team details:

Members: 103
Location: Gainesville, FL 32606


Profile: This team's goal is for the whole person to be made whole. Spirit- draw closer to God through His Son, Jesus. Soul-have a sound mind. "As a man thinks in his heart so is he". Body- take awesome care of our temples, by eating healthy and execising. Loving our selves and our fellow man is one of the keys to happiness...

Last posted: Tuesday, February 4, 2014, 4:02 PM

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Members profiles:
Last year I lost aprox 30 lbs on Weight Watchers. But somehow I lost motivation and have been gaining weight again steadily. I've been too afraid to weigh lately, but I know I've gained at least what I lost. My husband and I farm in New Mexico. It is a somethimes hectic life, but one we feel has many rewards including the closeness in our family that comes from working and spending alot of time together. We have two children a boy 13 and a girl 10. They are a real joy, but I sometimes get very frustrated with them, because they leave their brain unengaged. From what I hear that is not an uncommon trait.

*** BACK FROM SURGERY AND READY TO ROLL... or rather... lose the rolls!*** I'm 22 and newley married to the love of my life Sean. I am a below the knee amputee due to congenital birth defects but that has never held me back. I was very active growing up, I played soccer, and ran track, however, as I've grow my activity level has dropped to practically non-existant.

I am a 42 yrs old married women, who is a nurse

I'm 28, married 3 years. Wanting to live a healthy and obedient life. Highest weight was about 175. Lowest weight since high school has probably been 135. Now I am in the 150's.

I am 41. Soon to be divorced from an abusive 26 year marrige.

45 years old

I am 30 years old and have been married for 5 years. I am looking forward to starting a new phase in my life by ending my "career" and starting a family.

Christian SAH wife and mother to 6 children age 5 and under~four here on earth and 2 recently born into heaven.

I just turn 30 and want to beat my weight problem once and for all. I wanna be healthy, live well and have lots of energy. I feel like my outside does not match the person I am inside. A lot of my eating is emotional, and I am working on not relying on food anymore.

I'm 29 years young, have a kind husband and awesome little guy (4 years old). Growing up I had a fast metabolism and was always underweight. After I quit smoking (18 years old) I gained 40 lbs, and it was the best thing that could have happened to me. I grew to love me for who I was and eventually lost the weight through healthy eating and daily exercise. I gained 30 lbs when pregnant and lost it by way of post-partum depression. I've gone up and down with my weight over the last four years and see the effect it is having on my body (more stretch marks and cellulite) and want to make a life long change. While my husband is supportive and encouraging, it would be great to connect with others who are walking the same road.

I am a Christain, I am 42, I am a stay at home mom who babysits, I am blessed to watch a 21/2 yr old girl Avery Grace, a 3 1/2 yr old little boy Cole and his new little brother Carter.I am blessed to have a beautiful little boy,well he's not so little he is 7 , His name is Isaiah, waited 14 1/2 years to be Mommy and Daddy, we suffered 10 miscarriages and had a daughter who was still -born, but God blessed us through adoption. We not only were blessed with a beautful little boy we have been blessed with a whole family. We have an open adoption with our birthfamily, we are very close. I have a wonderful husband who has but up with my crazyness for 22 years and I love him more everyday.

Im pretty much a down to earth person.Have a lot of potentials.Currently working and going to school.Non smoker and non drinker.

I am a SAHM of two beautiful boys. The things I'm working on are balancing keeping the home tidy, the boys happy and fed, and myself sharp and well-read. It's hard to find time for myself - and exercise and eating well are part of that. I'm trying to "tweak" my schedule to put more "me" time in so that I'm not discontented with my life.

I'm 30 and happily married, I have a wonderful 10 year old boy and I am currently working part time. I've been up to 175, I'm currently around 150 and I have 25 lbs. left to shed

I am 52 years old, married, one son away at university, wonderful hard working husband, 2 step children, one granddaughter. I work with my husband in his business. I attend one bi-weekly ladies' Bible study - currently a Beth Moore study.

I began intentional weight loss at the beginning of February 2007. The catalyst was my highest weight of 252. I lost 18 pounds as of November and then ruined it at Thanksgiving by gaining 6 pounds. After realizing the sick ways that I try to find loop holes. I rededicated myself to this effort. I am currently under medical supervision to loose the weight. Seeing my grandmother on Hospice as a result of complications from Heart Disease and Type II Diabetes, I decided, I am changing my family tree, starting with me.

