I've lost almost 30 pounds. ******UPDATE - I've lost almost 40 pounds! 165 to 126. Took almost 3 years. *** Feel free to read my daily notes for tips on using this site, and for other helpful ideas to help you with your weightloss and fitness journey. Let me know your thoughts!

About to hit the big 30. I live in NY, work full time, taking some classes at night. very outgoing. I need to make changes- I am working very hard at it.



I am a homemaker, and I have a lot of alone time. I am 38, live in NYC and have no children.

25 yo
Active all day snowboard instructor, but I love to eat and be lazy in my time off :)
I want to lose 20 pounds by June!

I'm married w/ one daughter 11 yrs old
I work full time

I am 25 years old. I gained my weight starting my Senior Year of high school. When I met my husband.

Single mom 12 years from widowhood, newly wed two yrs

single mom of a wonderful 16 1/2 year old - Im getting married and will eventually be living in Hawaii and I want to be fit by then



I am a SAHM of two children. I gained the majority of my weight after my second child, however a lot of it was also due to quitting smoking just before I got pregnant so I suspect it is a combination of both. I have absolutely NO will power. I was on the weight watchers program just prior to getting pregnant and doing good until I started gaining instead of losing that when I realized I was pregnant. Would like to get into it again but don't have the money to pay for registration and weekly fees.

Started as an emotional eater in childhood. Now I just like food. Considering that I've been dumpy most of my life and hate to exercise because sweat is just gross, I'm fortunate that I've ONLY just now reached 230. Don't have any health problems, YET. Have a teenage daughter who'd probably be happier with a healthier, happier mom.




I am married and have 3 Cocker Spaniels. I work full time.

I am a mom of one little girl, and a wife of 2 years. I love to ride horses, and be outside.

I'm 27, and looking to just jump into a more healthy lifestyle. I have a job, going to school a dog and a boyfriend--and they all seem to distract me from working out and eating right.

I am a stay-at-home mom of 2 kids, ages 4 and 1. I am from TX, and we moved to Kansas City 4 years ago. I love to workout, hang out with friends, and be outside with my kids. And of course, I LOVE to eat!

I am a 26 year-old Financial Analyst looking to get back in shape.

After many years of a fairly active job, I am in an office career and sitting a lot of the day - have put on some lbs.
Am getting married this year - am more concerned about myself in a bikini on my honeymoon than on my wedding day!



In 2005 I moved from LA to Boston and inadvertently left my healthy lifestyle behind. I'm trying to regain and improve the lifestyle I had then.




I am a single mom of a 17 year old and 15 year old.. I run a daycare in my home and have for the last 16 years.. I collect Holstein cow's or anything spotted! I love baths, candles, movies, fire's and my friends!

I am 23 years old, engaged to be married next October and work full time NIGHTS, at a hospital on a medical surgical/oncology/palliative care unit. Can you say emotionally draining... Oh yeah, I'm an RN<---relatively new grad from last May so my emotions/nerves are all over creation. Hand in hand with my eating habits/activity.


I work in the schools as a speech therapist, and there is ALWAYS food in the teacher's room. On good days, I go to the gym after work, but by the time a get home, make dinner, and put it on the table, it's pretty late and I am super hungry...all portion control goes out the window!

I'm 25 and just moved to a large city to be with my boyfriend. Lot's of changes going on and I seemed to have forgotten about myself! I was on Weight Watchers before, but had the support of friends who were going with me. Since I am new to the area and haven't met a lot of people yet it's been hard to motivate myself.


Systems Engineer for the last 12 years. I was a more physical until this job. Truck driver for 10 years before this. Logger for years. Have been in construction since I was 12 years old. Miss the manual labor. Easier to keep the weight off.





I am a 30 year old galI living in Coon Rapids, Minnesota. I work in the field of equine veterinary medicine. Divorced 2 years ago after 14 years of marraige, no children. Love to hike, sports, travel, ski...anything active and outdoors.

I'm 25 years old and in the US Navy. I have been extremely active, but have always struggled to lose wait (I have not been at a point since I was 13 and decided I was overweight, that I said I am at a good weight now, I can stop losing). I am unable to work out and my diet (quantity, not quality) has taken its toll.

I'm 37, 3 kids (1 teenage girl, 2 elem. age boys), I'm 5'4 and weigh 130 lbs.




I am 46, married, have 3 children, ages 19,17 &13. My job is an in home day care provider. I have done this for 16 years now. I like to read books, bake, go to garage sales and am actively involved with Girl Scouts with my daughters.

I am a 26 year old, physical education teacher. Four years ago my weight was 185, currently I am down to 153. I have worked hard to get where I am today. But would like to reach my goal of 135. I am active all day long, work out at least an hour after school each day. I have lost focus on my eating habits, and realize that I cant drop weight without focusing on my points.

I'm a 54 year old professional who is at my heaviest weight yet! Going through "the change" seemed to be what started my whole weight gain thing.



My name is Laura, I'm 21 and recently moved to Florida. I had gotten down to my goal weight of 130 at one point, but due to going through a divorce and moving 900 miles away I gained it all back. I'm settled into my new city and on the right track now, and I am so determined! I love photography, scrapbooking, going to the beach, spending time with friends/family/my boyfriend, going out, theme parks, going to concerts...

I have struggled with my weight since I can remember. I have lost 15 pounds through weight watchers and want to loose at least 35 more. I live in Denver, love going out, traveling, yoga, dancing, and boxing class. I am recently married and loving it.







I'm a business journalist in Las Vegas, NV. I'm 25 and married but no kids. Hubby dear is slowly becoming more supportive of the weight loss thing.
I've been taking ballet for a couple of months now and recently started renovating a house, so I'm finally getting some real exercise.


I'm a registered nurse, highly motivated and seeking workout buddies.

I am a 31 year old SAHM to a almost 3 year old boy. I gained alot of wieght when I was pregnant, then lost alot of it to get ready for special occasion. And I have now gotten out of control. I have gained back 15 pounds and can't seem to get rid of them.

I am a 45 year old single mother of a 16 year old wonderful son. I teach first grade and have a wonderful family and friends. Sports is a big part of our life and we are continually going to my son's, nephews, and best friend's daughters ballgames. I love photography, scrapbooking, and camping though ballgames take up most of my time and probably will untill my son graduates. I confess i am not much of a fan of exercise. I don not enjoy strength training at all. I basically just walk or bike. I live in a great neighborhood for walking and biking. I would love to run again but am embarrassed to not be able to go any distance. I know you must start somewhere and maybe one day I will.



My name is Lisa and I'm 30 years old, married, no kids yet, but hoping soon! I have lost weight before, but it keeps coming back. I work as an accounting manager in a hotel company, so I mainly sit at a desk and work on a computer all day. I want to lose weight and keep it off for good, so I can fit into nice clothes and start a family.

Married mother of 2. K is 17 and C is 15. I live in central South Dakota.

