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Thursday, December 13 
tessy's daily log

 Last posted Thu. Nov 20, 6:13am

drink 64 oz water daily
cardio 4-5 x's weekly
weight training 3-4 x's weekly
count calories
learn to really give attention to my food.. how it truly tastes and to how my body feels...hunger? stressed? thirsty?? tune into what I really need
I'm 5'5 and currently weigh 135, would like to get to 125 and see how that feels to me
7/11 started calorie counting 135
7/17 136
7/31 139 back from vacation and did well, but now at home and out of control, overeating and too many cocktails
8/7 135
8/13 137
8/20 135
8/28 135
9/7 133
9/9 last binge... usually two a week prior to 9/9
9/10 135 lbs
9/13 134 and began with PT, ready to cut out so many cocktails on the weekends, which leads to overeating
9/21 134
9/28 131 very happy to see some results!!
10/5 128 makes me happy, but will also be happy to maintain throughout next week. I have not been this weight in many years!!!
10/10 binge in p.m.
10/12 129 I'll take it!!!
10/15 binge in p.m....careful now!!!
10/19 129..happy to see it, and surprised.
10/26 129
11/2 127
11/9 127
11/16 127...ready to be more diligent and achieve a loss
11/23 125...diligence paid off ...good weight for me
11/30 123.5 good place to maintain, allowing for couple pounds of fluctuation, need more strength training in workout in order to tone up...just don't like doing it!!
12/7 123

my notes

5 a.m. 2 mile run
free weights, 50 push ups

ww toast with pb, some grapefruit, coffee with 2%

2 slices of pizza

ww sandwich with 2 slices ff chicken

banana and 1/2 and cup of ff cott. cheese

1 small slice homemade pizza

turkey pepperoni, ww crackers, spicy mustard

have been hungry today!!

About Me

I am a 44 year old wife and mother.  I have a 20 year old daughter and a 1... more >
Recent comments
mani/pedi sound great and a nice way to treat yourself! ENJOY! I'm doing well with my plan but a littl... more >
Posted By: squanna
9/18/2008 7:15:00 AM

Hey Tessy! I've missed you :) Are you back now that you have some time for yourself on the computer? I... more >
Posted By: sarahbr
9/9/2008 10:45:05 AM