I am a 56 year old married mother of 7 with 10 grandchildren. Have done a lot of things in life that I'm proud of but have not mastered my weight problem. But will, starting today. My new starting date was 1/8/2010. I have lost 15 pounds first time on Peertrainer, now back for more...weightloss that is..

I am single - never married. I have always wanted to be married, but have never received that blessing. I have 3 kids - all grown up and am 44 years old.

I am a mom who gained 100 pounds while on bedrest for two years. Used to be a weight lifter and runner. I've lost some weight already, but thought I may benefit from PEERTrainer. It's been 5 years since I gained the weight... Time to get rid of it!

I am a 47 year old woman with 3 grown children and 2 beautiful grandsons. My husband and I live in the Pacific NW, and are enjoying a very blessed life. He is retired and I work 1 day per week at my church as the Care Coordinator. The Lord has gifted me with an artistic bent, and I have exercised those talents through cake decorating and home crafting in various applications such as painting and sewing. I also LOVE to cook and entertain.

I have recently began battling with my weight. I was always thin and healthy when I was younger, and I could eat anything I wanted. After I lost my first baby to a tubal pregnancy, weight slowly started creeping up on me, then 3 years later I quit smoking and then lost another baby to a tubal and I really gained alot all at once. I want to be in shape, healthy and happy, and I hope to find encouragement as well as be an encourager here.

I'm a 25 year old high school Language Arts instructor. I have always been a size 2, all through high school and college (with the occasional 5 lb. gain or loss). Upon entering the work force and earning an 18 minute lunch period, I quickly started eating unhealthy, quick meals to make sure that I could get some food in before my next class came. I also grabbed fast food every night on the way home, because I had an hour drive each way. Convenience was key. Now I'm 30 pounds heavier. I gained all of the weight over an 8 month period. I've been telling myself I need to lose, but haven't kept up with any plan I've started. Today (12/6/07) my doctor told me that I need to lose weight. He told me that I'm middle aged and frumpy. This motivated me for a while but I've found myself sliding away from commitment. Now I'm ready again...and serious!

just turned 50 (ugh). i teach autistic children for a living. it's a great job. empty nester with 2 grown children and a terrific husband. hate to exercise, love to read. Enjoy spending time having deep, meaningless discussions about a myriad of subjects. love to have fun. want to avoid getting an old attitude as long as i can. i have been so blessed by our loving Lord and continue my spiritual journey with Him.

Active busy single mom with 2 teenage daughters. I work full time, and I am involved as a group leader for the teenage youth program at my church. I have a wonderful relationship with my girls. I need motivation to take time for myself and get back in shape.

I am a 41 year old mother of 2, loves music, all types R&b, dance music, play the piano, sing, love my animals(4 dogs and 1 cat)lol

Nice Outgoing chic

I am a 25 yr. old wife and stay at home mother of 4 girls. About a year ago, I started working out and eating right. But then I got pregnant, and was extremely sick. I wasnt able to continue my routine, and ended up gaining it all back. I just had my fourth baby 3 months ago, and I need to change. I am extremely blessed to have such a wonderful, loving husband. He loves me no matter what size I am, and constantly tells me. I am very secure in my marriage, and that gives me encouragement.

My name is Emily. I'm turning 30 this year and it is time for a change. My husband is in the military and we are currently stationed in Sicily. I am a stay at home mom but I do some work at home things, too. We have two boys, Joshua is two and Nikolas is nine months (and I am breastfeeding). I was lucky to only gain 13 pounds with Joshua and 3 pounds with Nikolas. I have lost all my baby weight and now weigh less than I did when my husband and I met 4 years ago. I love crafts like scrap-booking and card-making. I love photography. I am a Christian and love to learn about God. I want to go back to school to become a graphic designer. I love to bake!

I am 61 and have lost 35 lbs then gained back 10. I came to a screeching halt on Jenny Craig. I am not altogether clear why I derailed. This may sound silly but I was keeping up with Valerie and then she lost her wt and was done losing and I had no one to keep up with. Well. I think it is a whole lot deeper than that. It could be a pride thing and anyway I realize I need God's help. ah to do His will

I'm 49, married 25 years to my HS sweetheart, have a teenage son, a job I thoroughly enjoy, and, overall, a great life. I have struggled since childhood with weight. Finally at a place in my life where I feel as if it's okay to take care of myself.

I am a mother of three, and stay very busy. I have always had a weight problem and I am your typical yo-yo dieter. I have a problem with food, because I know I use it for comfort. I eat when I am happy, I eat when I am sad, bored, or whatever.

