team details:

Team Name: 0ver 50yrs plus 100 lbs
Members: 133
Location: South Bend, IN 46614

Goals: Lose weight and be healthier. Help each other to do this.

Profile: For those over the age of 50 who have at least 100 lbs to lose.

Last posted: Monday, April 22, 2013, 1:42 AM

Other Info:

Members profiles:
I am soon going to be 57 years old and have fought with my weight all of my adult life. 3 yrs ago I lost 70 lbs and was then diagnosed with leukemia. I have now put back on all of that 70 lbs, partly due to the cancer drug I take everyday for the leukemia but also due to inactivity and eating way too much! I am once again so uncomfortable and definately need to get this weight off and keep it off. I am hoping this site will be enough support to help me once again.

retired need to lose for health reasons

I am 53 and have 3 kids ages 33, 29 and 26. I have been married for 35 years. I have strugged with my weight my whole life. Twice I have lost 100 pounds and managed to find them again. I need to do it again but would be ecstatic with 75. I use food to cope with life. It is my "drug of choice." Connecting with others with the same problem seems to be what helps me most. I did a program called THE SOLUTION a few years ago and I had a lot of success with it even though there was no food plan involved in it. It was a program that taught us to connect with each other and share our feelings, thus breaking out of the isolation many people with weight issues have . Not physical isolation but hiding what is going on inside us because we are judging ourselves and think otherswill too. We learned that no matter how different our lives look on the outside we are not that different on the inside. I hope this site will give me the same kind of support and connection.

I have been overweight all of my life. Currently, I weigh 250 pounds. At 5'5" this is quite cumbersome. I have recently gone through a divorce--my husband had an affair with a 23-year old. It was completely devastating. I lost about 50 pounds in 2 1/2 months, but I have now gained it back about a year later. I am ready now to work on me.

I have been very overweight all my life. I'm an emotional eater.

I am 51, married 31 years, mother of 2, son is 27 and daughter is 23. Have 1 grandson, age 5. My husband and I are both retired and loving it. Working on an overhaul of eating habits and exercise habits. Currently work out 4 times a week for 45 minutes at the local Curves. Currently following their high carb diet. This is working well as I have been losing each week for the past month. Sweets are my weakness. I have had to say goodbye to those for now. I have tried many methods and have not had this much success to date. Always struggled with weight. I am determined to not be 52 and still struggling.

I'm 53 years old ,and live in the country,so not many people living close by to work out with.I'm a social worker who enjoys socializing with people,the outdoors,trying new things,and what to get more into gardening. Also enjoy grandkids and my own kids. I've tried different exercise programs,some started to work,but lost interest and didn't continue.I also enjoy writing. Realize I need encouragement to continue things. I take Cocker Spaniel out for a walk every day which helps.Curious about new ideas. Hard to admit but I am a great Sci Fi fan,especially the Star Trek and Strargate and Stargat Atantis. Also an avid reader.

I am 43 years old and have been married for 21 years with 2 sons ages 19 and 14. I have suffered with arthritis for 13 years. I have so much that goes on in daily life that stress plays a role in my not always eating right. I love to travel and I have a cocker spaniel who is 3 years old.

I am now 57 and a year ago I realized I've been fighting this weight thing for what seems like forever. I can't do it alone and I know that. I am the mother of a very active 10 year old (update: she will be 12 in Sept) and I want to be around for my daughter. I don't want to die because of this weight thing. I've been married for 31 yrs to a person who eats whatever he wants and never gains an ounce.

I am a 50 something recently diagnosed with Hashimotos. I need to lose over 100 lbs. I need real encouragement because it seems like an impossible task. I have lost weight in the past but have never been able to reach a healthy weight. I would get discouraged and give up.

I am a Baby Boomer and I weight 294 ponds. It has taken me 30 years to put on this much weight. I have joined Weight Watchers 3on several occasion and never stuck to the program. Often I would become very discourage with the amount of weight I was losing at the time and stop attending meetings. In the past I have had many excuses for my weight gain such as “personal issues” or “stress on the job”. I have since retired and no longer surrounded job related stressful situations. Since my retirement I have gained about 20 pounds in 24 months. This no longer acceptable my weight is effecting my health. I have high blood pressure and a condition called sleep apnea. I know these conditions can lead to more serious problems for me. It very important that I learn to take better care of the temple that God has given me. I need others to help me stay motivated to loose the weight and became physically active. Exercising has never been one of my favorite things to do. .

