I am very active with my job and with volunteering but when it comes to eating right and exercising, I just don't have it happening.

I am an educator, artist, single, no birth children but have many community children that I help ,several god children, and a crazy cat.

I am a recently married 33 year old black professional woman. I have a almost 5 year old son. I relocated 4 years ago from NYC. I was slim most of life. I gained this much weight 8 years ago and I lost it all and kept it off for 4 years. But regained after some major life changes.

I am 43, married, with 2 boys ages 6 and 12. I need to lose 50 to 60 pounds. I have struggled with weight since college days, when I started on the emotional eating roller coaster.

I lost over 50lbs on the weight watchers program after I had my daughter. Well I found out I my son was on the way and I gained it all back and then some. I just really felt a little lost in my own skin. At one point I found out my mother had breast cancer and well while my weight lose should have been a top priority I just let my self go even more. She is doing better now and I am trying to get back on track.

I had lost 35 lbs with weight wathers and have since gained 15 lbs of it back.-- i NEED to get it back off ASAP and it is so hard!!!!!!

I am a 36 year old army wife, married 16 years, three little boys. I'll be soon moving to our 13th address as a married couple. I suffer from "Tired Mommy Brain".

I work at a university- research and teaching. A perpetual student, I guess. I am pretty active, but gave up excercising regularly after graduate school. The weight has been came on after I had a kid at 40, and also after having some health issues. I would really like to fit back into my betsy johnson and other cool clothing. We'll see....

I am a 31 year old woman living in Oakland. I love food. I am a trained chef, love cooking and eating and developing recipes. I'm a photographer and host a life-drawing salon in Sna Francisco called Dr. Sketchy's: Barbary Coast. I write screenplays and love movies & TV. Additionally I am a full time student and an office manager for a holistic chiropractor.
I have been heavy for more than half my life though I lost 60 pounds 3 years ago which I have since put back on. I suffer from depression and anxiety and I am trying to use diet to regulate both of these.

I am a 45 year old single mother of an 11 year old boy, I had gained 100lbs when I was pregnant and have never really been able to get back down. Although I'm not getting on the scale until tomorrow am I'm sure I'm hovering around 200lbs, I'm 5'9 and am tired of carrying around this weight.


I am a 28 year old female who is currently looking for work after being laid off in mid December. I love to read books and cook good food for my friends. Ironically I love the outdoors, but it seems I havent been out there much in the last couple years, despite growing up in the country and being outside almost everyday of my youth. I am 6'1 so unfortunatly when I gain weight I can hide it, i.e. lie to myself for quite a while. I am currently 182.5 pounds with 33.5% of me being fat according to my evil digital scale. I have gained over 20 pounds since leaving school 5 years ago and I dont like that I am tired and worn out far too much.

43 year old female. I have lot 15 pounds so far on my own and have another 25 to go.


I am 31, married, and hard working. I like reading, making jewelry, working on the computer and other sedentary activities.


I am a mom of 3 great children. A 5 year old boy and 2 year old twin girls. I am a nurse for a Doctors office and I work 50 hours a week. I just turned 27 and have tipped the scale at 248 pounds!! Being 5'6" I am 100 pounds overweight. I am very determined and am so tired of being the fat chick!

I am a 45 year old mother of 6 children ages 22,13,11,9,7,and 2..i have carried extra weight around for a very long time...I weigh 188 now I want to get down to 138.

I am a 43 year old married woman. I have two daughters......16 and 20 years old.
I have a 2 1/2 year old Granddaughter.......and a 7 month old Grandson.......I am blessed....
I also have a wonderful Husband.......We were married December 22, 2006.....we had dated for the last 3 years......I was married to my daughters dad for 16 years.....the first 12 years were wonderful the last 4 were hell........."People change"
I had a miscarriage in December 1991....it changed me and him........I know it's been a long time.....but I still mourn for my baby girl......that is when my weight started to increase.....
I moved for the first time in my life in September 2006 from a little bitty town...where I had worked in the same school I attended as a child.....I worked there 16 years....
I know work in a mid-size hospital in Medical Records....a new job for me.....but I really like it......


I'm 35, 5'2" and currently 168 lbs. I've struggled to stay thin most of my life but this is the most I've ever weighed (by 10 lbs). Since 19, my weight has fluctuated from 93 lbs (too thin) to current 162. Mostly hovering around an average of 127 lbs. In Jan. 2005, I weighed 152 lbs and started working out with a trainer and eating healthy. By Sept. 2005, I'd lost 35 lbs and was down to 17% body fat. I was in the best shape of my life. Since then a lot has happened: my father passed, big relationship issues, bought my first house and tore my ACL. I slowly stopped exercising and started stress eating and so here I am again. I've started getting back into the gym (a little limited due to ACL surgery in Feb. 2007) but am just starting out really.

