team details:

Members: 2647
Location: Tulsa, OK 74129

Goals: This group is for those of you on the Fat Smash Diet & have read Dr. Ian Smiths book. To support each other through every phase of the Fat Smash diet by Dr. Ian Smith, so that we will all reach our goal. This is the last diet you'll ever need.

Profile: Share recipies for every phase. Tell us your success story. Strongly encourage logging your food until maintaining your goal wt. Participate daily in the comment section to keep up the group moral & encourage success.

Last posted: Friday, June 6, 2014, 9:49 AM

Other Info:

Members profiles:
I am an admin assistant to someone who's very demanding and not a good manager, which is why I want to find another job. I'm frustrated about that, but also very frustrated with my weight. I was on peertraininer before and only lost 10 pounds in 5 months, not alot, but it put me under the OBESE category on the BMI scale. I went to europe for 10 days and came back 8 pounds heavier, even though I walked over 5 miles per day! I'm married to a man that's a stick, who exercises every day without fail. He's lost about 15 pounds in a year and loses weight easily. Im 49, but don't look it. No kids, no pets I weigh every day and try to exercise every day, except fridays (holding out for the weekend.)

I am 23 years old, married and have a 3 year old girl. I also work fulltime at Costco as a cashier.

I am a 27y.o. wife and mother of two (daughter 3, son 6 mos.). I love my family but have lost the love for myself. After two pregnancies and six years of marriage, I've managed to put an extra 50lbs on my small frame and am completed disgusted. I've never felt more lost and undeserving of anything in my life. I have ideas but trouble implementing them. I've tried several diets and programs but was unsuccessful and had trouble sticking with them. I need motivation and support. I am looking to make a lifestyle change for myself and my family. I want to be the best me I can be.

22 year old work-a-holic who only has time to sleep in between the parties.

I'm 26 and an electrician. Have been in a relationship for 8yrs and would like to feel better about me.

I have a beautiful 11 year old daughter who I love so much and want her to be able to be proud of me

I am a college student and a waitress. I love sign language, school, frogs and turtles.

I am a single mom of twin 14 year old boys. I have always fluctuated inmy weight but this is the heaviest I have been. I am currently 168lbs and I am only 5'3". I lost 60 pounds in the past, but cant seem to lose it this time.

27 year old administrative coordinator from New York City...singlle, in a relationship, no children...

About to hit the big 30. I live in NY, work full time, taking some classes at night. very outgoing. I need to make changes- I am working very hard at it.

i work in TV news and have a part-time job trying to save for the BIG DAY i dont have a lot of time to cook so my diets have been difficult.

a 36 year old SBF, no kids who works in Human Resources

I'm a separated mom of three (one boy; 7, two girls; 5mos and 18mos). I am soon to be divorced and wanted to make a change in my life. I've been so unhappy about my weight for so long - I've finally decided to stick to it this time.

I am 23 years old, and a recent college graduate. I love being outside and activity. Due to my weight gain I have found myslef more reserved than I use to be and uncomfortable in social situations. I want to be the outgoing, fun loving girl that I am. But in order to do that I need to gain control of my food and lose weight.

I live in Seattle Washington and since my wedding in 2005 have slowly started putting on more and more weight. My husband and I have both joined a gym and try to go together but definitely encourage each other to go as often as possible. The breaking point for me was going out on my friends boat this summer and i didn't want to be seen in my swimsuit. This made me really upset because i have never had body issues before so that is why i have decided to lose a little weight and build my confidence back up.

I am 38 years old, 15 year old son. I was on the South Beach Diet and lost 5/6 lbs but I switched to get de-toxed and I been gaining on this diet.

I'm a 25 year old female who recently graduated from college. I gained weight about 4 years ago after starting birth control shots and continued gaining there after. I've never had a weight problem so being so aware of my weight has become a real damper on my normally optimistic spirit.

I'm 42, single, no kids. I'm an Operations Director at my company and I'm in Phase 1 until 11/22/06

I am a 28 year old graduate student who gained 40lbs. before being diagnosed with hypothyroidism. As a working full time grad student, I am slammed with classes and homework and often stay up late working on papers which tends to be when I eat tons of junk. I have a closet full of size 4 clothes that I am anxious to wear again....

I'm 27 yo, 5'4'', no kids, never married, fairly outgoing. I love biking, reading, hanging out with friends.

32 year fella from texas that move to Arkansas and then moved to DC. I was in pretty good shape when I was a little younger. I hated being thin but I liked a haviing a little extra weight on my body. I used to be very active, swimming, karate, gymnastic, lifting, the whole nine. School started stressing me out, got depressed, lost the Umpph then picked it up again and came to DC and BAM. Work life took over more than health.

I am 39 years old, married for almost 10 years, 3 beautiful children. I love reading, watching movies and spending time with family.

i'm 25 yrs old, have a great job, but just eat really bad and go through ups and downs of working out

Too Fat Just way too fat

I am 45 yrs old i have been working out since the end of Oct 2006. And no results. I work out 4 times a week. But the trainer at the gym told me that I was'nt eating enough to burn the calories. Please help

36 years old - married with 2 kids (2 and 4 years old). Since having the kids, I've gained 25 lbs - oh ya, did I mention that I'm a male and can't really blame this on being pregnant ;) My days just seem so much shorter now and working out seems to come to mind when I'm falling asleep and saying ... "Maybe tomorrow"

I am a 44 year old married woman with two boys in elementary school. I was avery thin and fit active athlete until my college years. I have gained about a pound every year out of college on average. I am 5'4" and weigh 160. I know I would look great at 135. I just need the willpower and stick with-it determination to get this done

Love to travel...adjusting to new living and work environment, struggle with depression...determined I'm an emotional eater over the last few months. I've realized I've got to put my mental and physical health at the top of the list regardless to what is going on in my psycho work environment. Oh I'm in the process of trying to change careers after I finish my MBA.

I am 34, married and the mother of two boys ages 5 and 7.

I've lost almost 30 pounds. ******UPDATE - I've lost almost 40 pounds! 165 to 126. Took almost 3 years. *** Feel free to read my daily notes for tips on using this site, and for other helpful ideas to help you with your weightloss and fitness journey. Let me know your thoughts!

I am 28 years old. I am a new mother of a beautiful baby boy and a wife of 2 years. I am in the Air Force. Trying to get rid of the baby weight and learn to live a healthier way of life.

My name is Melissa and I'm a 42 year old living in hectic northern Virginia. Before moving up here, I was very active and I suppose my exercise life was just as important as the other parts of my life. That's changed since I moved 7 years ago and I've managed to pack on 40 pounds. I took a little break from the diet during the holiday and put on 7 of the 17 pounds that I'd lost doing the diet late last year. I had lost 9 on detox and the rest going back and forth between detox and phase II. I'm not sure this diet works for everyone, but I know it works for me!