I am a married 50year old Christian mom that is 100 lbs over weight. I weigh 250 lbs and wish to get healthy and develop good habits. I have two teenage kids one is about to go off to college. We are stressing over college costs and facing empty nest. Would love a diet buddy for support.

I just turned 50 this year...married with a 17 year old son. I am told I look like I'm in my 30's.....Currently at 239 pounds. I am an emotional eater!!!

I am 52 and retired on disability. I was overweight before being diagnosed with MS. Medications and being less mobile made me gain even more weight and now I struggle to do most things. I am not able to stand long enough to cook unless it's microwave or toaster oven, and can pretty much not go to the grocery for myself. I would like to exercise to regain some strength if I could find what doesn't hurt me. I thought since I spend so much time at the computer, maybe this site can help me. I don't know if I will stick to it.

Broadcasting teacher, mother of 3, singer

just turned 50 looking into the next 50's

I am 55. I have been happily married for 29 years. I have a wonderful 14 year old son. I work full time as an Engineering Aide for 36 years for a major telephone company. I like reading and have just discovered a passion for stamping (making my own greeting cards.) I really like all kinds of crafts however. None of these past times however does very much for me in the way of exercise. I also enjoy camping, but don't get a chance to go very often.

I work full time, attend school full time and donate over 20 hours per week to church. I love to knit when I get any free time. I'm tired of being fat, being invisible, and being passed over for promotions.

I'm a wife, mom, grandma. I'm almost 53 years old and I'm just about exactly 100 pounds overweight.

I am 49 years old, a wife and mother, love knitting, my dogs, horses, and traveling around with my family.

I am a 53 year old married lady with 3 children, 28,24,20. My youngest just got married last week. I topped the scale at 320lbs in 2001. I was a Girl Scout leader and we were going hiking and I didn't want to be the last one to the top of the mountain. In the first year I lost 100lbs, the maintained for a year then lost 40 more but the last 20 have haunted me. I am now using the Weight Water plan on my own.

I'm a 56 year old housewife. I'm married and have one daughter who is 35. I started gaining weight when I was pregnant and my weight has continued to creep up and up over the years until I now weight 287 lbs. For a long time, I weighed around 190 lbs. Then I had my thyroid removed and my weight really went crazy. I have gained around 100 lbs. since my thyroid was removed even though I take thyroid replacement hormone. I don't blame my entire weight problem on my thyroid though. I'm sure it has something to do with my sluggish metabolism, but I know a large part of my problem is not eating right and not exercising. I've never been a sports-oriented person, so physical activity has never been a big part of my life. I'm more of a reader and a craftsperson. I love to read and I also love doing almost any type of craft such as woodworking, stained glass, crocheting, leatherwork, painting, gardening, writing etc.

I am 56 years old. Have been overweight most of my life. Lost 65 pounds three years ago and have gained 45 back starting when I began work as a receptionist. I am a widow with three sons and two grandchildren

I'm 50 years old, married 30 years to my college sweetheart. We have four kids ages 26-14. I'm mostly a stay at home mom.

I'm an emotional eater who will eat anything available when under stress. I work from home and sit at a desk all day so it's an effort to get exercise into my life.

I am 59, married, two married sons, one grandchild, teacher.

Friends have called me a shape shifter. I have lost 100 pounds on two occasions ( 35 & 46), maintaining for years, now I need to do it again. I thought my last time was the last, but this must be the last time and I must find the strength to do this. I am 55 and healthy except for the weight, but I have a young child and I do not want to die on her early. The excess weight has to go! We are on a multi year , open ended trip around the world, so I have some unique challenges with losing weight: We are on the road now until fall 2008, so I will not be able to check in too much, but you can always reach me through our website soultravelers3. I did great this winter and hope to at least maintain as we travel and hopefully lose some more .I will be working hard again and completing the loss next winter when we are in one place for a while.