I've been overweight all my life. I wasn't a fat little girl but was pudgy. I've always been self conscious about myself. I remember feeling unhappy with my weight when I was in third grade and wasn't much bigger than other kids. In 9th grade I lost some weight by becoming bulimic. I kept that habit up for a few years and just somehow grew out of it (thank goodness!). I lost 30 lbs 5 yrs ago and then met my husband -- packed on the lbs then and had a baby 1 yr ago. Breastfeeding kept the lbs off and also kept me from dieting. I'm becoming an at home mom and have heard that stay at home mom's are more likely to be overweight -- scary. I'm ready to be proactive.

I have an athletic build and have always been thicker and curvier than my peers. However, by the time I graduated college I had sauntered my way up to 181 lbs on a 5' 6 1/2" frame. I started working out and watching what I ate. With the help of my boss' WW books I tried that system for awhile. I lost some weight, but through some changes gained a few back. I have started the serious, disciplined weight-loss trek again. This morning I was at 163. I am aiming for 150.

Turning 60 this July. I lost 28 lbs walking around the little city of Oxnard and climbing stairs to a 3rd floor apartment when I went to live with my Navy son for all of 2006. I also cut out all sodas! Drink lots of water and tea. Now, I am back home and there are no stairs to climb on a daily basis. I'm afraid I'll put the weight back on.



I'm 23 years old, and a law student. My study habits are not condusive to eating well-balanced meals, and that's something I'll have to watch. Also, staying away from fast food, and potato chips (my vice). Somehow I ballooned since starting law school, and I'd like to get a grip on it, before it's too late.



I am an attorney, but after my mom had a stroke, I provide around the clock care for her. I did this while working out of the home. I had no live for leisure activity. Within one week after her stroke, I gained a whole size. I was 43 at the time and it's been hard to get the weight off. I am fairly active, but when I work a lot, it's totally sedentary work.

I turned 50 a few months ago. I have been on WW before, but always ended up gaining it all back & then some. I rejoined the last week of December. I am now down 25 lbs, with a ways to go.

I am a 26 yr old stay at home mom who has struggled with weight since high school. I have two beautiful children 5 and 2. I am active in my church and MOPS. I enjoy helping others,reading,shopping,yoga and having fun with girlfriends.

I am a single mom to a 2 year old boy. And I am a beauty consultant with marykay and I love it. I have struggled with weight since the first year of high school.

I am 43 and the mother of 2 grown children, however I also work with small children all day in my job. I love doing home projects, crafts and enjoy music very much. I like the outdoors and enjoy camping and float trips.


My name is Kassy, I am 20 years old, married to Daniel, and have 2 beautiful little girls.





I'm 29, a mother of one adorable 2 yrs-old son.

I'm a 23 year old nursing student (graduating in May!!). I'm 5'3" and last weight in I was 145 pounds. I've always been quite chubby. I don't think there was ever a time when someone would have said I was slender or even average. Of course, that makes me the cutest baby there ever was but...I'm not a baby anymore! I'd like to be less self-conscious and happier with myself.

I am a married 29 year old, with a 2.5 yr old daughter. I work full time. I started gaining weight about 5 years ago and it's just been creeping up every year.



I am a very active person and I love food. As I've gotten older I feel the affects my extra weight has on my body, my knees especially. I am aiming to lose weight and gain muscle to preserve my joints and bones.
For me it's all about being fit so I can continue snowboarding, soccer and gardening!!

I am a full-time working mother of 3 boys ages 10, 8, and 4. We love going to the desert and riding quads and camping.

I'm a writer from WAY upstate NY (about 40 minutes from the Canadian border). I'm single, and share a home with my retired folks and an elderly cat affectionately called The Pig. He used to be fat too, but has lost a healthy 15 lbs in the past four years. Besides writing, I enjoy yoga, reading, travel, and online geekery. I'm also a TV junkie, which I hope to change.

I am Heather. I am 5'8", married, 45 yaers old with a 6yo daughter. I homeschool and teach sunday school. I used to be a runner, with 15 mile races being my favorites. After I had my daughter, I had ankle surgery and never got back into it. I love to be outdoors. I have kidney disease and thyroid diease and I struggle with keeping my medication levels where they need to be. I am eating as much whole food as possible, and limiting red meat. I LOVE SWEETS!!! That is my downfall




I am a 25 yr old mother of one. I love music and I love to dance. I work full time in the evenings so have most of the day free. I am want ot be healthy for me and my daughter. She is three and I don't want her to have to face a life being obese. I am about 150+ lb over weight.

I'm 25. I recently moved to a big city by myself and have struggled to get motivated to lose weight. I've been overweight the majority of my life. I lost weight on weight watchers before but gained it back when I wasn't able to attend meetings for a year. Since then I've gained back more and am now at my all time highest weight. I'm a social worker and often have to educate clients on nutrition and diet but would love to be a better example for them.

I am a 23 year old college student. I finish in May, and I should hopefully be teaching high school histoy in Boston in the fall. Currently, I also nanny and waitress. Friends describe me as hard-working, funny, and outgoing.




28, had a intimate wedding in Dec 06.Student, in the logistics industry.No children, just trying to focus on getting myself together. Like to read, write,shop,myspace,exotic music, jewelry,and talking to people.Want to be more active physically.Like to tell people motivating words. Love all kinds of music and meeting new people in all diff. communication facets


I am a wife and mother of 5.

I am a university student, currently in Christchurch, New Zealand, but I'm going back home to the Detroit area in early July. I love to travel and be active, but I have been letting my asthma hold me back more than it should. I've been steadily gaining weight since high school and I want to turn it around and get back into my karate uniform & show everyone what this black belt is really capable of. Oh and I wouldn't mind fitting into smaller jeans too.



I am a 24 year old lab assistant/training coordinator. I live in New Hampshire, and love the active camping/hiking/swimming lifestyle, but often feel I can't keep up or do enough because of my weight. I've always been on the heavy side, but after the first two years of my now 3 1/2 year relationship, I started gaining weight. I'm 5'10" and up to 265. When I met my boyfriend, I weighed 210!! I've actually lost 5 pounds in the last three weeks, just by starting to watch what I eat more and not eating so late at night.

I had gastric bypass surgery on June 24, 2003. I lost a total of 140 pounds. I then gained back 40 pounds. I've now lost 15 of those pounds and I'd like to lose the other 25. I've been doing Weight Watchers since January. I've just started incorporating exercise into my daily routine for the past 3 weeks. Now I've hit a plateau. I've lost no pounds in the last 3 weeks, but I have lost 17.5 inches. I know, I should be happy abou the inches, but I'm ready to see the scale move again.

34 years old




I am a undergrad student. I used to be very health concious as a freshmen and this year I have simply stopped following rules I used to follow and slacked on working out. I have gained like 15 lbs, and its got to go.

I've been a WW member since my youngest son was born in 1984, and I have been a WW Lifetime Member since 1985. I am now 67 years old and getting to the point where it's harder to lose the weight. Also, it's not healthy for me to carry more weight than I have to. I have four children, all grown, three married, six grandchildren and two great grandchildren. I work three days a week, and on my days off, I love to sew (making clothing for the new granddaughter).


I am 28 yrs old and I teach Kindergarten. This is my third year teaching.



I am a 2 time breast cancer survivor and won't let my weight be a factor in my health anymore. I want to eliminate my excess weight so that I can live a LONG and HEALTHY life with my husband and 3 children.

Happily married and a Mother of 4yr old boy and 2yr old girl.

I am a 38 year old mother of 3. Used WW to lose 15 lbs about 4 years ago.....after the big move here gained it all back. Want to be able to wear my cute clothes again instead of hiding behind what I wear.

I'm 27 yrs. old and in the process of applying to several police departments. I'm physically fit and exercise almost daily...but I also like my pizza and burgers...hence the extra few pounds that need to go :)

28, Female, Married... I've tried to lose weight and given up more times than I want to count. It's finally time to do this for real but not just because I'll look better, but because I'll be healthier, happier, and have more energy too!

I've always been slim and active. As a graduate student I rarely have "free" time, but I like to go out....play sports...and have fun. I'm not much of a dieter...I'm much better at limiting portion sizes (or I used to be).

I'm 25, have a eight month old angel in the form of a boy. His name is Hunter. I was really small going through high school, got the freshman 15 plus! I'm just trying to get back down to myself again.


I'm 41 years old, single and female. I live in Boise, Idaho and work in the Accounting field. I have been using the Weight Watchers point system on my own, but am hoping the accountability of a group will help me to stick with it better. I am in a Biggest Loser competition with 7 friends to see who can lose the biggest percentage of body weight between April 1 and June 1. There is $250 at stake for the winner! I'd love to have the cash but I'd love even more to lose 30 lbs in the next 2 months. Unfortunately for another 2 weeks I have a grueling work schedule and no time to excercise.

I lost 45 lbs on WW about 18 months ago. I was healthier than I had been in years and was exercising daily. I had started roller blading and had been losing weight and gaining muscle at a fantastic rate because of it.....then I fell and broke my arm....and started gaining weight again because i was unable to prepare healthy meals and exercise was out of the question. Sadly, I gained back 30 lbs. But the good news is that I'm ready to get started again....and I'm in the right frame of mind to get going.

I am a 40 year old married mom of two. I have struggled with weight majorly in the past 10 years with my first pregnancy. Before that it was manageable.


I am a SAHM , I am 38. I am married to my best friend a very wonderful man for 15 years. we have 3 children together and he came with a pre family of 4. As a result I am a grand momma and I enjoy spending time with my granddaughter and grandson.
I was not an overweight child, but at the age of 12 I weighed in at 126 and gained 10lbs every year basically till age 29. I gained the xtra 40lbs and a baby and never lost the xtra weight and have been this weight since then give or take.
I am not a dieter, I am not into fads and the latest and greatest new diet out. I WILL however be trying ALLI along with my new weight loss goals.







I am a 37yo SAHM of 3 (4 if you count my husband, HA HA). Their ages are 10 boy, 8 girl, 3 girl & a very handsome, fun loving 39 going on 5 husband. I am 5'2, so every pound looks like 10 on my short frame. I have been steadily gaining weight for the last 3 years. Now I want to turn that around and get in shape once and for all!

I just turned 33 and have been married for almost 6 years. No children yet. Our dog & cat keep us busy. I live in Delaware which I love. I have worked for the same insurance company over 10 years.

So sick of struggling with these extra pounds for the past 10 years! Haven't been able to lose them on my own, so here I am. My loves are traveling, languages, healthcare, botany, friends, family, the outdoors, independent film and music, spirituality and anything I find beautiful, inspiring or fascinating. I'm 26, have a BA & BS and work at a major hospital on an HIV research project, coordinating the clinical side of collecting blood from hundreds of HIV+ patients. I love medicine but failed to get into Medical School this year and am now refocusing on nursing and/or public health degrees. I walk to work every day but don't get enough hard-core exercise. I am prone to eating when I'm happy and then feeling guilty later. I'll always love food, but I think I can learn to temper my consumption with some reasonable restraint.





Single mom of 4 now 2 are out on own. Really have many things keeping me away from taking care of myself. I am back to only getting enjoyment from eating. I need to find other ways to relieve my stress and feelings of overwhelming. I am tired of having to do everything alone. I am finding is so hard lately.

I'm a very struggling actress and I eat when i'm emotionally unstable. I quit a steady 9-5 job to follow my dream.

I'm single and 40 years young. I work with children and love every minute of it. I have struggled with my weight all my life. The South Beach Plan was the first plan I actually loved and stuck with for any length of time. I started the plan in Jan '04... lost 30 lbs... stuck with the plan until Feb '05 when personal issues brought back old habits and I gained the weight back... Now in Apirl of '07 I've decided to give the WW plan a go ... I prefer to look at it as a lifestyle change rather than a diet and hope to remain healthy for the rest of my days.


I'm a kindergarten teacher with three adult children. I've always been overweight. I'm currently 40 lbs lighter than my heaviest weight (thanks to the divorce diet,) but I still need to lose another 50 -60 lbs.

I am 26 years old living in NJ. I have two cats Minnie and Mickey, they are my babies. Will be finally moving out of my dad's house hopefully by this time next year.

I'm a single mom of two teens, a budding entrepreneur of my own company that makes fanny pack alternatives- cool purses worn around the waist. I have two dogs who I hike with 4-5x/week.


I am a 47 year old woman, married with 2 children. I have lost weight before, and always gained it back. My last successful diet was Weight Watchers, and I kept off the 30 pounds until I quit smoking and turned 40!

I am a 44 year old Mom of a teenage daughter. I want to be a role model for her while she develops. Most importantly, I need to change my lifestyle. Carrying excess weight makes me tired and I have low self esteem; unusual for me as I work with the public and others do not see me that way so I need to dig deep and learn to love and appreciate myself.

46 y.o. hispanic female legal professional



I'm 24, a retail manager. I'm honest, funny, pretty laidback. I like to be active, particularly outdoors, but I cannot control my eating. I'm relatively new to the area I live, so I don't know enough people to keep myself occupied, so I think I eat out of boredom.

I am 31 years ols and a mom of an 8 year old girl. I am 5'1 and weight 130. I would like to get down to 110 but really want to lose all the fat. I really am looking to firm up and get rid of my jiggles. I work full time and seem to have no time to workout. I cant go to the gym because I dont want my daughter to stay in the gym daycare after I pick her up from regular daycare. I have no motivation to do workout tapes...just not my thing. So i am saving to buy a treadmill. Until then i am looking at what i eat and how much.

single mom of 3 boys 18, 16, and 9. I used to be very thin but for the past 5 years since knee surgery I have just packed on the pounds. I am at 210 now and used to average about 135. I dislike the way I look and want to look better.