I am a 27 yr old professional working in the fashion industry. I recently graduaded from college and I am about to start excelling in my profession. I have always struggeled with my weight up 10 down 5 you get the picture. I have tried to be dilegent about excersicing but with work and school it got alittle crazy. Now after graduating I am ready to get motivated and committed and loose that weight ounce and for all .

early 40s. Weight seems harder to control as I get older. I'm really active but definitely can't eat like I used to. Have problems with refined starches. Make me feel bloated and very sleepy. Married and have one son. Was diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease a year after my son was born. Am on synthroid for Hypothyroidism.

I am 41, soon to be divorced, and a working mother of 3 young children (8, 6, and 3). I was the fittest I've ever been between my 2nd and 3rd children, then learned there'd be a bonus baby and ballooned. I dropped about 20 pounds between August 04 and March 05, but rapidly gained all that back when I stopped nursing, turned 40, and my dad was diagnosed with cancer. I think I'm having a midlife crisis and want to at least feel better about myself while I figure out my relationships.

My blog:
I'm 31, a software project manager living with my fabulous hubby and 2 dogs in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.
I've been overweight my entire adult life and am sick of worrying about it. I've done well at school, work, and have a great supportive family, so there's no reason I shouldn't be able to lose weight and keep it off. But somehow that's been the hardest thing so far.

Live in beautiful Washington. Mother of two complete opposite teenage boys. One is religious and the other is a pothead. Married 16 years. My husband lost weight through gastric bypass. I jealously refer to that as cheating

36 year old single professional, recently moved to Washington from Canada

I'm 27 years old. I'm married with two beautiful children a 3week old and a 9 year old. I worked in education for 10 years. Since I had another baby I will go to PT work. Maybe I can get this weight off sooner.

I'm a 25 year old, vivacious and energetic girl, who just wants to lose weight for myself. I didn't like that my Dr. put obese on my medical chart. From that day I knew that I need to be more serious with myself. And really work on losing weight for myself and my health and not for vanity reasons, well not entirely!

I'm a 28 yr. old artist and writer in nj, I've struggled with weight since childhood and I am finally ready to overcome what has been my greatest obstacle. During my stay here I hope to meet supportive, friendly people who are just as driven about losing weight and taking control of their life, as I am.

I'm 22 single female workaholic and progressivly gained weight since I moved out on my own at 18. It needs to stop now. I work 3 jobs and take online classes to get ministerial credentials....

I am a working mother of 2. A 10 year old boy and a 5 year old daughter.

Im a stay at home mom. I have had 2 kids in 3 years, my youngest is 1 and I still have baby weight! I love to work out at the gym. Its hard to make myself go in the winter.

I am 23 years old and just graduated college. I am addicted to sweets and can eat until I'm sick! ha. I need a program that will make me have a change of lifestyle, not just a fad.

I am 23 and just graduated nursing school. I have a six month old baby boy who helpd be achieve my current weight!!.

Im 18! pretty active, i was a cheerleader for 3 years, i play varsity soccer, run track and also play really outgoing & friendly =) and im excited to drop 15 to 20 pounds.

Fun, adventurous, Love country music & anytown's STATE FAIR!! The serious side loves the opera & CBS Sunday morning w/ a cup of soy coffee. I have a goal to lose 60 lbs(10 a month over the next six

I am 23. I have three wonderful and gorgeous children. A 5 year old son, a 2 year old daughter, and a 9 month old daughter.

20 years old. Live in Nashville Tn, Studying nursing. Originally from California.

i am 17..n have lost 30 lbs recently.but from the past past few months i have tried dieting but have failed miserably and have not been able to lose a single pound.i want to lose 10 pounds and weigh arnd height is 5'4 n i weigh 124 pounds..although i dont sound overweight i look like i am coz my frame is not very large

34 year old mother of 2 (2 & 11) who is tired of feeling unhappy! Time to get control of my life! I'm a cancer survivor and have no thyroid, which makes it VERY hard for me to lose weight. Besides taekwondo, I enjoy digital scrapbooking in my downtime.

33yo, mother of two, professional woman.

23, moved back to NYC from California after college. Went from Sunshine and outside activity to a lifestyle of work, food, lazy...

19 year old college student that played rigorous soccer in high school, and now in college am not really doing any athletics and I find it hard to find motivation. I have gained 15 lbs since last year and I want to get it off!

I'm a 27 year old man with a young son and a daughter. With a growing family and busy work schedule I try to work out in the morning and try to eat healthy. Have steadily gained weight since leaving college six years ago. I'm 6'1" and weigh 198 (1/31/07). I would like to be able to run a 1/2 marathon in June at 180. Update: 5/9/07 - 184)

I am middle-aged, and ready to rid my body of its excess baggage.

I am a newly wed, I have no children and I work in Investment Banking. I am making a healthier lifestyle change before my weight affects my health and well being.

i'm now a mother of 5, the youngest being 3month old twins. i need to find a way to take care of me... while still caring for everyone else.

I am a single mom with a 19 year old son

29 year old mother of 2 (3 yo boy and 5 yo girl), full time bookstore manager.

I'm 26; I live in the Bay Area, California; I attend SFSU, and as of recently have switched my major to Health Education; I work in Human Resources and Payroll. I pretty much quit my hobbies when I discovered partying at about age 22. Over the years I have gained about 20 pounds by leading an unhealthy and inactive lifestyle. I'm dedicating the following x amount of months to getting my life back to a happier and healthier place--a place I hope I will have learned by now to stay.

I'm a stay-at-home mother of two (just had my second one in December). I am married, but my husband is currently deployed and I'm trying to lose at least 18lbs. by the time he gets home in July. I'm a book lover, movie lover, art lover, and joke lover. I love to laugh. Afterall, what's the point if you can't get a good chuckle in during the day?

I am almost 28 and I weigh too much for my height. I let my weight bother me everyday. I am trying to work out more, I average about 3-4 days a week at the gym.

40 year old working mom of 3 ages 17, 12, and 15 Married 16 years. I have been fat for most of my life, after my last child 12 years ago I decided to make some major lifestyle changes and it worked. I used to weigh 230 pounds, I got down to around 119. I lost most of it the first year and half and kept most off. Due to some health issues cropping up end of last August and numerous medications, lack of exercise, and lack of caring I gained over 12 lbs! Well NOW I care- I feel horrible and need to feel like the athletic, confident, person I know I am!

31 year married, working mother of six. I have gained 40 pounds over the last five years.. I am 5'3 and my current weight is between 190-195. I am trying to get back down to 150 lbs.

Well I'm 18 and just graduating Highschool. I came into highschool weighing between 115 and 120 and some bad things happened and I just got depressed, I was in a really dark place and I packed on 40 lbs which is insane. I've actually lost 10 lbs, can you imagine actually weighing 172 lbs? it's awful. Well I've always remained active in some way and the lowest I've been down to since I intially gained the weight was 150 but I put back on. I've got into consitantly running, I run like 2 miles a day. But when I get stressed I still eat mostly carbs and just a lot. I always feel ashamed and so unhappy afterwards. So since I lost that last 10 I've sort of stalled. I would really like to be a healthier weight before I start college. I also want to feel good about myself again, I used to be a lot more outgoing. So yeah that's me.

