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Member: shaqueen
Member Since: 5/14/2007
City: Philadelphia

As of 1/4/08

My Goal:
Ok, when I started here in 5/07 I needed to lose 100 lbs. Now as of 8/19/2009 I've lost the 111 lbs. I've set a final goal for myself at 140lbs and work on updating my pictures.....

Here's one pictures from the cruise (10/2007).

About me:
Well I'm 55 now, but being Fifty Something and Fabulous is still the goal :) But more important I want to be healthly. We have a lot of health problems in our family and the one main factor is weight, so it's time for me to do something about it. I'm happy to report....that I've been here since May 2007, and I've dropped over a 100 lbs. I'm 55 now and I'm healthier and fitter than I'm been in years. As of Aug 19, 2009, I feel my final goal weigh for myself is around 140, I'm close but still not there..........

Diets I like:
I'm not good at a diet. So what I have started doing is making good food choices basing it on WW. But now it's Fat Smash, it makes a lot of sense easy to follow..and the weight is coming off.

Workout of choice:
I got to the gym 5 days a wk., circuit training 3days weight machines & treadmill & eplictial, the other2 days cardio treadmill & eplictial, 100 sit-up everyday, 100 knew twist and streching.....Sat weights and sit-up using the bench at home, Sun....I put on my hip/hop music and dance 30 -45 mins Cardio.....It's working......I've added Kettle Bells to my work-out OY

My plan:
I'm going to continue with my course of actions.....IT'S WORKING

I need the most help with:
Not thinking since I've lost weight I can cheat.....even though I'm happy to say I'm pretty focus......

Additional Info: