
28 yr old attorney about to be a dad for the second time. I weigh in today at 233 - my goal weight is 185. I have my own practice so life can be pretty hectic. Gained a lot of weight in law school and during my wife's first pregnancy. Now that we have a two year old and another due in June I want to get back to a healthy weight to keep up with them.

A 44 year old professional female. tall and needs to lose substanial amount of weight. about 30% - whew!!!

I am 37 years old with 2 children; 13 & 10. I have been married for 14 yrs to a wonderful man in the US Coast Guard. I am currently working F/T as a patient advocate at a large inner-city hospital. I am also in grad school; scheduled to finish in 2008.
I was in the military in my 20's and in great shape. And then...marriage and babies....enough said. I have spent most of my adult life struggling with weight and have tried everything!!! My main issue is discipline and I especially lack it on the weekends and during stressful times. Basically, I eat too much food!


Married, empty nest, currently work full time while back in grad school for a 2nd masters. Like to write on the rare days I have a free moment.

I am 31. Married and a mother of 2. I have a full time job, 9-5:30. My husband and I just joined the gym and have been going regularly for the last 2 weeks.

I am a 36 year old proud mother of three beautiful children. The twins are 14 and my youngest just turned twelve.
I didn't gain my weight until about 3 years ago. I had a hemorrage in my brain, was hospitalized and from there on I started gaining. I have a good job, which I love very much ( I work in a chilren's hospital) and have a wonderful live in partner who is also a great step dad to my kids. We do have our fights but over all things have improved over the last year.
ummm, what else....I am 5'5'' and weigh 180 pounds and am usually a very happy person. ( we all have our moments.) What I am lacking on is motivation. I make up all kinds of excuses from " I don't have time, I am too tired" and my favorite " I'll start my diet next week"

I'm a 35 year old who lost 41lbs on low carb in 2003 and could fit into medium shirts and size 10. I met my boyfriend in 2004 and have gained most of my weight back by eating poorly. Since October 2006, I've been consciously changing eating patterns.

I am 53 years old and newly retired, due to brain injury.
It has been tough going sometimes, but I have come a long way. I am just happy to be here. Now it is time to get my body into shape.


I am26, married, and have two kids with very Southern names! Rice is 6 and Dixie is 3! I am a licensed Cosmetologist and will graduate from college with a bachelor's degree to teach P-4 in May 2008. I go to church at Union Avenue Baptist and LOVE it!

I'm a 38 year old newly single mom with four kids. I'm a Christian and I would like to be a good role-model for my kids by showing them a healthy way of thinking about food and exercise.


Im 40 with 2 sons 20 and 12.. more later..


I'm 22 years old, and have struggled with my weight since I was about 10. I'm at the heaviest I have ever been in my life. I've been in denial about ever losing weight for a good while now. I keep telling myself I'll start dieting next week, or I had a candy bar today so I screwed up now I'll have to put it off another day. I also tend to think that I'll never lose it, and I'm going to keep going up the 2 pounds a week like I have been. Obese, that's what I am now, I never have been in that range, overweight was humilating enough, but now it's scary. I have bad health in my family, a lot of it due to bad eating habits and lack of physical actitivy. I am ready to chagne myself. I want to be proud of the way I look, have energy, have better moods, and better health. I don't want to be the next statistic or the next buttshot for the 6 o'clock news special on how large Americans are these days. I want to get up and put on cute clothes and say to myself I feel great today, and I look great too. I want to stop putting of dates with my boyfreind of a year now, who is a wonderful man...a chef hehe....a great one at that....one who would never judge me, but I still judge myself and distance myself. I want to be able to change this section eventually to something more positive.

I'm 36 and a mother to two brilliant and adorable children, I've been married for just about 13 years. I work FT and attend classes at night FT and volunteer, so you see there is not much time for anything else!

