I've lost almost 30 pounds. ******UPDATE - I've lost almost 40 pounds! 165 to 126. Took almost 3 years. *** Feel free to read my daily notes for tips on using this site, and for other helpful ideas to help you with your weightloss and fitness journey. Let me know your thoughts!

I am the mother of two boys, 7 and 4, who keep me busy. I also work over 20 hours a week, am PTO president, and volunteer way too much!

Im a 27 yr old mom of two boys (6yrs and 3yrs) in a relationship with daddy for 8 + yrs and recently just became engaged.... . Journaling is my nemesis but Im determined to stick to it. Ive made miniscule progress alone between Feb and now and am convinced that PT will give me that extra "Ooomph" I need to stay on track.


I'm 39 years old, married for 19 years, a mom, work full-time and am very active with my church and anything else that my daughter is involved in.
I have always had a weight problem. I gained a whole lot over the past year and a half when my dad got sick and had to go to a personal care home. My mom and I went twice a day to visit (in addition to the million and one other things that I had to do) and that limited my "me" time. My dad passed away in August of 2006 and I've been determined since September to get back on track. Well, several months later here I am.
My girlfriend, her daughter and I started following an old version of Weight Watchers (that we had copies of) on April 13, 2007. As of my join date, May 14, 2007, I have lost 15 lbs. I have the determination to make this the first of many stepping stones on my way to becoming a healthy me.

I am married to a great man, he has two sons that live with us and I adore them as well. I have been at the same job for 14 years and enjoy it very much. I very much enjoy being with my family and friends.

I am a 23yo 276lbs student/researcher. I've been fat all my life. In college I gained 65lbs topping out at 310lbs on a 5'4" frame. I lost 25lbs on the Atkins. I'm determined to lose at least 100lbs. By the grace of God I haven't be diaginosed with any serious health problems and I'm not going to wait until that happens to start doing something about it.

I am 24 years old and have been heavy most of my life. Like most people with weight problems I have tried almost every type of diet imaginable. I joined WW about 2 months ago and have lost 12lbs so far. My current weight is 221 and I started at 232.





I have tried all diets at least 3-4 times around. The first diet was Weight Watchers many many moons ago. I have three daughters so I really do want to be here for them and someday their kids..i.e my grandchildren

I am a mom of 3 great children. A 5 year old boy and 2 year old twin girls. I am a nurse for a Doctors office and I work 50 hours a week. I just turned 27 and have tipped the scale at 248 pounds!! Being 5'6" I am 100 pounds overweight. I am very determined and am so tired of being the fat chick!

I'm 26 yrs.old Stay@Home Mommy!! Jersey born n raised. Relocated to Florida Dec.06 Been Married for 3 1/2 years. I have 2 daughters, D'Yanni 2 and Ava~Lynne 3 months. About myself, hmmm...When pregnant with D'Yanni i develpoed Preeclampsyia causing an uncontrolable weight gain, Resulted in a Preemature birth an about 80lbs. EXTRA baggage...Lost 44lbs. First week, then finally dropped 30. Then i slowly started putting the lbs. back on......May 06" I'm Pregnant again..lol...Only putting 26lbs. on throughout the Pregnancy i lost all of it within 2 wks. after Ava's birth. So right now I'm basically stuck @ 200lbs. and wearing a SZ.13...so not Happy with myself....I am determined to lose n keep off all the weight this time! I've been down this road once before, I~myself must burn 3500 cal. awk. in order to lose 2-3 lbs. awk....Only downfall i have is the childcare @the gym only watch 6months + .....In a couple of months i'll be able to bring both kids to the GYM..!!!! That's really sucky but as long as i stick with Weight Watchers (the right way 2eat) i should be alright...

I am a 46 year old wife and mother. I have 4 children 19, 17, 16, and 11. I work as a teacher (for now).

I am a 33 year old female, married with 3 kids. I work part time outside of the home and have 10 jobs inside of the home :)! I get stressed out easily and run to food to calm my nerves. Since I have so much going on, it's easier for me to eat out and not exercise. What is motivating me to change is that I can hardly walk, I never have energy and I feel that due to my eating habits, I am losing brain power. I used to be an extremely beautiful and intelligent women and now I feel like a huge dumb blob. I want to keep up with my kids and keep my husband attracted to me.

I am a 30 yr old with a daughter and husband I work full time and go to school full time.

I'm Erica... 28 y/o Mother of one, recently divorced, just trying not to let the emotional rollercoaster I've been on dictate my food choices as it has in the past. Trying to stay positive, healthy, and upbeat.
Things I love about me:
* My dedication to my family and friends
* My ability to dance
* The way my son adores me because of the mom I've been
* My eyes
New blog started at http://hottieintraining.blogspot.com/

I am a single mother of three, 2 girls and 1 boy. I gained most of my weight during my pregnancies and haven't been able to get it off. I am hoping Weight Watchers will help me.


Married with 3 children ages 16, 14, 11


36 year old happily married for 17 years! Father of 2 great boys. My oldest is 16 and my youngest is 11.


Married, 42 year old mother of soon to be 3 year old twins. I'm running out of excuses by saying I "just" had twins!

I am 36 years old. Mom to 4 kids, 18, 16, 10, 5. I am married. I am on disability now for fibromyalgia as well as anxiety and other issues.I am sure if I lose weight I will feel much better mentally and physically. I have battled my weight all my life and have come to a point where I need to lose it for the long term. I have lots of hobbies, crochet, sew, read, scrapbook, play online, watch reality tv. I need to find some activities that are a bit more active.

I am 50 years old teacher. I am married with three kids, all out of high school. I need to lose 30 pounds. I have lost 12 so far on Weight Watchers.

I'm 23, my husband and I have been married for almost 3 yrs. I'm a 911 Operator and life is crazy busy, I'm trying my best to find some time for me to take care of myself and my body.

41 years old divorced female. I have gained 23 pounds over the last 3 years and want to lose it!!!!

I am 29 years old, married for almost 8 years and have an awesome little girl, who is 3 years old. I recently left the work place, to stay home for the summer with my little one and go back to school in the fall. I have been working towards my life change for a while now...



I'm a 33-year-old self-employed writer and part-time college instructor. Spent my early years in my father's native Oklahoma, but was raised primarily in the Fort Lauderdale, FL suburbs. Am in the process of moving back out west to North Texas, just south of where I started from.
Not married, no kids. Right now, my business is my kid. :-)


I am married mother of 1 18month old girl and I work part time as a Registered Nurse.

I am 31 years old, married and the mother of two beautiful little girls. I was thin up until I got married 9 years ago. Having two kids just gave me the excuse to put on the weight and now I am having a hard time taking it off! I am pretty self confident but there are parts of my body that I don't like so I want to lose weight and tone up. But mainly, I just want to be healthy for my kids.

I am 27 yrs old, looking to lose at least 20lbs before my wedding in august. I still have a total of 40lbs to lose but would like to be down 20 by aug!

Well I just turned 29 on May 21, 2007. I have been married for 8 years and have 2 children, Haiden 7, and Alayna 16 months. I currently weigh about 205 lbs. If I could lose 50 lbs. I would be exstactic and I do believe it is a realistic goal. I should pobably aim for more of a loss, but I don't want to set myself up to fail.


gaining weight daily... have tried so many things... I NEED this to work... can you help me? ANYONE.... I want to be the next person on the covor of people... I want to be like KATE


I am a 40 year old female. I've worked as a 911 operator for approx. 7 years. This past year I left the EMS profession to work for a local Veterinary office in order to help reduce the stress in my life and get back to a healthly weight.

I am 22 yrs old and have one son that's 4 yrs old. It took me awhile to get rid of my childhood chubbiness and was always slender after that. After I had my son in 2003, I went back to my orginal weight after 6 months and kept it off. But when i began a new job I gained 40 lbs from lack of exercise.

I am 52, in a long-term relationship, an administrative assistant, love reading, computer, cooking, playing with our pets. I also am a massage therapist and work with astrology.

41 year old mother of two girls, married, full time teacher, former working actress - in past years of parenting, have gotten weighed down in terms of stress and time.
I want myself back.

I am a 33 year old woman in the banking industry, and I've come to realize that my weight is holding me back at work and in my personal life. Duh.

I live in sunny Southern California, I am a wife of 16 years, a mom to 5 kiddos and a friend to many. I like to bike ride, hike, read and hang out with my family and friends.

I'm a 44-year-old mom with a clever, challenging, and sweet 5-year-old son. I have been on the yo-yo diet plan for most of my life. I am scared to death that this is one more attempt that will end with 20 lbs lost only to see 25 lbs gained. I’m here because I need all the help I can get to not let that happen. I hope to be able to help others while I am being helped. It would be great for all of us to end up exactly where we want to be; happy, healthy, and proud of ourselves. With 120 lbs to lose I am trying to focus on 10% increments, the Weight Watchers way. To have 27 lbs gone by 7/17/07 means I have to lose 3 pounds a week. It is aggressive but worth a shot. I know I am in this for the long haul. It took me 40 years to get here... All I can think of is that if I lose an average of just 1 pound a week I will be 49 pounds lighter when I turn 45. That is a great goal! If I lose 2 pounds a week it would be 98 pounds gone, that just means more to be happy about. Or should I say less? :-)
I am tired of being tired. I am tired of feeling out of place. I am tired of not fitting, let alone not fitting in. I want to be healthy. I want to be able to go down the waterslide with my son, fit in the roller coaster seats with him, to be comfortable in the summer and to be able to buy sale clothing!!! It is time and I am ready.

I will be 55 soon and I am married for almost 27 years to a very wonderful man. We have 3 daughters, one is 32 and the twins are 31, and 1 son whose is 35. We also have 5 grandsons and 2 grand-daughters. My home is in Maysfield Texas and I currently live and work in the Marshall Islands. The island is only 3.5 miles long and .5 miles wide. We ride bikes everywhere we go, and that isn't very far. Our supplies come on a barge every 2 weeks. So getting low fat food is very rare. We don't have Weight Watchers I can go to, But I have alot of Weight Watchers Books from when I was in Weight Watchers before. So I know what to cook it is just getting the motivation and the right attitude. I read about this website in a peoples magazine and thought this is exactly what I need, a place where I can go to and ask for help, and be accountible for my actions. My husband and I do go to the gym 5 days a week, and work out about 45 minutes at a time. I also try to do some walking in the evening when it is not raining.

I am a 34 year old middle school teacher. I used to be a very active athlete in my younger days, now walking around the block can knock the wind out of me.

Just about to turn 50 years old. Beginning my weight loss journey with Weight Watchers for the third time. I am determined to stick to the program this time.

I love to read, write poetry and play with graphics and jam out to my nano! I am an emotional eater, but have a tendency to not eat when I am upset but celebrate by eating. I have recently gotten married and quit smoking ( again) and the weight is just ughhh coming on! I will be 40 in October and would like to loose some weight by then!

I am ...40 something. I have always had an issue with weight. The reality is that much of the time I thought I was fat I was not. Anyway, a few years ago, my eating issues sub-sided and I DID actually gain weight. I became a WW. I did well and became a lifetime member. I then did too well, and got down pass what WW deems a healthy weight. So I stopped going. Five years later I was back to were I started. I have re-started with WW. I am now at close to the healthy weight for me. Now the battle really begins. Keeping me healthy.

I am 25 years old. I live in beautiful northwestern Montana and Love it! There is so much to do here and I can not wait to get out and enjoy it all. I am a mother of 2 boys, 4 and 7. I have a wonderful husband of 8 years!


I'm 32, and in bit of a slump. I need motivation, big time to get my lazy butt off the sofa and back into the world.

I am a 21 year old college student. I enjoy being with friends and family, running, reading, playing with my dogs, and going out.

Turning 55 in August; that doesn't seem possible! I live in a small town in Northeastern Wisconsin and commute 40 miles each way daily to my corporate job in Green Bay (home of the World Champion Green Bay Packers!!). I own my own home and love to read, play Scrabble and work in the garden. I work full time in a corporate environment. 0 kids, 1 cat, lots of friends.

I'm a 30 yr old male, married for over 2 1/2 yrs, new father (daughter born 7/27/07), finishing up a B.S. degree in Bus. Mgmt. I'm looking to better myself in just about every aspect of my life.



I am 19 years old, and a college student with a good life, but I have always had a problem with weight. I have tried Weight Watchers a couple of times, but when I started gaining weight back it was because I wasn't journaling my food intake. That's why I am excited about this -it focuses on what my diet problem is. It will also be nice to not feel alone,


I am 44. I'm a mother of two, 9 and 6. I am a new assistant principal at two schools. My husband & I moved to the Bay Area a year ago. I lost my father 2 years ago and now my mother lives with us. I am the 'rock' of this family. I am the one everyone turns to in a crisis because I seem to be the one who can keep it together during any situation. I am the dependable one.

Pushing 50 years old, living in the midwest, two great kids (7 & 12) One wonderful(most days) husband.
Just want to get healthy to be able to keep up with my kiddos and to give myself the confidence boost I need to get back in the job market.

Hi! My name is Rachelle. I am 28 years old. I just finished my doctrate of pharmacy. I weigh 335lbs. My goal is to be 150lbs. I have been obese my entire life. It's not a family thing. I tend to starve myself thru out the day and binge eat at night and I am not physically active. All in all I hope to make friends, learn more about myself, and loose weight in the process.

I am the lead Surgery Scheduler at MoBap Hospital. I schedule for over 200 doctors and have 21 OR's. I have to juggle doctors, staffing, and patients. I do sit all day, and most days I have to eat at my desk. The Cafeteria food is sooo bad for your health, but so tasty.

I am 31 with three kids 1yr-7yrs old. I stay at home all day with them and work nights and weekends as a Cell biology Research Scientist. So basically I get NO SLEEP and I have NO TIME! My body seems to stay around 185lbs and I am 5'4. Never had a real weight problem until the kids came and since then I have bounced between 165-195lbs.

I am 25 years old living in San Diego, CA living out my life-long dream of becoming a dolphin trainer. I have always been very conscious of my eating habits, but have let go in the past year or so. I want to get back on track.

I'm 37 and have been married 11 1/2 years. I have 2 children, the oldest is 8 1/2 yrs and the youngest almost 6! I love setting and working towards a goal...even though they are sometimes a real challenge.

I'm a 29yr old single mom, who is ready to move on past the past hurts and live a happy life. My son is 14, and just started High School. I have not had a date in years! :( I would like to further my career and education. I have a BA in Psyc. I work a very hard job, working with adults with persistent, severe, mental illness. I just work and then come home, which is stressfull because I live far away from my family back in Eastern NC, and I have no close friends here or social network. I want to lose weight, be healthy and confident. My weight has held me back long enough. I'm also ready for Mr. Right for me too!

I am 34 and have been happily married for 13 yrs. We have a little boy who is 5 and a baby girl that is 1. I homeschool my son who loves to read and learn. Our family is very involved in our church and love being together.

Working to lose weight and get healthier on the Weight Watchers Program. I'm 33 y/o and married going on 2 years! We have a great yellow lab and will hopefully be adding some children one day.
I work in the legal field with crime victims.

I'm 24 years and extremely busy. I'm a college grad who's going back again, while working full time and planning an October 2007 wedding! My freshman year I managed to NOT gain the "freshman 15", but after moving in with my "now" fiance I gained the "College 60". I lost 20 pounds with weight watchers, but I'm stuck right now (I've gained 7 pounds back) and wanted to try something new. So, here I am hoping peer trainer can help me reach my goal!!

I'm 26 years old and have been working desk jobs for the past 6 years... it has not been good for my waist line... thats for sure!

Im just trying to stay healthy !

I am 48 years old, I work form home have 2 kids and a husband - I work form home but also travel a lot --I have gained about 50 pounds in the last 4 years since I took this job. I am now ready to get rid of the weight and start using my schedule as a benefit -- planning exercisisng, etc.

I am a 33 year old single police officer and have found that I am now wearing my "fat" uniform pants and also find that my bulletproof vest is a tad too small - I have got to get my health in order!! (Plus, I want to get back into my regular pants and feel good again!!)


Age 54, married and moved to NY away from my 3 children and 7 grandkids. I joined WW both to loose weight and meet some new people. I am seriously committed to loosing and keeping off the weight.


40 year old, married for 17 years, mom of of two: a 12 year old and 10 year old. Fifth grade teacher teacher in public schools.

I am 38 years old. Married with 2 children. Work Monday thru Friday.

19 year old girl who just finished my years in high school. Planing to start college here in Sweden in fall. Something I would like to look good to.
About my history when it comes to weight: I have always been chubby and in the last couple of years I have become fat. Yeah you heard me, really fat. So now I am looking for support here with you guys and hope that I will lose a couple of pounds (and maybe learn a little english)

I'm a 60 year old grandmother who likes walking and working out. I've been a member of weight watchers for many years, I'm a life-timer.

Just really wanting to get back on track and feel healthy. I'm not married but have a wonderful boyfriend! I love to be outside and active...hiking and running especially.

I am a 42 year year old librarian. I am married with 2 children a daughter, 21 and a son, 19. I have hypothyroidism which is a constant battle to control with medication, it makes getting off my butt harder than it used to be. I have been over 200 lbs for the past five years, I just can't seem to below that 200 mark.

I am a single mother of two. My son is soon to be 21 and my daughter is 25. I am in a 3 year relationship with a wonderful man that I met on the internet. We live in Ohio and are both struggling with our weight. It seems happiness can also add pounds...plus the fact that we don't go to the gym like we did before we moved in together.



I've always been slim and active. As a graduate student I rarely have "free" time, but I like to go out....play sports...and have fun. I'm not much of a dieter...I'm much better at limiting portion sizes (or I used to be).

45, married, with a 5 yr old daughter

I'm 19 and almost 5' tall. I'm nerdy and bubbly. :)


i'm a personal trainer as well as real estate agent in miami. divorced after 23 yrs with 3 kids jason 28, ryan 25 & kristi 19

Divorced 51-year old female from Pa. Quit smoking 2 years ago and put on 20 lbs this past year. I currently work two jobs - a day office job and part-time waitress.


I am 51, swore I would lose weight and be in better shape by my 50th birthday, but here I am. I never had a weight problem till I had a knee accident and at 40 I was 100+ overweight.

I work full time and have two boys age 9 and 4 1/2. They demand a lot of attention when I'm not at work. I don't have a lot of time for myself an am trying to fit exercise in the nooks and crannies.



I am 38 years old, married, with 2 kids: 8 months and 3 years. I work about a bazillion hours a week as a special education director for a rural/suburban school district. I used to be a really great runner and also a gym rat, but family and job have taken over. I love being outdoors - especially by the ocean.

I would like to lose 50 pounds by my wedding date.


I'm 21 from joburg South Africa. Live with my boyfriend of 4 years, and a house full of pets! I work full time at a family business, looking after the website and all computer related things. I'm starting to study in September... doing a medic course to get off my butt!

I am an online student who's become inactive. I struggle with thyroid issues and have gained SEVERAL pounds which I would like to LOSE.

I'm a 30 y/o SAHM to 4 children ages 6 mos. - 5 years old. My husband and I were high school sweethearts and will be married for 10 years in November. In my "spare" time I enjoy being a MOPS leader, gardening, cooking, baking, and being outdoors.

I'm in high school and have ALWAYS hated my body, even before I was a preteen. I've been struggling with my weight since grade nine (even though, when I look at pictures of myself, I wasn't that big.) My insecurity ruined my first relationship, and I don't want that to happen again.
I like writing and reading. I'm usualy reading about 5 books at a time. (Not literally..I just read whatever book when I'm in the mood for it.) I like making movies as well, although none of them are all that good.
I'm pretty unintelligent. I'm failing math (34%...woohoo). I like history, but not wars, which is what we're studying. No, I like ANCIENT history, which is what I'm taking next year.
Oh right. I'm 15. Last time I checked, I was 5'3. I currently weigh 136 pounds (total weight loss so far: 9lbs!) I don't know if anyone else notices, but I have long thighs and short lower legs (shins? calves?). I sport lovely love handles and back fat. I have longish blond hair that is due for a haircut anytime soon.

I am married with three children, I have a home daycare. We enjoy camping, boating& various water sports.

WOHM with 2 boys (5 and 3). I've been OW my whole life and have struggled with losing and gaining.

I've been married for 4 years and have two boys - a 10 month old and a 2 1/2 year old. I work full time as a public defender and usually have pretty busy stressful days.

I am happily married with an 8 year old son. I've been above the healthy weight for my height and body type since my son's birth. I recently decided that it was time to get off my bottom and lose the excess weight. I'm excited and ready to go!!

I am 46 years old, married to a great guy (although Not very supportive ) with 3 grown children and 1 granddaughter. I simply love to eat. My DH doesn't have to watch his weight so there are some issues there.I like to walk for exercise and dream of being a runner some day..

I wrapped food around me like a best friend and refused to let go until I started ballroom dancing. With my graduate program in nursing coming up, and with the new found love of dance in my life, I look in the mirror and...look away again.
I want to look in the mirror again, and see a self-confident, nutrition-conscious, and healthy woman in her 30's.

Nothing too exciting here. 26 yrs old, single, and now ENGAGED (well, sort of)!! Yippee!!


I am 36 but that number does not resonate with me at all. I feel 26..sometimes 12. I recently graduated with a Masters in Education.

I tend to snack a lot, particularly on junk food.

I am a 38yo mother of two -- a DD15 and a DS7. I'm married, work full-time, and enjoy reading, writing, cooking and eating.

