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has anyone tried accupuncture for cravings control..or for more energy

Wed. Jun 24, 2:27pm

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Acupuncture has changed my life.

I went for the first time in Feb of -07 because of chronic neck and shoulder pain (for five plus years I had tried physical therapy and the Western Dr was suggesting pain meds). I also had an eating disorder I was in a good bit of denial about.

Dr. Arnette talked about acupuncture and how it could relate to my goals for treatment. I think what really made me feel at ease after the first consultation was that he said “If you don’t find relief (following the plan he purposed) in two weeks this is not the method for you”. I felt a sense of comfort in the “try it short term plan”. First we focused on the physical pain and now on how “things” pain/emotions/actions/health are all interrelated.

I am not on any pain medications and have only occasional neck and shoulder flare ups. I have also come to terms with my former maladaptive eating habits, bingeing and purging, through acupuncture, a cooking class that taught me healthy eating habits (which I participate in every six months) and some counseling.

I am also very fortunate that my health insurance covers a portion of the acupuncture.

I think like any health care option the result will be only as good as the px/dr participating in it. I know that acupuncture can help a person become healthier. Try it, see if it works for you, if it does wonderful, if it doesn’t see what will fit your needs at the moment.

Hopefully this post helps other people in our Peertrainer community.

Friday, June 26, 2009, 12:49 PM

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Acupuncture has changed my life.

I went for the first time in Feb of -07 because of chronic neck and shoulder pain (for five plus years I had tried physical therapy and the Western Dr was suggesting pain meds). I also had an eating disorder I was in a good bit of denial about.

Dr. Arnette talked about acupuncture and how it could relate to my goals for treatment. I think what really made me feel at ease after the first consultation was that he said “If you don’t find relief (following the plan he purposed) in two weeks this is not the method for you”. I felt a sense of comfort in the “try it short term plan”. First we focused on the physical pain and now on how “things” pain/emotions/actions/health are all interrelated.

I am not on any pain medications and have only occasional neck and shoulder flare ups. I have also come to terms with my former maladaptive eating habits, bingeing and purging, through acupuncture, a cooking class that taught me healthy eating habits (which I participate in every six months) and some counseling.

I am also very fortunate that my health insurance covers a portion of the acupuncture.

I think like any health care option the result will be only as good as the px/dr participating in it. I know that acupuncture can help a person become healthier. Try it, see if it works for you, if it does wonderful, if it doesn’t see what will fit your needs at the moment.

Hopefully this post helps other people in our Peertrainer community.

Friday, June 26, 2009, 12:49 PM

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Acupuncture has changed my life.

I went for the first time in Feb of -07 because of chronic neck and shoulder pain (for five plus years I had tried physical therapy and the Western Dr was suggesting pain meds). I also had an eating disorder I was in a good bit of denial about.

Dr. Arnette talked about acupuncture and how it could relate to my goals for treatment. I think what really made me feel at ease after the first consultation was that he said “If you don’t find relief (following the plan he purposed) in two weeks this is not the method for you”. I felt a sense of comfort in the “try it short term plan”. First we focused on the physical pain and now on how “things” pain/emotions/actions/health are all interrelated.

I am not on any pain medications and have only occasional neck and shoulder flare ups. I have also come to terms with my former maladaptive eating habits, bingeing and purging, through acupuncture, a cooking class that taught me healthy eating habits (which I participate in every six months) and some counseling.

I am also very fortunate that my health insurance covers a portion of the acupuncture.

I think like any health care option the result will be only as good as the px/dr participating in it. I know that acupuncture can help a person become healthier. Try it, see if it works for you, if it does wonderful, if it doesn’t see what will fit your needs at the moment.

Hopefully this post helps other people in our Peertrainer community.

Friday, June 26, 2009, 12:49 PM

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Your quest for diminishing cravings and getting more energy can also come from everyday things like eating good, quality foods - foods that aren't designed to be craved! As well as getting enough sleep, avoiding excess caffeine, etc.

I tried acupuncture for other reasons and I loved it and it was very beneficial.

Friday, June 26, 2009, 1:32 PM

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Your quest for diminishing cravings and getting more energy can also come from everyday things like eating good, quality foods - foods that aren't designed to be craved! As well as getting enough sleep, avoiding excess caffeine, etc.

I tried acupuncture for other reasons and I loved it and it was very beneficial.

Friday, June 26, 2009, 1:32 PM

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Your quest for diminishing cravings and getting more energy can also come from everyday things like eating good, quality foods - foods that aren't designed to be craved! As well as getting enough sleep, avoiding excess caffeine, etc.

I tried acupuncture for other reasons and I loved it and it was very beneficial.

Friday, June 26, 2009, 1:32 PM

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