Gained waaayy too much weight last pregnancy (45 pounds). Lots of the weight stuck around after the kids arrived. My youngest is 4 1/2, its getting to be a stretch to call this 'post-baby' weight, hmmm, could overeating be the real cause??

I am happily married with a teenage son. I have Hypothyroid and am currently on medication.

I guess the first thing to know about me is that I ramble on a lot! I never quite got the hang of keeping things short, so I aplogise in advance for all the babbling I'll be doing here.
I live in the "outback" in Australia. My home town has about 300 residents at the moment. It's not unusual here to come home and have a kangaroo sitting in the front yard eating your grass.
I love animals and I currently have 8 "kids", a big black dog named Angus (Alaskin Malamute cross), a tabby cat named Chicago, and SIX! ferrets, Pockets, Pixel, Arbie, Splash, Fang, and Suki. They are all great, love my babies.
Weight-wise, at my heaviest I was 87kgs (192lbs). I did a fitness thing in '06 and lost 15kgs (33lbs). It was great I didn't realise how much better I would feel without the weight! Since then I've put about 10kgs (22lbs) back on though. I'm 26 years old, and I know how easily I fall into habbits, and if I don't get in the habbit of being healthy now chances are I won't ever lose weight. 6kgs (13lbs) of the weight I put back on have happened since November, which has jolted me into activly trying to lose the weight again (instead of just thinking I'll wake up one morning 20kgs lighter without doing any exercise or dieting!)

im the single mother of a 3 year old. Im 5-10 and have always been 120 lbs since highschool. I got divored in 2005 and afterward proceeded to drink on my weight. Ive gained 40 lbs since 2 years ago and have recently found my self engaged to a wonderful man.....And am desperate to lose the weight before our wedding date

I have been married for 5 years and live in Indiana. I have a very hyper and adorable German Shepard named Cadence , a yellow lab named Anna and two cats who are brother and sister, Tiller and Cheese. I work at a community mental health center as a Residential Coordinator. We are in process of buying a house (pending pending pending...) and want to have kids in a few years. I am a Jazzercise instructor and love it! I am so glad I found Jazzercise, without it I know I would be so much unhealthier. I was bartender for many years in a micro-brewery in Louisville, and I do love some good beer. So it's a good thing I also love Jazzercise!

I am 25 years old, a newlywed, and live in the Southwest, where it is bikini weather year-round. Even when I was 20 pounds lighter than I am now I thought I was fat... so is there any hope at being satisfied?
There is a history of obesity on both sides of my family, and that scares me. I have gained over 15 pounds since I met my now-husband 5 years ago, and I don't like the downward spiral I am headed towards.
Currently, I am 5'3" and 132 pounds. I know, I'm not grossly overweight, but I have a small frame, and my healthy weight is about 118-120.
The thing is, I want to stop the cycle now, before it gets much, much worse!




Married 22 years with 2 daughters. One begins college this fall, one is 16 and learning to drive. I work as a secretary for our little community church. I tend to be an emotional eater.


I am 50 years old, I have been about 170 to 185 my whole adult life. I own my own restaurant, I have 2 boys in there 20's. I love to play golf, tennis, bike ride, hike, and Kick boxing. But I do love my wine.

51 year old into making my body younger, happily married 2 grown children, 1 grandchild. I work full time in an office. I'm an office/accouting manager. I have struggled with my weight forever. It is all around my belly right now, my legs and arms are firm from the gym. I have to burn the fat!!!


I 28 years old, I love to workout as much as I can I do have my day's were I just can't seem to get motivated or into my workout. I love any workout that involves the outdoors. I stay at home taking care of my 3 kids, and I am also married.

I am 23, and married.
I want to lose 25-30 pounds. I have about 7 pairs of pants and tons of shirts I don't feel comfortable in anymore- or can't even get buttoned. I want to wear the clothes I have...not go out and buy bigger clothes.

