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I'm 39 years old and over the course of the past 5 years I have gained 30 lbs. I have been diagnosed with an underactive thyroid and once on medication I was hoping things would improve, but no such luck. I'm now trying to dedicate myself to eating better and trying to loose this weight. I'm very unhappy with myself right now.


I am a 50 something recently diagnosed with Hashimotos. I need to lose over 100 lbs. I need real encouragement because it seems like an impossible task. I have lost weight in the past but have never been able to reach a healthy weight. I would get discouraged and give up.

I will be 38 yrs old in a few days. Unfortuneatly, I have been struggling with my weight since 1999-2000. It wasn't until Dec. 2003 that the docs finally realized I had hypothyroidism and I had already gained 60 lbs. Of course, while trying to get me on the right meds, I gained 20 more. Now I want to get rid of those extra 80 lbs and be healthy, again.


I am 47-years-old. I have two podcasts--I never thought that I would ever get people to listen to me but it's really fun and I am getting more listeners all the time, who'd a thunk? I also have mad Photoshop skills and work in a photo lab. I have two beautiful and brilliant daughters--one in college and one in middle school and a sweetheart of a husband who is the perfect man for me. I also perform in a local Rocky Horror cast as Dr. Frank-n-furter, Riff Raff or Magenta (our cast obviously isn't screen-accurate).


I am nearly 34 years old. I am stay-at-homeschooling mom of 4 awesome kids. My husband, kids and I live on a small farm. When I married 14 years ago I was too skinny at 98 pounds. After having my first child at 21 I weighed a healthy 125 lbs. Before getting preggers with my son in 2000 I was diagnosed with low thyroid. As soon as I got on the meds I was pregnant and stayed that way it seemed for 5 years. My younger 3 are 2 years apart in age....and I had lost a baby at 15 weeks in between my last two! So I was truly pregnant forever...haha. Now, my baby is 3...And I am 167 pounds at 5'6". It would not be so bad but I still have my bird legs and tiny arms...All that extra weight is in my middle!!!! I am horrible at taking my meds. I just went 6 months without taking it at all. After my father died I kinda slacked off on everything. But now I am back to getting serious but need to have a way of acknowledging my slackerness and I hope this is a way to make me start getting real and serious about taking control of me again!!!! (this is still true..I struggle daily with getting my "exercise" in....but i feel sooo much better after forcing myself to do it)

I am 39 years old. I am an Interior Decorator for a large Texas based Furniture company. I really enjoy my job. I workout daily. I walk on the Treadmill to warmup,I spend 1 hour on the eliptical,ride the bike for 2 miles,and run1.25 miles on the treadmill. I enjoy reading and learning more about living healthy and sharing recipes.

Married, 2 kids 17 and 10, business owner, 44, educated but unmotivated, highly stressed.

I am married, 44 and mom to two boys ages 19 and 16.

48, hypothyroidsm, 1 child (age 7)

I am a first grade teacher in the Bronx and I would like to have more energy to keep up with my students. I have a great imagination sometimes I feel as though I am still a kid. I also am a thrill seeker, I love anything to do with rollercoasters, bungee jumping, etc. I love watching movies which is a positive but negative qality of mine because I will sit around all day and watch tv.



I'm a 30 years old software engineer. 8 years ago I was diagnosed with graves diseases. My thyroid was 37 times more active than a normal person. I was eating a lot and not gaining wait, but my doctor said that I had to have my thyroid removed. After I had it removed and started to take medication to substitute my thyroid. I gained a lot of weight. I went on a very unhealthy diet 5 years ago and I lost 50 pounds, but I gained most of it back after i stopped starving myself. I need to find a healthy way to lose the weight and most important to keep it off



I am 50+, married to a wonderful man (thin of course) but not healthy, 3 grown sons, one who is married and has given me two beautiful granddaughters. I sit at a computer all day but try to walk the dog when I can or want to.

I am very outgoing and active in my community. I love movies...too much...I like reading especially health books and cook books. I love to cook and entertain. Cutting wine is a bid deal for me as I like to have it once a week with a good meal. I am hoping to get back to a non-meat diet with only seafood and veggies...I like yoga but haven't done it for years... I need a change...I would like to start the detox March 1st...anybody game? Does require some supplements that I haven't ordered yet as I woudl like a detox partner so I can wait on the March 1st if necessary but don't want to start later than March 5...would like to detox in March as I am on a timeline...April my plan is to get off detox slowly...May eat well..june continue and Jully be close to there with new habits and a new me.:)

married, business owner, 52, husband retired, 4 children grown and gone






I'm a 27 year old ex-ballroom dancer. I was competitive while in college and have since gained 60 or so lbs eating out, drinking too much alcohol, and sitting all day at a desk. I have also developed hypothyroidism out of nowhere. I don't have any symptoms but they say my levels are low and am now on meds.
I'm a business owner so I'm quite busy but not physically active. I have a hard time making time to exercise and an even bigger problem with consistency. I am able to do one of the two pieces necessary to lose weight, either diet or exercise but never both together.

