Yahoo for 2008! A new year and a NEW ME!

36 year old. Love to travel and spend time with friends and family. Enjoy volleyball & reading. Learing to Kayak!

I have 2 kids I was 105 too skinny now i am 190 it is a big change that I dont handle very well I am very fun and I really think that it is time to get to loosing the extra tire around my waist.

I am a part time working mom of two boys. I found that I love to cook but its the reason why I cant keep the weight off. two years ago I went on a diet and lost 35Ibs but since I started working part time its all coming back

I'm 51 years old, 5'7" tall and a dairy eating semi-vegetarian. I want to loose15-20 lbs, be a size 6 and look fabulous in a bikini, again. I'm a mompreneur turned emptynesteneur. I love martinis, social eating and cooking for family and friends. My concerns are reducing stress, keeping fit and healthy, as well as, postponing the onset of osteoarthritis and age related diseases. I love to ski, backpack and sail.

I'm an entrepreneur who built a great business in the past few years and lost my great figure in the process! I am turning 30 soon and it is really making me think about where I've been and where I want to go - I know that I don't want my 30s to be my "heavy years"! I have a fantastic husband and we have an adorable "poo-chon" (poodle-bichon mix). I adore both! I am also struggling with exercise options, as I have some physical limitations (knee and back injuries) that make it difficult!





I had a baby in Aug of 2007 and have since gone back to work. I have been married to my loving husband since 2005.

I'm 31 years old and live in St. Paul, MN. I do information and referral to community resources for seniors and am a health insurance counselor. I love birds and have 5 FIDS (feathered kids). I'm in a long-term relationship and also plan on having real kids in the next few years.

I've lost almost 30 pounds. ******UPDATE - I've lost almost 40 pounds! 165 to 126. Took almost 3 years. *** Feel free to read my daily notes for tips on using this site, and for other helpful ideas to help you with your weightloss and fitness journey. Let me know your thoughts!

I love life and I want to enjoy it more by being flexible, healthy and active. My life has been filled with roller coaster dieting and, ultimately, the inclines are always steeper than the declines. I have lost 40 lbs in the past year, have many more to go and look forward to finishing the final downhill slope of the end of the ride all the way to the end.

I have been an avid outdoor excercise person for most of my adult life. I am currently 38. Sports with which I have been active include flat-water kayaking, climbing [trad and multi-pitch in addition to top-roping and basic gym leads], sprint distance triathalons, camping, backpacking, light mountaineering. Sports that I currently do include nordic and alpine skiing, mountain biking, hiking, swimming, and yoga.
I used to engage in physical activities much more often than more recently... including going to the gym 4-5 times a week [I never realized that this was helping me stay fit!]

52 yo professional, empty nester
I enjoy quilting, and use it to keep my hands busy in the evening so I don't snack.
I like music and dancing, and I can harness that for health.
I love to work, and can easily work 8-8 daily.

Event Planner. Work Crazy Hours. Emotional ... everything, including eating.




I am 27 years old and I have been married for over 3 years. I gained some weight the first couple years of college, but when I started dating my now husband, we ate out a lot and I got comfortable. It is time for me to get healthy again!

I am a mother of 2 with a great husband. I work full time and have two buisness. I stay busy, but I like it.




I am a certified personal trainer who works out of Shoreview. I have 2 children and one on the way. I find that I learn so much from my clients and others who struggle with their habits and self esteem. What works for one person may not work for another, but just maybe it does. Let's share ideas!


im a 20 year old student studying art at mctc
i like to travel, be outside, make art, go to small music venues. i also like beer... thats probably not a good thing.

39 year old recent import from California.

I'm a 24 year old youth director at a Lutheran Church. Love my life, love my job, love my family & friends... and I really, really want to love my body.



Single parent, work from home. I recently had knee surgery, so I'm kind of gimpy.


I'm a thirty-ish single gal who lives alone and works a 9-5 high-stress, low activity job (sitting at a desk 95% of the day). I'm a stress eater and I eat out for lunch pretty much every day. It feels like it's the only thing I can do to reduce the stress of my job - I have to get away and eat! I have access to two different gyms and have countless workout videos collecting dust in my house.

