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Member: irissvb
Member Since: 12/20/2005
City: MI

Description:Follow or join me on my continued journey to better health as I train for my 6th Susan G Kome 3-Day for a Cure in Michigan in August, 2010 :-) My plan this year is to walk at least 1,000 miles between January 1 and August 13, 2010! (Since 2005, I've raised almost $15,000 towards Breast Cancer Research!)

12/31/2005 (178.2 lbs)
07/01/2006 (-8 lbs & + 425 miles of walking)

My Goal:
So, 2011 has started off on a very bad foot, with my mom in the hospital for Lung Cancer & then her chemo, and my dad having a stroke 10 days after my mom's surgery. The ordeal left me exhausted both mentally and physically. So... I am now getting back into the swing things and unfortunately, thing fell off the wagon in a major way.

However, for the 2nd half of 2011, I plan to be in better shape and to work on taking care of myself and my family... And off we go! My friends and I are starting a "Biggest Loser" Challenge from June 4 - July 8th, 2011. Let's see if we can get this ball rolling! :-)

2011 Biggest Loser Challenge

Weight = 190.4 lbs
% Body Fat 37.5% (71.4 lbs)
Height - 5'4"
Neck - 15.5"
Bicep - L 12.5' / 12.5" R
Thigh - L 25.5" R 25.75"
Calf - L 17" / R 17"
Waist (at natural waist) 37.5"
Measurement at belly button 39"
Hips 39.5
shoulder width (around shoulders) - 49.25"
Chest at widest - 41.5"
Chest (below breasts for Iris & Tina) - 37"

Goals for 2011 - Many of these goals were on my list for 2010. I'm going to revise things a bit for 2011.

This year, I'll Keep things simple!

1) Get organized! I'm purging my house of extraneous junk and going to build myself a "paper/fabric/knitting" studio where I can retreat to do some artwork.

2) Be Healthy.
I have jump-started my fitness by going to a fitness boot camp. It's a tough workout, and includes boxing (something I have never done before) in an aerobic manner and other calisthentics. I am making the commitment to get up and get moving (and away from the computer) at least 1-2 hours a day.

3) Do something creative–WEEKLY.
I am in the process of creating a studio area for me to work in and plan to get working on my artwork by July 1st. I've been stagnant for a while. it's time I worked on creating new things. Just stopped by a friend's store-- she owns a business and was an art student in my undergrad. I want to hopefully create a few things for her to put in her store!

4) Put on a Happy Face.
No more looking at the sad side of things. I CAN avoid letting things get me down by searching for the positive again! I will be my own sunshine again!

5) Take a class!
This spring, I finished my 1st graduate-level class! I got a 3.5-- not bad considering I hadn't taken a class requiring papers in decades..... Planning to take another in the fall, if my schedule will allow.

6) Less time online, more time visiting with friends and family in person. (We’ll see how long this lasts!) Got to tackle this 1 day at a time! (Too much time online. My butt is getting way to big for my own good! Besides, I need to take care of other projects around the home and being online all of the time is NOT helping!)

7) Post at least 3 times a week in my Peertrainer Log.

8) Get the Debt Monster under control!. Still working on this one... Having our car break down did not help, but I'm looking towards the future.

Food & drink goals:
Drink more water!
Eat more o.rganic foods & smaller portions.
Cook more home meals vs. buying lunch and avoid snack foods.
Eat lean protein, less fat & carbs.
Eat more veggies & fruit.

My plan is to really get things moving for the next 7 months of 2011.

Total Miles Walked in 2006 (training) - 736 miles (01/14/06 - 12/02/06)

Weight / %Fat Progress Chart (once a month)
01/01/06 - 178.2 lbs
01/03/07 - 172.0 lbs - (38.1% BF / 65.53 lbs / LM 61.9 % / 106.47 lbs)
05/25/07 - 182 lbs 38.6% BF/ 70.25 lbs / LM 61.4% / 111.75 lbs) Several months of winter blahs (and a touch of depression) and bad eating have gotten me terribly track. :-( **** With the start of the new spotlight, I am going to try to get back on track!)
06/25/07 - 174.4 lbs / 37.9% BF... Moving down!
09/25/07 - 22 years since I met my hubby!!!
12/16/08 - Ugh. I have let myself go... Not good.