I'm a professor. I have 2 small children, my son just turned 4 and my daughter is 8 months. I'm 5'11" and currently weigh 209 pounds. I'm still nursing my daughter, so I'm doing the weightwatcher's nursing program.



I am a 34 year old SAHM. I love being at home. I have 3 boys ages 7 to 2. I have gained 90 lbs since my most fit and healthy time in college. That was 11 years ago. It has just creeped on. I joined Weight Watchers in January and lost 28 lbs. I also have started to exercise regulary since January. I love water aerobic but have found my latest passion is jogging. I have been married for 10 years as of this June.

I am 23, am a mom, am a graduate student in mental health counseling, and am an avid book reader and Harry Potter fan (I know it is dorky right!).

My name is Heather, I'm 21, married and just had a beautiful daughter! I'm currently in Oklahoma. I am graduating from Oklahoma State University in May 2008, then attending law school.

I'm 45, and live in New Zealand. I work full time in my own business, and live with my husband and two teenage children. I enjoy dancing, sewing, reading and gardening.

I'm a 33 yr old mom of 4 children. My kids are close in age (7yrs, 6yrs, 4yrs and 2yrs) and it has taken a toll on my body. I'd love to lose the weight and get active again.

I am 37 years old. I love big families, and now I am a mother of 6 children. ages 16-4. I have a great husband who loves me no matter what weight I am, but is probably tired of hearing me complain about myself. I am very happy with my life, just not my body. I just need to find a good support to keep me on track so that I can lose this weight once and for all. I love boating, waterskiing, travelling, quiet times, books etc.

49 yrs young, married, three children grown. I have been on many diets.... even had RYN surgery. But gained all the weight back each time. Trying Weight Watchers again, trying to do it healthy this time.


I am 39 with a wife and two kids (10 and 6). I play guitar and bass guitar in a rock band. I have always been "big", I'm 6' 4", I was 11 lbs. even when I was born. I was 330 when I graduated high school. I am currently at the highest I have ever been in my life and I want to change that. My wife has done the WW point plan before and lost weight. She wants to start it back up and I figured I would join in since I need to lose some pounds also.


Over 50, active professional, single, newly relocated to Southern California from Northern California.

I am a 23yr old graduate, working as an accountant, weighing 184. I was on some other extreme programs which helped lose the weight, but not keep it, and now I have struggling to lose the weight.


I work with children and families as a mental health therapist. I love reading and being creative.


I am 31 years old. I have been married for 8 years and I have two children ages 9 and 7. I need to get motivated and start doing something about the last 10 lbs. I need to lose. I currently weight 125lbs.


I am 26 and always on the go. I live with my boyfriend in our home we purchased in March. I work in IT and cover sites in multiple states so I may be in NJ one day and MD the next. This makes eating healthy a bit of a challenge. I have downloaded every available pdf on Nutritional info incase I am going to have to eat out. I try to cook most nights of the week and pack healthy lunch when possible.

I am a stay at home mom of 5 kids, ages 2-16. I have been married for 10 years. We live in South GA.


53yrs, Married, Mother of too many, Taxi Driver, Have 5 kids at home.



Happily married for 32 years to my highschool sweetheart. We have 3 grown kids and one grandkid:) He is retired AF and working in GS on the base close to us. I design computer graphics.

Married, mother of 4. I work as a substitute teacher. My husband and I also have our own vacation rental business. We own a condo in Gatlinburg, TN that we rent out for vacations, honeymoons etc...

I am a mother of 2 beautiful children. I am going to school to finish my Bachelors degree in Accounting and going right into my Masters program. I had my daughter on Jan. 8, 2006. I now weigh 203 lbs and have been up and down on the scale since she was born. I NEED TO LOSE THE WEIGHT!!

I finished grad school in the spring and found I got more than just a degree. I have gained 75lbs over the last few years and I'm ready to take it off!
More than anything I miss being more active. I want to be able to be a part of any activity that interests me. I have always been overweight but about 5 years ago I started exercising and lost 39.8lbs before coming to grad school and dropping out of weight watchers. I felt fantastic and that is what I want to feel again. Active, capable and in control. I had never been a particularly active person before and becoming more physical was incredibly empowering.
Now that I have finished school once and for all I am beginning a new body of work. I have always been primarly a landscape photographer but for the first time I am making images and videos about obesity. I'm not sure where they are going yet but I am interested in the politics surrounding weight and want to explore a little.


41, married with 4 great kids - 9, 7 & 4 year old twins. I am a court reporter but lucky to be able to be a full time Mom. I love sports - especially baseball (Go Angels!!). I am a huge Keith Urban fan and just saw (& met) him for the first time.


I am a 33 year old married Mother of 2: One boy and one girl. I work full time and am raising a 5 year old Drama Queen and an 8 year old son w/ ADHD/PDD. Life is more than a little stressful at times. I need to be healthy to be a good example for my kids.

46 - married, working, exercises about 5 days a week - running, classes, bikram yoga. loves to socialise, loves my MAC. othre hobies, reading, cooking, movies, travel.

I live in a small town in northern California with my boyfriend and dog. I work for an insurance agent and am an active member of the Soroptimist Club. Last year I decided to go back to school through University of Phoenix Online. My life has become so busy, I don't have time to work out as I should.

Im 28 years old, I met the man of my dreams and we are getting married August 15th 2009. Im working full time in a group home with behavioural female teenagers. I love my job, it's amazing knowing I can help teenager girls overcome their difficulties or problems that may occur in their everyday life.

I'm an almost-30 English teacher. I was successful with Weight Watchers about six years ago, but I gained it all back during the last five years of teaching. I rejoined WW last year, but I'm missing the motivation I had last time. I am newly engaged; the wedding will be in the fall of 2008. I would like to lose about 30 pounds, and I would like to lose much of that by the new year. I know it's ambitious, but I'm determined, and I think PeerTrainer might give me the extra push I need.

I am a 26 y.o. married mother to 2 and a step-mother to 1 more. I have always struggled with my weight. I am currently 5' 10" and weight 185.6 pounds. About 2 1/2 years ago I started Atkins after my second daughter was born and lost 50 pounds over the course of 6 months and was down to 163. I felt great about my weight loss, but still felt Iike I had more to lose and my body still wasn't the way I wanted it. My first baby was huge (over 10 lbs.) and my stomach stretched quite a bit so I have a lot of extra flab. Over the last year I have gained 20 pounds back and am now determined to lose weight the healthy way, by eating right and exercising, so I can tone and keep the weight off.

I'm a 34 year old, stay at home mom of two girls (ages 8 and 4). I've been married for almost 15 years. I am also currently a student. I'm ready to start taking care of myself. 4 years ago I lost 80 pounds and due to two years of hard times (school full-time, 6 deaths of family and friends, etc), I have come close to gaining it all back. I'm ready to get this weight off for good. I'm miserable and am ready to live my life!!


I am 40 year old retail buyer that sits in an office all day.

I am 31 years old. I have three children. 2 girls ages 9 and 4. 1 boy age 17 months. I am married of almost 6 years and he works evenings. I have my own home day care.

I've been married for one year. My husband was recently transferred to another state, so I'm 5 hours away by car from my family and friends. We're hoping to someday be graced with children. The clock is ticking ;-)

I'm 25 years old and work in the wonderful world of retail, which makes it difficult to stay on a workout plan. I love my dog and he always loves to go for a walk. I also love to take pictures so Buddy and I like to venture to new places for cute photo ops.

