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Thursday, January 10 
jessicaw's daily log

 Last posted Tue. Jan 28, 2:23pm

115 is my ideal weight, but more importantly I want to get control of my eating. I'm now 120 and look a little chubby for my small size and frame.

Long.term goal: Develop a healthy relationship w. food--one where I don't base my day around my meals and succumb to binges.

Short.term goal: Return to a healthy lifestyle after a summer of less than stellar health choices...

my notes
Sleepy. Only 6 hours.

Both my walking and running partner cancelled today. I felt like I still had to do something this afternoon. Hence the double-dose of Jillian Michaels.

Thoughts on today's food:
So often I green light myself on eating more when home alone. As if no one will "know" I'm mindlessly eating. I truly did not need any kind of dessert last night. The crunchy muesli has butter in it, and I had already had some as an after-school snack, so why did I insist on eating more. I think part of it was I was trying to stay awake for my boyfriend, who gets home from his training around midnight, and I thought by eating something I could stay more awake? I must do better with this, as it's now Friday morning as I type this, and I have a stomachache.

30 min dvd (J-Michaels power yoga)
20 min cycle (to/from work/errands)
25 min dvd (J-Michaels 30 Day Shred)

2 slices ww bread w. almond butter

2 slices ww bread w. cuc + mustard
Raw celery + carrots (few sticks of each)

Greek/van yoghurt w. crunchy muesli + All Bran
Sm bunch white grapes
Hot tea

Raw veggies (1/3 avocado, carrot, cuc, fennel)
Iceberg lettuce w. vinegar
1.5 glass white wine
1.5 glass red wine

Cola Light
2.5 squares dark chocolate
Sm dish crunchy muesli

About Me

I'm a 35 year old teacher living abroad in the Netherlands. I tend to use ... more >
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