I just quit smoking again. I'm on my 3rd day as I start this program on 10/28/2008

I'm an exotic dancer and i am 25 years old.I've been drinking since i was 20 ,which is when i started dancing.I've tried off and on to quit,but i would always relaspe.The only time i ever drink is at work, which is where the enviroment comes in. I stopped drinking since last saturday, which is an accomplismhment in itself.I dont ever want to drink again,but my goal right at this moment is not to drink for 8 weeks.I want to lose just 25 pounds, and clear my brain and body aways from all the effects of alcohol.

I am 24. Three years ago i weighed 57kgs (126lbs), i developed food poisoning and dystroyed my stomach lining which made me b12 deficient and i gained a whole heap of its time to get rid of it. Plus i have some emotional baggage that has prevented me from losing weight.....which i'm currently moving on from (or at least trying) :)


20s. Work full time and full time MBA student.



mother of 5 grandma of 1


My name is Sandy and I am a 47 year old widow, mother of an only child (a married daughter). When I was in my 20's I lost 30 pounds on Weight Watchers and keep it off for over 15 years. With the loss of my husband in 2003 and my only child getting married in 2007 I have gained 45 pounds by not taking care of me.

I am 23 years old and about 150 lbs. Just two years ago I was 115. I guess after my 21st birthday I just let my self go. I recently had a friend help motivate me to go back to the gym and we have been going for about a week now. It was a big wake up call when a few people, including my manager, mentioned my wieght to me. I have tryed a few times in the past to lose wieght and have gotten nowhere. I am determined this time to get a body I can be proud of!



i work nights,7 12 shits on, then 7 days off. there is a gym where i work which is good, have some weights at home but there a bit rubbish but do the job,just. do more running on my week off.
i'm 37, recently gave up smoking (again!),used to drink and eat quite a lot from late teens, didn't really look after myself. a couple of minths ago i weighed myself i was 18.5 stone, (approx 259lb,or 117 kgs i think) i just want to be able to look or glance at myself when i do in the mirror etc and not feel disgusted!!!!

improv comedienne/actess living in NYC






I'm 27 and I sit at a computer all day at work. I do walk to work, and I exercise 4 to 5 times a week. I drink too much beer on the weekends and love food! I'm also in the process of quitting smoking.


I am 5'8" 242 lbs recently laid off of a job after 22years. I have lost my weight with jenny craig after my 2nd and 4 child. My children are 22,21,18,17 years old. I gained my weight back probably about 15 years ago. I have a great and lovable silky terrier named teddy who is going to be 8 years old this year. oh I also have one of those (husband)!




I'm a 30 year old social worker getting ready to go back to school. I also work as a bartender/waitress a couple of nights per week. I have a wonderful boyfriend and two kitties.


I'm in my late 20's. I have a Master's in Counseling and am working toward being a licensed therapist. My job is really stressful and includes doing therapy with kids and families with the most depressing stories/lives I can imagine. I live with my boyfriend, who encourages me to eat like he does... which is just not possible without gaining all the weight back that i lost 3 years ago (40 lbs). I was very overweight growing up and finally lost the majority of that weight during the end of college and grad school. I finally felt like I liked myself. And now I'm right back to where i was and I couldn't be more disappointed with myself.


I'm 49yrs old, married for 30yrs, have 2 kids that have graduated from college and have moved back in. When they moved out is when I started my daily routine of having a glass or 2 of wine to unwind, plus I think I was bored I had nothing to do because the kids had left the nest....but it has put 20 extra pounds in the past 4yrs.







I am an expat with limited time, no gym buddy.... since I have moved here my social life mostly involves drinking or eating out, no actual sports....

I'm a fairly active lady who will be 50 this year and really would like to be fit and healthy. I have an inactive spouse who I hope will start traveling this road with me but I am not waiting for him and am doing what I can for myself.


47, work from home, lost a lot of weight some years ago, which ahs steadily crept back. I am now ready to start the 2-week cleanse to get me back on track and feel good.










46 years old and sick of drinking

I am one of 11 children. An i am the only one that is heavy.
I like the outsides. I HAVE A NICE JOB.

I am a 43yr old with 5 kids ages 17 - 4. I have High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol and type 2 Diabetes.

