I am 38 mother of 3 (10, 7 and 4) and a teacher. I hope to lose 20-30 pounds, but more importantly be a fit, healthy, role model for my children. I like to exercise I just need to make time to do it.



I'm an 18-yr student , hoping to lose the flab and weight that have been following me for years n to look and feel better bout myself.

I'm a 50 year old guy who has been a vegetarian for the past 25 years but have recently gained some weight. Found McDougall when I was living in California and bought the books, placing them on my bookshelf and never reading them...until now.



I am 22yrs old and I just graduated from college. After I graduated from high school I gained about 15 - 20lbs. I have lost pretty much all of that, but now I want to keep going! I started to be vegan in May '06, about 6 months ago, and I think that it is really great!

I am 28 years old and a freelance Graphic Designer. I am finishing up my BA in Visual Communications in June. A book that I illustrated is being released in May.

I'm a librarian and working on becoming a published author and poet. I'm 24 and more or less vegetarian and fish because I've not been able to give up sushi.


I'm 38, a mother of two (4 1/2 yrs, 20 mos), and a full-time journalist and editor. I have been a vegetarian for almost half my life. I am a Weight Watchers lifetime member but have had a hard time getting back to the program since having kids. I lost 30 pounds on WW but before I joined Peer Trainer, I was hovering about 5 pounds above my lowest weight, with some ups and downs.
For most of 2006, on Peer Trainer, I hovered just below my WW goal, and once or twice even got down to 140, my true weight goal.
In March, 2012, I came back to PT. I'm currently around 152 pounds.

I'm 5'7" and I need to lose ~100lbs I used to be a size six ages ago. I love to ski, dance, ice skate and swim. I am a competitive swimmer and just getting back into shape so I can compete again.

I am a 31 year old mother of 2 boys, 19 months and 4 months. I have been married to my high-school sweatheart for 3 1/2 years. I teach elementary school art.

44 year old married male with 2 small children. I am eager to read and learn more of the McDougall diet along with ideas and suggestions on how to follow and maintain the diet on an everyday basis.

I have an eight year old son. I live in Orange County, CA. I am a counselor and a Realtor. www.DrClarityCoaching.com

I'm 37, single, no children. I work full-time, go to nightschool and lead a full life.
I've been a vegetarian for 6 years and wouldn't go back to eating dead flesh. I tried many times to switch to a vegan diet, but I find it too restrictive, especially because I like sweets so much! It is also very challenging when eating out or at a friend's house.

I am married with a 9 year old daughter and an 8 year old son. I am a third grade teacher who outside of being overweight really enjoys life. I am a happy, easy going person who needs motivation to help me reach my goals.


I am a 24 year old teacher who is trying to get in shape.


27 years, Grad Student, vegan, and recreational knitter.

I'm 36 and was diagnosed with hypothyroid 3 years ago. I work as an administrator of a non-profit organization, and I live in a small town. I've been married for 6 years and have no children or pets.



Married mom of 2 children whom I homeschool. Work full time as houseparent to 13 teenagers. Love my job being a "full-time mom". But as a mom, it is difficult to stay healthy. There always seems to be a good reason to not find me time to exercise....and eating healthy is a challenge....This is something I need to do for me...and really be committed to.

I'm a 43 year old woman and moved a year ago for a new job. Also recently ended a long term relationship. No kids. Gained a ton of weight last year through stress and emotional eating and too little exercise. I have a very public professional life, work long and late hours in which I care for and also manage alot of people. My issues with food are emotional, spiritual, and sexual (body image). My commitment is honesty and integrity and I thank you for being here to share this journey.

I have gone on and off a vegetarian lifestyle since the 80's.I've put on weight and now I am back with the help of Fuhrman's Eat To Live. I have struggled with my weight since childhood and have been up to 220 and have never been able to get below 165 for many different reasons mostly because I start feeling good and then break to the Wisconsin summer BBQ's. There is so much more info and cookbooks out there I am once more inspired. I do bodywork and live in WI and am the caregiver of my mother who is still living on her own at the age of 82.