I am a busy mom! I am trying to get to and maintain a healthy weight.

my name is Emily. I am 26 years old with a 2 1/2 year old and an 8 month old. When pregnant, I made it up to 320 pounds and am now down to 280. I have a really hard time losing weight because I get easily discouraged. I have polycystic ovarian syndrome which makes it hard to lose weight and then I have another genetic condition where I have more muscle than the average male athlete uugghhh. I weigh about 40 pounds more than any other woman my size. My sister has the same thing. She is a size 4 and weights 165 pounds.
I did make it down to 210 pounds four years ago by developing a love for running but I busted my achilles tendon in the process and am still having problems with it. I would love to run again and I think that I am going to continue to have issues with it while overweight since there is so much weight on my ACL

Mother of 2 boys. Elemetary PE teacher. Busy all day and come home starving--end up eating junk all evening.

I'm 49, a mum of 2, and grandma to 2, how lucky can you be? ...I am in my final year of a Bachelor degree in nutriion...(how can a nutritionist be fat??)
I live with my husband of 31 years.....and lead a very hectic lifestyle, 1 work 2 days, go to school for 2 day, mind my grandchildren once a week, and when I am stressed I eat, i eat when i am happy, when i am sad, when i am bored......in fact i just eat. Im a leo, have an optermistic personality, and I try.

I am a single mother of a 1 year old daughter. I am French and I have been living in America for 7 years now, just moved to the Dallas area in July 07. I am still trying to meet friends!
I started gaining weight when I came to the US. I do a lot of nervous, emotional eatings as I miss my family and friends in France and with the stress of my job (a teacher) and raising a toddler completly by myself.

I'm a flight attendant and my schedule is never the same. Changing time zones messes me up. I'm 57 5'3" and 162lbs. It's been a tough year, my husband has colon cancer and I'm a stress eater.

I have been a little overweight for most of my life. I was picked on for it in elementary school and most of my highschool years. I am tired of it. It has made me very insecure, and very difficult to meet new people and make new friends.

I am a 32 year old mom who has decided I can no longer use the excuse I had a baby since my son is 7 years old! I seem to keep gaining a couple of pounds every couple of months. I need to take charge of my weight now!

*** BACK FROM SURGERY AND READY TO ROLL... or rather... lose the rolls!***
I'm 22 and newley married to the love of my life Sean. I am a below the knee amputee due to congenital birth defects but that has never held me back. I was very active growing up, I played soccer, and ran track, however, as I've grow my activity level has dropped to practically non-existant.

I am a 36 year old wife and SAHM of a 2-year old and a 10 year old. I am also, and foremost, a Christian who loves Christ Jesus and seeks to glorify Him in spirit and in body. Visit my blog at: http://pro31woman.blogspot.com

65 yrs old newly retired RN. I never felt better and more active than ever. I was blown away when I found out I am prediabetic, have low thyroid and low B12. I already have high BP. . My stress level has markely decreased with out That 4 letter word WORK . I am out and about almost every day. Who would wnat to stay inside when living in paradise.

I am the mother of five children 5 and under. I was always active growing up and never struggled with weight. Now that I've had four pregnancies right on top of each other, I need to learn how to actively pursue weight loss!


Busy working woman with little time for myself. Struggling with 2 medications which list weight gain as a frequent side affect.

I've been a stay at home mom for almost 6 yrs.and I don't work so I know that's causing weight gain.So I really have to watch my weight and my activity levels.

I am a 28 year old mother of 2 who has been battling weight loss a long time. I have been a "yo-yo" dieter for about 5 years. I lose, I gain, I lose, then gain 10 more, and so forth. I know the group says 50 yrs plus, but I am often referred to as an "old soul." Besides, I need to be around wisdom!

Hello! I'm Eva and I am a 26 year old young professional looking to get some inspiration to keep me motivated and dedicated in my weight loss journey!


I am married with two children - ages 4 and 16 months. I work in Human Resources for my real job and am a personal trainer on the side.

I am 24. I am currently in college at Montclair State University in the fall. I work as a nanny for two boys in NJ. Anything else you want to know please feel free to ask!!

Hi, I am 41, married 24 years with three grown children. 21, 19, 18. I joined weight watchers in April of 2007. I am doing ok i guess, as it is a very slow process for me. I gain and lose and gain and lose. But i do love the meetings, people, and can really eat what i want. I love gardening, chickens and ducks, and my dogs. I walk daily, but need to push myself for longer walks. If i am walking alone, i tend to talk myself into going home and watch tv instead, shame on me.





I'm a 50 year old single female. I've just recently had to move back with my parents to look after them. They are both in their 80's and my Dad suffers from Alzheimers it was either move back or put them in a home and I just simply could not. The stress of this new arrangement plus just over the last two years of trying to decide what to do has really help put the weight on.

I am a new mom and a 5th grade teacher. I have gained a total of 60lb that needs to be gone. Through the birth of my son and a divorce I ballooned. I am ready to try to date again but I lack the confidence due to my weight. I never was skinny but I was a curvy girl and I am fine with that.

I am 28 and recently married (070707)! I live in AZ with my hubby and our 2 "kids", a Rottie named Tank and a German Shepherd named Chewbacca. I have the most amazing family and thank God everyday for all of the blessings he has given me. I love the Dallas Cowboys, so football season is my favorite time of year. I work way too much, but I live by the saying "Work hard, play harder"
I have recently lost about 15lbs and feel great. My clothes fit, I have more energy, and I feel good about myself! Even with that, I have hit a road block. I have a serious lack of motivation all of a sudden to drop the last 10lbs. I need a pick me up!


Brainy 38-yr-old who needs to lose about half my body weight. Long history and habits have been keeping me in a state of on-going resistance, with short-term successes followed 2-3 weeks later by quitting and the start of the next cycle.
(1) Allow for the possibility that this program / this time can lead to long-term change (despite past evidence to the contrary) -- aim to start totally fresh, with beginner's mind.
(2) We always live up to our expectations, not our desires.
(3) Our expectations are based on past results (which are based on past actions).
(4) The way to break the cycle of future expectations / beliefs coming from past failures is to take LOTS of SMALL positive actions to bolster up fledgling motivation and self-belief.

I'm 41 and happily married. I have 2 daughters, ages 8 and 10. I am very involved with my church. I work part-time. I play tennis (doubles), and I have a big social life (which is the majority of my problem).

Im 23, single, working at at&t as a customer service rep. My job has helped keep the weight ON because I never move. I hate being confined to a chair for 8 hours a day. Plan on taking advantage of the 1 hour lunch to get in the gym.



30yo mother of 3, married, RN. would love to loose 80 lbs and be the hot sexy body that goes with my personality. its time to get rid of the spare tire around my waist from having kids for me and my family. want to be able to have more energy at the end of the day than what my kids have and still have energy for my husband. its time to start taking care of me!!

I am a 53 year old woman with 50 plus pounds to lose. I had lost 20 but have put all but 5 back on on weight watchers, I guess I will have to track a little better.

I'm from Kilkenny in Ireland, married to Tom and have one son Adam. I work as a Clerical officer, i love to go out socialising with friends and family. i love cooking and cleaning, i find it theraputic.