55 only 4'10" inches tall and almost 200 lbs. Have high blood pressure and diabetes.

health care professional who consuls many on weight control

I am a 50+ medical administrative professional in a small town in Washington state. I live with my semi-retired husband and two cats. Our children our grown and we dote on our grandchildren. I love to read, play on the computer, travel, walk on the beach, listen to music, go to concerts, and garden.

I am a 51 year old business executive

I am a 50 year old professor who teaches at a university in the Northwest. I live with my boyfriend, partner whatever you call the man you live with, four dogs and a cat. As a child, I was a stocky kid, tall and large for my age. In high school, I weighed around 160 pounds but was very active. After I turned 20 is when my weight began to climb steadily. I have tried many diets and have bought lots of books on weight loss. Some worked and some didn't for awhile, but the weight always came back. This summer, after the death of my mom, I hit my all time high of 268 pounds. I took off about 25 of those pounds, but now I weigh 250. I had a cancer scare this fall that made me really think about my health. So, that is why I am here.

I'm retired and ready to see the world. I am handicapped by arthritic knees that need to be replaced, and the surgery can't be done until I've lost half of my extra weight. I want to stroll museums, tour stately homes, and visit gardens of Europe.

I am a 52 year-old female attorney. I am married and have 2 adult children from a prior marriage. I have 6 grandchildren. The primary focus of my law practicw is family law and criminal defense. My daughter is my legal assistant as well as my best friend. I returned to undergrad when I was 39 and worked my way through and then attended law school. While I was in school, I spent a lot of time reading, studying and snacking and the weight (over the years) kept adding on and now I am so obese. Also, I was hit by a careless driver (she was on a cell phone) while I was walking in a crosswalk outside of my office back in 2005 and I was in a wheelchair for 6 months, believe me, during that time I really piled the weight on and so did my husband because we spent a lot of time in the house alone with very little physical activity going on. I weighed in this past Monday at 279 and I had been dieting since January 2. I do not really know what my beginning weight was but I can tell by the way my clothes fit and the way that I am able to move my body, that I have lost a significant amount of weight. In the past (before returning to school) I always lost weight easily when I was focused on what I ate. I am now again totally focused and right now, I am enjoying it!

I read - everything!

I'm 55 and loving life. I've struggled with losing weight but haven't been too committed so I want to have some accountability.

I have a myriad of health problems that make weight loss and exercise challenging. I am looking for encouragement so I don't give up. I am retired but work from home for my former employer. It's not a dream job but it gives me a little extra dinero.

Too much food and sedentary living have crept up on me. I've always been healthy, but lately weight has been taking a toll on my knees and back.

I am 58 years old. Was a teacher for 18 years, and now I stay at home with my 2 and 1/2 year old granddaughter Hailey. She is the love of my life and I want to be around for her, and not dead from an obestiy related illness.

I am 56 years old. I've had a life long battle with weight. I've tried everything including gastric bypass surgery (12 years ago), and have only achieved temporary limited success. I have been married for 4 years to a man who loves me unconditionally. I work full time as an Executive Assistant. I eat vegetables, fruit, low fat protein... but also lots of refined carbohydrates with bad fats. I am too inactive, have arthritis, asthma, and was diagnosed with non hodgkins lymphoma in 2005 but I am enjoying 3rd year of remission. I have a lot of life left to live, and want to do so in a thinner, in shape body! I like people, animals, and out doors. I want to prove a doctor wrong that told me I will not be successful at losing weight!!

I'm a working RN, part-time on weekends. I have 2 teenagers, 15 and a girl turning 18! I am married for over 20 years.

I am a 52 yo female. Married for 32 years mom to 4 boys vegetarian for 4 years but a "junkarian" for almost as long. went vegan in the 1st 2years and lost 85lbs but didn't stay very long went back to white flour and white rice then eggs and cheese more recently and there's the rub I gained a lot of weight back about 40lbs of it and holding.