I am 40 years old, with a full time teaching job and 4 kids ages 16 - 10. I lost the 20 pounds about 6 years ago when I was a full time mom and could go to the gym every day, but I've slowly put the weight back on and nothing I've done on my own has worked.

Am a stressed-out 34 year old medical student, who is married with a 9 year old. Eat way to much when studying, and hips are expanding exponentially since I started two years ago! Have remarried, and DH and I have put on an extra five pounds of weight (each, not together).

We were married April 14th 2007. After 2 years of dating after high school, and about 3 before. We have both been up and down our whole lives in regards to weight. We are looking to start a family and figure the best way to do that was get healthy first

I am a stay at home mom with 2 older boys and 1 baby girl born in Dec.

I'm 26, live in Southern California, and have always been conscious of my weight. When I am eating right and working out, I am usually fine. But its so easy for me to not eat right and not work out.

I'm 29, a mother of one adorable 2 yrs-old son.

My name is Delia and I am from Dallas. I am 33 years old, in a commited relationship.

I live in NH I have two great kids 17 & 4. And ya you guessed it I love food. I am a creative type so yes I love to create in the kitchen and yes every meal has to be a master piece. Hence I and my husband are now struggling to be happy with regular food and now have a weight problem in the ball park of needing to lose 80 pounds. WOW! That sounds unobtainable!

I am 18 years old, currently in my last year of high school. I have lost about 95 LBS. up to this date and am motivated to keep going.

Used to be in decent shape when I was younger. Swim team, hiking, biking, skiing... I did it all. Joined my local "Y" a few years ago, and was on my way, but was sidelined by a gym injury. Slowly gained weight, but now I'm healed, and ready to go again!

I'm 27 years old and up until now have never had a problem with my weight...There was a short time in highschool when I was a little overweight and i usually put on about 10lbs or so every winter, but i've never had a problem losing the weight when i wanted to and with minimal effort. Since having my daughter 6 months ago all of that has changed. I put on about 25 lbs. while pregnant, and since i've become a stay at home mom i've put on another 15 lbs. I find myself tired and my body actually hurts when i wake up or get up off the floor.

Living in SW florida. I am 36 mother of two and have my own business. Always struggling with these same 5-10 pounds.

I never had a weight problem until i had my second child, i just pick up weight eating what i have always eaten.

I'm 24 with no kids and I'm not married. I have the genes to be heavier and I want to fight it before it hits me hard.

Married f/t Educational Asst. with one silly 6 yr old daughter. (She is dancing for me as I am typing). I want to be healthier for my daughter, be an example to my hubby, and enjoy my life to the fullest! I lost 27 lbs since last Aug. I quit smoking last March. I am slowly becoming the person I want to be. I have reached a plateau and need to do something different. I am going to try the Fat Smash Diet. I ordered the book but will not arrive until the 16th. I know I can start now with fruits, veggies, and the basics. I am starting now. I feel like now is as good a time as any.

I am a 21 year old single mother who has gained more than 100 pounds in 3 years. I just wanna love myself inside and out.

I am a 24 y.o mother of 2 furbabies (lol) living in Australia. I am 5'8" and weigh 70kg (154lbs).

My name is Stephanie, I am happily married for 3 years and have 2 boys 14 and 7. Currently I am a full time student and will be graduating around June 20th. Soon there after I will be a licensed Cosmetologist/Estitician and will be opening a day spa in the town where I live.

I'm 23, work as an admin in a university, and in general enjoy kicking ass and taking names. I love dancing, am a devoted gym rat, and a huge reader and incurable TV watcher. It seems the two are not often mutually exclusive. I've been heavy all my life, but have made a turn around in the last year and a half, and would like to keep that going.

32 years old, at home mom of 2 boys, fulltime night student, still hanging on to about 30ish lbs. Compulsive eater, emotional eater, mad & disgusted with myself, tired. I so want to be successful not only to like what I see in the mirror, but also to feel proud and strong.

SAH wife & mother of two. I am 5' 4.5" & determined to lose weight to be healthier, happier with myself!

I am a 38 year old mother of 3. I am a massage therapist at a popular local spa. I had lost 13 lbs on WW but lost my motivation. I just bought the new People magazine with 6 women who lost 100 lbs. Very inspirational! This website was mentioned in the article. Which is why I'm here.

i am 35, i am very happily married. i have three girls - 9, 5, almost 3. weight has always been an issue and struggle for me. i remember being on a dr. prescribed diet when i was 10-13 ish. i could always lose weight rather quickly and extrememy unhealthy. i would go between too thin or too heavy. after having children, i always lost the weight , but then found myself pregnant again. this time, there is no chance of that. my baby is almost three, and it seems like the harder i try, the more i gain. i have come to the realization that i cannot do this alone - that is why i am here. i so desperately want to be able to try clothes on and like the way i look. i want to be able to look in a mirror and love the person i see. i am not happy with myself, and it is starting to affect my relationships. i get mad at myself for getting myself in this position. i want to be healthy and fit. i want to be around to enjoy my children and grandchildren. my eating just seems so out of control...

I'm a 22 year old female who has tried to lose weight in all the WRONG ways. I am about 25-30 lbs over weight and am tired of having to buy new jeans because I can't get them zipped up.

I am a work at home mom of 3 boys, 6,2 and 7 mo. I have been married for almost 8 years. I work for the #1 cosmetic company in the US and love what I do. I drive a free car and make great money. I love spening time with my husband and boys. I have become a workout junkie. I workout some days 2 time a day!!

i have skinny legs and no rear end.....thats the good news! I carry all of my weight around my middle and breasts which seem to be getting larger day by day. I love to eat and cook. my problem is snacking and continuous eating. I tend to eat the same things and often get bored with them...This is easy as I live alone.

I'm a 26 year old married women without any children. I work and go to school and have a very supportive husband who is doing the Fat Smash Diet with me!

I'm an RN and have just recently entered graduate school. I travel for school which makes adhering to any certain "diet" difficult. I would like to learn how to carry my new way of eating and exercising with me wherever I go. I'm not sure where to start with it all.

i'm 19 and i enjoy the underground music scene. music is my passion in life. i don't know what i want to be when i grow up, and i'm not worried about it at all. I go to college, but i haven't declaired a major, i just take classes that i am interested in

Hello everyone, My name is Flory and I am really exited about this new method of losing weight. the fact is that I have tried almost most of the losing weight methods and have found myself to lose 7 pounds and then I start eating like a pig again. I have not really been true to all of the diets because I have not had the support that I need, because I am a pusher, but when it comes to dieting I am a loser.... Anyways I hope this actually works, and I will be true to it, this time the game is on!!! lol

I am almost 25 y/o. I am not married but have been dating my bf for almost 3 years. I work full time and am pursuing my masters degree in school counseling. I look forward to getting to know everyone!

I am coming up on my first wedding anniversary with my awesome hubby. Together we have 3 kids, ranging in age from 5-13. I work full time as a collection coordinator at Childrens Medical Center in Dallas. My family is very active in our church.

