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flolewis's profile



Member: flolewis
Member Since: 2/17/2011
City: Hope Mills, NC

185lbs- 4 months after giving birth. I had lost about 35lbs already from 220lb which is what I weighed a week after giving birth

My Goal:
Eating a large amounts of leafy greens, beans, root vegetables, winter squash, and some fruit, nuts, seeds, and gluten free grains.

May 2013, my weight was 193lbs. November 15th, my weight is 159lbs. Goal weight is >140lbs.

My fitness goals are to begin training for a half marathon for spring 2014 :-) like to get running mileage from 5 miles to 8 miles by the end of 2013.

Running, yoga, lifting weights are my exercises of choice.

Core Rules:
1. Each day: 5 cups of raw leafy greens, 2 cups of raw vegetables, 1/4 cup total nuts/seeds
2. Treats/cheats twice a week- can contain wheat if I baked it
3. Drink green tea and herbal tea daily

About me:
I am 26 years old. Two boys (3 year old and 1 year old). I am working part-time at a law firm as a paralegal. Husband is active duty army. I gained 90lbs during my second pregnancy and am in the process of losing the weight. 60lbs gone, 25lbs to go! After my first pregnancy I gained and lost the baby weight and will do it again!

Diets I like:
Diets is not the word I would use but these are various books that I have read and am inspired by: Dr. Fuhrman's Super Immunity and Eat to Live/Eat for Health; Dr Neal Bernard's Breaking the Food Seduction; Beck Diet Solution; The Kind Diet by Alicia Silverstone; The Vegan Table. I first became a vegan because (a) I hate how factory farmed animals are treated thenslaughtered (b) now that I have a child I do not want him nor me ingesting the excessive amounts of hormones used to fatten the animals up (c) I am a very non-violent person and I cannot tolerate the murder of hundreds of millions of animals so that the population can eat cheap meat (d) being a vegan is more environmentally friendly- less water for a ton of vegetables versus a ton of factory farmed animals (e) I want to nourish my body the best way I see fit and that is not putting another being's flesh in my body. Since I have completely transitioned from the standard Anerican diet to eating a vegan micronutient rich diet, I have found that I have so much more energy and I am feeling and looking better (no acne) then ever before. It works for me :-) So now I have to ask myself why would I ever want to eat another way. Since the pregnancy of my second child , I have struggled with removing eggs and cheese out of my diet. Work in progress. Vegan Blogs I love:;;;;;;;

Workout of choice:
Running with my sons while they are in the jogger, HIIT on Hatha and power yoga Free weights/kettlebells/Olympic lifts Cycling, Swimming

My plan:
Eating a vegetarian nutritarian diet consisted mostly of vegetables, fruits, beans, whole grains and raw nuts. With egg and cheese but not daily. Workout 5-6 days a week even if all I do is some yoga and a short walk. I have lost weight steadily following the above plan some days are very plant strong and others days not so much. Consistency in eating a vegan, plant strong diet is my current focus.

I need the most help with:
Weekend eating Unplanned eating snack/sweets

Additional Info:
In May 2012: Reached my first prepregnancy weight and now my lowest high school weight. My bodyfat has always been on the highend and am turning to bodybuilding to help me sculpt the body I have always knew I could have. I am fueling my body and eating nutrient rich meals each day. My blog is where I talk more about my love for running and weightlifting.