I'm a 20 year old sophomore at Northwestern University. Home's in Seattle, Washington, and I miss the mountains dearly. I'm majoring in music performance and legal studies, but my true love in life is actually working out. I'd like to participate in marathons and triatholons in the near future and spend a couple winters at Vail as a ski instructor before applying for law school.

Work two jobs, like to cook. Have a pug.



I am a 19 year-old undecided college student (it's down to art, biology, media studies, music management, and philosophy/religion) at a small private college in Iowa. I've been chubby since I was little, always promising myself I'd eat better and start working out tomorrow. Before my junior year of high school I was always one of the guys never the girlfriend. Dating is still difficult I became a vegetarian March 1st, 2006 and it's one of the most rewarding decisions I've ever made. I began to think more about what I was eating and then exercising more just came naturally. The food plan I'm forced to purchase from my University really limits my choices, but after some complaining vegetarians have gotten some leeway. However, it's still difficult to find specialized foods for vegetarians/vegans in Iowa, where anti-vegetarians abound. My family has always showed their love through their food and by food I mean ‘meat and tatters’. My family also has a history of heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, and cancer. Because I know I am at risk for all of those, I have decided to take a more serious approach to losing and then maintaining my weight. My goal weight loss is 60+ pounds.

I'm 19, live in Garden City has problems with going out to eat and controlling proportions. I late night snack because I get hungry. The worst part is i know what its like to be skinny, and it feels fabulous, but now I just feel like shit, to say the least.

25. Not much of an exerciser. Things are finally catching up with me and I am noticing my body expand.

I am a 20 year old college student attending Loyola University Chicago. I became a vegetarian almost 2 years ago but had been trying to become one for a few years before that. I played soccer for 8 years but that was not enough to keep my weight down. I want my last 2 years of college to be amazing and I don't want my weight to hold me back!

I am 24 yrs-old, work in the sit on my butt all day in a cubicle world. I have Fibromyalgia, so have had some rough times with being motivated to do anything but sleep. I have felt 100 times better as the weather has gotten warmer and want to take advantage of my newfound energy, without overdoing it. I am tall (5'9) and have weighed anywhere between 140-185 in the past 8 years and would like to get down to 135 and stay there. I am a natural athlete, so I'd like to get back 'into my groove' with that.

I'm a 5'10" 32 yo mother of a one year old and part-time professional. Happily married. Happy in life. However, health and body weight/fitness level is something I *must* change. I'm looking to make big changes in my health, overall state of mind, and physical stamina/abilities. Though I've created a pounds goal, my main interest is to restore the kind of health I had (and took for granted) ten years ago. Throughout the past decade, I've struggled with arthritis and haven't been active or eating well. I'm def. an emotional eater and I make a lot of excuses. I'm scheduled for foot surgery at the end of May and so want to get invested in a group and/or team to keep me motivated in eating well even when I'm unable to exercise.
I am very interested in and inspired by the tenants of Buddhism. I am a vegetarian (who needs to cut out the junk food). I do eat fish.


34 yr old mother of one. love to ride horses, live in EXTREMELY rural area.

28 year old Vegan. Have been losing weight since January 2006 and have lost 40 lbs so far, want to lose another 20. Currently involved in a 12 week weight loss challenge with coworkers which has helped keep my motivation up!

20 years...


I am a writer, consultant, and teacher, single (with many pets). I have been a vegetarian since 1995. I always have too much going on, and I'm always behind. But I'm trying to make taking care of my health a priority rather than a luxury item.

I am a christian mom of 2 girls, 16 mo and 3 yrs and we are starting the process to adopt a 3rd. I am a nursing mom who has had both babies at home, and I want to continue to do that, so heath is the most important to me! I have been at least a little overweight my whole adult life, but mostly alot overweight. I gained alot after 2 babies, nursing helped get alot off but I want to get more off! I am food adict!!

30 years old. PhD student. I eat whenever I am anxious, which turns out to be 80% of all the time that I am awake.