Mom to a lovely 3 1/2 yr-old daughter; have been married for almost 9 years.. my weight has gone up 50 pounds in the last 7 years. It is very uncomfortable to be 200 lbs and it has to stop. I want energy!!

I am a personal trainer and fat loss expert who runs boot camp classes / kettlebell classes in Woodbury MN. I have been getting people results for over a decade and have logged more than 11,072 client hours helping people just like you achieve their goals.

I have been married to the best wife ever for 17 years! I have a teen daughter and son. We live in the Mnpls. burbs but have a small place "up North". We all love to go 4 wheeling, fishing and hanging out on the pontoon boat in the summer. In the winter...well, we don't do much at all.
I am a professional and work within the healthcare industry. I have a lot of contact with physicians, including bariatricians and bariatric surgereons and their staff. I also have a close relationship with a group of Gastroenterologists.
I was diagnoses with Crohn's Disease 3 years ago and had a hemi-colectomy. (They took a portion of my colon and a small amount of small intestine). Many people with Crohn's have trouble keeping weight ON. Oh...why couldn't have I have THAT side effect!

I am a 33 year old accountnat in Northern WI. I have been married for 13 years. I know I will never get back to the size I was then but I still think I would feel better being smaller then I am..





I joined LA Weightloss about a year ago and have kept off 25 pounds, but my goal is to lose another 25 - I am 5'8 and weigh 172, as of this morning's weigh in. I have been at a plateau for a while, and definitely need the support.






Hi there, until the last few years I was lucky with my weight and was able to maintain it pretty well. Well, until I got married!! I gained 20 pounds+ since I've been married and I haven't been able to lose weight on my own since.

I'm divorced, 54 years young, mom to 2 great teens and I love to cook!


I am 19 years old in college. A couple summers ago I was a whopping 141 lbs! Once I started college I was walking a lot more, had no money/time for snacks or regular meals and along with that, had a bunch of anxiety. I was then 119 lbs and LOVED IT! I cannot tell you how good it feels to lose weight, go shopping and feel great about yourself.
I am now 128 lbs and still gaining weight.. I want to stop my old habits and start a new/healthier lifestyle of a toned body and great food ...not sitting on the couch, eating ice cream.




62 female; 150 lbs on my short frame is too much; divide time between Tucson and MN; love to walk, mu only true exercise that I enjoy, others I tolerate


I work full time, go to school full time, and volunteer in the time not taken up by school and work. I love movies and reading (both sedentary) which makes it tough to lose weight. I also have a high stress job that drives me to binge eat.

I am 31 years old and work as a paralegal. Last fall I got engaged to a wonderful man who I also consider my best friend. We are getting married next summer and are at a point in our lives where we both are feeling driven to lead a truly healthy lifestyle.







Busy busy grad student (@ the U). Love to cook healthy foods... hate to work out.



I'm a graphic designer. Doing anything creative gives me a natural high and joy and I am so grateful to be able to make a living off what I love. I am your cliche emotional eater, I was just diagnosed with hypoglycemia. It's bringing on new challenges and frustrations to my weight loss journey. With this you have to eat frequently or you feel sick and if you don't eat it can be dangerous for you. It makes me constantly feel tired and I usually feel nauseous or have a headache so getting to the gym is harder. I really need all the extra motivation I can get right now, and that's why I am here.









Enjoying being a mom of a wonderful 22 month old little girl. In the process of selling our house, so some transition. Transplant from Chicago to Saint Paul and absolutely adore this city. Like to read, spend time with family, try new recipes.




Fairly new empty-nester, yay! Desk job, holding steady at 162 - 165.



Married, 39 year old woman with no children. Still getting established in my career and want to move up the ladder, but realize to do so, I need to be more marketable - like it or not, fat doesn't impress.

I'm a working Mother of three children who wants to lose weight to become a healthy role model for them. I've recently lost over twenty five pounds on my own and I would really appreciate someone else to continue this journey with me.

I am a former fat girl who started a professional speaking business called Weightless LLC last year. My goal is to help busy professional women lose weight and live great. I am a working mother of 2 daughters, love food with flavor, and discovering new ways to move.






