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I'm 25 years old, female. Dieting has allways been a part of my life, and Im really hoping for it to be a life style, and would cease to be a major issue for me. The lowest weight I've been was 135, and it felt great!
Im currently 155, and i wanna kick those extra pounds away to the feel great zone.
Other then that Im mainly applying to collage, finishing some prerequist courses, and hoping to start grad school later this year


I believe I can do it with your help. I am 30 years old, married no kids yet but planning for next year. Desperately want to lose the extra 40 pound in the next 6 months.

I'm 16, really fun, outgoing, and will feel so much better and confident without being so self-conscoius about my body.

I'm a late 30-something single suburbanite mom to my 2 young daughters. i've work at a desk for the last 10 years, and boy is my butt tired! and fat! i had post-divorce crazies for a couple years and put on about 20lbs in the last 2 years...but i had about 20 lbs to lose BEFORE my divorce! HA!

Im Stacey - I'm diabetic, im the worst diabetic in the world - or i was, as i said in my first log entrance iv recently come out of hospital and well the scare i had has made me realise iv got to take control of my situation - its not going away if i ignore it!!

Thirty one year old mother of 3 ages 10, 7 and 5. I work in the school system specializing in students with Autism. I have been heavy my entire life and have always hated it. Two major episodes with eating disorders and a lifetime of “diets” have left me a bit jaded. I am focused on changing my lifestyle and feeling better. It is my continued prayer to have the motivation and determination to succeed.

I'm a 21 year old college student in Boston, MA, an econ major and an active Hillary volunteer. I'm hoping to get connected with people and motivate and inspire each other for the long haul!

I am 33, 5'4" and currently 150 lbs. I work hard, between 9-13 hours a day, plus commute about an hour and a half a day. My husband, Jai, of a year and a half (boyfriend for 8 years before that) is in his last year of law school. We are both working hard now so we can be in a good place to start a family in about a year and a half. I love to make jewelry, garden, watch football (Go Ravens) and spend time with my sisters. Have 2 cats Lil and Pru(they are both named from Beatles songs)

My name is Sandy. I am a 37 year old stay at home mother of three, 2 girls and 1 boy. I home school, keep the house, manage the finances, and other fun things in life! I am way over weight. I make excuses, but it comes down to me being lazy the last few years. I really need to lose over 100 pounds. It hurts to admit that! I will succeed though. My husband is supporting me completely and we just joined a gym.

I am a 37 year old woman who is in a committed relationship. I have 2 dogs and 3 cats, got my M.A. in counseling and work as a childrens behavioral therapist. I am currently in my last semester of nursing school.

Hi! I am a 23 year old college student and I've been slowly gaining weight the last year and a half. I went through a breakup and lost 20 pounds after without doing much. I think it was mostly stress. It didnt last long and I've gained about 25 lbs since the middle of last year. I worked at Curves and I learned a lot about diet and exercise and I know what I "should" be doing but I just cant seem to kick it in gear. I'm looking for some help with my motivation and hoping to find it soon before I gain anymore!!
Oh yeah I work in a resturaunt with really good food and that doesnt help much either.


I am 27 year old new mom (my daughter is 9 months). When I became pregnant, I was starting a diet to shed the extra 15 pounds I had gained due to my new career (I was a bartender through college and never realized that was a lot of manual labor) sitting at a desk and taking clients out for lunches and happy hours. That weight plus the weight from my pregnancy has me at my heaviest ever. I currently weigh 193, which is what I weighed 9 months pregnant. I got down to 179 but then gained everything back. I think a lot of my problem is emotional because I eat even when I am not hungry.

I'm a divorced mom of a teenage girl who's involved in everything. I put on weight steadily over a 6-year period and have lost 60 lb. since September, 2007.

I am a 40 year old mom of two boys.
I'm 5'2''
at 21 I was 118
at 31 I was 129
at 37 I am 158.
at 40 I am now 135!

As a 35 year old married mom of 3, I've kept about 15 pounds from each child (although the oldest is in high school!). It's time to lose it before I'm too old to get into a bikini again. I'm 5'3" and weight 172 pounds. My goal is 120 pounds. I count calories very strictly and exercise, including lots of tennis. I also check the scale EVERY morning. I can't wait to make friends I'm accountable to so I can stay motivated. I hate letting other people down, so this is perfect for me!
Currently working on obtaining my court reporter certification. I'm working on this at home, so I'm really having to dig deep for all of this motivation between diet and studies!

27 years old from New Orleans

I am a 50 year old stay at home mother of three teenage girls. Talk about hormones... I am a professional dieter, I have tried them all but with limited success. I'm looking for motivation and inspiration, hope you can help.

I am 201 lbs now at 5'9". Most of my life, I have been active and athletic. But over the last two years I have gained 50 lbs. Partly I blame an injury that precludes most exercising. Yet I'd be lying to ignore my poor eating habits. I binge, eat when bored or sad, and have no sense of portion control. None of my clothes fit, and I can't buy more. I feel hideous and unhealthy. This must change!

I'm a 17 year old girl heading off to college in the fall.

I live in San Francisco and have been struggling to lose 40 pounds for the past few years


I am 23, smart, adorable, fun loving, hard working and need to let my outside reflect my inside. Its really time for me to feel good about my body.

I am 17 and have a resteraunt job that allows a lot of free and discounted unhealthy foods, as would naturally follow I have had a rapid weight gain that is obviously concerning me. I have never been over weight, I have maybe even been under weight but am concerned as to the rapid weight gain. I am a student in high school and of course summer is huge for us, I had my belly button pierced back about two years ago but have gained weight since then and am not comfortable exactly with showing my stomach, what I mainly don't like is my thighs or my 'cottage cheese thighs' and would therefore like to drop weight on those and tone : )

25 y/o makeup artist living in Orlando, FL.

im a scholar, working on ma last year in high school. love TV, love billy blanks, and a big joker. i have been fat all my life, but got to shed a bit of weight growing up at the age of 13. i moved from a 65kg's down to a 55, WOW! yep, but im getting fat again! and i want to be normal and healthy!


I am 18, engaged, and going to school. My boyfriend has the fastest metabolism in the world and will eat almost anything. Not the best when I'm trying to diet!


I'm 27 & married w/ a four yr. old little girl.

I am a student at Middlebury College and am interning in southern California for the summer. I'm 21, 5'4 and 145 lbs. I played tennis in high school, which kept me pretty fit. I've always eaten to my heart's content and never thought my being slightly overweight was an issue, but it was not until last summer at my internship (and with more time on my hands to read up on fitness and nutrition) that I realized I needed to be more health conscious. I may have been one of the few college students who consumed flaxseed and wheat germ on a regular basis that summer =). Even my 30-40 yr old colleagues were shocked.
So I lost about 7lbs last summer with the help of really healthy eating and 24 hr workout classes. After gaining that weight and then some when I went back, I now hope that this summer is the year to really change my habits and change my life-- physically, mentally, academically.

23 y.o. trying to take off the "relationship baggage" that got added on during the sort of complacent period of a relationship gone sour. I need to get back in shape to be healthier and happier!

I am a 33 yr old mother of two. I am homeschooling my boys this year which should give me more time to focus on getting in shape without going out to work. I love to read, write, art, scrapbooking and getting outside.