I work at a desk job Monday - Friday. I recently signed up for a gym membership and have been trying to work off the pounds by doing the eliptycal trainer. I'm single and I'm 30 years old. I'd like to lose some weight so I can feel more comfortable in my own skin...and my clothes. ;)


I'm a 31 year old stay at home mom of two kids and have gained weight from a bad thyroid and lack of physical activity and want to lose weight and having a hard time of it.




I have a degree in elementary education, but I don't enjoy teaching. I am also a pastry chef--which I LOVE!!!!! I plan on opening my own bakery. It's funny, when I worked full-time as a pastry chef, I was skinny as a rail. When I went back to college and was teaching, I gained weight.



My goal weight is around 178. I am 29 years old.

My Name Is jacqueLynn And I am 15. Ya I am young but I care about my figure. Ever Since I was n 5th Grade I was The Chunkier girl and After having surgery I have put on a couple xtra pounds. I absolutely love to Tumble and I need to lose weight and tone to be more Flexible. Plus summer is coming up and I would like to feel comfortable in a swim suit[bikini]. I am also a singer and I babysitt on the weekends! My mother Is a 5'10; very tall and skinny. As well as my older sister. But Me and My younger sister def. got our fathers figures. [fantastic]

Im a 5 11 330 lbs I was in the army Ive been married for 18 yrs and have a daughter and a son.

I am a teacher in a new position this year (very stressful), and a single mom of an 8 year old daughter. I have full custody, but am in the midst of a very touchy custody battle. I'm just staying afloat financially with a lot of help from family... read- single mom, teacher, paying crazy legal expenses, and have an ex who is behind over $30,000 in child support! I have struggled with my weight since childhood, never enjoyed working out, but did dance and loved cheerleading in high school. I am an emotional eater. My weight has bounced up and down forever.



I am 38 years old. Married for 6 years. A mother of a very active 3.5 year old red headed boy. I don't really have any hobbies of any kind. Oh...and I recently quit smoking...yea me! It's been almost 2 weeks and I'm not going back this time. This is another reason why I need this group. I do not want to gain any of my weight back just because I no longer smoke.

I know why I'm fat. I know I need to eat better. I know I need to work out. But I just can't stay motivated enough, regardless of how many times I tell myself that I look terrible, I feel terrible, and how much I wish I didn't have the extra flub around my belly.



My name is Teri, and I have 3 children at home. I am a wedding cake designer, and help support the two oldest children's pair skating. They are training for Nationals this year in the Novice pairs level. I also homeschool, and am working on getting out of debt....all of this at the same time is a bit overwhelming.


I live in Chicago and work in Sales. I leave for work at 6:30 in the morning and return home about 6:30pm each day. 90% of my week is spent in my office or a work functions. I love to be active all the time and try to fill my space time with lots of activities, like going to the gym, horseback riding, shopping etc.

I am a school teacher, wife, and mother of 3 boys.


I'm a SAHM of one, who's been trying to lose the "baby" weight



30 year old social worker; very active in the community and church; workout regularly; but tjhe scale has come to a stand still

32 year old, single, work full-time and go to school. A lack of planning and motivation has sent me to my highest weight ever.

All my friends call me Sunshine. I'm seventeen years old, living in the state of Washington. I was diganosed with Type 2 diabetes when I was 11/12 years old and I would love it more than anything to it in remission.

I'm 39 years old and over the course of the past 5 years I have gained 30 lbs. I have been diagnosed with an underactive thyroid and once on medication I was hoping things would improve, but no such luck. I'm now trying to dedicate myself to eating better and trying to loose this weight. I'm very unhappy with myself right now.


I'm a soon to be 50 year old small town housewife in rual Oklahoma. I have four boys ranging in age from 22-7; the youngest two of whom I am still homeschooling. My favorite personal activities are reading and crocheting, hence my choice of this group.


Post wedding I have gained a lot of weight, I want to be able to shed some pounds and just gain an overall healthy lifestyle and eating habits.

I am a 20 year old entrepuener, who works a full-time day job and runs my own business in the evenings and weekends. My business is training horses and giving horse lessons. I have been doing this for about 5 years now.



I recently graduated from college. I have two children and a great husband. I love to cook. My hubby and I own a small business so we work alot, which inevitably means that eating well is often hard.



I've been overweight my whole life. My highest weight was 260 and now I'm down to 220, so I've lost 40, but it's been slow going from here. I work at Starbucks, so it's especially hard for me to look over the pastries and the drinks. They're so good!

I've been heavy all my life, so I'm used to it...however, I want to live a long and healthy life, and I need to commit to a program and lifestyle that will ensure I make it! :)

I am a 26-year old girl, the reason why I join Peertrainer is I DO WANNA GO BACK TO MY GOLDEN TIMES! It makes me feel so bad when I see my pictures which were taken 2-3 years ago.
I guess you will know how those feeling can hurt a little young girl.


Well I just turned 34 and I'm not sure how I feel about that. I work full time as well as being a full time student. I tend to use the excuse that I don't have time to exercise. I do have a busy life. However, I need to stop making excuses and do something about my weight.

I am married and have two children, 6 and 5. I work fulltime. I have never been a "skinny" person. I am at my highest weight I've ever been. I even weighed less than this after I had my daughter (youngest). I've really let myself go in the last couple years, how depressing. I want to lose weight for my children and be a good example to them.




I am going to be 49 this end of May and I am too FAT. I have much pain in my weight and I hate it. I want to lose weight and be more active and eat properly and fell alive again.




I am a 57 years old woman, and have been battling my weight, but not in huge quantities, since my teens. Right now I am 5'2" and weigh 189 lbs, and I would like to go down to about 150 (WW says I should be 140 but I've never been that thin). Five years ago I lost 23 lbs at WW during 5 months, but gained them back. I feel like my metabolism is at zero, and am working on revving it up. I don't eat that much, but want to get back to counting points to make sure I don't go past the daily allotted points. And I need support!!!

I am 32, married 1 1/2 yrs, my husband is pretty lazy and likes junk food and it's rubbed off on me. I've gained 40 pounds since we got married and I was heavy then.
I want to lose enough to get rid of all my clothes and get brand new ones!



I am 36 year old single woman.


I currently work as a hairstylist, and I am hoping that one day I will not have to work for a corperation but will be able to infuse my own ideas into a Salon I can call my own. I wrote this when I first started on this site back in May 2007 and now I am proud to say that I own that salon now here in June of 2009!!I Being overweight ruins my confidence and energy that I need for this business adventure. And my work is cut out for me since I am currently take medicine for an underactive thyroid. This does seem to hinder my efforts slightly, but I refuse to continue to let this dibilitate me from achieving my goals. I will not hold that as an excuse any longer. I am also currently enrolled in school and I am trying to obtain a Master's in MassCommunication's and a Bachelors in Psychology, so that one day I can become a college professor. INeedless to say, I need a tremendous amount of energy in order to sustain the hard work it's going to involve while working and obtaining my degree. I've always been able to multitask and I think that if you can dream it you can achieve it. I want to look fabulous abd feel good, and as a salon owner and Professos it's imperative that these goals are met. I have also considering personal training on the side and teaching people that they too can achieve their goals as well. I want to be a role model for other women who have succumbed to eatting out of stress or fear. I was under a tremendous amount of stress and depression when I was married to my xhusband. My new husband trys to help with all my efforts and dreams, and loves me for who I am, but knows that I am not happy living like this at this moment. I will never know what I am capable of if I don't merely try, so I will try. I will not give up, even if that means starting over again 10,000 times and I would like to mention that I started on this site a very looong time ago and I am starting over on this journey once more. Yeah!!!!!!!!! I can and willl do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am a very outgoing person. Been married almost 10years to my wonderful husband, Derrick. 2 wonderful kids, Megan and Jared.