I am a college senior who, thanks to a very loving boyfriend, has realized that she is missing a whole lot, and that she must be in shape to join in! A more immediate desire is to appear pleasing to my boyfriend when he and I meet for the first time outside our LDR relationship (He already thinks I'm beautiful, but I think it wont hurt to be less sluggish before the day comes!:D)

I'm here because I definitely need the support, and generally, I'm shy of asking my friends and family. I am going through a lot of familial and academic stress, and would like a family to turn to while I try to take care of myself at the same time.

I've tried the weight loss programs I'll share with you guys before; but because of stress, depression and things getting in the way generally, I have slipped and even gained weight. I need you guys to help me keep on track and not let me fall off too far off the bandwagon if I do!

About me...let's see. Where do I start. I was diagnosed with the dredded anorexia when I was 14. I am now 26 with a beautiful 4 y/o daughter. I still have a very hard time when it comes to food. I eat mainly fruits and vegetables. Some fat free protiens.I now try to focus on how I feel and try not to focus on size which is hard. I like to know what I put into my body. I try to stay as natural as possible. Over the years and now that I have a daughter I try to keep my energy up with the help of a healthy diet and exercise. I love to workout. My fav's are probably walking, jogging, core training and yoga. Yoga is my zen:) - love to read and draw. I am a very outgoing person and I hope through this I will meet new future friends.

I am married and have five kids, ages 18, 16, 14, 12, and 10. They are all tall and bean-poles like their father. I am 5'4 and they are already taller than I am except for my 10 year old. I am a S-A-T Mom. I sing in choir and also sing on one of our church's worship teams. I knit, craft, write, and love to cook.

I NEED to manage my weight for my health. Heart disease runs in my family, and I know by being at a healthy, slim and trim weight, my chances of having a heart attack is reduced.

I'm a 34 yo, single, hard-working HS teacher. Love Jesus, love worship, and love my job. Live in NY. Love walking and try to stay active. Love to laugh and make others laugh. I've worked out on and off all of my life and try to live a healthy lifestyle. My appetite is a little bit out of control, which is probably why I 've made it a point to work out.

My name is Emily. I'm 20 and in school to be a nurse. My life is pretty hectic as I am a full time student and have 2 jobs. I love to be active and eat healthy, but I'm finding myself getting further and further away from where I want to be.

I'm 33 and I live in the Philippines. I've been trying to lose weight since high school and has attempted different fad diets, bought exercise equipment & video these past years -- but this time I am trying to manage stress and improve my health by making lifestyle changes. In so many instances, I have been able to accomplish many things on my own -- but regarding my weight -- it has been a humbling realization for me that more than anything I need a lot of help - in terms of expertise and most of all support More than anything else I want 2008 to be the year where I finally get to succeed with my New Year's resolution (for the last 10 years) of losing weight. I joined a gym during the 1st week of January with an initial weigh in of 170 lbs, I have already managed to lose 20 lbs to date.

I am a 39 year old married Christian woman - no children. I am a secretary for an engineering firm as well as a part-time professional violinist. I am an active member of my church and play the violin on our worship team. I have been going to a gym and meeting with a trainer for almost a year. I have lost 10 lbs so far. I have gained quite a bit of muscle, but I want to start losing weight again. I don't want to bulk up. I eat a healthy diet, but there are things that I could improve about my diet.

I am a 52 y/o mother of 4 adult young men ages 27 - 20. I have one grandson, 1 1/2 yrs. old and he has a sister due in June. I have been serving the Lord for 32 yrs and I love him dearly. I gained this weight after the death of my parents in 2001 when they died tragically in an automobile accident. I was going through a divorce at that time, raising my boys as a single parent, and working at a new job. I am ready to shed this excess weight. I want to be healthy as I grow older.

I am a 38 year old help-meet to my husband of 20 years. I homeschool our 5 children ages 19, 12, 9, 3 and 4 months (plus 1 in heaven). We have 30 acres in North Idaho. We live off the grid (no grid power). I cook on a woodcook stove, milk a cow and we pretty much make most of what we eat. I also have a hard time not eating everything in sight. Especially when I am bored, upset (I can think of all kinds of reasons!).

40, 5'1. no longer have will power to exercise or eat right. hopefully metabolife,it will jump start me and motivate me to move. the weight industry wont help me,because i'm not considered OVERweight. I've tried to explain to them i need help NOW,before i get to that point... stay at home mom,'baby' is graduating this year

I am 42 and a mother of four children /housewife

I am 25 and married to the most incredible guy. one of those things I can honestly say that if all else fails, i at least definetly know i married the right guy. lol. I am still working on my degree in nursing but i'm almost finished and I am interested in working in Palliative/hospice care. A couple years ago, I returned to Alaska after many years of being gone and am so glad I got back here. i never want to leave!

