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Sunday, May 13 
thindude's daily log

 Last posted Tue. Mar 18, 11:17am

"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing--that's why we recommend it daily."
— Zig Ziglar
"Impulsive eating feels kind of repulsive to me"
"Instead of feeling deprived, I will feel pride"
Oct 23: back down to 211:)
Oct 7: back up to 214 :(
Sept 4: Down to 207#!
June 23: Finally down to 212#. Will keep drinking 4 L H2O and cardio daily.
June 21: Wt still plateauing though having mostly under-cal days. Have decided to go back to driniking 3-4 L H2O daily.

MAY 30: Goal is to reach 197 by July 25 and then 192 by Aug 25.
"Okay, it's now May 28 and I'm stuck. What's the definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. So what's worked for me in the past is not now working. Bars and shakes--low fat leave me low energy, with difficulty concentrating/focusing and difficulty recovering from exercise.

So will try to alternate my low fat meal replacements with 50% fat snacks."

I've got to try something different. Have experimented with 1 TBS of canola margarine (thank you, Canada and thank you rape seed/plant) on toast. Guess what? I feel calm, focused, mentally alert/sharp and fully energetic...
So my hope: I'll be able to stay under 1700 cals; AND I'll be able to do cardio without getting light-headed or craving food. Let's see how my experiment goes.
BTW, canola oil may be better for you than olive.

Okay it's March 20 and I'll have to readust goal timeframe.
Starting yesterday am committed to getting back on protein bars and (maybe) adding in vegetables. Yesterday I felt calm and even mood-wise and the protein curbed my hunger.
So: goal is to lose 2# per week. That means I would reach 192 by June 25.
Am eating too much on days I do cardio so I'll do wts most days, lower total cals and only occ low intensity cardio

To motivate me:
Think of what being fat and high fat diet will cause: blocked arteries, heart attack, stroke, me dying and leaving my family alone.

Remember family wedding I'll attend in May and formal presentations I have to do in May. free weight loss blog

Remember family portrait we'll do this year.

Remember how good I feel and how good I feel about myself when I am lean.

Remember big presentations I'll do in May

Reward self and look forward to those rewards.

Get back down to 192 at least. Will try for 188-190 as a stretch goal. Plan to meet goal by Apr 15 2011.
Lost well in Dec. Then regained in Jan. I really will start reading Beck again (need to find the book in my house).
Wt December 1: 215#
Wt December 9: 212
Wt December 16: 209
Wt January 13: 214
Wt January 27: 216
Wt. January 31: 219
Wt. Feb 1: 218
Wt. Feb 2: 217
Wt. Feb 10: 221
Wt Feb 18: 218. (3 # down; 26 to go)
Wt Mar 4: 219 (up one pound)
Wt Mar 29: 216
Wt Apr 08: 213
Wt Apr 15: 213

Message to self: eat an extra bar if tempted by food or anticipating food at gathering/meeting.

If you change the way you look at things the things you look at change.

my notes
Goal for today: 1,000 cal deficit. MET!!!
Challenges: Mother's Day extra food.
Total cals today: 1610. CD = 1,090


0600: shake + cereal = 200
0745: bar 180 = 380




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Posted By: mandyyang
8/27/2011 9:35:31 PM