I am 42 years young and the mother of 4. I am a Realtor in Atlanta. I ate all my issues in the past and now that I have my mind right. The pounds have to go.


I am a 32 year old mom to Gracie (1year) and wife to Colin (8 years). My work at a university keeps me super busy so I need support on how to do a lot with very little time!


I am a 22 year old college student trying to get through my last year of college with out gaining 500 lbs lol anywho.. I am going to school for computer animation which is very intense....

I'm a 37 year old working Mom, with little time to workout. I still manage to do it at least 1 hr, 5 days a week. I'm a very short person 5 feet tall and any extra pounds I get show very quickly. All my life have always been thing, but for the past 3 to 4 years it seems like even water makes me gain weight. Need help and support.

I am a 31 year old , stay at home mom of 2 Wonderful children. I have been married for 7 years now to the Man of my dreams , whose currently serving a 15 month tour in Iraq. I enjoy spending time with my children and family. In my spare time I enjoying Baking Goodies.....that's my problem. In the near future I plan to open a hair salon . I am a Christian who LOVES God. I am active in the church as well.



I am an LPN currently going for my RN degree. I have two beautiful girls & a great husband. I have joined WW before and it worked great, but I strayed and gained it all back.


I am a 23 year old newlywed. My husband and I have tried Weight Watchers together and it worked but was too expensive. I have tried weight watchers in the past and lost 39 lbs but gained it all back since I moved from NY to VA. I work part time 3 days a week and need the motivation to be active on a daily basis.


I have two beautiful children and I gained alot of weight with them!! I am 5'2" and was up to 192 lbs when my son was born. I've since lost about 30 lbs. I'm sad enough about the stretch marks I'd like to at least feel like confident in my clothes (which I still don't fit into most of)

I am married with two kids, am a SAH wife, mom, Christian and homeschool. I feel that now is a great opportunity to really focus on me. I am the type that back seats my own needs for others, or give in too easily because someone else is pushing their needs. I want to be more assertive with my needs. I also feel like it is high time to focus on me so I can be the best I can be personally for me, and therefore be the best I can be for my husband and my kids.

I'm an elementary education major and will be a senior in the fall.


I'm 34 years old and live in Alabama. I'm a paralegal and plan to start law school next year. I'm married with no children, but do have dog. I would really to like to lose weight to become healthy and gain confidence in my career.




I am a 33 year old female, married with 3 kids. I work part time outside of the home and have 10 jobs inside of the home :)! I get stressed out easily and run to food to calm my nerves. Since I have so much going on, it's easier for me to eat out and not exercise. What is motivating me to change is that I can hardly walk, I never have energy and I feel that due to my eating habits, I am losing brain power. I used to be an extremely beautiful and intelligent women and now I feel like a huge dumb blob. I want to keep up with my kids and keep my husband attracted to me.

I'm a Las Vegas-based small business owner struggling with some lbs I put back on after a new, more sedentary post-marriage/work-from-home lifestyle. I'm on a quest to get healthy again.




I am a Head Start teacher in DC. The kids are crazy but also a lot of fun. I work a lot but really should take more time for myself. This summer I am working to train new teachers in an intensive training Institute.



I am a single working mom of a very active and demanding soon-to-be 6 yrs old boy. I am an emotional and impulsive eater who has gained 50 lbs since moving to Oregon 4 yrs ago.

I'm a newspaper reporter who loves to go to the gym, bike and hike with my boyfriend. I also love dancing with my girls and playing co-ed, beer-league softball on Fridays with my Peaches.

23 year old mother of 3. My kids are my life. Straight up. Period. But now is the time for me to love myself too.

I am a mother of 3 who is a full time student and I work every weekend. I need to try to find time to exercise and learn to eat healthier.

I'm a 28 year old who recently finished my masters degree. I am currently in an office environment.

I am 5'7" and 20 years old. I am a runner but unfortunately was just diagnosed with shin splints after a bone scan which really hurt being able to run off the end of the school year diet during exams and parties and such. Last summer I ran with my neighbor's dog a lot, Gus, he is this huge labradoodle who is so fun and whenever I go visit seems so upset I am not there to run with him because I can't :-( the only way i know to shed weight seriouysly has been running. Last summer I was on steroids for a rash I had from a dru interaction and gained a bunch of weight. By the end of summer I was running 6 miles a day on average and slimmed down to 135 lbs which I felt confident at. I am working full time in an internship so I sit at a desk but I have been excercising in the companies nice gym everymorning at 6 am before work. I am hoping this helps. I have been doing their spinning class which really works me hard, last week one guy had to quit before the end of class. I also have a horse who I love to ride after work and on weekends. I love going upnorth to my cottage and waterskiing and swimming.

Please help anyone I need motivation to lose weight I feel so uncomfortable I do not like the way my body is structured. I wish not to purchase any new wardrobe until i get back into a size 14/16 in in a 18 now. So I'm looking forward for assistance from any1 with a few good advice on losing the wight fast.

I am a 21 year old college student. I enjoy being with friends and family, running, reading, playing with my dogs, and going out.


I'm a 60 year old retiree who recently moved with my husband to a rural Texas county. I get plenty of outdoor activity since we have a small ranch with cows and goats, but I find it's too tempting to just fall into the high carb, chicken-fried steak kind of lifestyle that's the norm here. I've only gained about 10 lbs, but I want to reverse this trend before it gets out of hand.


I am on the brink of turning 41 and am 5'7". I am in the 270s but since all I have been doing is gaining and/or maintaining at WW since school has ended (I teach English at an urban high school in Phoenix).

Hi! My name is Rachelle. I am 28 years old. I just finished my doctrate of pharmacy. I weigh 335lbs. My goal is to be 150lbs. I have been obese my entire life. It's not a family thing. I tend to starve myself thru out the day and binge eat at night and I am not physically active. All in all I hope to make friends, learn more about myself, and loose weight in the process.

I am a VERY recently (1 month) married mother of two. In three years, I have put on over 50lb. and am very nervous about my weight. Though I carry it very well & get PLENTY of compliments about my looks, I know that I have to make some healthy changes for myself.

I currently bartend at night and am in nursing school during the day. I want my confidence back.

I am 29 years old and live in a small town in Iowa with my boyfriend of 5 years and 2 cats. I work as a contracts attorney for a large multinational company. I enjoy reading, knitting, crossword puzzles and watching movies.