I will be turning 55 in 2 weeks and have never been this FAT in my life. I moved to CA 12 years ago and thought that I could really get in great shape with the weather always nice. (almost) I discovered REAL mexican food and avacados. What a disaster. I gain and lost several times about 20 pounds. Then I hit 50 yrs and I started gaining more and more every year. What confuses me is that I eat vegitarian and very healthy and I also excercise about 5 days a weeks. All the things you are suppose to do I WAS ALREADY DOING!! What do I do now? I blamed menopause. In any case I decided that I would just learn to love the FAT me and get over it. I threw out my scale and just accepted my fate. In the last few months we had to file BK and lost our house. The stress found relief in beer (which I've always hated) and I drank away my pain. Only to find a new pain of 191 pounds!! Feel so depressed and sick that I will never regain my health and fit body that I am turning into a skeptic instead of the optimist I've always been. I feel like "what's the use? It doesn't matter anymore-" so I eat and eat and eat. It's a vicious cycle that I must get out of. I hope PT works.

I'm 41 years old, living on the Jersey Shore. I work in the electrical power industry.


Im a 38 year old woman from South Africa and live in a lovely apartment overlooking Cape Town. Im struggling to control my eating habits, although Ive taken up running and hope to run 10km by August


I'm a 46-year-old professional woman with two kids, 9 and 11, and a lot of weight to lose. I weigh about 270. In the last year I left an unhappy marriage, and am now ready to focus on getting healthy and losing weight. I'm looking forward to a new me!



I'm a 50 year old mom of 4 great kids 16, 14 and 11 year old twins. I am married and have a full time job in sales. I'm 5'8" and this morning I weighed 171. I know a lot of this weight gain is from wine. It's my end of the day relaxation but unfortunately I don't stop at a glass or even two. I'm sick and tired of fighting the scale and not fitting in my beautiful clothes and hating myself for my weakness! i refuse to go up a size. Very depressed about it.





I am male fourty one. and a plasterer from the north of england




I am a grad student with a very busy schedule... Just need to get the ball rolling and finally lose weight

I just graduated from Ball State, and am beginning the process of applying to grad school. I put on almost 20 lbs in the past 2 years (focusing on school and work, not myself). I'm up a full dress size, and my summer clothes don't fit. Depressing. In the meantime, I love love love to drink red wine, and do every night. This needs to stop in order to get the weight off, and that will be the hardest part!

I am married to a great guy, have a good life, work for the state of Texas as a correctional officer and drink more then I should and am 20 pounds over weight. I want to get in better shape and am working on it.


I am 29 years old and I have a daughter.

My goal is to be healthy again! I was depressed through my pregnancy and never had an appetite. After having my son, I do not have that problem anymore! But I am a snacker, and sometimes a late night eater. I have a 5 month old, and a 9 year old. I work 2 days a week. I love to eat organic foods, but cannot always afford them. I get frustrated with my lack of losing! But feel like this will keep me on track!




I am 58 years old and exercise quite a bit. My problem is my relationship with food. Two years ago I read the Beck Diet solution and lost 40+ pounds. I have put about half of it back on.

Age 57 married for 34 years one son 32years old.
Live in Warmia near all lakes, like cooking, taking dogs for walks and laughing


I enjoy watching films and studying French. I have a weakness for wine and salty, crunchy foods like chips or crackers.

Young professional attempting to fight winter weight and to continue a healthy life into my mid-20s.

38 year old married male IT professional.







(Written in 2012) : I'm 22, I still study psychology, this is my honours year and its taking up a lot of my time, along with my work as a behavioural therapist 9 hours a week. Since July 2011, I started slowly putting weight back on from the 63kgs I maintained for over a year. I am currently around 70kgs.
(written in 2010) : I'm 20, study psychology at uni and work part time jobs. I've lost about 19 kgs in the past 18 months after having put on 7kg in a few months before.
I've always been big, even as a kid and always wanted to get to a good looking size, I'm now at the minimum weight I've ever been for my height, and now want to lose the last 5 or so kgs to get to what's always been my goal weight!
goal weight is getting so close!