I am 29 years old and am a nurse practitioner. Two lovely children and husband. Trying to lose baby weight (those last 10-15 pounds). Have been at a plateau for a month and need to rev up the system. Going to give Fat Smash a try!

i'm a 20 year old college student majoring in paralegal. ever since i have graduated from high school, which was about a year ago, i have gained some weight, and i am ashamed of it, and i want to get down to where i can feel good about myself, a lot less from where i was when i was in school.

I am under 30 (b'day coming soon and don't want to forget to change the age) and I am currently at a decent weight, but I would like lose a little.

I am not much of a runner, but can power walk all day long. Trying to make the transition over to a runner, but need some help staying motivated.

I'm a working mom-teacher 36 years old I have 2 boys ages 6 and 9. They are the joy of my life. I have a wonderful husband. We have been married for 13 years.

I'm a wife, mother and grandmother.

30 years old and want to slow aging process before it takes control of my life and makes me old before my time! I take a multi vitamin, 2 fish oil capsules, Super complex B vitamin. I have a loving husband that I hope to motivate to get healthier by example.

I 27, 200 lbs. Mother of 2.

I just turned 30 ( WHOA ) and am taking control of my body. I have let myself go over the past few years through depression and work things have really become overwhelming. I want to live life and love it , not watch other people love it. I have many hobbies one which of course is eating , that is going to change. I want to learn to eat healty things that I can cook that are appetizing to me. Since I do like to cook.

27 year old pastry chef (as if dieting weren't difficult enough!) with a weakness for wine. if laughing were really great exercise i'd be at my goal weight by now because i'm constantly entertained by life. i'm 5'3" & weighed 120 in college. depo provera donated 50 pounds that i'm still trying to lose the last 15-20 of. the only good thing that came of that weight gain was my d-cup boobs!
5-14-2007 Day 1 Fat Smash---5'3" 141.5 lb
5-20-2007 Day 7 Fat Smash---138 lb

5-21-2007 Day 1, Phase 2 (modified)---138 lb.
5-26-2007 Day 5, Phase 2 (modified)---136.5 lb
6-3-2007 Day 13, Phase 2 (modified)---136 lb

I enjoy being outside with my kids and doing gardening. We are getting a pool next month and I would love to be down a size or 2 (high hopes) by then. I lost 30 lbs a few years back on weight watchers but since have gained it all back plus some.

I am a stay at home mom with two girls, 9 and 6. I am trying to lose 30 pounds.

I am 20 years old, and go to school to be a nurse. I have a little girl who was born on September 11th, 2006. I want to get healthy because I have been heavy for as long as I can remember... eating at fast foods as a little girl, and feeling insecure the whole way. I want to make a big change so I can keep up w/my daughter throughout her childhood, and for her to be proud of me. Also for my boyfriend, the Dad. He loves me the way I look now but supports me through this.

I'm a 25y/o nurse. Just want to lose 10-15lbs. Always had a hard time losing weight. Lost up to 5lbs, but always seem to hit a wall after that.

I am 47 years old. I have been a Weight Watchers member since 1986 - YIKES. I am 5' 7 and have lost 30 lbs. I work full time

42 married Mom of four 14,12,10, 6 work P/T Flexible in finance. Live comfortable suburban lifestyle.....dinner with friends, kids activitiies, entertaining.......I enjoy reading, travel, discovering new places..........

I am 40 years old. I work from home and I am on the computer most of the day. I have 3 beautiful kids and a wonderful husband. But my life has become very sedentary over the years.

Im 35 and just recently married. Would really like to get healthy and lose some weight before I get pregnant.

Gained 50 pounds about 13 years ago in response to extreme stress in my life (good and bad) and have not been able to get any off. I can shrink my body a bit with exercise because I build muscle easily but the fat just seems to stay. I'm a self starter in all areas of my life, very optimistic, am good at motivating others in many areas but I just get nowhere with my body. I have an extensive knowledge of health and healthy eating because of all the persistent work I've done over the years to help myself. I need results. I want this for me and the rest of my life with my family (hubby of 13 years and 2 young boys - 2 and 5). I have a very busy business and am the primary breadwinner in my household. I'm 42.

mother of 3

I'm a 41 yo female - Married to the best man on the planet. He is a true gift from God. For the first time in my life I feel appreciated and loved unconditionally. We've been married for 8 1/2 years now and I think I've finally put the majority of my "baggage" away for good and am now able to just relax and enjoy being married and enjoy raising my two kids from my first marriage. My kids are fantastic too - My son is 17 and has attained the rank of Eagle Scout. My daughter is 11 and has earned her Red Decided Belt in Tae Kwon Do. We are all owned by two dogs - 1 Cairn Terrier and 1 Yorkie. We call the mid-west home but we love to travel the world. Once the kids are raised and through college, we will surely start traveling more often and just enjoying life and each other. Me At My Starting Weight: 192
Me At My Minimum Goal: 145 28 lbs to go!

I am a single female with a child, I have been overweight all my life and now my weight is causing me back problems. I no longer want to lose weight I have to, my daugther needs me around and healthy.

I have tried every diet, and I have the hardest time staying on them. I thnk it was the lack of support. I'm sick of being overweight and not doing anything about it.

23 going on 24, trying to change & improve just about everything in my life, from school to friends and now health.

Im just 42 years old and want my thinner, curvy, sexy body back. I am married with no children. I have a condition called metbolism resistents or pcos. I'ts be hard to lose my weight, but still trying. I really need extra motivation. I motivate other in my place of work. I work for a weight loss company. Someone needs to keep me on track and accountible

I am a wife and mother of 3, who works alot, but gets no paycheck!

I am 27yrs of age and I have a son, he's two. I weight 200lbs and I am very unhappy with that.

44 Yrs old Mother of 2 Son's and Grandmother of 2 VERY Goodlooking little boys. :)

SAHM of two boys.. 6 years and 5 months

I am almost 26. I have always carried a little extra weight and have reached a point where I really want to do something about it. I am about to buy a condo (1st time home owner!) and I am just ready to make a change for my upper 20s so that I can be happier and healthier!

I live in Sarasota FL, and am going to be 40 this year. About 6 years ago I went on Atkins and lost 100 pounds. I've kept it off for 3 years so far. I've also had a tummy tuck and arm lift to rid myself of the excess skin left over after weight loss. It was hard to go through, but I'm glad I did. I am now at 162-164 and so much would like to go down to about 148 and see how I feel. But it seems like nothing works???!!!

I Love to read and go dancing..I'm engaged and would like to lose weight for good and especially for my wedding

i am a busy person who has been working out/eating well inconsistently for years. i have lost over 80 pounds in the past 5 years, but the last 10-15 are difficult because i cannot seem to stay focused on my goals. i have had a "good enough" attitude as of late.

I am a single female. I work full time as an accountant.

I am a 26 year old mother of two. I am a full time student and suffer with ADHD. I have been happily married for 6 years.

I am 21, I am newly married, and also a mommy for the first time. I have always been a little on the heavy side, and since I can remember I have dieted on and off. I am ready to finally be comfortable in my own skin, and be a good role model for my daughter.

I am a 30 year-old female who literally has tried every diet in the book. I am a nurse and I know what I am doing to my body. It is time for a change.

