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Is Popcorn Good For A Diet?
Nope, Here's Why...
November 21st, 2011
By Jackie Wicks PEERtrainer Founder
Note: This is a question that JJ Virgin and I fielded during one recent Q&A session for the PEERtrainer Fresh Start Cleanse. (Full transcripts available to all Cleanse participants.)
Question: Why is popcorn one of the foods you recommend pulling from your diet during the one week "pre-cleanse" period?
JJ Being full disclosure here, popcorn probably is my favorite food on the planet.
Jackie: That's funny.
JJ: Oh, my gosh. So, corn in general is a very reactive food, one that we tend to be more allergic to. As we know, corn is not a vegetable, it's a grain, and a very high glycemic grain, at that. What do I mean by that? That means that it really raises blood sugar.
And if you're raising blood sugar, you're raising insulin. If you're raising insulin, you're storing fat, not burning it. And I don't know about you, Jackie, but I want food to tell my body to burn fat, not store it.
JJ: So, why no popcorn? A, because even air popped popcorn, OK, because popcorn tends to, is high glycemic, number one. Number two, corn in general is more reactive. Number three, most corn, corn is one of the most genetically modified crops right there with soy.
So, most corn is going to get genetically modified. Having said that, if you don't react to corn, because right now, remember, it's washout period. We're taking all the potentially reactive foods out. So, popcorn's got to go right now.
If you found out that popcorn, that corn didn't really hurt you, maybe you could do a little organic corn, popped in coconut oil with sea salt.
However, I will tell you, that if I do that, I've had to... I've tried this three times, where I've had a little corn popped in coconut oil, and I am like an addict. I have to, then, throw all the corn kernels away and take it outside to the big trash because I will dig it out and make more.
So, if you can handle it, and you can make yourself a cup or two and you can be done with it. But I find that to be really a trigger food. Like, really, are you eating one cup of popped popcorn and you're done with it? I don't think so.
Jackie: That's a great point. Because I actually would just eat one cup. I can take or leave popcorn. So I could do that. But you have to know if you can do that or not.
JJ: Right, but you wouldn't be asking this question. You wouldn't be the person saying, "Why no popcorn?"
Jackie: I would not. You're absolutely right.
JJ: Right, OK? So, I thinking she's saying, "Why no popcorn?" And see, I naturally assumed it's a she, but I might be wrong. But I naturally assumed this person is saying why no popcorn because they're a popcorn lover. Now, and I think there's this idea out there, for some reason, that popcorn is healthier than chips. Popcorn is chips. OK? Popcorn is chips.
Jackie: I'm glad you clarified that. I definitely thought it was healthier than chips.
JJ: Well, because it's classified that way. Did you know that a bucket of movie popcorn is the same as chips? But no one would eat a bucket of chips. But they eat a bucket. It's unbelievable, and now they have those bottomless buckets. I mean, it's just like, like a whole other story. It's why we feel we need to sit in a movie and eat.
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[Editorial Note: For maximum weight loss results and overall better health, cleanses are often used. This aids the body with detoxification and balance, but also helps with weight loss reduction. But there are some things to be aware of before you cleanse. Nutrition, health and weight reduction expert, JJ Virgin PhD, has spent the last 15 years educating doctors and patients on how to cleanse properly.
She recently held an extremely popular webinar for the PEERtrainer community, sharing the "real deal" on cleansing to overcome weight loss resistance and more. To have this webinar sent to you, plus a free report containing JJ's top tips for cleansing, detoxifying, and dieting as well as the free PEERtrainer Cheat System, illustrating which foods to avoid when cleansing, enter your email address below:]
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