I m 27 and have struggled with my weight pretty much my whole life. It has now gotten to the point where it is affecting my health and I want/NEED to do something about it.

29 years old, mom of 3, two biological, one step. My sons started the world as little porkers cuz momma gain WAY too much pregnancy weight. After 4 years, I'm still hanging on to it.

I am 23 and I live in tx. I work and go to school full time. I am married to a man that can lose weight in his sleep.

im 25 5'5 and weight 220pd
i have a 8yrs girl who loves to go outside and b active sometimes i just dont feel like it.

I am a 25 yr old female living in Vancouver, BC. I live with my bf and my little puppy. I moved to Vancouver in January 2006 from Ottawa, ON. I slowly started gaining weight in my last year of high school 6 yrs ago...It has been creeping its way up from 140 lbs (approx). I had an bad injury in Dec 05, and had to stop working out for about 8 months...that time is now up (for a long time now).

I guess it's time to do a little updating, although there really isn't much to do update. I am 31 years old now and currently not working and having a hard time finding a job which really makes me feel depressed. Which isn't a good thing when you're trying to lose weight in my opinion.

28 year old married guy with one kid (2 1/2). Wife has a myriad of health problems so I've been helping her out a lot. So, I help her out with the baby, drive nearly two hours a day for work and work in IT so I can't really get up and jog around the block. I'm trying to find time to work out, but by the time I can, it's late and I need to get to bed.

I'm 30 & newly married with 1 young stepson! I'm a workaholic who needs to learn to relax. I've been skipping the gym to work longer hours in order to get ahead in my career. We're looking forward to having kids in the next couple of years. I need to get in shape and establish a healthy life style before trying to have a baby. I'm scared if I don't do it now, I won't!

I am a newlywed. I got married in September. After I got married, we moved to New Orleans and I gained 50 pounds. I am a special education teacher in New Orleans which is extremly stressful.

I’m a 27 year old African American female I have always struggled with my weight since I was old enough to notice I was over weight. I tried weight watchers, It was a success for me however I gained the weight back and 150 pounds extra. I just got married march 5th 2007. I’m a working mother with one daughter (4) who is a step daughter that lives with my husband and I. My husband has also gained a few pounds but ware’s his well. Lately I don’t feel like being in public and haven’t gone out with my 2 best friends in over a year. I am just plan feed up, I want to be sexy, I know it’s in me and I want my husband to see it!

i'm 26, currently working and going to school. therefore not having much time for working out and exercising, but i want to change that starting now.


I am 26, in a PhD program and also working full-time as a librarian. I'm divorced, just moved to a new town (I run up to the university for research on weekends) and am about to move in with a roommate (scary!). I recently left a relationship, and feel pretty stressed! I've posted a college photo of myself on my refrigerator to remind me of the fun girl I REALLY am... grin.

I am 28 year old married female with no children located in Northern NV. I gained weight over the last few years and am now trying to get back into shape and get healthy again.



My name is Tiffany. I am a mother of 1 son Noah and step mother to Eliseo who is 3. I work for a transportation company and sit all day long. I just want to be thinner so that I can feel better.


25 years old
Lost 40 lbs last year living overseas but put back on 30 after moving back to the States (stopped exercising and ate very unhealthy).
Want to lose the 30 again and keep going to lose 60!

i'm almost 30 and cant wait to be slim! am so fed up with the way i look and am sick of moaning about it! i live with my boyfriend of 7 years in edinburgh, scotland and am hoping that this is the start of the new me!

I am a 28 year old mother of a 3 year old little girl. Ill admit it, I can be lazy. That is my main problem. Although I don't eat a lot, I LOVE soda. I have tried to whole gym thing and found myself going to Dairy Queen right after to reward myself. LOL. I weighed myself the other day and was up to 295 lbs. I haven't gained in the last 6 or so months but I haven't lost.


I am a 28 SWF who likes to work out, however about 1.5 years ago I was doing weight watchers with a group of friends. One of the girls and I were taking boxing classes and working out hard everyday for about five months. I lost thirty pounds. I was about twenty pounds away from my goal. I regained fifty pounds. My friend got married and traded me in for friends who are now married. We stopped doing the WW thing and the boxing class ended about the time of her wedding. After that everything went downhill from there. She and the other two people who were in the WW group have rejoined- Without me!! So I have been on the emotional eating rollercoaster! Today I stop!!

I work in a library, and read in my spare time.

I'm 27, married & have a 1 1/2 year old son. I am very lucky that I have a job that allows me to work from home, but I have found that since being at home I'm now having a hard time getting motivated to go to the gym. I played basketball in college for a team which was nationally ranked in our division and was in great shape, but between marriage and a recent pregnancy I am overweight & very upset about it. I've gotta get back into shape. I love playing volleyball, basketball, softball, going to the gym, spending time with my husband & new baby, love doing anything outdoors--hiking, camping, fishing, boating, etc. I'd love to meet others who are around the same age & dealing with the same issues as me. I don't have many people to talk to about my weight & my husband doesn't understand how hard it is for me to lose weight. He's naturally athletic, muscular & skinny...he never has to diet.

i'm a crazy-busy person working part-time and going to school full-time. i've battled my weight all my life, and i was usually ok with the excess pounds. but now i've come to a point in my life where being overweight is no longer "cute" nor acceptable. i know i can be so much better than this! i know i should take care of myself so much better than this! i know tackling my weight demons will be unbelievable hard work, but i love a challenge and i really want to win this war with myself once and for all! i'm creating a better me!

I am 25 year old, still in school, trying to get my degree, but still pushing. One Day. But I have been struggling with my weight for a long long time. I lost 35 pounds about a year ago, but I gained it back and then some. I have been trying, but I need some support, so that is why I decided to gain peer trainers.