I am 30 years old, stessed with work, and School, and I need some motivation in building a body I desire




I'm a 31 year old mcdougaller. Knitter, dog lover, ap mama to the most perfect baby in the world.

I'm 20, 90kg (198lb) Living in Sydney Australia. I've been a vegetarian for 8 years.



I am 5'8 and 167 pounds. I am looking forward to losing weight and am motivated to do so. I am a vegetarian.

26 yr old, married,vegetarian

I am a 47 year old female who weighs 237. I have been up and down on a roller coaster ride all my life. I am trying to stay focus and cater to me for a change. I have been focusing on others needs and wants and not attending to myself. i was reading in a magazine about peertrainerand I figure I would join it as a support system.

Grad student in his 30s looking to tone up his body. Current Wt. 138 lbs, Ht. 5'7" (March 29th, 2009)

I am 44 years old, married, and have 2 children - both boys, ages 20 and 17. I am studying Holistic Nutrition. A lifelong battle with my weight and a passion for natural health and alternative healing modalities, brought me to study nutrition. After another attempt at low carb, I learned I have gout! I was shocked. I weigh 150 pounds - overweight, yes - but I had no idea that gout is hereditary or that someone so young could get it! So, I opted for overcoming this disease with diet rather than medicine and have given up every food that is high in purine - meat, chicken, seafood, spinach (that was tough), mushrooms, red wine, asparagus (that was REALLY tough!)... In truth, I was leaning towards becoming a vegetarian again anyway - so having to give up these foods didn't feel like a sacrifice - except maybe the wine...!


I am 36 years old, married to my dh since August 2005. I work full time as a teacher. I live in New Jersey, near the shore. I am a Christian and want to honor God by treating my body/His temple in the healthiest way possible: with His foods.

I am 47-years-old. I have two podcasts--I never thought that I would ever get people to listen to me but it's really fun and I am getting more listeners all the time, who'd a thunk? I also have mad Photoshop skills and work in a photo lab. I have two beautiful and brilliant daughters--one in college and one in middle school and a sweetheart of a husband who is the perfect man for me. I also perform in a local Rocky Horror cast as Dr. Frank-n-furter, Riff Raff or Magenta (our cast obviously isn't screen-accurate).

I am a 27 y/o female part time student persuing my BA in Accounting. I also work overnight at a hospital. My schedule requires me to sleep most of the day and stay up all night. It's hard to exercise when your energy peaks at midnight.


Displaced vegan Texan living 90 miles north of Yellowstone in Montana. I love hiking, walking (especially several quick miles every morning), gardening (duh!) and simple living. I hate snow and driving. My husband is a grad student (also vegan) and I work at a vet clinic, am hoping to go to nursing school when I get back to Texas. My favorite quote is "live simply so that others may simply live." We just got a dog named Igbit who is a blue-eyed greyhound husky mix, 8 years old, and deaf. I also have 2 cats. :-)

I work for a non-profit in DC. I've been vegetarian for 4 years and became vegan in April 2007.


My name is Esther, I am a teacher ( grade 2) and mother of three boys aged 14, 17 and 19. I am 46 years young, 5'9" and have avout 100lbs to lose. I am awfully busy but I know that I need to begin to devote time to weight loss. I have been trying to gear up some motivation as I know my health will begin to suffer if I don't take serious action.

I have been a vegetarian all my life. I was dancer and always fit..I've been in grad school for the past three years and its taking its toll. i eat ALL the time..and do no exercise. As a consequence I have put on weight and have no stamina..which I hate and the more I think about it the more I eat and the less I do...

I'm a playwright and marketing professional. As a vegetarian for about 20 years, I thrive on no meat! I want to lose about 30 pounds.


i'm a 23 year old psychology graduate from the UK


29, work in the loop, live in rogers park, love the lake, love walking, love shopping, hate meat, love FOOD, hate exercising, love books, love good friends and i love my family

I'm a 26-year-old vegan struggling through law school as a full-time student while juggling three jobs - (1) part-time research assistant, and (2) part-time professor in 2 universities.