I'm 43 and work in public relations for a state university. I bought my first house a couple of years ago and am still working on decorating and landscaping -- probably a never-ending project.


I'm a 43 y.o single woman and have struggled off and on with weight all my life. I love my job as a Clinical Social Worker with our local Health Department. I spend my free time with a great group of friends and love boating, gardening and training my new adorable puppy.

I am a 22 year-old recent college graduate. Current job: substitute teacher (it's also my substitute job, but I love it!)

i am a constant traveler. i travel at least 10 months out of a year in an rv with my sweetheart and our 2 dogs and our bird.


I am a working Mom who has been married for 6 years. I have a great looking husband who can eat anything and stay slim. I love hanging out with my son, shopping and having drinks with my girlfriends.



fourth year engineering student just trying to be healthy and lose some unnecessary body fat,



I am 52 years old and work full time. My husband loves wine and we drink more of it than we should. It is always good wine to go with the good food we are eating. Not a recipe to lose weight.

I've been a member of Weight Watchers for 2 years. I obtained my lifetime membership last year but have struggled to maintain. I've since gained 10 pounds back.



5'6" - 160 lbs. ~wanna be fit and healthy~
I'm 24 years old and work in Advertising. I'm not very happy with my job lately so I know that has a lot to do with my eating habits.
I live with and incredible boyfriend and our equally incredible dog. My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years. I'll add more as I become more involved on this site but that's a start.

a student in a heavy program with a will to get into shape and shed pounds as well

33 year old female

I am 27, from south Jersey area. I work in IT and live with my boyfriend in DE.
I did WW for about 6 months and lost 32 lbs when I was at my lowest. Right now I have put back on some and I have officially decided that those need to go and then some.


I've been on Weight Watchers since 9/07. I think this is like my 6th time on Weight Watchers.


Service Engineer W/ CBRE.
will be 39 march 11
marride 13yrs we have 3 kids 2 add home 1 not


Single mother of 2 boys, ages 12 and 5. Work full-time and currently studying full-time for the CPA exam so I have almost no time to workout. I'm hoping to have at least 2 days a week for the gym.



Hello. I am 23, my starting weight was 259. I Have been married for almost two years, we have an 8 month old daughter. I am currently Pregnant again.

I'm 39, single- I have a 5 year old nephew I adore, a 16 year old dog I adore. I enjoy going to church and helping with the children.

I am 31, a project manager in market research. I live in Maryland


32 years old, married, 2 kids, professional HR Manager.


I will be turning 38 in Aug 2009, wow that doesn't seem possible. I have 3 boys (10, 6, 3) that keep me busy and I enjoy hanging out with friends and weekend cocktails... I have heard that I should skip the drinks because they are empty calories but hey I like 'em!

48 yo, mother of terrific 11 yo daughter. Married 22 years. He is great, but still fits in his high school clothes, so he doesn't understand what I am going through. Have gained almost 30 lbs in the last 10 years despite regular workouts and generally healthy eating. Feeling frustrated and lost.

I like to have fun. I love to be outside. I love animals. I like to hike and camp and would do that for a living if I could find somebody to pay me!
I like to do things for others and tend to feel better about myself when I am helping someone else. I don't handle stress as wells as I would like and tend to let it build up on me to a point where I can't hold it in t and then I freak out - I'm working on that.



i am 51 year old homemaker not by choice had a work ijury that is keeping from work so i am board need to lose weight and become mord active i like to read the bible and go to church and helping people is my thing to do i enjoy helpling it make me feel good to help someone so i like people and i am positive in all that i do i like to stick at what i do and try to do the best at it

I am 30yrs old. Married, Mother of 2 boys 2 and 4. Stay at home mom. Currently weighing 296.8 as of this morning have lost 10lbs in the 1st 3 weeks on the plan been on WW flex plan since Jan 1st this year have been over weight since I was a child. Weighed 224 as a highschool senior. lost down to 150 during college, starving myself and staying out all night. Gained back after married and kids. made up my mind to change in 2008 and have been sticking to this new WW plan well.

Just turned 36. I'm a financial reporting analyst and pretty much sit on my butt all day. I played football in college for a couple years and took up cycling my Jr and Sr year after football as a way to stay in shape. After college, my active lifestyle went away and really started packing it on. Fastforward 14 years and blam +80-85 lbs.



45, married to a great, supportive guy, two very lovable kids (12 and 10). Returned to work full-time.. 5'7" and curvy but unfortunately most of the "curve" has settled to my backside,hips and thighs!! When it comes to dieting I have "high hopes" and never seem to follow anything through.

I'm a 34 yr old single mom of a five year old. I have my master's degree in Social Work and work for a county agency as a psychotherapist. In the past five years I have lost approximately 110 pounds and am so proud of myself, but these last 20 pounds or so are killing me!!

Age 55, female


I am 27 years old, married, and have a wonderful little boy. When I actually go to the gym I like it- alot. I need motivation and encouragement. I didn't really have anyone to talk to about my weight and overeating till I met some great friends on peertrainer! I've been dieting my whole life. I think that is why it is sooooo hard to lose weight this time (after having my son). I think I just need support from people who understand me and who also need support and motivation. I NEED TO LOSE THIS WEIGHT FOR ME!!!!

I'm 32 and I just had my first son December 7, 2006. He's now toddl'in around the house and I'm attempting to get back into shape. I am a musician, currently on a hiatus from my music degree but I hope to be back in school this fall. I love to cook! I have a wonderful boyfriend who is a photographer and we have a two kids: our son and our persian cat. :)
My goal is to get down to my pre pregnancy weight. I'm counting points with weight watchers. I gained 60 pounds with the pregnancy and when I came home from the hospital I was 180. I've slowly been losing weight by pushing the stroller around in my neighborhood but got stuck in the 170's for a good 8 months or so. I've decided to really work at it and have been back on the WW program since January 4th, 2008.


I am 35 year old wife and mother of two beautiful children. I work full-time as a social worker. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends.

I am 29 years old.....and getting ready to hit the big 3-0!!! Not only do I want to look fabulous for my Birthday but Im here for the long run.....I am making changes so i be here for my daughter and husband as long as I can. I quit smoking and have been smoke free for 8 months now! I gave up soda but have one occasionally, and I am active by dancing, body jam, zumba, turbo jam, C25K and Jillian Michaels 30 DS! Going to start Chalene Extreme soon. : )



I am a 32 year old, married, midwestern woman. I LOVE spending time in the kitchen and discovering all the flavors life has to offer.

I am 49 years old, married for 26 years, have 7 children ages 24,22,20,18,16,13..and 4. I work as an RN.


30 year-old Black female,
Single mother of 1little girl,
Case worker so always in the car, in the office, and hardly on my feet.

I am a rather comfortable person, in general. I never really pushed my self towards achievement. I have been lazy, what can I say?! Now its time to take control of my life before it passes me by and I have nothing to show for it. I am young, single, and free to do what I want,so I feel that now is the time. My transformation begins here, and it begins with weight loss!

Weight 2 weeks ago:165lbs
02/12 - 164 lbs
Have 1 yr old baby...so sometime its difficult to concentrate on my diet and exercising.

I am a SAHM for the time being. I am a cancer surviver. Non-hodgkin's lymphoma. I'm married and have an 8 year old girl and a 6 year old boy. I enjoy reading and exercising. And unfortunately, eating.