I can wiggle my ears
I just started reading Twilight
I love my computer

I'm new to PeerTrainer, and this looks like just what I need. I'm 28, married to a sedentary guy, no kids, work in a sedentary job, trying to loose 30 lbs total and get back to a healthy 120 lbs.

i work 5 days a week long days. at homeis my husband and son.. daughter at college.. very hard to diet as husband doesn't help. i try to keep busy on weekends, love to garden and try to do craft things just so i don't eat.. menopause has not help at all...



I'm 53 and this is my third time on WW. I lost 60 lbs in 2004, met my Lifetime WW goal. Gained 15 of that back and joined again in 2005, but was not successful at all and have put on another 21 lbs. WW comes to my place of employment for weekly meetings and we just started again on the 9th.

Kosher. 31. Vegetarian for 21 years, added fish this year (a few times a week).

I am a 53 year old woman with 50 plus pounds to lose. I had lost 20 but have put all but 5 back on on weight watchers, I guess I will have to track a little better.


I'm a registered nurse and work full time in an endoscopy unit. I love to read and scrapbook, stamp cards and play with my two grandchildren

I'm 43 and work in public relations for a state university. I bought my first house a couple of years ago and am still working on decorating and landscaping -- probably a never-ending project.

I'm 21 years old working full time trying to get my ass back to school!! My work schedule is crazy and quite honestly I HATE my job and am looking to start anew completely. Part of that is making over myself with a new healthy lifestyle. It's all about Weight Watchers for me! I love movies, learning, the arts, travel, comedy tv shows, horror films, my amazing family and my wonderful boyfriend. :P



I am a psychotherapist, mother of 3. Two of my children are adults, a daughter 22, and a son 25. My youngest is 14.




I lost 20 pounds four years ago on Weight Watchers and have gained about half of it back.
I was a vegetarian for 7 years, but recently started eating fish again. When I went back to WW meetings last summer, I just couldn't get back on the program. Since I moved in with my boyfriend 2 years ago, I've found it really hard to keep the calories down. I'm 5'6" and 32 years old.


I'm turning 40 next year and want to feel in control of all aspects of my life, but have never seemed to conquer food and exercise. I need to lose 50+ pounds to reach my goal.


I am 30 years old, a newlywed, and I refuse to blow up and use my newly acquired marital status as an excuse. I go to the gym and lift weights regularly, but my most challenging physical activity is boxing. Like real boxing at a boxing training gym.

I am married with two girls. My youngest is 4 and my oldest is 7. I also have tumor in my head that causes lots of headaches. I have a thyroid disorder that makes it hard for me to loose weight. I just want to be healthly so I will e able to be around for my girls while they are growing up.


I'm 19 and almost 5' tall. I'm nerdy and bubbly. :)

I am a self employed attorney. I am in court daily, since I do criminal defense, and I drive a lot - over 40,000 miles a year. My car always seems to be drawn to drive throughs, (and it doesn't help that I never have time to have lunch). Stress seems to be increasing, since I am taking on more and more work, and yet with court delays, I am out of the office from 8:30 a.m. to 5pm, and then work late to catch up.
I'm also in the middle of a divorce and I feel the stress of that quite a bit.




I am over 50, married, empty nester. I am retired but stay active. I love to sew, quilt, play cards, and visit nature parks. I enjoy working with young people and volunteer work.

I recently got married on May 12th to my hero, my Marine. I work two jobs and attend graduate school for mental health counseling. It seems that it's easy to give everyone else advice on weight loss and self-esteem but hard to listen to myself at times! (Hopefully that is why we have one another)

Married with 2 children


I am a 58 year old female. I have three wonderful daughters and 4 very special grandchildren soon to be 6 when my eldest completes her adoption process. I am married (37 years) I work nights which is probably the biggest culprit in my weight loss attempt or lack thereof.

I am 38 year old female and a mother of 2. I have multiple sclerosis and I am over weight .

I'm 35, married and have a 14 year old daughter. I weigh 192.0 and would like to get down to 155-160. Start date 1/2/08 START WEIGHT 198 down 6 LB'S!!

I have five beautiful children and 1 perfect grandson. I'm newly single after 28 years of marriage and I need to take care of myself! I'm a very spiritual person who realizes that positive thinking and prayer goes a long way in helping one to reach goals.

Im a mother of 2 boys ages 11 and 9. I got seperated in 2006 and now have a great boyfriend. i am a animal lover and i work with the elderly



I never had a weight problem until I started having children. I could lose the baby weight eventually, but it took lots of effort. I have 4 children and after #4, I almost lost all the baby weight before I began going up on the scale. Now I am bigger than I was with each of my pregnancies and I feel each extra pound!


I use to like to play sports and have gotten away from being a participant to being a spectator. I like the outdoors and anything to do with the outdoors. Fishing, hunting, mowing the yard, working in a garden,. However I said I like these things, not that i do them a whole lot. i can't seem to get motivated sometimes. I always have an excuse not to do them. I use to love to ride a bike places. I got away from that for a long time. I have a new bike that i have ridden maybe a few times.


28 year old female with loads to lose, tried WW and Atkins, lost on both, but gained back more and then some. Would like some support in being accountable for what I eat.

I am 23 years old from Cleveland, Oh. I just graduated from Bowling Green State University in May of 2007 with a Bachelors degree in communications. I have a job, but not one that requires my degree. I am still looking for something in the HR field. I just got engaged, about a week before Christmas. My fiance and I have been together for 3 years and are very excited to be getting married.


I am 56, divorced and have three children two of whom are in college. My youngest child and I both need to lose weight so this is as much for him as for me. I've always been very active - running 5ks, two 1/2 marathons, cycling vacations in Ireland - but gained 50-60 pounds when I went through menopause.


I am 30 years old and very new to the dieting and fitness world. As a computer engineer I spend most of my day at a computer daily for my work and up until the end of last year my daily exercise consists of only walking 30mins a day between home and work. I'm 5'2 and my weight has been in the 133-144 range pretty steadily in the last 5 years. I currently weigh 136lb. This year I'd like to lose the 20 (or so) pounds that I've always want to lose!

27 year old, working in finance, and attending classes in the evening. I am participating in a weight loss challenge with friends right now. I think the daily logs may help to keep me honest



I am a 35 year old mom of 7. I work from home. I love reading and crafts.

I am a working mother of 3 in a rocky marriage.

I have just turned 40 have four lovely children soooo life is quite busy... I go to the gym most day usually 3 -4 times a week


Workign part time mother of two boys.



Want to eat healthy and live long and strong.


I will be turning 38 in Aug 2009, wow that doesn't seem possible. I have 3 boys (10, 6, 3) that keep me busy and I enjoy hanging out with friends and weekend cocktails... I have heard that I should skip the drinks because they are empty calories but hey I like 'em!


Have used Weight Watchers through all its various phases--looking for a points list that is text based.
Like cats--have an old one--also like to cook.