I am the mother of two little girls, aged 4 and 6, and a baby boy. I live in an urban Midwestern town. My main job is mom, my part-time job is nurse in a NICU.

I currently bartend at night and am in nursing school during the day. I want my confidence back.

Mid 50's. On and off again vegetarian. Trying to lose weight.


36 yr-old SAHM to four children. I've lost 30 pounds so far, but seem to have stalled.


52 yo professional, empty nester
I enjoy quilting, and use it to keep my hands busy in the evening so I don't snack.
I like music and dancing, and I can harness that for health.
I love to work, and can easily work 8-8 daily.

53 yrs. old, newly re-married, out of shape, and overweight. I am so sick of this issue but I do well for about 2 wks. and then fall into old patterns. I've just joined a gym and my hubby also wants to lose weight so that should help.

I am a 30 year old who has been is various stages of vegetarianism for 15 years. I've been vegan (again) for 6 months. My husband lives on the SAD diet, so we prepare meals independently of each other. I'm looking for some ideas to make being vegan more simple.

I am a 37 year old veggie and have been since I was 4 years old. Over the years, I have been an on and off vegan. Carbs and processed foods are killing me, but I've started a business and I don't have the time it takes to eat fresh and healthy. My husband is also a veggie... and eats lots of carbs.

I am 26 years old and just realizing that it is time to get serious about my health and to start loving myself. I am taking the steps I need to get back into school and work towards a degree. I have a wonderful and supportive fiancee who is very excited about the changes I am making. I am about 55-65 pounds overweight all of which I gained after I was 22 and had stopped taking care of myself. I have just started being conscious again about what I am putting in my body, I expect wonderful things for the years to come due to these changes.



I moved to New Orleans to work with children, and I have dealt with the stress in a lot of the wrong ways. I've always been healthy, but I'm less so lately, and I've gained a few pounds. Mostly I'm deciding to join this group because I want to reclaim my healthy and environmentally responsible lifestyle and improve my inner and outer well being.

Im 16 years of age and i am in the 10th grade. i live with my mom and my lil sis!! i work and go to school! i workout when i can and i walk as much as possibe!


I am a mother of three with a full-time career in real estate. I have been a lacto-ovo vegetarian since birth. I enjoy paddling in a dragon boat team and yoga, but have not been making enough time in my life for taking care of myself.

I am a 22 year old teacher. Recently graduated from university!


I am a stay-at-home, homeschooling mother of three children and wife to my husband for nearly 16 years. I am an experience E2L dieter who will overeat when stressed out. I would really like to get this under control.


Was a vegan when I was single. Have recently stopped breastfeeding my 2 year old. Back to a Vegan lifestyle. I've always been athlethic and larger than my peers. However, my personality doesn't match the reality . I think it would help in the business world if I was smaller.

I'm a 25 year old full-time college student. I've been overweight most of my life but once I stopped ice skating at 16 i gained a lot in a short period of time. I also gained 10-20 more pounds when I went to college at 18.


I am a wife and mother of two boys. I work at a desk all day long which makes working out difficult. I was a vegan until I was seven and in highschool for a couple of years. I am working towards bringing that healthy lifestyle back in my life and hopefully into my families life one day.

I am a charming 40 year old woman with a loving, supportive husband, a beautiful 9 year old daughter and a slightly crazed rescued dog.




I am a mom, chef, baker, holistic health coach, author, gardener, photographer, cyclist, marathoner...what's next? I love my life, and sometime seem like I am trying to sabatoge it!

I have always been extremely active and physically fit. Then 5 years ago I hit threshold and wound up with severe inflammation of my lumbar spine and extreme limited range of motion in my hips. Since this time I have actively changed my career and been relearning how to move in my body but I have had weight gain and too much aches and pain in my joins so I am refining my Eat to Live approach and beginning to see dramatic improvement in only a week!