My Weight Chart:
Weight Chart

Measurements on 02/09/06.....01/03/07…….....07/19/07(Change)
Lt Calf: 17"...............................16.5 (-.5) …….16.25 (-0.125)
Rt Calf: 17"..............................16.5 (-.5) …….16.25 (-0.25)
Lt Thigh: 25".............................24.5 (-.5) …….24.0 (-0.5)
Rt Thigh: 25"............................24.5 (-.5) …….24.0 (-0.5)
Lt Bicep: 12".............................12.0 (0) …….....11.5 (-0.5)
Rt Bicep: 12"............................12.0 (0) …....….11.5 (-0.5)
Chest (under bust): 35"...........34.75 (-.25) .….. 34.0 (-0.75)
Bust (widest part): 40.5"..........41.0 (+.5) ……...40.75(-0.25)
Neck: 14.75"............................15.0 (+.25) …….15.0 (0)
Waist: 35".................................34.25 (-.75) …...33.75 (-0.5)
Abdomen (belly button): 36.5"..36.25 (-.25) …...36.5 (+-0.25)
Hips (under belly fat): 40.5".....38.5 (-2) …….....39.75 (+1.25)

My Weight Chart:

05/22/07 - 184 / BF 38.7%:-( *** The brutal truth. :-( ***
05/28/07 - 180.8 / BF 39.9%
06/22/07 - 175.4 / BF 38.4%
07/26/07 - 170.8 / BF 34.7%
08/13/07 - 169.0 / BF 37.1%
10/16/07 - 175.2 / BF 34.4%
10/31/07 - 171.4 / BF 38.4%
11/16/07 - 176.2 / BF 37.1%
12/12/07 - 174.0 / BF 37.8%
02/03/08 - 179.0 / BF 38.3%
03/07/08 - 173.8 / BF 38.1%
01/06/09 - 184.0 / BF=38.3%
01/02/09 - 186.0 / BF=39.4%
04/19/11 - 194.0 / BF=40.4% (Back to beginning... :-( )
06/05/11 - 190.4 / BF=37.5% (Beginning of the Biggest Loser Challenge)

About me:
I am 44 years old and married... no kids, but I would love to have some. Because of this, I need to get healthier! I have walked in 5 Breast Cancer 3-Day (60 miles each over 3 days!) walks in Michigan in 2005 & 2006 & 2009, in Atlanta in 2007 and in Chicago in 2008 and have been on the 3-Day crew for 1 event in MIchigan in 2010. I have raised over $16,000 so far over the past 6 years for Breast Cancer Research. I enjoy doing something for a good cause while increasing my fitness. I will be participating for my 7th year in Michigan in August, 2011 and I hope to raise at least $3,500 this year. I need help keeping myself on track towards my long range goal of becoming more physically fit and healthy.

Diets I like:
I hate diets!!! I prefer to make a lifestyle change vs. being restricted and bound by a list of "rules" in a diet. I prefer trying to eat healthy by avoiding fast food and fried foods. Luckily, I don't have a big sweet tooth, but I do love Ice cream on occasion.

Workout of choice:
Walking, swing dancing (and dancing in general), snow shoeing, hiking, swimming, ice skating, downhill skiing and tennis. I use my treadmill the most and hand held free-weights. I also sit on my balance ball when watching TV. At work, I have to do lots of walking in and out of schools (while lugging a lot of books and posters on a cart--which keeps my arms in shape, too.) *** Adding "Fitness Boot Camp" with aerobic boxing and other calisthentics to the mix! Hopefully, it will get my body moving big time!

My plan:
Eat more healthy foods, get out and moving in whatever manner possible. Cook more often and stop eating out as frequently. Continue to walk and hopefully, do some hiking (throughout the year) to bring my physical fitness level up. Walk on my treadmill WHILE doing work on my laptop! I'm also considering transitioning towards a more vegetarian diet.

I need the most help with:
Getting motivated... The Breast Cancer 3-day has really helped in this regard-- it is amazing what an hour or 2 of walking every few days can do to your overall fitness levels! Limit my computer time and get on my feet--not letting inertia get the best of me!

Additional Info:
My Hobbies: Hiking, biking (for fun), traveling, creating artworks, karaoke, knitting/crocheting, meeting new people, cooking, charity works, watching funny movies.... :-)