team details:

Team Name: Goodbye 170s!
Members: 25
Location: Anywhere 00000


Profile: Saying goodbye the 170s!

Last posted: Monday, May 24, 2010, 11:18 PM

Other Info:

Members profiles:
I used to be involved in every sport imaginable. I was a competitive gymnast for 7 years and competed in state championships 4 times. Pre-Injury I was an avid runner. December 2006- Severely injured knee while snowboarding. August 2007- I married my husband and its been a wonderful yet challenging year. February 2008- I had reconstructive knee surgery I am now ready/able to drop the weight which I have gained. Finding it difficult after so long of inactivity to get back in the groove.

i am 22 yrs old, I weight 175, but originally started out at 232. it is time to finish what i started and lose this weight for good.. i want to start a family soon and want to be healthy for my children and in turn teach them how to care for their bodies

I just quit smoking again. I'm on my 3rd day as I start this program on 10/28/2008

I quit smoking over 2 months ago. Since then I have picked up eating more than previous. I love food. I eat way too much food, even if it is healthy for me. I have to realize that healthy doesn't mean a free for all. I have to put down the fork. I have a good work/personal life that I am proud of. I would like to be more active and focused.

I am a 37 year old mother of two. I tend to be an emotional/impulse eater, and crave empty carbs, even though i know how much it hurts me. I'm tired of my current lifestyle and am trying to make a difference in the way I eat and be more active.

I am a 27 year old middle school art teacher. I lost 36 lbs in 2006/2007 after being mortified that I was pushing 200 lbs on my 21st birthday. I am ready to get back into shape and down to 140. I am obsessed with nutrition, being vegetarian, and eating as healthy as possible. I have a great family and boyfriend who are big supporters. But I need an extra boost from all of you to keep me going. Wish me luck!

I'm in college and somewhere along the fitness spectrum. I really struggle with binge eating!

17 and about 174 lbs.

I'm Tasha.From North Carolina. I personally need to lose the belly fat to make myself feel better. I feel as if I can't carry myself with the right confidence as long as I have the extra weight so for my own sake I want to look good.

My main goal is to LOOK better. I have been struggling with my weight ever since Freshman year of college (I think it's safe to say that I WISH I had only gained the "Freshman 15" that year). Regardless, I have made the commitment to losing the weight this year because I'm graduating in May and starting a new job. I want to leave the "chubby girl" image with my college years, and start a whole new chapter of my life. I'm ready to get help from all of you and look forward to hearing your stories!

I'm in my early 30s and having a great life. I've had moderate success on WW and other diet plans in the past. I am looking forward to respecting myself as I value my health and success moving into a new stage in my life.

I have always been athletic and even taught aerobics. I am very consistent with working out each morning and have been doing this for a number of years. In the summer time I play golf (walk the course) and enjoy riding my bike. However, in the winter, I tend to put on the extra pounds because I am not as active.

I am 26 years old, I have 2 kids 3 and 1. I was 211 lbs and I got down to 174 lbs it took me 6 months to lose that weight but I kept it off for 8 months so far. I am trying to get down to 155. I feel that if I get to that weight then I will within healthy standards and feel good about my size, though I dont feel entirely too bad about myself now I know I would feel GREAT if I could get down to a weight close to that,

I'm 32 years old and unmarried. I am in the best shape I've been in (physically and emotionally) since high school but I still have more work to do. My overall goal is to get down to a healthy weight range (160-165) and to feel truly good about myself. I've been working for an athletic club company for the past 3 & half years and consider myself darn lucky to have fallen into this position. The attitude and environment that has surrounded me on a day-to-day basis has had a profound affect on my lifestyle. Unfortunately, I'm realizing now that it's time to move on in my career. I'm not particularly good with changes.

. I work over nights at a top retailer.My husband works this shift also. I love to garden, cook ,remodel and decorate. WE just put in hardwood floors.My family is very importent to me.We have two adult children a son 24 and a daughter 25., one grandson,5, and one on the way anytime.I am also the worste speller so please forgive me.:) being over weight for twentie some years is enough.with that attitude I started losing but I am going backwards once again. Our new grandson was born in Feb..What a doll,now 7 months and the oldest is 6 now.

I am a 19 year old college student who finally gained that "college-15" that I thought I had avoided.

My name is Chris. I've struggled with my weight and body image since I was 12 and my weight has gone up and down for the past 6 years ranging from 152-190. All of my friends are skinny fashionistas and I'm the one who wears sweats. I like wearing tshirts and sweats, but now I wear them because they're the only thing I feel comfortable in.

So much has happened in one year but in the end it has all definitely made me into a better person. One year can change everything and I'm ready to make that change for my family. My journey will continue and I will be patient. Each day I think about the amazing people I met,great times we had and unbelievable opportunities we experienced. 2015 taught me so much about myself and others. The up's and downs have been a great journey for me and my family. I have been blessed with a great husband and 2 wonderful kids that I'm very proud of. Feeling thankful! 2016 is my year. I'm not promising to lose weight or change. I know what I want. Doing everything in my power to accomplish it.

I'm 16 years old and a junior in high school. My current weight is 173 lbs. I'm trying so hard to lose weight so then I can go to the beach or shop with my friends and not feel like the fat one of the group. I want to be at least 125 lbs before the summer of 2012.

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