I am 27 years old and live just outside Phoenix. I share my home with my husband and two kids w/fur. I work at a desk job as a business analyst and really enjoy it, but wish I was more active. I just finished training/walking a half marathon two weekends ago with friends and can't wait to do another race!

21 year-old college student. I'm a vegetarian who eats dairy and eggs. My goal is to go from 135 to 120 pounds.

I am a busy graduate student in her late 20s trying to lead a healthier, sustainable active lifestyle. I managed to lose 15 lbs on PT, but gained it all back after I took a "break" over my summer travels. I'm trying to return to my goal weight and get this exercise regimen back into my life.

I'm 26 married and have a 5 yr old.
I'm into a lot of typical hobbies for a house wife like- cooking,decorating,gardening,yet I have my quirks.Video games are one,and my humor rules my life and everyone around me gets sucked in.But I have a shy side too.Kinda odd but thats me.

I'm a novelist and teach at a University. 48. I have a daughter in college and a husband in a career transition. My weight has ranged from 150-200 pounds this last ten years and it needs to get back to somewhere nearer to 150! I am Episcopal--love life, crazy busy, trying to balance between being a rather traditional mother/wife with a writing life and the stress of making a living...do feel life to be wonderous




I am 67 years old. I work part-time as a lawyer. I weigh about 160. I need to weigh about 140.


I've been married for about a year and a half to a very fit and supportive guy (we have no kids, but a gorgous yellow lab). I am self employed in sales, but I am trying to go back to school to become a physical therapist. I really enjoy being active and place a lot of emphasis on health and wellbeing. I am interested in making our lives as "green" as I can by eliminating toxic chemicals in our home and choosing organic.

I'm 48 years old. I live with two dogs, murphy and kiska. I have two girls who have graduated from college and are on their own and two girls in college.

I'm 46 and live in Northern California with my husband and 2 children.

21 year old college student. I want to be healthy, and I want to feel my best both mentally and physically. I care about the environment and about animals so living a vegan lifestyle is important to me. I eat for comfort often and do not exercise enough. We can do this!

I am 26 years old and I have gained 40 lbs since getting married 4 years ago. I am a long time athlete who enjoys running, martial arts, traveling, and reading....I have been researching veganism and recently read Eat to Live.

I'm 29 years old and recently got engaged! I share my life with two very noisy kitties and one crazy boxer.
I have been a vegetarian for almost 15 years and gave up all dairy products last year.
My job requires a lot of travel and I found myself getting heavier and heavier over the past 3-4 years. I haven't been eating right and pretty much stopped exercising all together. I really don't like what I look like right now.


24. Wife. Mother.

I am a 52 yo female. Married for 32 years mom to 4 boys vegetarian for 4 years but a "junkarian" for almost as long. went vegan in the 1st 2years and lost 85lbs but didn't stay very long went back to white flour and white rice then eggs and cheese more recently and there's the rub I gained a lot of weight back about 40lbs of it and holding.


I turned 40 in May. I am married and have a 6 yo son. I work part-time.


47 veggie empty-nester. I'm a volleyball coach and nursing student. While I can keep up with the kids, it sure doesn't feel as good the next day. I'm fairly active, but tend to stick to the activities that I'm successful and comfortable at, therefore making little progress.

I am 60 years old. I surf, play golf. I am semi-retired from teaching.

I am almost 50, female, divorced, have been vegan and vegetarian because I love animals, but currently eat eggs, cheese, and fish. I have low blood sugar and did not do well without an egg at breakfast. I do not cook or even rustle up my own food - I eat out or on the run each and every meal and I have zero interest in cooking. I would like to be vegan if I could do it without cooking. I do not know about the McDougal program but will pick up a book on it. I am a computer programmer, and have trouble sitting still for long periods without fidgetting which leads me to nibble, but zero cal tea works fine for that now that I am not so anemic. I manage a feral cat colony of 100 in an industrial area and myself have an assortment cats and dogs. I like nature, camping, hiking, cycling, walking dogs, and am a voracious reader. I love to travel but it's hard to justify the boarding expense for my pets; I did go to New Orleans to help with rescue after the hurricane.

i am 23 years old and a recent UCSB grad. i work full- time as an event planner and have a part-time job hostessing at night - which creates little time to devote to exercising and eating well. i'd like to change that and become more fit and fabulous!