38 year old, married woman with 2 boys, 7, 10. Want to get my "UMPH" back and feel sexy!!

I am pharmacist and a mother of a wonderful 9 year old son. I gained 55 lbs during the last two years. I weighed myself this morning and I am 207lbs. My mother has hypertension and ESRD. I am obese according to my BMI and that places me at risk for diabetes, hypertension and hyperlipidemia. I want to change my life

I am 38 y/o a single mother to my 17 y/o son. I work full time as a secretary been here for 20 years. I enjoy being with my family, going to the movies, bowling and anything else that's fun.

OK so i am a 24 year old V.P. of a natural gas and oil development firm who is also attending school full time to get a degree in English, political science, and philosophy. I know seems masochistic but i am passionate about all three things and do not want to be stuck at my pay scale for the rest of my life. I work hard in all that i do and have recently met the woman of my dreams. When i say recent i mean about a year ago. During the past year i have become happier than i have ever been before and thus content. With me contentment equals NOT working out too much. In fact hardly ever. Whereas i used to have time to workout regularly between, before, or after work and school i find myself spending every moment with her. Thus my issue. I have booked a cruise for August 12th through the 19th to Haiti, Jamaica, Bahamas, and medico for the two of us and am going to ask her to marry me then. I am and have been displeased with the amount of weight i have put on over the past year but have never had a real reason to do anything different. However, now i do. I am at 215 and need to be back at 180 by August 18th. Not only do i feel bad and my cloths fit like crap but i want the love of my life to be proposed to in a manner that will be something she will always remember. And that does not involve me being over-weight as i am. Thus i have 88 days to lose 35 pounds. I know this may sound ridiculous but i want to feel good when i propose not overweight and fat like i feel now and my baby deserves a man who takes care of himself. And i want to look good for her and me! Thus 88 days and 35 pounds...lets see what happens


I'm a graphic designer with a passion for travel, culture, food and fashion. I've yo-yo'd 10lbs for two years, but I'm finally staying below 150lb now. it's been a very hard, and slow process for me, but I did it the healthy way and I want to get to my ultimate goal of 120 (which is basically my HS weight) I'm feeling fit and happier, but I would love to get back to my preweight confidence (137lbs) within the next 3 months and love of my body! Ultimate goal of 120 by 2010.

I am a survivor. I have come through so much, but I have never been able to conquer my own body. As of today, I am as beat down, mentally, as ever. I am tired of it, and I am in this to change forever.

busy, young professional

I am a 35yo male, 5'11" 191 lbs. I'm married with 2 boys age 6 and 3. Recently went on 10 year anniversary trip and didn't like what the pictures showed.

I have been overweight since I was about six years old. The only memories I have of being thin were from pictures or home movies. It's an awful feeling to not even know what it feels like to be thin. I am only 19 and am just under 300 pounds. Every day is a struggle. I am a passionate individual and funny, outgoing, and I really do love life, but one day, I want to love life with me in it and stop pushing myself, and my feelings aside. Ironically, being fat is wearing THIN on me, and I need to change but am no longer afraid to admit I need help and support because as strong as I am for friends or family, I am weak to myself and I deserve more.

I'm a 30 year old H.S. Educator/Administrator. My husband is an awesome musician who is working on his Music Degree (former USAF band member). No children yet, (hoping weight loss will help that!). I have a poodle named Pogi (he will be my workout partner, he just doesn't realize it yet!!!). Believe that with God, all things are possible!!! Oh, did I mention that I am a vegetarian?!?!? (This should be interesting!!!)

I am an elementary school teacher with two small children. My life is a bit crazy, it's difficult to find time to get to the gym a lot of the time. I also have so much trouble sticking to a weight loss plan, no will power! I am hoping that journaling will help me become more accountable.

I have 2 children ages 4 and 16 months. They are the reason that I would like to get down to a better set a better example and so that I can go swimming with them and not feel bad about myself. I have been married for almost 7 years.

I am a 37 yo working mom with 3 sons (14, 11, 9) (& their friends!), dogs, cat and somewhere in there is my husband. For about 13 years I had my own business and was able to exercise regularly. Last year I re-entered the workforce and have had a hard time finding time to exercise and eat correctly.

I am a social worker for a child welfare agency...and stress is always at a high level, which often results in overeating and eating the wrong foods (quick grab foods like fast food)...I am active yet can't seem to loose weight because I eat to excess! I am ready to tackle this head on...especially since I am getting married this September!

I am 35 I have a 4 year old and I had a bad accident that left me depressed and limited in exercise since Dec 2004. I have not gained weight since my accident in 2004 but I have not lost. I live on Weight watchers just to stay where I am at. I need to lose 40 pounds to be at a happy weight. I am hoping this diet helps jump start me to lose again. I have started to exercise now that summer is here and I can get outside.

Love sweets and chocolate. This past year I have had several family issues and have been depressed. I work 10-12 hrs as a QA Manager and am usally too tired to work out. I am a rocker and have a Bon Jovi concert ticket in July. I just want to look like I feel which is young and rockin. I want to look great in blue jean shorts.

43 years old, married with two children and a dog.

36 years old, single, no children, elementary school teacher.

...I was first introduced to the fat smash diet in 2007 and was then introduced to peer trainer..from that time..i managed to lose around 70 pounds in combination with dieting and exercise... since then.....ive gained around 30+back....I have a long term goal of around 30 pounds to lose..

I am 28/M and have gained quite a bit of weight over the past 5 years, i would say 20 lbs. a year. I am in real estate.

I am 17, a senior in High School and ready to be done :) .. up untill about 5 or 6 years ago I was a small person.. but once middle school hit and i got on the depo shot, i packed on the pounds and have wanted to loose weight ever since but never could find the right diet. Im hoping that being on peertrianer I will have lots of motivation to do well on the Fat Smash Diet!! I love art- im an artist.. you can check out my work at .. I also am in a happy relationishp with my loving girlfriend, Alonjine :) . Im a very openminded, Pagan, down to earth person.. and thats a little about me

I consider myself a creative,layed back,easy going hippy!

I am 26, single, never married, and in the Coast Guard, soon to be an aviation mechanic, god willing i graduate:) I love to be active and hate to be cooped up indoors. I'm proud of the things that my body can do, and I'm pretty fit, I'm just "thick" I guess, and really need to streamline my diet to take care of those 30 lbs that are weighing me down. Also, just got knee surgery to repair a torn meniscus, so my workouts are basically kaput, any advice from anyone who has gone through this, please tell me, it's only been a day and i'm already stir crazy. Aaaah!

I am a 27 year old stay at home mom of 2 boys (ages 5 and 2). Family is the most important thing to me and I want to be able to set a good example and teach my children good eating habits so that they won't have to struggle with their weight or health!

I'm a life long dieter, I have lost 63lbs, kept off 55lbs. I still have a way to go but my goal for the next 10 months is 50lbs, at a rate of 5lbs a month on average. I'm an accountant, I travel for work, which can be a challenge to a healthy lifestyle. I'm tired of having my weight define who I am and I'm past ready to move on from this obstacle in my life.