I am 40 yr old mother of two beautiful girls (8 and 5 1/2 ). I have recently finished school for Dental Assisting and looking for employment. I recently went through a divorce after almost 19 yrs of marriage. Lots of stress but I want this extra weight gone for good so I can feel good on the inside.

I am a 40 year old elementary school teacher with 3 great kids, ages 18, 15, and 3 (our surprise baby!) I was very athletic as a child and all the way through college. But, like many others, I let marriage, kids, and work come before my own health. I have just started the Weight Watchers Points plan. I have been following it for a week now and have lost 6lbs! I hope that joining this group will help keep me accountable!


Wife of 20 plus years. Proud mom off three, 16,18,20. Medical billing supervisor (desk job) and herbalist correspondence student. The uncomplicated version of course. I joined the weight watchers program in May 2005. I have successfully lost 95 pounds. My goal weight is still 57 pounds away.

I'm 36 yo and recently had a hysterectomy. I have gained 30 lbs in the last year and am just absolutely disgusted! I am in the car a lot - both work full-time and attend law school (3 hour drive each way) and need to incorporate some healthy eating habits into my very demanding schedule.

55, sedentary job in front of a computer. Some joint problems in the last year keep me from exercising as much as I used to, and my age has really slowed my metabolism.

I am a stay at home mom to two kids. My son, Dawson, is 2 1/2 and my baby girl, Alayna, is 3 months old.

53 retired full time business woman and grandmother to four little ones under 8.


I am a 56 year young woman married with 2 children of my own and a bonus child. My daughter and my stepson are both married and my son who came back to live with us after 5 years in the Navy and is now in college. I am a Grandmom of 1 little boy who has my heart in his chubbie little hand.


I'm 56, married for 34 years, and the mother of four adult children, 31(son -married), 29 (son), 26 (daughter - married), and 22 (daughter - in college). I also have 3 dogs, 2 inherited when my daughters rescued them.
I'm a high school math teacher and really enjoy being in the classroom. I look forward to working out,most of the time. But lately, I'm having a difficult time. I enjoy reading, dancing, and knitting.
I'm hoping that the weight loss with motivate me to try new hobbies and develop new interests. I didn't have a problem with my weight until I hit 50.

I'm 20 and I attend Georgia Tech and the University of West Georgia. I've never dieted before, as I've always been an athlete. As classes have gotten harder, I've scaled back on athletics. I've gained a little more than the requisite freshman 15, and this time I don't have a football or soccer coach pushing and prodding.

I am a new mom and a 5th grade teacher. I have gained a total of 60lb that needs to be gone. Through the birth of my son and a divorce I ballooned. I am ready to try to date again but I lack the confidence due to my weight. I never was skinny but I was a curvy girl and I am fine with that.

I'm 36 (almost 37) I have 4 great kids, and I am constantly running after work picking up, dropping off or playing catch up I have no idea how I have time to be soooooooooooo FAT.

I am a 33 year old father of two living in Chicago. A busy schedule makes it hard to exercise, and difficult to slow down and eat healthy. I enjoy live music, movies, and geocaching (which is one of the few things that gets me outdoors on a regular basis.)


I am in my late 20s and I have been overweight since I was a teen. I have recently gotten off of a 3 yr stint on prednisone which caused me to gain a lot of weight. I am still working to take all of that weight, plus some, off.

I'm 32 and I just had my first son December 7, 2006. He's now toddl'in around the house and I'm attempting to get back into shape. I am a musician, currently on a hiatus from my music degree but I hope to be back in school this fall. I love to cook! I have a wonderful boyfriend who is a photographer and we have a two kids: our son and our persian cat. :)
My goal is to get down to my pre pregnancy weight. I'm counting points with weight watchers. I gained 60 pounds with the pregnancy and when I came home from the hospital I was 180. I've slowly been losing weight by pushing the stroller around in my neighborhood but got stuck in the 170's for a good 8 months or so. I've decided to really work at it and have been back on the WW program since January 4th, 2008.






I am currently a stay at home mom of two preschoolers. They keep me going, but now enough to get that baby weight off. I am married to a very supportive man that is dieting with me just because it will help me.
I hit my low when trying to get health insurance and they told me you are to high risk! I am healthy woman, but overweight.

Hello my name is sandra, i work full time and i go to school part time to be in the near future a respiratory therapist.. I am married and have 2 wonderful children 2,5 they are my motivation for everyting that i do..

I have two boys ages 7 and 4. They keep me very busy. I have very little time to excercise.


33 yrs, blessed with 2 princess and awesome husband. Nurse Practitioner by trade and now ready to make MY health a priority! :)


I am a mother of 3 girls,married 10 years and a nursing student. I work part time for an answering service. I love primitive /country decorating. My life is hectic, and I need more energy ! I find my self using my free time to eat , and I don't like who I have become. I have Crohns disease and I think my food choices hurt instead of help me.

I am 53 and a school teacher.




Will be 50 next week. Have struggled with weight all my life. I thought I was fat in high school - weighed 140. Have 3 children and one grandson. I have put on and taken off weight over the years. Tried a lot of different diets. Went through many years just trying to accept myself the way I was. Health problems started to creep in and now I am determined to get healthy. I already feel so much better!






Stay at home Mom. kids are 16 and 19.





I'm a 39 year old, married, mother of 2 daughters (ages 8 & 10). I want to be a positive role model for my girls when it comes to making healthful food choices and exercising to be fit.

Hi i'm 52 with 2 kids aged 28 and 23 and one adorable 3yr old granddaughter. I want to lose 4 stone because of health reasons due to osteoarthritis in both knees and back and also to feel better about myself (been feeling pretty lousy lately ) i'm 5ft 1 and weigh 182 pounds which is to much !



19 year old college student..
weight has always been an issue for me.. hoping to loose 15-20 pounds
already lost 10-15.



I am a very blessed 30 year old homemaker and mom of two beautiful girls, Ava Marie (18 months) and Lylah Grace (almost 4 months).

Surgery Resident with little time and unreliable hours which makes regular exercise and proper eating very difficult, despite my knowledge about how important these are.


I'm an orthodontic assistant.

In Jan 2008 I weighed in at 230 pounds (I am 5'5"). Since then, I have dropped 65 pounds and currently weigh in at 165. I have about 35 left to go. I hope to hit goal by early/mid November.
I've lost the weight (and will continue to lose it) through a combo of Weight Watchers and a ton of hours at the gym! I run/walk 5-6 hours per week, and do strength training 3x per week (one of those is with a trainer).
Beyond the weight, I want to start running competitively ... I'm goign to start with a 5k in early November. Long term (next Spring) I am considering spring triathalons.
I am a different person now!







I am 43, married and travel for a living

I am a 50 years old, and would like to loose some of this belly from having 4 children. I walk a lot, but I tend to over eat at times. I am 5'2 139 pounds and going up...I need to make it go down.

I'm a stay at home mom with two boys 16 and 13.