I'm a 53 year old wife & mom to a teen, and also mom to a great rat terrier who helps me exercise with 2 long walks each day.


I am 38, have a PhD in social work, am queer (and married -- yay Canada), and work as a faculty developer. I've always been slightly overweight, or at the top end of 'healthy', and about 10 years ago I realized how unhealthy I had become. I started working out at Curves 3x/week (despite my reluctance to support Curves because of the founder's conservative politics and financial support to Repub. party), and stopped eating refined sugar (including corn syrup), wheat, dairy and partially hydrogenated oils. I went from 181 to 131 pounds in a year and a half! I wasn't trying to lose weight as much as I was thinking about being fit and healthy as I get older... I've had an awful yoyo-ing period lately and am currently just over 170 -- the most I've weighed since I lost all that weight. Ack!

Forty something, married, mother of two adult daughters. Vegetarian approximately 10 months. The last year my body has seen some drastic changes. In June I quit a 20 year pack a day smoking habit, a month later, intending to participate in Meatless Mondays, I ended up going vegetarian. Last month I made the full jump to vegan. While I'm more than pleased with my choices, and am careful to get all the nutrients I need, the fact is my lifestyle is sedentary. I used to hike and quit smoking to make the hiking easier. But somewhere along the line I gained twenty pounds and lost energy and motivation to move. I quit smoking and went vegan for a healthier, happier me as well as a healthier planet, but the extra pounds and loss of energy feel anything but healthy or happy.

I am a 23 year old graduate student in Philadelphia. I lead an active life style, eat well but still cannot seem to stop snacking.

I am 30 years old. I have an office job and a long commute.



I work as a singing & acting teacher and am actively involved in community musical theater in Eugene.

I'm a recent college graduate. I've packed on about 30lbs since the start of college. When I was around 13 I weighed 220lbs. Over a few years I was able to get down to and maintain a weight of 130 lbs. I was a vegetarian for about 3 years. I'd really like to try out the McDougall diet. I just quit smoking and I feel completely toxic.

I am a 53 year old teacher. I teach 4th and 5th grade science and LOVE it! I am married to a wonderful man. We have 3 children and 6 grand children. I suffer with asthma.




Young professional attempting to fight winter weight and to continue a healthy life into my mid-20s.

I've been overweight for the past 4 (college) years and thats when i gained my 60 lbs. Actually counting up how much i gained, makes me realize how much weight i have gained. For most of my life, i remember always obssessing about my weight and wanting to be skinny (i feel lik i sound lik ever grl in america). The only problem is that i never do anyhting about it. I do not know why food has such a hold of me, but i am seriosly so tired of it. I feel like my weight holds me back from the person i am . In normal situations, i am such an outgoing person who likes to be the center of attention (sorry, the problem with being a leo), but whn i meet new people or have to meet people from my past, i get so such and intraverted. i know i have to change, and i don't know if i ever will. I am basically looking for support on this site, and looking to support others who are going through a similar situation.


My name is Wendy I am 30 years old with a wonderful husband and three wonderful children 10,7,5. God has blessed me to be able to stay home and home school my children.




I am a 23 year old wife with Multiple Sclerosis. I have always noticed how what I eat affects how I feel but have always been too lazy to do anything more than notice. Currently I am a week into Mcdougall's 12 day plan and loving it!




I'm happily single, and hope to stay that way. I have a family which, like most families, is sometimes supportive and sometimes a pain in my derriere. I like my work but wish I earned more money. People describe me as smart and warm and easy to be around. But that doesn't really tell you much, does it?


I am a 46 year old female. I work fifteen hour days; usually seven days a week. I have been in the habit of being so busy at work that I do not eat all day and then gorge when I get home; right before bed. I had never had a weight problem until I was placed on medication (that I really need) and then then pounds just piled on.