54 y/o, single female. I love the Lord and am very active in my church. I have 3 children and 5 grandchildren.

I am 55 years old.I have two sons, a daughter and 6 grandchildren. I am married to a wonderful man. This year I completed 30 years in education. I teach third grade and Sunday School. I am a christian.

drive since92 weight225 have psroinis, and gall bladder out. 2 grown sons

I'm a candidate for ordination in the Methodist Church. I believe that the person is holistic, and everything needs to be in balance and that we are called to question. I am also getting married in October.

I am a mother of 3- Cruz 20, Shandell 16, and Marc 15. I work full time and am married. My husband and I also own our own business which consumes even more of my time. Before I had children I weighed a whole 103 lbs. But that's too thin, so I am shooting for the 134. I am 5'4" and 36 years old.

Have a great marriage (thanks to Debi Pearl Created to be His Helpmate)! Stay at home schooling Mom of a 5 mo., 3,6,and 9 and thankful for every minute of it!

I am turning my life around! I am in love, I have amazing friends and it is time I start loving myself! My destructive lifestyle has really worn me out recently and its time to get back on track by eating healthy and excercising on a daily basis! I have been trying to get back into reading also, I'm finding spiritual readings quite helpful and interesting, and I'm also into angel readings and feel they are helping me in my journey. I also have depression issues that I'm dealing with, I'm doing hypnosis and meditating on positive thoughts daily.

I am a 36 year old wife and SAHM of a 2-year old and a 10 year old. I am also, and foremost, a Christian who loves Christ Jesus and seeks to glorify Him in spirit and in body. Visit my blog at:

I am married mother of six boy's a library assistant with the school district I love to read and cook and take long walks with my husband

I am 30 years old, happily married, and considering becoming pregnant. I visited the doctor the other day to discuss this, and she told me that I am five pounds from being considered obese. This made me very angry, but also opened my eyes to something I had been denying for awhile. I have gained quite a bit of weight over the past several months, and I need to get rid of it.

I'm a 22 year old, recently married, college graduate. I too have spent the last four years studying, going to class, and hanging out with my husband and friends too much on the weekends. Although I'm not overweight, I have been steadily putting on pounds since high school. I want to tone my muscles so that I can feel confident in my body. If I loose weight, that's an extra bonus!

I am 22 yrs old from Hong Kong. I am in my senior year. I love to play tennis, but I also love to cook yummy food. I always have craves for food, so I guess that's bad. I play in the worship team at my church and am on the leadership team of my college-adult groups.

I am 24 going on 25 in two weeks. I have been on the Maker's Diet plan since September of 2008. The lifestyle change as presented in the Makers Diet has completely changed my life.

I'm a 5' 5" 18 year old female. I am a highschool runner specializing in hurdling and the 4x4. I have gained about 20 lbs since ive been in highschool. Id like to atleast lose alittle of that. I was pretty steady at 130 for a long time and then recent major stress became a problem. I'm trying to lose weight in a healthy and normal way : )

I'm a 23 year old girl, 5'4 and of varying weight! I work full time and also do school part time and am one very busy lady!! I enjoy most things in life and am always up for making new friends and discovering new hobbies =) I know a lot about fitness but the actual implementation is the tricky bit!

In my early 40's, stay at home Mom. Used to be aerobics instructor. Not too excited about it now, but know I need to exercise. I know what to do, but need to do it consistently. I have been a Christian since I was 14. Used to be able to eat anything I wanted and stay active and thin. Now I need to eat right. It finally has caught up with me. I need to exercise AND DIET! It is hard to break my bad habits, but I am determined to do it with God's help.

Wife, no children. Bible teacher and mentor for teens Precept Bible Study Leader Creative in arts, crafts, needle work of all kinds. Fasinated by interior decorating and Archeology

I'm a 21 year old Christian college student. I am an outdoorsy person and enjoy nature and animals a lot. I volunteer at an animal shelter and I love training dogs and horses.

28-year old. Self-Employed at Pure Raw Nature, Plant Based Lifestyle and Coaching. Switched from two years eating raw/ 80/10/10- Raw Till 4 to Whole Foods, Plant Based, No Oil. My goal is to get back to myself and claim nutritional excellency.

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