I'm a 50 year old female. I have two sons and twin daughters. I have been married for 31 years to a wonderful supportive husband. My oldest son (30) is married and has two children. Middle son is 26. One of the twins (23) is married also. My children have always been the focus in my life. I was always putting them ahead of me and never seemed to have time for myself. I never took the time to exercise and over the last 30 years, I've put on 100 lbs. I work full time for an engineering firm. I've been at this employer for 13 years. Recently, our company started a "Biggest Loser" challenge amongst the employees. This is what motivated me to start dieting. Since January I have lost 34 pounds but I want to stay on the right track and lose at least 30 more pounds. Now that all the kids are on their own, I have much more time on my hands. I'm learning to exercise more along with eating healthy. Our meals consist of chicken, turkey or fish with lots of fresh vegetables. I've cut out the starches as much as possible. I used to eat a lot of chocolate as well and I've gotten used to having a Hershey's kiss if I need a "fix".

over 60, widow, dog lover

I am a 64 year old female teacher>. I have been married for almost 41 years. I have lost more weight than i weigh and have tried everything including bypass surgery. I would like to lose and keep the weight off.

I am 57 weigh around 300 lbs, married with 2 Children and 3 Grandchildren. I work a full time job in afast paced office.

I am 59 yrs old recently divorced. I would rather watch a movie on tv than go out to the show. I love to read and I also love to cook, old favorites or new ones.

56 year old woman married 35 years. 2 married kids, 1 grandson and grand daughter due in June. Hate exercise and sweating. Recovered from parathyroid surgery in Feb. Gainded 50 pounds in last 2 years due to feeling terrible and lack of exercise.

I am a 52 year old wife of 32 years with 1 son thats 27.I also work from home.I spend alot of time sitting because I am a marketing manager

I am 52...have been married for 33 years. I am a school bus driver for 11 years. We have 2 dds. One died in 2002 and the other lives in MI and is married. We have our furbaby and dh and I are vey close.

I'm 63, retired, and a grandma of 6. My greatest blessings call me Grandma! I have 5 grandsons - the youngest just born on June 15th, and one granddaughter. With only having two sons, I never dreamed I'd have this many grandchildren. It's wonderful and I am blessed! The most fun hobby right now in my life is making my own greeting cards with rubberstamps, the computer, and other media. I'm involved with a group called Antioch Military Families and Friends. We make greeting cards, quilts for the wounded, have fundraisers, etc. in support of our troops until they come home. I am a Born Again Christian. God bless you and I pray we all reach our goals.

52, single, no children, I work, I travel (albeit alone, I do go), Im outgoing, have been heavy all my life, played music even as a heavy person, was a lead singer in a band for 20 years. Why this weight is still with me is beyond me. I have tried everything from Nutri-system to Weight watchers. I have high blood pressure but my doctor says other than that everything else is fine. I need HELP!!

I am 51 years old, recently single, going back to college, and living on a few acres of land with my four grown kids ages 18, 20, 22, 24

happy married 31 years in january

Divorced after 25 years in abusive marriage. Four kids. Never had a weight problem until second pregnancy. I'm at 227 today. Overwhelmed.

I'm 56 years old, been married for 36 years, and have 5 grandchildren. My hobby is needlepoint, but I also read a lot, have a small bird, a 25-gallon fish tank, a pond, and a garden with a fountain that attracts lots of birds that I enjoy watching.

55 years old...hides behind self depricating humor ... can no longer fit behind anything else....

I am 58 years old and I've been a yo-yo dieter for the past 15 years. A sedentary lifestyle that includes a computer driven job have allowed my weight to balloon up to 289 lbs. I'm ready to make life style changes that will start the scale going in the opposite direction. It took a long time to get to this weight and I know this will be a difficult challenge and a long journey and I need support to make this happen. I have tried several other on-line support groups that weren't consistent and I need consistency and communication with like-minded folks.

I'm 68 years old. I have spinal fusion surgery in September. I hve just started back to work full time. To lose 100 pounds is a long range goal.

I have been overweight since the birth of my first child 35 years ago this Thursday! Adding a few pounds with each child (4) until I arrived at the unhealthy weight of 235 lbs! I want it off. I want to feel good and be able to spend a whole day without my knees hurting!