35 - Married 15 years and one daughter -I have been working full time for 4 years now - before that I was disabled. Hereditary Angio Edema and Fibromyalgia. I have come a long way, from where I was, but when I went back to work and was diagnosed with Fibro - I started taking new medications, I began to gain weight....I stopped trying to lose weight, and began focusing on my health instead. Eat to live is a God send....I have been doing something similar, but have actually gained weight, now I know why. I now know that with a few modifications I can count on giving up this weight I have gained...I am so excited!!!

I am 64 years old, and a retired elementary music teacher. Married, one daughter 32 who is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Chicago. She is married to a wonderful guy. My hubby is an electrical engineer. I am totally dedicated to plant-based eating, strength training and working out. Also in the Fall of 2011 I took a very part-time job teaching music to preschoolers @The International School in Portland just 2 mornings/week. So far it's been pretty fun!

28 yr old vegetarian - was vegan for 1yr - back to vegetarian (no dairy) with fish but I go back and forth on this - I LOVE sushi! I live in the city and have a cat and long-term boyfriend (it's not a mistake that I named the cat before the BF). I was always thin in high school then I gained a ton of weight on the depo shot and then went to college and gained even more! In total I've lost 41 lbs since then (the last 8 lbs I lost instantly after becoming a vegan - read Skinny Bitch!) and would like to lose another 17 to get back to my goal weight of 130.





I'm 40, married, have two kids (age 10 and 8), I enjoy the outdoors (camping, hiking, cycling, snowboarding, etc) and snuzzling with my hubby.


I'm a 19 year old college student. In the past few months I had rapid weight gain due to a medicinal issue and would like to lose that 15 pounds or so as an intermediate goal. I've had issues in the past with anorexia and have seen health psycologists and nutritionists to try and curb any relapsing. I just want to be healthy and fit into my clothes again!


22 year old student teacher trying to lose the 25 pounds I put on in college. I used to be very athletic and in shape, but have let my healthy habits go.
12/23 - 153.4 (All time high and starting point)
1/1 Goal - 150
2/1 Goal - 142
3/1 Goal - 136
4/1 Goal - 130
5/1 Goal - 125

My passion is healthy food. I own a website, http://www.naturally-healthy-eating. com, where I write about vegetarian nutrition. I research topics of interest for my readers and love the support and tools that PEERtrainer offers. I want to experience it firsthand and then share it with my readers.


TRM - "The Real Me" - I'm here to be honest. I'm in my 50's, married, no children. Weight has been the one thing in my life that I have not been able to master.



28 year old grad student who has been vegetarian for 13 years and on and off again vegan for the past ten years. I love the vegan diet and how it keeps me fit, but sometimes I need a little motivation (and new recipes) to keep me going. Would also like to tone things up for my august wedding.

I am a 47 year old single mom who needs some changes in my life. I have a great life but somehow it has become pretty sedentary and I don't like that aspect of it. I'm recently single so I currently have a high motivation and opportunity to change some things about my life. I want to get outdoors more. I have a very fat dog (she's hoping we're successful in this adventure as well).

I'm back at the weight i wanted 65 kilo. I am eating loads of organic/vegan/vegetarian/raw food and it feels so great!
I learned that i do never want to go to the gym again!! Yeah. what a relief to have said that! But... i will workout at home.
Most of the time i go outside for the real deal. I love/want to do with my dog: kajak, kickbike, swimming, rollerblading, biking, hiking, trailrunnig... or relax somewhere ;)


My name is Ethan, and I'm a 17 year old vegetarian. I loves reading, cooking ( MY VICE! ), and playing computer games with friends.


I'm really into health and fitness and love running

I'm 30 and am always on the go. I work out of 3 offices and am back and forth between NYC and DC. AND, I tend to over eat when I'm stressed and sad.
My accupuncturist recently told me that I have wheat allergies and can't process sugar.