I am 54, have 2 grown daughters (one is getting married next May) and a husband who has had major health problems the last 2 years but doing well now. I lost 15 pounds on WW a couple of years ago and I liked the flex plan so I am going to start counting points again. Not sure if I am going to rejoin.

I am a 68 year old female, happily married , three grown children, 7 grandchildren and 3 grandbabies. I love gardening, crafts, reading , sewing, communicating on the internet, and watching college football. Go, OHIO STATE !!!! No health issues now, but would love to see myself at a healthy weight and feel good with the way I look. Great husband who understands the difficulty of losing weight, but is supportive.

I am 42, mom to one, 17 months, and two bonus kids - 11 & 19. I have my own business as well and my husband and I are not the most organized people in the world!




I am single (for now), 52 years old, and in love with a WONDERFUL man! I feel like my life is JUST starting to come together, FINALLY; I want to get into better shape for myself, but also for him.


I am 32 year old, 5' 4". Had a baby 9 wks ago and trying to loose my baby fat and a bit more. Put on 40 pound during pregnancy.

I have 2 girls that are 7 & 2. I work just about full time. 2 year old is pretty demanding. Not much time to my self or to work out for that matter.







mother of 4, 36 yrs old, on north side of Houston,
doing WW because of nursing my son


I will be 50 next year and I've been thru so many ups and downs over my life. I want the second half of my life to be good and warm and filled with love.


Married, mother of four, SAHM.



I am going to be 45 yrs old and have one 14 yr old daughter and have been married 15 years. I am happy in my life except for my weight. I put on this weight due to stress and family problems and moving. Time to move on!


I am a 36 year old wife and SAHM of a 2-year old and a 10 year old. I am also, and foremost, a Christian who loves Christ Jesus and seeks to glorify Him in spirit and in body. Visit my blog at: http://pro31woman.blogspot.com

I am a SAHM. I am 34 and will be 35 in Jan I can't believe it. I have a 9 yo boy, 4 girl yo both in school full time this year. YEAH! And a 15 yo step son whom I adore. I am married almost 10 years. I was never heavy as a kid and did not become overweight until my second child. I gained 70 lbs with my first, but lost almost all of it and 78 with my second. I got down almost to my goal weight and love to work out then I got RA and went on lots of Meds and gained some back. Plus the pain and stiffness in my body prevents me from exercising. I take 3 steps forward and 2 back. But I have been feeling good and am ready to get back on WW, which I do even when I am not doing it anyway so hopefully this time I will be able to get it all off. I miss the way my clothes used to fit, no lumps and bumps. I havent worn shorts or a bathing suit in public in years. I know after a baby your body changes and I am ok with that but I want my confidence back that came with my old body.

53 years old - homemaker -3 near adult kids - travel frequently

I'm 17 years old, about 5'11, and USED to weigh 195 pounds. With the help of Weight Watchers and PEERtrainer, I've lost 30 pounds, 2 sizes, and 5 inches off my waist in 4 months. I currently weigh 165 pounds, and I want to lose 5 more pounds before Christmas.

soon to be 55, recently divorced, Oct 2008 after 25 yrs of marriage, kids are grown, am really not dealing with the divorce thing even though I filed...its hard to imagine dating, even though that is not even on my agenda for many months or yrs. to come...how do you date after 25 yrs +...and who would look at me...I am a frumpy old lady...I once upon a time was very active, took care of everything around the house and now I sometimes feel like I cant hang a picture or change a light bulb...THAT IS NOT ME....I am a health professional. love taking care of others but need to reverse that picture and be taken care of, losing weight, making major changes in my life....


love hockey and malibu the drink lol

Almost 50, married, happy, work full time as a paralegal.


I am 33 years old and single. I have started cooking within the last year, and now have difficulty leaving food behind.

32 years old, teacher, Married with 2 children under 3. I have had success with WW in the past and look to follow points and loose weight.

I'm 57 years old and 40 lbs overweight. I've always been pretty active. Over the last few years I just seem to get off track. I'm looking forward to talking to people in the same situation and maybe pick up some ideas on how get back on track. Thanks



I just had a baby and was super healthy during my pregnancy. Now that I'm home and nursing, I'm so hungry and tired which causes me to snack too much. I need to pay more attention to what I'm eating and make sure I'm not eating out of boredom, as a way to stay awake or due to stress.

I am 58, married 27 years to my best friend. I have 2 kids 20 and 24. I have a home-based craft business and love creating. I joined WW in January of 2008, lost 50 lbs in a year and then joined the staff of Weight Watchers where I now work as a receptionist and love every minute of it!


i'm just turning 60 i have been trying to do this weight loss for a while I'm now counting points again and I need the support



I never thought I could lose weight and was resigned to ballooning out as I've been thin all my childhood with never caring what I ate or how much junk food it contained. Then suddenly I was 40 and 163 lbs. I'm on the tall side (5' 9") but with my structure I think around 140 lbs would be best. I've managed to get to 151 so far, but now I haven't moved from that weight for over six months and I need to get my focus back. I'm hoping this will help.


28/ married/Correctional Officer/ Student

I'm 39 as of yesterday. I homeschool 3 kids-18,13 and 7. I play volleyball on Wednesday nights. I like music, dancing, movies, theater and murder mysteries book/movies. I feel 40 is going to be a huge change in life direction and I want to look gorgeous for it.


I'm a Mom, a closet geek (ok not so closet) a wife, a wannabe chef, a gamer, the pack leader to three great dogs, and a murderer of unsuspecting plants!


I am a Stay At Home Mom and work out 3 days a week really hard at classes.


55 year old divorced professional
three adult sons
Active in AA
16 years sober

I am a married stay at home mom.




36 year old mom of two young girls that has successfully lost 132 lbs following Weight Watchers and exercising.


Im a mother with a 2 year old daughter, needing to make some lifelong changes in my life.

I'm 36 years old woman. I'm a vegetarian. I love my animals. I have MS. I'm in a committed relationship to a wonderful man. I've struggled with my weight all of my life.

Brainy 38-yr-old who needs to lose about half my body weight. Long history and habits have been keeping me in a state of on-going resistance, with short-term successes followed 2-3 weeks later by quitting and the start of the next cycle.
(1) Allow for the possibility that this program / this time can lead to long-term change (despite past evidence to the contrary) -- aim to start totally fresh, with beginner's mind.
(2) We always live up to our expectations, not our desires.
(3) Our expectations are based on past results (which are based on past actions).
(4) The way to break the cycle of future expectations / beliefs coming from past failures is to take LOTS of SMALL positive actions to bolster up fledgling motivation and self-belief.

71 years old but active and fit. Where did those 10 lbs come from?

I am a 43 year old single mom to an awesome two year old little boy. His father is not in the picture so I am doing it alone without financial support. I have just started back to school online and have 60 weeks of classes to get my bachelors in business administration. I work full time and my son is in an awesome daycare. I have a treadmill that I try to meet up with but have had trouble doing so with so much on my p,ate. Speaking of plates I love to eat!


