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Member: ashrose
Member Since: 5/30/2019
City: How your Dog can help you Lose Weight

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If you’re trying to find the motivation to go outside and get active, look no further than your canine pal. Multiple studies have shown us that dogs may be one of the best home workout options available- dog owners are not only more likely to go outside for walks (for obvious reasons), but they’re also found to be more active overall than their counterparts who don’t have dogs. A 2015 study shows that walking your dog regularly can be a great source of a moderate level of physical activity. While for some, walking your dog around your neighbourhood may be enough, many others are inspired to do much more with their canine pals. Hiking or camping with dogs is another great way to get out of the house, and can give you a chance to get back to nature and burn some calories. Not only is it great for you, but your dog will be much happier as well. Most dogs enjoy a daily walk, whether it’s in the mountains or through the city. If you’re a city dweller, you may be surprised to learn that some of the best dogs for apartments are also some of the most active. Greyhounds, for example, are known for switching from couch potatoes to race dogs the second you put their leashes on. You can start by taking your pup around the block, or to a dog park within walking distance. As long as your dog can handle it, you can continually build up the distance that you walk each day, making a routine of getting out for a walk every day. Keep this up, and before you know it you’ll be shedding the pounds and forming a stronger bond with your dog!

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