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tessy's profile



Member: tessy
Member Since: 9/11/2007

not a "before pic"...actually a "maintaining pic' taken 4/12/08...122 lbs.
12/15/07 goal weight of 124 and working to maintain

My Goal:
drink 64 oz water daily
cardio 4-5 x's weekly
weight training 3-4 x's weekly
count calories
learn to really give attention to my food.. how it truly tastes and to how my body feels...hunger? stressed? thirsty?? tune into what I really need
I'm 5'5 and currently weigh 135, would like to get to 125 and see how that feels to me
7/11 started calorie counting 135
7/17 136
7/31 139 back from vacation and did well, but now at home and out of control, overeating and too many cocktails
8/7 135
8/13 137
8/20 135
8/28 135
9/7 133
9/9 last binge... usually two a week prior to 9/9
9/10 135 lbs
9/13 134 and began with PT, ready to cut out so many cocktails on the weekends, which leads to overeating
9/21 134
9/28 131 very happy to see some results!!
10/5 128 makes me happy, but will also be happy to maintain throughout next week. I have not been this weight in many years!!!
10/10 binge in p.m.
10/12 129 I'll take it!!!
10/15 binge in p.m....careful now!!!
10/19 129..happy to see it, and surprised.
10/26 129
11/2 127
11/9 127
11/16 127...ready to be more diligent and achieve a loss
11/23 125...diligence paid off ...good weight for me
11/30 123.5 good place to maintain, allowing for couple pounds of fluctuation, need more strength training in workout in order to tone up...just don't like doing it!!
12/7 123

About me:
I am a 44 year old wife and mother.  I have a 20 year old daughter and a 11 year old son.  I work part time as a dental hygienist.  I have decided that this is my year to nurture myself.  Like most Moms, I have spent majority of my time caring for others and now realize I need to carve out time for me.  Realized it is important for the family as a whole, to make sure my needs are met also.  And in meeting my needs I intend to give my diet and excercise plan the time and committment I need to be happier with my body and frame of mind. 

Diets I like:
When I began PT in 2007, I decided to count calories and learn to eat healthier food. I added more veggies and beans to my diet. Lost the weight I wanted to lose and maintained for several months. Then decided stop calorie counting and depend on healthy choices and portion control. Unfortunately, I did gain back some weight. Have decided to rejoin PT again stick to calorie counting. With the abundance of food aorund me, it is too easy for me to add a little here and there and start to add the weight back. I am the type that needs structure.

Workout of choice:
strength training with dvd, kettlebell weight workout, running

My plan:
Has been and continues to be to write down everything I eat and count calories.  Cardio 3-4 times a week with strength training 3 times a week.  Would like excercise to be in moderation, don't want to fall into the obsessed excercise routine.  Working to make life style changes with my food choices.  Working to find what keeps my body fueled and nourished the best.

I need the most help with:
Bingeing and overall overeating.  I don't know how to label my poor eating habits.  Mix of emotional eating ...happy, sad, stressed, bored, etc.  and just plain old bad habits. Learn to separate mind from body in regards to food.  In other words, remember that food is for fuel and nutrition to keep my body working at it's is not a tool to be used between my mental self and my physical self. 

Additional Info:
I have struggled with my weight for  two decades now.  I am not extremely overweight, but am uncomfortable with myself.  I am disappointed that I cannot get control over my eating habits.  It seems so simple to change, and yet I feel it is deeply ingrained in my mental process to not change.  And like most people, the more it bothers me, the more of a problem I allow it to become.  Very frustrating and time consuming.