I am 54 years old,5'6" and weigh over 300 lbs. I hold a fulltime job and been divorced 8 years. I think some of my eating patterns are from depression about being overweight keeping me unhappy in my daily life from my job to my unorganized house to my lovelife. My legs and feet constantly ache due to my weight.And walking my dog is something i just cant do anymore till some of this weight comes off

Only have to prepare food for myself.

I am just about 55 and have had weight issues since I was a teenager. Lost and gained 100+ pounds twice in my life. Became a widow 8 months ago after 34 years of marriage. Lost my best friend and the love of my life. Lost my dad 3 months ago. Food is my comfort. Lately I look forward to eating. It makes me feel better. I wish I could eat and not gain weight. I would be happy then. I know this is not logical and I know I can't continue this way. I am a compulsive overeater. I have used many tools to lose weight and keep it off for periods of time, but I'm always drawn back to the food. I need help.

I am a 50 something woman, with a wonderful husband, and a lovely Westie dog. I am a grandmother to 2 girls, Hailey is 10 and Gretchen is 8 months and I LOVE them to bits. I enjoy traveling and all things associated with food (no wonder I need t lose weight) - I love cooking, eating , reading cookbooks and kitchen gadgets. This time I am going to be successful and I have really been enjoying reading the daily emails.

I'm 55 single female. I'm 5'6" and weight in at 278. I now have high blood pressure and on meds. I know I'm going through the change, but never in my wildest dreams would I have believed that in 10 years I would have put on over 100 lbs.

I am a substance abuse

I am a musician, teacher and love the creative side of life. I write music and scrapbook as well as many other creative avenues. I love to be out of doors in any weather.

I am an American who lives in the Middle East. I am married with three children (20, 18, 12) I am a unversity lecturer at a medical college. We live a great life here but have also become very pampered in a very inactive life style in a society that has no stigmas against being overwieght. My weight has always been an issue but not a problem- but now gaining about 2kg a year since we've been here 15 years, and never having lost the weight I've needed to after pregnancies- I have become 100+ lbs overweight! That is hard for me to actual believe! I have no other health issues- but as I approach 50, I know something must be done! My weight is dragging me down- instead of my nice fluffy cat sitting on my lap- my stomach does! I have been very successful in other areas of my life- except for this. I start with diets/programs/dietitians but never seem to contuinue. Food is a break, and is a fun activity... I have been cooking my whole life. I do love natural foods and whole grains but I love ice cream (home-made) and I sometimes eat cake and chocolate- or whatever is available because I have a very busy life.. At this point, ifeel if I don't make time for well-ness- at the rate I am going I will be forced to make time for illness.

I lost 95 pounds 6 years ago but have gained back 45 of that. I recovered from a spinal fusion and 2 foot surgeries in the past 2 years and am ready to get back into shape. I am 56 and love to be active. When I weigh less and exercise more I feel better and do more fun activities.

55 years old, musicien, brazilian living in France

I'm 5'4" weigh in at 235 lb's. I have a husband who still thinks I'm beautiful, I ahve 2 children in their mid 30's & 2 grandchildren a girl 8 years old & a boy who is 3 years old.

Happily married for 20 years; mom to 2 kids (13 yrs and 10 yrs); writer and editor; work from home

40 years old, married, have a 11 years old girl and a 2 years old boy, full time employee.

I am 54yr female. I once was a aerobic instructor. I have gone through many life trauma events in the last 4 yrs. While I lost weight in the beginning, I now have gain that back a couple of times.

56 years old. Married with 2 grown children and a granddaughter.

Almost 54 and I've struggled with weight my whole life. I have had times of being thin but not in a long time. My life is busy-like everyone's. We have a large family and I work full-time.

I am 57 years old, live in caretaker for my elderly mother. I spent the last 9 years over the road truck driving, a place where bad eating habits raise their ugly head. I am currently being treated for Hepatitis C, but that will be over in 10 weeks and I have no physical complains with that. I have had a super stressful past month and have actually ate back all my little 25 lbs of progress. I am doing the best I can not to succumb to the self loathing that can come with backsliding. I have quit: smoking, drinking, heroin, cocaine, and all other drugs. You'd think! Back to the goal based drawing board.

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