Iam getting married next april and I love to be out side

I am 30 years old and 5'5" and want to lose 15 pounds. I have lost about 15 to 20 pounds since Sept 06. I have never really been "over weight",just have a hard time staying at the same number. I am now 143 to 145 on a regular basis. I would like to be 130 to 135. I used to be 125 to 130, but that ended when I turned 30 and stopped running and eating healthy. I have since started running again and watching what I eat. I still have those days where I just don't care and eat to fit my mood.

5'11" 227lbs, 40yrs old and still trying to cling to my youth. For the longest time, I've tried to make everyone else happy. Because of that, I've allowed myself to get out of shape both mentally and physically. It's time to take care of me and what I want.

I am 33yo , single mom of three. They are 13,12, and 10. I am a nurse by trade, but I also own a home based travel agency. I love to travel we do it as often as possible. I also homeschool all three of the kids.

38 year old male.

I am a 19-year-old college student living at home with my parents and my twin sister. I really want to lose this extra fat i have in my body to be able to feel more comfortable in my swimsuit (it is now summer time in Miami so there's no escaping that!) I am enthusiastic about this diet and hope it helps me change my lifestyle for good. I can't to have people asking me if I have lost weight! :)

I am a single mother of a 1 year old daughter. I am French and I have been living in America for 7 years now, just moved to the Dallas area in July 07. I am still trying to meet friends! I started gaining weight when I came to the US. I do a lot of nervous, emotional eatings as I miss my family and friends in France and with the stress of my job (a teacher) and raising a toddler completly by myself.

47 married happy I BROKE MY NECK TWICEneed exercise go imbacked no jarring no arms or neck exercise in them

I am a 25 year old graduate student and I had previously lost about 80 pounds but with the pressures of grad school and a busy schedule I have gained it all back. I have been married for almost a year and I need to feel better about myself so I can feel better in my relationship. I don't feel attractive and because I feel so down about what I look like I sometimes feel like my husband is crazy for being with me.

I've done WW and Michael Thurmond's diet before, which were both awesome but a little hard for me now. So I'm going to start the Fat Smash Diet next week.

I am a working mom of four kids. I am going through a divorce after 17 years of marriage. In a year and a half I'll be 40 years old and a single mom and I'm ready to make some serious changes.

I am a 26 year old African American woman. I am married with one son. I am hoping to become pregnant within the next year but my weight scares me. I do not want to get pregnant and pick up 40 lbs on top of my 190lbs. Also, I want the weight gone just for my own self-esteem.

I have been a size 0 to 14. I am now at size 7. I did not like sizes 0 - 4 nor did I like sizes 9 - 14. I do not eat beef or pork. Have not for 21 years. I gained weight by eating all that pasta and not moving. I went from a size 5 to 14 in one year. It is taking my years to get back down to my size 5. All I did was just eliminated the pasta. Now I am stuck.

31 year old mother of two who loves eating especially dessert.

I've always been the slightly chubby one, and I'm really trying to get thinner!

I have been married for 7 years and I have 1 daughter. I recently graduated from college with a bachelors in Criminal Justice and I am currently attending graduate school for my master's in Criminal Justice. I like to read, when I have time, and throw darts.

I'm 44, married to a wonderful man and have 3 dogs.

I'm 41, stay at home mom of 3 kids, ages 13, 6 & 2. I've gained 15 lbs over the past 6 months and I'm really hard time loosing it. I ordered the Fat Smash Book the other day and am anxiously waiting for it to arrive and start the diet. I've been on diets off and on for the past 25 years and am tired of yo-yo dieting. I also just joined a gym and have started working out again. I REALLY hope this diet works!

I will be 43 this month. I'm a mother of two precious girls and married to a wonderful man. I learned how to knit this year and now I'm going to learn how to get my weight under control.

I'm 31 and got out of the Army a few years ago...the body has been all downhill since then. With work and school keeping me busy, I eat out at restaurants for entertainment and choose homework over the gym a lot. I just want to get back to my happy weight. I'm a theater major, and I won't even get a head shot taken because of my sucks to go from skinny to fat. It hurts to see people treat you differently and walk by like you aren't even there. I used to have lots of boyfriends and get attention and I miss that.

I'm a 42 y/o divorced, mother of 3 teen agers, 2 jobs and trying to go back to school. Since time is very limited I tend to take the easy path when it comes to cooking. Chipotle is a family favorite.

My daughter (who is Robyn 628). We both need to lose weight and are doing this together, along with her husband..

I am a mother of 3 boys who are very athletic. They are constantly getting on me for my weight gain. They have offered to help me and we have joined the YMCA.

I am a 36 year old mom of two children. One who just turned 2 and the other just turned 6. I am way over the weight I should be for my 5'0" and I am so depressed!!!! I am lethargic, but I know it is from the extra, extra weight.

45, health professional, married with two teenage daughters (who are starting this with me!)

I am 48 and love life! I am very active socially but have a very poor physically fit life! I have a terrific family - soon to be husband and three great step kids. I am entering the menopausal phase of life and no pounds that go on come off like they used to! I have gained forty pounds over the last two years - my metabolism is shot and I am terribly miserable about the way I look. I am 5'5 and weigh 165 - my body reminds me of a marshmallow with toothpicks for legs! It's very hard to keep up my wonderful personality as a fundraiser when all I can think of is how fat I am. I have tried every diet imaginable, got a trainer - definitely a wrong fit - nothing like a 22 year old looking at you like a flabby old bag - all I can think of is hey buddy I used to be Hot! hot! hot! and would never look at you twice. lol

Male, NJ. I just turned 39 and recently jumped on a scale to see my weight at 211 lbs. I have never been over 200 in my lifetime so this was a wakeup call for me! At my prime in recent times (last 10 years) i was in really great shape @ 5'11" & 170 lbs, but my body naturally gravitates towards the 190 lb mark. Now i am 20 pounds past that and time to take action.

I gained 20 pounds my senior year of college. I just graduated and I want to get it off. i'm working as a paralegal and don't have much time to work out.

I am a nursing student. My hours are crazy and by the time I'm done with clinicals, class or studying its hard for me to get motivated to go to the gym. I don't eat horribly bad but with that schedule and a boyfriend who has a metabolism of a 6 year old its hard! O yeah, and I just turned 21 so alcohol and going out probably isn't helping too much either! :)

38 years old and mother of 7 year old and a one year old. Had a hysterectomy and now on hormone replacement. Really hard to lose ....

I just graduated nursing school with my ADN. I am continuing for my BSN. I am currently working as a Graduate Nurse on a Neurology/Epilepsy Monitoring Unit. Losing 100 pounds always seemed impossible, but now that I have graduated nursing school, I feel I can accomplish anything I set my mind to!!

I am 32 years old. I live in Southern California. Am married w/ a 7 year old.