When I changed to a low-fat vegetarian diet my junior yea of high school, I went from 155 lbs at 5'6" to 108 lbs in 5 months. I yo-yoed between 120-135 pounds through most of my 20s. (with a couple of upswings into the 140s.) I know I am not "fat" or overweight by medical standards, but I am tired of being personally dissatisfied with my appearance.



I'm 26, very active (when not working), and I like to cook. I'm just trying to keep up my healthy habits, and get rid of the bad habits!

Miami girl. I will return home as soon as I graduate!! :)

I am on a mission to regain good health.

29-year-old single mother of 3 young kids; starting weight: 242.8 (gasp!) and looking to lose about 80 lbs. Work full-time in an office (cubicle slave!) in downtown Clayton and outside of work the kids keep me really busy. We live in St. Louis, MO (north county).


I'm 31 years old and this is my second (third?) go with peertrainer having found success with it my first time. I have done a good job of maintaining the weight I lost but now want to step it up a notch and lose a little more. I've become pretty addicted to working out. I can't go more than 1 day without doing something. It makes me feel better, sane, calm, like myself.

I'm 51, moved to the Boulder area 4 years ago from Los Angeles. I work at home, designing web sites and e-learning. I am single, have two cats, and a huge desire to be healthy as I begin the second half of my life.

Female living in Nassau Bahamas. I love to read and travel.

Mom of 4, inflammatory markers - diet related, beginning a bootcamp

Very healthy, fit, energetic, 49 year old Mom with 10 pounds to lose once and for all. For years, the weight has been hanging over me like lead, hurting my self esteem, my mood and consciousness.

I am recently divorced and trying move on with life and set new goals. I recently signed up for Warrior Dash which is a 5k run in the mountains with 12 obstacles. I want to be in the best shape possible to finish the race.

31, married to a beautiful and wonderful woman for six months now. I work at a large nonprofit, live with my wife, dog and two cats.



I am 31 years old. Have 20 month old and cant lose the last 7 lbs. I still need to lose another 20 on top of that at least. No matter how hard I try I just cant seem to get the weight off.



52 years old, divorced, mother of three - I have tried every "diet" and ultimately become board or miss the food group that is limited on that 'diet'. I am half-way through Dr. Fuhrman's Eat To Live book. Limiting meat and animal by producs makes more sense to me than limiting fruits and vegetables. Knowledge is the key to willpower, at lesat for me. I'm interested in ideas and ways to cook vegetables as the main course to replace fatty meats. I am very interested in using veg/fruit in food processers for maximum daily nutritient consumption.

I am 43 years old and the mother of to boys (ages 9 and 12). I am happily married and run a successful private practice as a Speech-Language Pathologist. I am very busy and often use this as an excuse to no pay attention to what I am eating. I have never really been "overweight", at least according to BMI charts. I am currently 5"6 1/2 and weigh 145, for a BMI of 23. However, I have been much slimmer in the past and feel much more content when I am between 125 and 130 pounds.





Elementary school teacher, single income household, turning 55 in April 2013, mother of 2 adult girls who are my life; animal advocate



My name is Heidi and I'm a married 46 year old mother of a 20 year old son, and 17 year old daughter.


I am a Certified Instructor for the McDougall Starch Solution and also hold a certificate from Cornell in Plant-based Nutrition from the T. Collin Campbell Center for Nutritional Studies. In 2016 I completed the Rouxbe Plant-based Chef Program. I love to cook (and eat!) plant-based foods. I became a vegan in 1989 after reading John Robbins book A Diet for a New America and have been a peertrainer member since 2005.

58 years old, 2 great adult kids, great husband, great career, actually pretty great life. Committed exerciser for most of my life, but long work hours and hours in front of computer have lessened activity and increased emotional eating - resulting in weight gain, insomnia and general not-so-well-being.

28-year old. Self-Employed at Pure Raw Nature, Plant Based Lifestyle and Coaching. Switched from two years eating raw/ 80/10/10- Raw Till 4 to Whole Foods, Plant Based, No Oil. My goal is to get back to myself and claim nutritional excellency.