I am a stay at home mom with 2 children. My girls are 6 and 9 mos. I never had a weight issue until I had children. I have been married for eight years now and am hoping for many more!! My husband is in the Marine Corps and it is a constant reminder of where I am now and where I need to be. He is also a very thin man who is having difficulty gaining weight so it is making it difficult for me to lose it. I Love food!! I was my thinnest after boot camp in 1997; 145 lbs!!! I have also noticed that my weight is a contributing factor to my depression and is not only affecting myself but also my family!! I am a Christian that would like to not only lose weight but get my relationship back with the Lord!!! I am a fun person and love to joke around but now is the time to get serious and stay motivated!!! It is time to get it all in check. If I have a clean home, a sound mind and am on my way to a healthier me, I feel I will not need meds to help me through my depression. It's time to love myself!!!


I am married I love being out doors and working in my flower gardens. I have always had a belly even when I was in highschool and in 2-3 sports. Then I met my husband and I really got a belly. It is really hard for me to get and stay healthy so I am going to need help .


I live in sunny Southern California, I am a wife of 16 years, a mom to 5 kiddos and a friend to many. I like to bike ride, hike, read and hang out with my family and friends.

I'm 28 years old, and I currently live in WA. My husband is a submariner in the US Navy and we have been married for 4 years. I currently work as a mediator/counselor for a non-profit here in WA. I love to read, watch TV and movies, cook, decorate, and shop. I have no kids, but two very spoiled chihuahuas.

I'm 32, and a mother of two beautiful girls, 3 year old "Bitty" and 2 month old "Cake" (obviously not their real names). I'm a teacher off on maternity leave with baby. I've always been overweight, between 200-260 during my adult life. Right now I weigh 225, but right after the baby was born I was at 215. I'm a strange case who LOSES weight during and immediately after pregnancy. Trouble is, I can't keep it off.

I live in the Twin Cities in MN. i am 5'10 with a bubbly, sarcastic, funny demeanor!

I am a 25-year-old student studying archaeology and geology. I also work part time in at a chiropractic clinic. I've spent a lot of time eating fast food, and I'd like to become consistent with my meals. Exercise has been intermittent in the past with a couple months of regular exercising followed by less and less until it falls out of my schedule completely. Consistency in this area is also a goal.

I am 38, and have let food control my life. I moved from Australia to Vancouver with my husband and 2 children (7 and 6). I hate overeating but it has worked for me for so long that doing something different will be challenging but needs to be done.

I'm work full time, and have a two year old. I feel like I should weigh, like 50lbs, but for whatever reason I'm really struggling.

I am a 44 year old mom of three kids - two teenage boys and a dd who is 11. I need to lose about 50 pounds. I have a small frame and have slowly gained weight through the births of my children (all c-sections), lack of activity, and chronic fatigue. I hate being heavy though and want to get it off. I have to work slowly, as I have unstable blood sugar and get tired very easily. I once lost over 30 pounds on Weight Watchers, but put it back on pretty quickly because we moved and I quit going to meetings. Right now, I am just trying to cut back and walk everyday - just a short distance to get myself back into shape enough for more exercise. I also attend college part time, as I would love to finally get my business degree.


I teach fifth grade, tutor, and I am working on a Master's Degree in Educational Technology. I will be 30 in May and I want to live my 30's and beyond as a healthy adult with an active lifestyle.

I'm a single woman in my 40's, I like to try different exercise classes and I like to dance.

I am a stay home mom, age 28, married with three wonderful children ages 4,3 and 1.As of Dec 30th 07, I am 180lbs, shooting for 130lbs

I am a stay at home mom of two.

I am a 46 year old mother of two teenage boys. I am fortunate to enjoy my work at a small private school. There are many areas of my life that could use some transformation, and I do believe that all facets of life work in concert with each other.


I am 35 years old and I need to lose weight to lower my blood pressure and be healthier. I have sciatica and I will be starting some PT for that soon. I hope to be able to get back to the gym ASAP.

I'm 30 and married. I started gaining a lot of weight during a very stressful period before the wedding. I had to buy another dress because my first one didn't fit. Despite what a glorious and happy day it was, I get quite sad when I look at the pictures and see how big I look. I'd gained even more since then, and I have been actively trying to lose it since September. I am currently at 205 lbs. My highest weight was 230 lbs.