I am 31 years old, 5'4" and I weigh 167 lbs. I have been married for 5 years (but together for 10 years) and we have 2 little girls (4 years old & 8 months old). After my 1st pregnancy after delivery, I weighed 180 lbs. I then did the South Beach Diet and within 8 months I was at 126 lbs. I was on the treadmill daily, 30 minutes. Then a year later I gained 20 lbs because we moved and I did not run on the treadmill daily and I was eating everything again. I also had a very long commute (I am a teacher, but we had a house 1 hour 1/2 away each way!) So I gained those 20 lbs and I was not able to fight them off. We then got pregnant again and after delivery I hit 180 lbs. Since Thanksgiving I have not been successful at losing weight because I was not working out consistently (baby up at night) and working out for longer periods and trying South Beach Diet did not work this time. This has been a huge problem for me mentally and I was becoming unhappy and frustrated because all I wanted to do was lose weight. I was always skinny but would gain 10 lbs and lose it and then gain it back etc as I got older and then having kids really changed my body. We moved again this time for the last time and we are getting settled. I was lucky to take this year off again to be with the 2nd baby. I am now reading more about how to lose weight effectively for the long run and how to be healthy. I want to change my eating habits (I LOVE junk food). We haven't had chips in the house for years because my husband Ethan is pretty healthy and has gotten me into wheat bread and healthier snacks, etc. But still when I was pregnant I was at McDonalds every other day, it was awful. I am french/american and drinking red wine is very part of my night, I love to "party". Ethan and I will drink wine every night and we are working together to cut this out. Red wine is good for you, but we sometimes have several glasses because its fun after the girls are in bed. But this has affected my eating habits even more and our relationship. So now I am READY and I am looking for others who have similar weight goals. I picked up the latest People Magazine and read the stories and discovered the PT site. I am very excited about doing this with others who have the same situation.

I am a 36 year old mother of 2 boys. I work for a health insurance company, a completely sedentary data entry type job. I have been fairly active most of my life, until this past year. I feel unmotivated & have a real lack of energy or drive for much of anything right now. I am wanting to revitalize my life by losing the excess weight, getting more active & becoming more self accepting. I am my own worst enemy!

Last year my life changed -- new job, new house, less friends, no husband -- and my outlook on life changed for the better. In January, I realized that I was not a size 12 but actually a size 6 and probably had been that size for years. That was refreshing. The problem is that 1 year later, I really AM a size 12 :P There is nothing I would take back about 2006 except the calories. Hopefully, this is my chance to take back those pounds and be more confident in my appearance again. The confidence only existed a few months before I let myself go and started gaining weight, but I liked my appearance then and I know I can get it back.

I am 24 years old and I have 3 handsome little boys. I've always been a little chubbier, but I lost about 40 lbs in 2002. That was the skinniest I had ever been, around 145 lbs. About 3 months after reaching my goal weight, I found out I was pregnant with twins. After giving birth to my now 4 year old twins, I continually gained weight up to the birth of my now one year old son. I am currently 238 lbs!!! I don't have anyone I can really lean on as a steady support system for weight loss, and I am really hoping to find comfort and support in someone who can help me get back to my goal weight. I'm definately ready, I just need someone to help give me a boost now and then.

I'm a 42 stay at home mom with 3 boys who keep me on the go.

Mother of two little girls. my husband is in the navy.

I'm a year out of college, and I am a nurse working nights, so my schedule is all messed up. Its hard to work nights then wake up and have a day schedule on my nights off and the weekends. I was very active in high school as a 3 sport athlete.

I'm a 30 year old single mother of a 6 month old son and a writer and performance artist. While I was pregnant, I had a ten pound tumor growing at the same time as my son. My son was only 5 lbs so I was all belly. I didn't gain much weight while pregnant because of my health (around 20 pounds) but I was also unable to work out at all. Not even yoga or pilates because it was a high risk pregnancy and I was confined to bed for half of the pregnancy. After my son was born (early but healthy!) I still had the ten pound tumor so I still looked and felt pregnant. I didnt' have surgery to remove the tumor until 3 months after he was born so I basically spent over 12 months "pregnant". Now six months after my son was born and a year of not being able to be physical at all, I'm gaining the weight that most women gain during their pregnancy. I've always been athletic and in shape and it's been difficult to accept these extra pounds. I want to be healthy and happy for my son and myself. I miss feeling comfortable on stage and in my clothes. I bought Extreme Fat Smash this afternoon and I"m ready to get started! (I apologize for the length of that)

I'm 45 years old, married, 2 children, stay home mom. Like to read, knit and swim.

Well I am a senior in high school, and have wanted to lose weight for a long time. I swim on the swim team at my school and I love to hang out with my girls :)

Im 19, and i just finished my 1st year of college, and I am currently taking summer courses, and working. I have been sort of overweight my whole life, but that never stopped me from being outgoing and having fun. i think after putting on these last 20 extra lbs in college i think its time for a change

25Married with 2 children Daughter: 8 years Son: 5 years Stay at home mom and wanting to look much better for my self esteem. Just quit smoking 4 months ago...

I am a 26 year old mother of two. I was born and raised in Jamaica and came to the States at sixteen to go to college. I finished that and eventually went on to become pastry chef. I LOVE sweets and I habitually overeat. I tend to be pretty lonely even with a husband and two great kids, so I eat all the time.

I am a 24 year old fabwo (fabulous woman). I have a gorgeous 1 year old daughter, Violet Lynn, and a wonderfully modernized boyfriend, Jason, who I will marry in October. I went from 245 to 170 before I got pregnant. Now I am back up to 223.6. I have not manage to lose any of my baby weight. Don't get me wrong, I am still fabwo, but I get sad whenever I see an outfit I can't wear.

My husband and I are empty nesters and I'm 53 and working part time for the first time in my life. I love animals and live on 30 acres in Oregon. I have 5 papillons, 2 mixed breed dogs, 1 cat and 2 BLM donkeys. I like gardening and have recently had a total knee replacement surgery.

I'm a single working mom. I'm the proud mommy to a beautiful 10 year old daughter. I work in the television industry. I love to dance, watch movies and tv, listen to music or see it live, read, and write.

27 year old male who spends 10 hours a day at a desk. Grew up playing sports very competitively. I decided in the fall of 06 it was time for a change to get back into the shape I was when I played baseball in college.

Just turned 50 and have been very sedentary for the last 4-5 years. I got flabby and fatigued. I believe that exercise and proper nutrition are essential and beneficial for mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

Just turned 30 and looking to get back into shape after my baby. I think that my fittest (ran a marathon a few years back) was 135 (I am 5'8") so I am not sure I could weigh much less. I met my husband around then and since I have gained - too much...Mainly because he cooks - a lot :) Gained about 40 lbs from pregnancy...tons of water weight. I looked like an oompah-loompah. Really...

I guess it's time to do a little updating, although there really isn't much to do update. I am 31 years old now and currently not working and having a hard time finding a job which really makes me feel depressed. Which isn't a good thing when you're trying to lose weight in my opinion.

46 years old. Married for 22 years, Mom of three wonderful kids, one of which has autism, full time job and crazy/busy life.

I am a 30 yr old single mother. I am an average middle class Gal but have strong undertones as a writer, artist, singer, designer, photographer, editor...I love it all. I lost a baby recently and gained weight from the depression. I am 5' and 163 lbs. The weight has got to go.