I have managed to make it to 35 years old without dieting. I am a diet virgin. Two years ago I fell in love - and fell in fat. 25 pounds gained since the first kiss. I don't know what happened. In the past weight has come on and come off and I haven't had to worry to much about it all. I got through to 80's without taking a single aerobics class, that's how new all this is to me.

Working on the real reasons why I've been fat since the age of eight.
SAHM of two young boys and putting myself first on the list for the first time and it feels great!
I'm an artist that's making time to be creative for the first time in years and loving it!
It's funny how life has a way of 'taking over' and you can easily lose yourself.
My Blog: http://www.sonyaslosingit.com/


I am a self employed attorney. I am in court daily, since I do criminal defense, and I drive a lot - over 40,000 miles a year. My car always seems to be drawn to drive throughs, (and it doesn't help that I never have time to have lunch). Stress seems to be increasing, since I am taking on more and more work, and yet with court delays, I am out of the office from 8:30 a.m. to 5pm, and then work late to catch up.
I'm also in the middle of a divorce and I feel the stress of that quite a bit.

I am 24 years old and graduated from college in '07, where I majored in Bio and Psyc. I am going back to get my MS in Counseling Psychology in September 09. I also work in psychology research. I live in Boston with my boyfriend of 6 years. I am really into living a healthy lifestyle and trying to be as 'Green' as possible, and hope to use that to try and loose weight.
I have struggled with weight as long as I can remember, and lost about 40lbs my sophomore year of college. Since then I haven't been the 'fat girl' anymore, but I still struggle with the habits that got me there. Hoping to make changes that last for good so I can get the last 20-ish lbs lost!!

I am in my late 20's. I love to travel, hike and listen to music. I am an Internal Auditor. Worked for a big 4 accounting firm.


Stay at home mom of a 3 and 7 year old. My husband is working several days a week away from home. I am a Registered Nurse, but have not worked in the field for 4 years. Keep a very busy schedule with the kids.

I am 38 years old, married with two girls ages 10 and 5. I am a cardiac nurse and currently pursuing my BSN degree. Weight has been a struggle for me since I was twelve years old.



I am an Oncolgy Nurse, a part time mom, and a compulsive pleasure seeker.
My favorite things ,second of course to basic human needs and my children, are traveling , music, spicy foods, Pyrat Rum, Herradura Tequila, and lots of laughter shared with special people.

I am 57 years old and work fulltime as a speech-language pathologist who works with families with young deaf and hard of hearing children. I find it difficult to find time to get exercise-but I need to start setting time aside for myself.
I live by myself. I have a 27 year old son who lives in his own apartment in a nearby community..

I am 22 years old, a loving wife and a mother of two beautiful little girls. I graduated from Oklahoma State University in May '08 with my Bachelor's degree in Public Relations. I work at a hospital in the ER and it's fun; definitely not boring! The downfall is that there is ALWAYS junk food in the break room!
I am on a weight loss journey for three reasons.
1. For my health, although I have never had any problems, heart disease does run in the maternal side of the family.
2. For my personal confidence. I want to feel "sexy", I'm young and shouldn't be ashamed of my body.
3. For my family. My husband loves me no matter what, but I'd love to be able to buy something from Victoria's Secret and wear it for him. Also, my girls. I want to be active with them and not get worn out like I do. I also want to be a good influence on them to live a healthy lifestyle.

I am 44 yrs old with two sons ages 18 and 22. I have been married 26 yrs to a great guy. I am a 3rd degree Black belt in Taekwondo. Honestly I have really let my self go and I want to get back on target

36 yr Single Mom of 2 kids-10 & 12


I am a SAHM , I am 38. I am married to my best friend a very wonderful man for 15 years. we have 3 children together and he came with a pre family of 4. As a result I am a grand momma and I enjoy spending time with my granddaughter and grandson.
I was not an overweight child, but at the age of 12 I weighed in at 126 and gained 10lbs every year basically till age 29. I gained the xtra 40lbs and a baby and never lost the xtra weight and have been this weight since then give or take.
I am not a dieter, I am not into fads and the latest and greatest new diet out. I WILL however be trying ALLI along with my new weight loss goals.



I'm 65, wanting to lose 20 pounds. Married for 46 years. Enjoy spending time with family and 14 grandchildren 22 - 6 yrs old. Have done weight watchers, curves, 3-d and was at my goal wait 18 years ago and it has been a struggle since.



I'm 41, happily married for 21 yrs with 2 children 21 & 17. I have never been "thin" but have gained a considerable amount of weight after my first childbirth (50 lbs!) and continued to gain since then.


I'm 33, mother of one, married. work full time, earning a Bachelor's degree.

I'm a 42-year-old history teacher, married with two sons 11 and 8. I love medieval studies and nerdly pursuits like Dungeons and Dragons. While I stand a lot as a teacher, I spend my free time sitting... playing video games, or playing my bass, or watching hockey, or writing/reading... need to be more active!

23 years old. Just moved to a barrier island off the coast of southeast GA. My meals are prepared for me...and the temptations are plentiful!


I am about to turn 30 and have a goal of really getting into shape this year (my new years resolution for probably the last 5 years). I would like to lose about 40lbs and be healthier over all. I work full-time, love my job and have a wonderful partner. I am a Director of a terrific non-profit that provides job training and job placement to low income individuals. I love going to the gym - it feels like "me time". I also love going out to eat and have to learn how to make healthier choices when I go out.
My goal is to lose 30 lbs by July and feel confident in a bathing suit - something that I haven't felt in years! I would also like to be able to jog/run again - it's such a stress reliever for me. I used to run 8 miles a day in High School- something I couldn't even imagine doing now!

My name is Michele, I am 43, live in california with my husband and 13 year old son. I work for a large energy company and work long hours, but like my job usually. between work, home, carting my kid around and making sure he does what he's supposed to do, taking care of the house, and everything else life gives us, I am busy... have a hard time not craving sweets.



I am 41 years old, married and the mother of 3 busy kids. They are 13, 11 and 5. I also teach 4 days a week. I try to find time for myself and exercising. I love to eat, drink and be merry and so I need to work on portion control and not making weekends a free for all.




Hi! My name is Annie. I live in Seattle and am a junior at the University of Washington. I'm studying industrial engineering and applied mathematics.
I have been obese all my life and only within the past four years have taken my health seriously. I have lost 45 pounds so far the good old fashioned way, but reached a plateau about a year ago.


I'm a younger member on this site. I am 15 years old female, 5'6". I am currently on Summer Break from high school and plan on losing a large amount of weight over the summer. I will be a junior when I return to school. This will be my last summer before I have to get a job so I have plenty of free time to focus on losing weight. I have been struggling to lose weight for as long as I can remember and am finally motivated to lose this excess weight.

I am 53 years old, and I am an investor, who flip houses as a living.I have done weight watchers off and on for the last 10 years, but this time I really feel I need to do this for myself. It is just so difficult to do it alone.

I am 25 years old, living with my fiance and our two little girls (8 and 7). I work as a Systems Engineer at a textiles company here in VA.

I just recently married, and my husband and I have decided to wait at least 2 years before starting a family. I want to lose the weight and be healthy before I have a baby. I think 2 years is more than enough time to get fit, and change my bad habits.

