least 4 times per week during wt loss and daily during maintenance Planning meals Meal substitutions.