I'm divorced and a mother of 4. Two kids (15 and 13)from the marriage and 2 (4 AND 15 mths) with my boyfriend whom i am currently living with. I started gaining weight in 2002 just before my pregnacy and after my mothers death...I had also quit smoking then and also have asthma...which made the smoking caused my asthma to get worse. There they put me on prednisone, which causes weight gain. I have always been little, i have never been this big. I've been dieting and going to the gym. I have lost 20 lbs so far. But now summer is here and I have kinda slacked off. But i am ready to get back to reaching my goal.



I am 49 years old and trying to find that beautiful woman inside me. Its here, under all this fat.. I could post my before picture of 300 pounds, but yuck! who wants to see that.. I am on my last 30 pounds and its been tough. I am currently starting the couch to 5 k program at coolrunning.com and I am GONNA to it.. Please join my group 5K run in 2009!

I am a mom to 2 little boys, 4 and 2! I love them so much, they are great. I'm also a 1st year teacher, currently teaching Kindergarten. Next year I'd like to teach grade 3 or higher.
I am 23 and have been married for 5 years! :)

I am a 21 year old graphic design student, attending school in Toronto, ON. Right now I am a super busy workaholic (trying to pay for school and save money to buy a condo when I graduate) so that has made getting into shape a bit difficult for me!

I am a proud mother of three great kids 12,10,3. I have lost almost 20 LBS since joining here. I have been a bit absent. I recently started working about 50 miles away from my home, and its been hard to work out. I have to get up at 3:30 am to work out and be able to leave the house by 6:15 am. but i have been faithfull to my work outs. so lets see what else happens:)

I am 31 yrs old married for 9 1/2 years with 3 beautiful children ages 10, 8, and 6 yrs old. I have lived in Florida for almost 2 years and since moving here I have gained about 30 lbs!!! I want to lose that 30 plus another 25-30 lbs. I mean we live by the beach and I am ashamed of being seen in a bathing suit!! I think my problem is that I dont eat enough!! So I am storing everything I DO eat as if in starvation mode. I eat maybe once sometimes twice a day. Sometime my only meal comes after work and after dark not even 2 hours before bedtime. This cannot be good for me. My hair is getting more breakage and all in all I dont feel like I am eating right at all.

I am 19, living in Florida. Being around the beach sometimes makes me aware of how big i really am. I want to prove to my parents that I can take care of myself. I can do something for me.

I am 27 years old... soon to be 28 and I am in a long term relationship and living with my partner. I am a theatre director and an educator. I have a dog about one year old. I recently moved back to New York and am also trying to wake way on my own buisness in the arts. I am a leo and come from a long line of great Italian cooks... my dad is a chef!

I'm a 27-year-old stay-at-home mom with 4 kids. I lost 70 pounds 4 years ago and immediately got pregnant. So now after 2 more babies, I am ready to commit to getting off the 40 pounds I gained back forever!!

I'm 22, I moved to Dubai from the UK 8 months ago. I was already in pretty bad shape, but the life style out here has caused me to put on an additional 14 pounds since I've been here. Once i get into a habit of working out i really enjoy it. I like dancing, going out with friends, and generally having a good time.

34 YO female, no children, engaged to an intelligent, kind, funny, and wonderfully weird (not to mention handsome) man, who is a video game designer. :) He's not even going to see this either... LOL I recently finished my graduate degree (MSEd in Health Promotion) and just accepted a full time position as an education specialist. I overcame bulimia in Spring 2004 and have since been on a journey to be healthier, treat myself right, and hopefully lose some weight and get fit in the process! Weight has fluctuated from 117-165+? (I'm 5'2 1/2").

I've been a stay at home mom for almost 6 yrs.and I don't work so I know that's causing weight gain.So I really have to watch my weight and my activity levels.

I am a 25 year old professional who wants to get back to my pre-college shape.





I'm a professor, married with 4 adult children.

20, University Student, Female

I am sixty years old with two grandkids. I have been overweight most of my life and it is now causing some medical problems. I am a college professor teaching business classes.