At 34 years of age, I am painfully aware of my distructive lifestyle which has lead to me being grossly overweight, overeating, smoking, drinking far too much. I'm genuinely afraid for my health, particularly as I have two young daughters who are watching me self distruct and I don't want to pass it on to them.



Just a single mom trying to be the best I can be. Giving up chewing as well tomorrow. Need to make some major lifestyle changes.





I'm 30 yrs old and this is my 2 time to quit , I did it once for 3 months lost 20 lbs and felt awesome. Not sure why I started again well yes I do , I went out and had some drinks than again and again and started right back up:(I've gained my weight back and I hate my body again , makes me sick to even look at myself naked in the mirror and knowing its all from drinking realy makes me mad at myself! My self esteem has gone completly bad since I have gained this weight back.

I am 38 and was always slim until I had my third child. I am now 20 pounds over weight. I am pretty healthy except that I have been drinking every night (which doesn't help with weight loss) So I would like to give up for 60 days and see if this helps my weight loss.


I am 26 years old and completing my second bachelor's degree in Nursing. I love being outdoors and am searching for my passion/motivation to be active again and to eat healthy.



I'm 24 and the heaviest I've ever been! It's not fun being overweight and losing weight alone is hard!














I am self employed and really grateful for everything that I have. I like staying strong and feeling good











I'm 29, I'm a new mom of a 6 month old adorable baby girl.
It's been a challenge to cook healthy meals and spending time in the kitchen has not been my priority. But i recently looked at myself in mirror and realize i'm letting myself go. I'm a few pounds away from the weight i was during my last month of pregnancy. Pretty much i feel heavy, drained, extremely tired and my RA is worse by the day and with every pound i keep getting> I feel at my worse stage in life (bodywise) I want to improve my eating habits for my own health benefit, to cure my rheumatism and to enjoy the day around my new baby girl. I also stop nursing my daughter for lack of milk supply and i bounce back to drinking for any reason and every excuse i could find is becoming a huge problem because i drink to feel happy somehow i know i'm feeling unhappy about my body and i'm only making my problem worse. Plus my husband has talked to me about stopping and is getting concerned.

I am a married stay at home mom. I have four children all together. Myt oldest is 16(my step son). I have an eleven year old from a previous relationship he is eleven, and my other eleven year old is my other step son. Last but not least is my daughter who just turned four. We have the "yours mine and ours" blended family thing going on.
Im busy with kid stuff even though I am a stay at home mom. I am having trouble staying motivated for the past two years to stay healthy, and keep on track with workouts, and what I eat. This is the first time in my life that I am overweight. Not even after pregnancies did I have problems shedding the weight. I fell into the mom thing of letting myself go. Now I want to come back to the things I love. Im obsessive about clothing, and fitting into clothing I love is a big reason for wanting to stay in shape and healthy.



I am 60, very active, profesional educator, Viet Nam Era Vet,
married, 4 children, 1 grandson.





I'm a 41-year old workout fanatic who also LOVES food!! I'm a total "health nut," but I my weakness is overeating all the good-4-u stuff... yes, I overeat fresh veggies, egg whites, nuts, protein shakes. Anyway, I need to get a handle on my love for food & eating. Help, please!



Married, 2 children: my son is 11 and my daughter is 8. I'm the co-founder of PT and I rarely have a free moment with being a wife, mother, running a business and everything that comes with it. I am focused on energy and health at this point after losing over 60 pounds; it's everything!

I have lost the motivation to lose weight. I need accountability.

Endurance athlete, age 38, mother of two.

I am married (30 years now) and have lived in Chicago for 3 years now. I am mom to a lovely daughter who is 27 and lives in Cincinnati. I just turned 56 and currently do not work. A siamese and a white, American long hair cat share our home.

I work in a field that would benefit by my more slim body. So it would also help my career to lose weight.
Also, I'm now (2018) 62 ears old and would like to have more energy and for the clothes to fit better.
I gained 60 pound in 6 months in 1996, and it took me until 2009 to lose 35 of those pounds.
From 6/11 to 4/2012, I regained 15 pounds, due to bad eating habits, and lack of energy.
I fluctuate too much, and I know I'll never be "thin" , I do want to be healthier and have more energy.