I am a 43-year-old stay-at-home mom of a boy, 9, and a girl, 5. My husband, to whom I've been married for almost 15 years, is a newspaper journalist. I have struggled with my weight all of my life, usually hovering at about 20 lbs above my ideal weight. I have only reached my goal weight (about 135) a few times, and for what seemed like about five minutes, before I started gaining again. I love my life, except for the ongoing daily struggle I have with self-control. I don't eat right, I don't get enough sleep, and I can be extremely inconsistent with other goals I have set for myself. I need help and am committed to logging and keeping up with posting in PeerTrainer!

I have struggled with weight most of my life. At my highest weight, I was 260 pounds. I had a modified version of standard weight loss surgery. The modification is that the surgery only changed my stomach size and nothing to do with my digestive track. I have lost a great deal of weight, but I am still not at goal and won't get there without addressing food and fitness.


im a 22 yo Navy wife, originally from NYC. I have lupus & thanks to steriods, boredom, depression & really good cooking, about 25 pounds found their way onto my bod that really need not be there. I enjoy photography, music & walking.



I am a wife and mother of two children, and teach kindergarten.

I'm a newly wed. I work 40 - 50 hours a week as a banker. My husband is in the Navy. I know my husband loves my personality but I don't think he's really attracted to me. I really want to begin living my life instead of just going along for the ride. I want to get control again and learn to enjoy life.

Pastor's wife, mom of 4, grandma of 10

Grateful, happy, laugh easily, Montessori trained teacher. I work in public school with Special Ed chidren. Happily married, 3 children 3 children-in-law, 1 grandson and all of them are wonderful. :) Christian. Irish descent and love analogies and funny storiies; always need to discipline my mouth to wait to speak because I am a quick reactor.

I'm a 25 year old work-from-home artist. My life is conducive to vegging out in front of the tv with a huge bowl of snacks. Even though I eat healthy foods, I am a bingy emotional eater, and can go WAY overboard with even the healthiest foods. I want to change my relationship between my food and body, and enjoy rather than loathe the process.

I am married, have (look at the ID) five dogs AND one cat. My husband never says anything, but i KNOW i am no longer attractive to him. And, i cant find any clothes that look special in my size. Also, we are needing some extra money and i am looking for a part time job and feel like employers are turned off by my appearance. I want to look nicer and FEEL like I am HEALTHIER too!


I am married, have 4 daughters ages 27, 21, 19, 12. My 27 year old daughter ,Andrea,has four children, Elaina 12, Natalee 11, Austin 10, and Kelsey 8. My 21 year old daughter , Bobbi,has Brayden 4, and Preston 1,. Rikki the 19 year old is in college and Lakota is 12 and in 6th grade

I am a 5 foot tall, 38 year old stay at home mom. I look like an oompa loompa!!!! I have 3 children, thier ages are 14 months, 12 years, and 18 years. I am married to a wonderful man, but he is not supportive of me at all when it comes to dieting. He likes to bring me pound cake and candy bars when I start eating salads....


Forty something, married, mother of two adult daughters. Vegetarian approximately 10 months. The last year my body has seen some drastic changes. In June I quit a 20 year pack a day smoking habit, a month later, intending to participate in Meatless Mondays, I ended up going vegetarian. Last month I made the full jump to vegan. While I'm more than pleased with my choices, and am careful to get all the nutrients I need, the fact is my lifestyle is sedentary. I used to hike and quit smoking to make the hiking easier. But somewhere along the line I gained twenty pounds and lost energy and motivation to move. I quit smoking and went vegan for a healthier, happier me as well as a healthier planet, but the extra pounds and loss of energy feel anything but healthy or happy.


I'm a 30 year old mother of two boys - one is almost 5 and a 2 year old. I'm happily married and live in Texas.

I have always had a great metabolism but now I'm 35 and I have become less and less active. I've tried hard at different periods to lose weight but nothing seems to work and I give up after a couple of months.
I'm also very busy so it's hard to find time for the exercise I know I need. I work full time as an exec. asst. but my fiancee and I have our own photography business as well. When I get home from work, I always have so much to do and I'm constantly exhausted. Exercise? Yeah right!

I am married, for eight years, and I have 3 daughters. I work part-time and volunteer whenever I can. I am a "Big Sister," I help a friend with her exotic animal ranch whenever I can, participate in whatever I can at my daughters school, and recently signed up to be part of my county Repulican Women's Coalition. Currently, we have a dog, 3 cats and 17 bunnies that I deal with daily. I am always, always, always tired......24/7! I have been for over a decade now.

I'm 33 and started gaining the weight about ten years ago when I switched from very active, on-my-feet jobs and an active lifestyle to sitting at a desk all day. I'm married without kids, but with a cat and two rats. My husband used to be a Marine but put on 80lbs during cancer treatments, so he's in the same boat I am!