24yrs old. Married with two beautiful girls (ages 3 and 4months). Been married since December 07.. and we are currently living in New Jersey. I have hypothyroidism. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's in 2004/2005. Since I have had my second daughter (May 08) Im having a really hard time losing weight. Im currently taking 100mcg Synthroid.. but Im still having trouble with energy and motivation... and anything really.

I am married, 20 years old, senior in college, and I have a 4 year old daughter.


I am a 31 year old, wife and mother. I have a 12 year old and a 2 year old daughter. I have problems with my thyroid so losing weight has been a struggle for the past 5 years. When I met my husband 5 years ago, I weighed 125 lbs and now am pushing the scale at 190. I take my synthroid everyday but still can't lose the weight!

I'm 5'2" 165lbs. The thing I hate most about my weight gain is my arms and tummy

39, English Teacher, Married, No Pets, No Kids, Also, I've always struggled with a weight problem (practically since birth, and that's NOT an exaggeration)

I am over 40 and need to lose approximately 40 lbs. I live and work in Richmond, VA. I have successfully lost about 60 lbs but have gained about 15 lbs back. I work two jobs and have to eat on the run which of course is not good. I am a chocolaholic and love bread especially Bob Evans rolls and deserts. I need to lose the weight and get into better shape for health reasons (diabetic, high cholesterol and possible HTN). I also need major support in not binging and cheating on this diet and doing the exercise.


A chirpy girl struggling to get a lot of weight off

Hi all! I turned 28 a few months ago, and for the first time in over a decade I am happy in my life. Feeling good about most aspects of my life has given me the strength to feel better all around, and this includes losing the weight that has held me back these past decade. I was raped at 17 and left to raise a little girl on my own. And while my now 9 year old has inspired me greatly, I think the trauma from it all took more of a toll than I realized.
Then to add to that I was injured in a car accident when I was hit by a drunk driver. I had turned in the car to cover my then infant and it resulted in a bulging spinal disk. Because I have no health insurance I have battled this injury for the last 8 years and it limited my ability to exercise and maintain my health like I had wanted. Then to top it all off, I packed on 60 pounds in one year, with no real justification. I was tired all the time and i went to four different doctors who told me i was just depressed. I was finally diagnosed with hypothyroidism and once on medication the weight gain ceased, but i am finding it impossible to lose.
I try to eat right and exercise as best I can, but it is very difficult. As a single mom, a full time student, owning my own business and volunteering for 3 different groups including being my daughter's Scout leader I don't feel like I have 5 minutes to breath.
This last year the most wonderful man saw the real me through all my downs and troubles and with his inspiration I have found the happy, hopeful person I used to be and have felt renewed to be a healthier me for my daughter, my fiancee, his two sons and the family we want to start together.
I suffered 2 miscarriages this last year and was told it was most likely due to my thyroid/ weight issues. We are eager to have a little one together, and I really am feeling the need to get my health under control. Not to mention I have spent a great deal of time and money on an education to become a Child Protection Officer and I want more than anything to work with the UN in the field in an emergency setting, but in order to be effective in such a role I must get my health in order first.... so now that that is more than anyone ever wanted to know.... I'm here for a little extra motivation and guidance along the way. If anyone is going through the weight loss process with Thyroid issues, I'd sure love to hear how you deal with it all. Thanks!

I'm seventeen and I've been trying to lose weight for a good two years or so, just to find out that I have a hypothyroid condition and it is nearly impossible for me to loose weight -- Instead I gain. So, now that I'm getting that fixed, I want to get on track to loosing. (:

I am a 31 year old stay-at-home wife/mom of 6 children ranging from the ages 4 to 12. You would think that would keep me busy enough to lose the weight...but not so much ;o) I enjoy many different crafts, such as quilting, crocheting, scrapbook, and cross-stitching.

i wouldn't know what to say. there's just so much....maybe part of the problem is that i need to learn how to de-clutter my life and simplify things....