I was a skinny kid and active teenager. When I was 17 I got into the work force, and that's when the weight started coming on. By 21 I was already obese. I topped out at 212. I lost about 59 pounds when I had my daughter at 24. I felt great about myself, and I look great too. I stayed at my goal for about a year. Then I stopped nursing and went back to work. It all came back and then some.
I am now 226 pounds. I have no excuses, because I work in a hospital where there are lots of healthy food choices, employee gym, nutritionist, and a nice walking path. I spent almost all of my 20s being overweight. I just turned 30 a few months ago, and I am ready for a change.

47 - professional - Exercise daily - Travel all over the world

I am 23 years old and I have the most awesome 3 year old little girl that i love to death...and that is why, well that is part of why i am making the choice to change the lifestyle i am living...
About 7 months ago my father had a mild heart attack and that woke me up...he was only 52 so that means yes it is genetic...also my grandfather on my mothers side died of a heart attack about 5 years ago at the age of 69 ....sooo i now have heart disease and high blood pressure on both sides of my family...WAKE UP CALL...so i feel like i really need to do something about this now...i have ALWAYS had a weight issue and i know that its something i am just ganna have to deal with...but i think i am finally ready to start making the change! ;) i am 5'9 and my highest weight was after i had my daughter, 250lbs... when i got here to europe about a year ago...and slowly i have been working on it...i am now 220lbs and i am ganna keep going until i have met my goal! and for once i am excited about it!!! :)
currently living in Europe and my return date back to the states is Oct of 09 and i would LOVE to be able to come back home (San Antonio TX) and be look'n and feel'n great!

I'm 21.. and I've always been overweight. I've had a hard time losing weight in the past. Last year I lost 16 pounds to Weight Watchers and gained it all back. Now, I have been losing weight since June 16th and hope to reach my goal. I love to design, relax, read, cook, and hang out with friends. I love food and trying all different kinds-- not always a good thing!! I'm a full-time college student and will be graduating May 2009 from RIT.

I will be 57 y.o. next Monday. I have been over weight for a long time and want to get back down to a sensible weight again. These pants and blouse could not be buttoned up in April so I have made a start. I started walking with a partner 2 months ago and so far we are faithful and are up to walking 45 minutes 2x / day. I am a nurse and looking to build a home based business in the travel industry. I have 2 sons who live away from home but close, one is in school and both still require financial assist from Mom and Dad. We decided house was too quiet so we got 4 cats, still too quiet so added 2 dogs. We have 2 granddaughters in Virginia and 1 grandson in Calif.

I am a single, 33 year-old woman living in downtown Seattle.

Baby boomer living in the Carolinas. Moved from Indy 3 1/2 years ago. Absolutely love life and the Carolinas, but my weight inhibits me a bit. I currently weigh 178 and am only 5'2". I would like to shed the extra pounds and start to feel better about myself.
My husband and I enjoy volunteer work. We have done quite a bit since our move away from our families. I also love gardening.


I have 2 children (8 & 5- both boys), and I have been struggling with the weight for 5 years. I never had a weight problem before age 20. My mom passed and I gained 30 pounds. I eventually ended up losing all but 10. I got pregnant with my first, delivered, and lost all but that darn 10! Then, I had baby #2. I still have that weight. I weigh 10 pounds more than I did when I came home from the hospital with him 5 years ago!! I have tried many diets/ workout plans (I think I have a library of diet books) and think I may finally be ready to get serious. I have found out you can't go into a plan with a negative attitude and you can't beat yourself up if you make a diet/exercise misstep. Get back on the horse!!

love hockey and malibu the drink lol


Stay at home mom to one son, 3, married. I'm turning 38 this year and desperately want to have another baby, but need to lose weight before I even start, so I can have a healthy pregnancy. I have let myself go over the last 5 years and am very unhappy about it and ready to reclaim the thin me!

I am a mother of 3 ages 12, 10 and 4. I have been married 16 years to a wonderful man. We have a cleaning business that we are trying to expand. I also babyset during the day for a school teacher so I get summers off. I enjoy doing crafts and chocolate is my down fall.

I am a junior high school teacher in the greater Phoenix area. I am rapidly approaching the big 4-0. I have been married to my sweetheart for 19 years and have three children that range in age from 8 to 17.

I am a hospital exec and I work very long days, eat at the hospital regularly and live alone. I have two grandsons and a daughter and son in law

I am a 45 year old woman from Pa. I have a teenage son who is unfortunately picking up my habits. I can't let that happen. We are learning to eat right together.

I'm a 47 yr old married women who has struggled over past 10 years with my weight. Was always super thin and and petite until 40. I am a major sweet/carbaholic and definitely a binge eater wtih these types of foods. I want to do so well with my food program but seem to always fall off the wagon so quickly.

I am 60 years old and have always been very active. I am a grandmother of (3) and love to play outside with them, walking, running, basketball, soccer riding bikes. this extra weight is causing me to breath harder so it is time to take the weight off.



I just had a baby and was super healthy during my pregnancy. Now that I'm home and nursing, I'm so hungry and tired which causes me to snack too much. I need to pay more attention to what I'm eating and make sure I'm not eating out of boredom, as a way to stay awake or due to stress.

I'm a 42 year old single mother of 2 teenage daughters. I'm active in my community and enjoy volunteering. My daughter's activities keep me busy-I spend a lot of time driving them! I enjoy sporting events-especially hockey, concerts, and travel.


I love working, reading and traveling.

I am married, 3 children, and currently working full time and going to school fulltime online.






Reside in Kingsville, work in Corpus. Constantly on the road, business related travel. Married, enjoy traveling with my husband when I'm not working. I have two adult children (Son & Daughter )and a beautiful grand daughter.

I'm 47 years old. 5 foot tall. I have lost 18 pounds in 13 weeks I'm a mother of 2. married 20yrs in june

I have lost to date 46 pounds and have really improved my fitness level. I still struggle daily with some cravings and LOVE Chocolate way too much. Carbs are my enemies so I try to keep them to a min and eat only whole grain. I am a wife and mother and work two jobs. In the last month I put back on about 7 pounds and I feel horrible. I am trying to get back down again to my ideal weight.


I am 38, mother of 5 (grandma of 1)... Kids are 20, 13, 8, 7, and 6. I know that I can lose weight... when my husband was deployed I lost about 20-25lbs.... now I have gained all of it back plus a few extra... not good! I quit smoking and that added to my weight gain. I am glad that I quit but not with the change in my body!

29 yrs old, single, career driven, likes to work, hang out with friends, check FB, making my house a home and just trying to make the world a prettier place.

I am an early-50's female, wife of over 30 years and mother of two adult children (one back home). I work for a large corporation in the health care industry. I love traveling, nature and the outdoors. Now that I have pasted the dreaded 50, I am trying to redefine myself. I earned my college degree at age 49, I am a certified scuba diver who never dives, and I hate to cook but love to eat. I lost over 50 lbs with Weight Watchers and decided to become a leader. I gave it up because it took too much time (and paid very little). I stopped going to meetings (for various reasons I like to roll into the “if you know how hot dogs are made, you wouldn’t eat them” category. This, plus a high-stressed job, too much travel, and peri-menopause, led to regaining my weight.


I am a Head Start teacher in DC. The kids are crazy but also a lot of fun. I work a lot but really should take more time for myself. This summer I am working to train new teachers in an intensive training Institute.