I'm a writer, by day 9-5, a technical writer. I also write for an Entertainment magazine and I write a monthly humor column. I'm a Mom of two..live with my boyfriend and together we are raising 4 with our ex's..yeah, it's all very Brady!

I just turned 50. I've struggled with weight most of my adult life, especially after the kids. I've done a good long turn in OA, which helped me a great deal, as well as doing a lot of emotional work on my own and through walking my spiritual path. I've given up a very poor 19 year marriage, with the knowledge that I deserved something better. I now have a wonderful relationship in which we both give each other love and support. I have no reason to overeat anymore and my main goal is to retrain myself to avoid the eating pitfalls I have dug for myself over the last 30+ years. And unfortunately, time is a factor as well. I am on an eating plan that even ten years ago, would have dropped the weight off me quickly, and now I'm struggling just to maintain or lose a pound once in a while. Need help keeping my frame of mind positive and not losing sight of the big picture.

A SAHM dealing with PCOS and the problems it brings.


i am 19 years old and my name is holly. i was born in england, raised in the caribbean. i have a tendancy to be dark and twisty at times, bit i blame that on me weight haha. i have always been overweight, ever since i was a child. but at some point it stops being cute. what i hate most about my body is that big dent between my belly and my thighs, the one at the side. all you ladies know what im talking about. MUFFIN TOP!


I am a 35 yr old single mom of an 8 year old...it's not baby fat anymore! Need help with getting motivated to fit in exercise & healthy eating. I love to cook...Food Network junkie...but hello...cooking for 2..not 6!!! (guess who eats the leftovers!!)

I'm 27 years old, My first year married....I gained 88 lbs...and now i go for the rest...45 lbs.

I am a 47 year old mother of three. My youngest child is 11 and my oldest is 19. I keep very busy with all of their activities and have very little time to myself. I never lost all my pregnancy weight with my last child and have gradually gained and lost and gained and lost.....I am also very unproportionally shaped-my upper body is much smaller than my lower body. I have huge saddlebag thighs and a hefty rear end which I would like to lose.
I used to be very thin, I am 5'3'' and now weigh 207. I am stalling at this weight as I haven't been able to get my daily walk in the last two weeks. I have lost 13 pounds to date.


I'm a 34 year old single mother of a 10 year old boy, I live in Trinidad which is in the Caribbean. I have a really busy schedule, as in addition to my demanding job, I have my son to look after and some other family business ventures that I am heavily involved in. So there aren't enough hours in the day.



Hi! I'm a 31 y/o married stay-at-home mom of 1. I started a low-carb diet (somersize) about 4 months ago. I've lost about 35 pounds but have recently hit a plateau. I have a lot more weight to lose. I started walking in November. My daughter and I walk the dogs every evening together. I'd like to walk further and faster eventually...maybe even run???

I'm a psychiatric nurse, mother of 23 year old twin girls, partner to a wonderful man. I'm spiritually eclectic with a distaste for organized religion and dogma as a concept. I"m warm and friendly, much blessed with the love of many wonderful people in my life.


40 years old, 5ft 10, 183lb. Spend too much time sitting behind a desk and not enough getting exercise. Drink too much alcohol which piles on calories and gives me the munchies.


i will be 30 in a few weeks. i am a stay at home wife in northern california. my top weight was 193 back in 1998. i lost weight 60 lbs in 2000, but have been yo-yoing between 137 and 120 ever since. i want to have a baby in 2-3 years and want to get down to 120ish via eating a super squeaky clean diet to prepare for a healthy pregnancy and birth.


I'm a mommy of 2 little ones under the age of 2.

two dogs (spoiled)
work 12 hour shifts in hospital

i am a mom of one 3 yr old boy:) i have the most amazing husband and have all the support in the world from him. He has lost over 70 lbs this past year on Atkins and now that hes reached his goal, hes staying on the diet just to cheer me on:) i stay at home and have a small daycare service, which keeps me pretty busy. i LOVE the arts and especially love trying new things.



