Members profiles: |
I'm 45, have two teenagers, and have been in the communications industry all my career. I worked from home as a web designer and virtual assistant for about a year (after having been in traditional office environments for ages). I found out I needed to be around people, and in May I started working full-time creating web content.

I've always been big, but sometimes not as big as I thought (in retrospect). But this is my biggest ever, once I hit 200lbs. I felt like a deer in the headlights having a mid-20's now almost 30 life crisis. I know I want to change but I also want to maintain so I'm trying to incorporate changes I can keep, rather than drastic and dramatic as has worked for me but I have never maintained. Sometimes I feel driven and confident, and other times I feel lost and out of control.

I'm a 25 year old high school Language Arts instructor. I have always been a size 2, all through high school and college (with the occasional 5 lb. gain or loss). Upon entering the work force and earning an 18 minute lunch period, I quickly started eating unhealthy, quick meals to make sure that I could get some food in before my next class came.
I also grabbed fast food every night on the way home, because I had an hour drive each way. Convenience was key.
Now I'm 30 pounds heavier. I gained all of the weight over an 8 month period. I've been telling myself I need to lose, but haven't kept up with any plan I've started.
Today (12/6/07) my doctor told me that I need to lose weight. He told me that I'm middle aged and frumpy.
This motivated me for a while but I've found myself sliding away from commitment. Now I'm ready again...and serious!

I'm 41 years old and enjoy being with my 12 year old daughter. She's very active and keep us busy with her activities. I'm an Art Director for Kansas State University. Enjoy living in Manhattan, Kansas. I also enjoy working on my Mac.

I'm 42 and overweight. I've been on a million diets and of course, none have worked. Right now, I work as a nurse tech (I'm in nursing school) and as a copy editor. The only computers I've ever owned have been Macs. I have a Performa 550 sitting in my back room that I can't bring my self to part with. It's sitting right next the blue G3 I've outgrown also. I've been a graphic artist since I graduated college in 1992, but I enjoy nursing also. I run my butt off at the hospital, but then sit on it all day at the paper. Need some motivation to lose the weight and get in shape.

I am a 60 year old artist, mother of two and grandmother of 3 and I weigh 191 and I am 5'9''. I never had a weight problem until I turned 50. then it started piling on. I got married and 10 pounds popped up.. then I got a knee problem and another 10 pounds popped up. Before I knew it I had gained 40 lbs.
I started with water aerobics 2 years ago because of my knee and really love it. I go to my gym every morning at least 5 times a week and 7 days as I did last week. I never go less than 5 days a week.
I am an artist and must say I don't stay active other than using my right hand all afternoon while painting. When I shop or park the car, I do park further away so that I can walk. I use the stairs a great deal in my three story home and I also garden.

I am 47-years-old. I have two podcasts--I never thought that I would ever get people to listen to me but it's really fun and I am getting more listeners all the time, who'd a thunk? I also have mad Photoshop skills and work in a photo lab. I have two beautiful and brilliant daughters--one in college and one in middle school and a sweetheart of a husband who is the perfect man for me. I also perform in a local Rocky Horror cast as Dr. Frank-n-furter, Riff Raff or Magenta (our cast obviously isn't screen-accurate).

I'm 26. I've always been a little soft. I have some flab that I want to get rid of. I graduated a year ago and have been working at a computer since. I've been working hard to get healtier. I can feel it slowly happening, but the scale is being stubborn - but muscles are good. :) I need a little help to get me over the hump.

35 year old, administrative assistant, start grad school in September, would like to lose about 80 lbs. My new laptop arrives 7/12/07. Can't wait.


We live overseas, move around a lot. I've been overweight for a long time and have gone up and down a bit. Always been active like hiking, skiing, diving, cycling, traveling, etc. Miss my dog a lot.

I'm a 22 y/o working in an office setting. I sit around all day and by 5 pm I'm ready to go home and crash. I will be starting school in January (Surgical Tech) .



Hello, I am 50 years old and want to shed my extra weight before I start having health problems. I quit smoking eight years ago before my son was born. And since that time I have slowly put on 50 lbs. I can't seem to exercise and diet at the same time. I exercise then eat far to much or diet and don't move around at all. I enjoy my fine son, and my husband who has a keen interest in linux operating systems. I produce pencil drawings, and computer graphics and hope to be working outside the home soon.


54 years old (for a few more weeks). Got beyond my upper ceiling of acceptable weight after the end of a long relationship a few years ago and just can't take it off. I did take 10 pounds off by seeing a nutritionist, but gained it back. Have done Weight Watchers multiple times in the past and doesn't seem to stick for the long term.

I'm a worship leader and professional videographer. I've been a Mac user since 1987 when my wife and I bought an Mac SE. 15 Macs later, I'm now using them for my professional life and have 2 household Macs for the family. Was 156 pounds when I got married and now weigh in at a disgusting 225. I don't want to be as skinny as I was, but 175 is where I want to be.

I am an active person, I ski, scuba dive and train animals for a living. I like to be busy. In the past I have weighed up to 190, I became a vegetarian for 10 years lost down to 140 which is really a bit too thin. I have struggled with 20 pounds since my late 20's periodically getting fit and down to 145 and then going up again to 160-165.