I am a week and a day away from turning 28. This year, I was diagnosed with PCOS and Type II Diabetes. I have had PCOS for almost 12 years, but no doctors seemed too concerned so I never got an actual diagnosis. I have also probably had the diabetes for quite awhile too. I was diagnosed in April and got my A1C down to 6.3 in only 3 months-- which is great... but my motivation has waned. Also, my energy is so unbearably low. I am married and have to wonderful pugs! I am between jobs because I just moved here when my husband was transferred. I really want to get my health back in order before returning to work-- or at least be on a good path/habbit.

I am a 27 year old wife, college student and pharmacy technician. My husband is am amazingly supportive man who I love dearly! I want to lose weight, get healthy and fight off the stress that always seems to haunt me.




I am single, dreading turning 30, but feel that if I can just lose the weight, i may just love my 30's!

I'm turning 27 soon and I've been fighting my freshman 50 for about 5 years now. I'd like my size 3 jeans to go over my thighs...

I'm 25 single mother and a young attorney. Trying to keep my feet on the ground and my head above water.

My name is amy and I am the mom to two wonderful little boys ages 10 and 8. I am happily envolved with a wonderful supportive man who thinks i'm beautiful and tells me all the time. I am a manager at mcdonlads and mostly love what i do. I am very happy with most of my life but my weight is not one of those areas.



Well- I just turned 25 in august. I have been thinking about dieting for a while now, but honestly feel like I am ready!
My sister is getting married this time next year, and i want to be able to not only look beautiful ( because i think i am now) but i want to FEEL like it as well!

I am a 26 (nearly 27) yo single woman from Belfast with no children. I currently work in an office and I am studying part time for a PhD - neither of which are conjusive to an active lifestyle. I have been over weight all of my life and a classic yo-yo dieter.
Last year I was diagnosed with PCOS and although I have no children right no - i hope to have some in the future. I get frustrated very easily and have a very strong "all or nothing" approach to most things I attempt - which I feel maybe a problem with weight loss as its ultimately not sustainable.
Although I have a good understanding about the theory of losing weight - I think i need to go back to basics and start taking it bit by bit instead of trying to be perfect right from the start!

I just turned 30, and am the heaviest I have ever been. Ever since college my weight has fluxuated and now it just keeps getting higher. I look at old pictures and wonder where that pretty girl went. I know my weight ha nothing to do with what is on the inside, but I feel like a different person than I did when I was thin. Gaining the weight also brought on a complete loss of self-confidence. I don't even enjoy being social anymore for the constant fear of people judging me about my weight. I just want the old me back!




My goal is to be 160 lbs. I am 5'11" and at the highest I have ever been in my life. I am currently at 190 lbs and have 9 weddings coming up in the next year and want to look my best!!! I am a single gal in New York City and love to drink wine and go out with friends.


I'm 26 years old and have spent most of my life overweight. I'm about 5'6" and 190 lbs. I would like to be about 140 lbs. I would also like to kick my horrible eating habits. I love sweets and all the carbs, like pasta, potatoes, and bread. There have been several times in my life where exercising and being healthy were important but for some reason I always fall away from it. I moved to Seattle two years ago and at the time I was in pretty good shape. Before I moved I had been working out regularly for at least 6 months. Since I've moved I've gained probably 30 pounds, and most of it has been in the last year. I feel the most unhealthy I've ever been. And even though I feel this way I'm having a hard time really committing to a regular workout routine and healthy diet. I just graduated with my second degree and I'm tired of the stereotypical college diet and lifestyle. I've joined peertrainer in the hopes of getting motivated and actually accomplishing something.

Hi, I am a 27 year old mother of a beautiful 2 year old. All of my life I was thin until I got pregnant with my daughter. I have gained 80lbs and I am having the hardest time getting it off. I not only want to loose weight to feel and look good but i want to be healthy to be around long enough for my daughter.

31 years ols always been fat. Looking to better my life and my health.


I'm a 23 year old single mother. I recently graduated from college. I had my daughter at 19 and during the pregnancy I gained about 70lbs. I have yo-yoed between 220 and 280 over the last four years. I'm tired of being fat. I would like to have curves. I don't really mind my size, though I do not like the belly fat and love handles. It's sad when you've gained so much weight that your shoes don't fit anymore. I don't have a problem working out. But I do lack motivation. Once I start a work out I can usually keep up with it if I really like it or if it works with my crazy schedule.

im 14, and i goto willard high school.
im fat, and i hate it. i just wanna lose weight, i dont even care about what people think i just wanna be skinny again.
all i do is say i wana lose weight and then i never try to.
it hurts so much i cry everyday because of it.
i hope one day before i graduate i can just be skinny again

I have some issues with my body, obviously that is why I'm here, lol. I just want to feel happy with myself and be comfortable in my clothes and my own skin.

My name is Ashley, 27 years old.I'm a stay at home Mom. I'm 180 would like to be 140 to 135.

27 year old after-school director in NYC. I have been on many different diets. Exercise has never been a real problem, but eating bad food is. My job is very time consuming and it hard to find time to work out and eat right. Time for me is very tight, so I squeeze in any kind of excerise I can. I have not really on any diet right now, but I want to be more conscious about eating. I am ready to stay on track and not feel bad about myself.

My name is DIana I am 29 and will be 30 this year. I work in an office so do not have a very active life style. I'm not sure how much I weigh yet but am definitely overweight for my height as I am only 5ft. I will give an update on my weight tomorrow once I have weighed my self. I am desperate to lose weight by the time I turn 30.

I work fulltime and am married and have two kids one almost 5 and second child almost 2.