I am a mom of 3 children, Today is my 5th anniversary (June 15). I have been playing around with different plans and am just plain sick and tired of being fat and unhealthy. I work 2 jobs. I am a substute Teacher and work in a small deli cooking while I get certified to be a Teachers Assistant.

I'm 27, married (no kids yet), teacher, and master's student. I want to take this summer to get used to a healthy eating style.

I am a 39 year old married mother of a 9 month old. Needless to say I have baby and marriage weight gain to lose. Not to mention I am going to visit family and friends in Texas come labor day weekend. I started the Extreme Fat Smash diet on 6/10 and so far I have lost 3.5 lbs.

I started the Fat Smash Diet on October 3rd. That give me a little over 13 weeks to reach my goal.

i am a 17 year old. 5'6 and 208

I am 36. Female. Married since Aug. 1999, with no kids - YET. I work FT in Marketing which involves lots of travel to trade shows. I am in the process of relocating from northern VA to Austin, TX. (This will take place June 30 - July 7). I have access to free food when I travel and also in the office. I cannot say no to this! I also am inconsistent with workouts. I need more accountability. I used to be on Weight Watchers.

I am a 27 M, and in law school, I recently gained alot of this weight, because of the seditary environment I am living in. I feel that I have little time to concentrate on my eating habits and working out. I hope to soon choose those bad habits.

I am 20 years old living in the city of L.A.

I'm 49, soon to be 50 and have gained 30 lbs over the past few years. I am in the process of taking it off but it's been a really slow process.

I am a 24, just got engaged this past December. My fiance and I have been together for almost 8 years. We have a four year old son. I will graduate from Clemson University in December 08. I am the heaviest I have ever been right now. For some strange reason I gained 25 lbs. in the past 6 months. I am very uncomfortable in my new body, and I am sick of people asking me if I have put on weight or if I am pregnant. (Yes, people actually have asked me this more than once!!) I am ready to get into shape!

30 Year old, Male. I have been Fat (no mincing words like Husky, Big-boned, for me) since I was a young child. I have no recollection of ever being thin; though I have seen a photo of myself around 5 where I was not too fat. My pediatrician says that was when I started "Putting away the groceries" I have only ever had 1 girlfriend, and she was overweight as well. I am tired of being the funny(ie. Jolly) guy, that girls love (to be friends with).

I have always been over weight and i think that at the age of 22 its time to lose my old self.

I am a 39 year old woman who is very physically active. I run 3-4 days a week, in 2005, I ran a marathon. I just eat too much. For the most part, I eat healthy foods, just too much of them! I'd like to lose 20 pounds over the next six months and be in the best shape of my life by my 40th birthday in December.

33, female, 1 child, married. I am 151 pounds.

I'm a 22-year-old full time student on summer break, working two jobs this summer (legal assistant during the week and retail on weekends). I'm an acting student, so you can imagine the pressure to 'look right' for the industry. I just work all the time, and it's hard to eat right when when you're trying to eat quickly. I also have horrid sciatic pain that sends me to the hospital sometimes. When it flares up, I can't even walk, much less work out, and end up on the couch with pain killers and junk food to help me forget the pain.

I married with 4 children and a full time job. I love to eat. Since I had my youngest son, I've gained about 30 pounds.

I am 42 years young and have a 4 month old Boston Terrier puppy.... who is driving me crazy!!! ;) I have been a hairdresser for more than 25 years and with a back injury from a car accident in 2010, working is quite painful for me.... working out had become a thing of the past ..until this past week. ( 8/8/11)

I am 34 turning 35 and I am tired of being fat. I need to lose at least 65-70lbs so I am prayerful that this helps. The weight didn't get here overnight and it will not go away overnight. I must have patience.

25 year old student about to start graduate school, currently working a retail job. The last year has been particularly hard for me, my Mom was diagnosed with leukemia last march and passed away january 1st. Since then i've been incredibly stressed and down i just don't feel like myself. Lack of energy and finding it hard to sleep, headaches etc. I used to run 3-5 miles about 4 times a week and be a gym addict but i just havn't been motivated to do so. I've put on 11lbs in approx a year and would like to get back to my regular weight and go back to my healthy lifestyle and get back on track with life in general.

I am 65 years old, diagnosed with Type II diabetes 1 year ago. I weigh 255 lbs. and am 5' 10" tall. My A1C was 5.3 I am controlling diabetes with oral meds. I am the primary caregiver for 86 year old mom and my husband is suffering memory loss. I work a full time job and am legally blind.

5'5" and weight 155 want to be 135

I am 43 years old and live in Georgia. I am married with 2 teen daughters. My earliest memory is of horses and I currently have 1 and my oldest daughter has 1. She shows western pleasure and I show english. I lost about 80lbs 7 years ago and have gained about 20 back in the past year and half. I had been caring for my mom who died in Feb. Now I want to get back to my life by first getting this weight off.

I am 25 years old. I have a 10 month old baby. Heart disease runs in my family. My dad past away 19 months ago from congestive heart failure. I am heading down that path and need to put a stop to it. I want to be around for my son. My husband is also overweight so we will be doing this together. I am very nervous to start this because I do not want to fail.

I'm a 30 year old married mother of 1 who has battled my weight since high school.

Divorced Mom of 2 teenage boys going to be 16 and 14. Office Manger at job and very very busy with sons (I keep them very active). Live with someone for 3 years. Work out at curves 4 days per week. Have had multiple health problems that just set me back everytime I get started. I am ordering my book today. My decision to try this diet was based on reading the teams blog. I love fruits and veggies. Here goes.

I currently bartend at night and am in nursing school during the day. I want my confidence back.

I have gone from 125 to 183 in the past 5 years! Yikes, it hurst to type those numbers. I work full time and am the mother of a beautiful little girl. I just started working out again and can feel the benefits - now I want to SEE them!

I teach aerobics. I am an accountant in Nashville. Each year since college it seems I have picked 5 pounds somehow! I love to swim and be out doors.

im basically a single mom of two boys 1 and 3. i havent been doing so well lately been in a rut and need some motivation. i havea gym pass and like to walk its hard to get out with my kids i work second shift. my worst time of eating is night time im a bottomless pit any suggestions?

I am 33 and mother of 3 boys ages 11 yrs, 7 yrs and 18 months. Married 10 years to my husband who is my rock..don't know what I would do without him. I work in the insurance industry as a licensed customer service rep/agent assistant. I used to be an agent myself (10 years) until 8 months ago and decided to take a break. I love what I am doing now and still am maintaining my insurance license.

Female, late 30's.

I am a 30 yr. old male who is just tired of being overweight. I'm 5'8 and weigh 290 and I'm getting more serious about my own health. My dad was overweight, had diabetes and high blood pressure and I don't want to be a repeat of that.

I am 41 and a mother of a 16month old and a 16 year old. I have yet to lose the baby weight and struggle with my getting my stomach to look normal after the C section. I really want to feel better about myself. I think this "non" diet is just the avenue for me.

I need an easier diet plan to follow while caring for my mother who needs constant care.

I've been less active this past year and am ready to get moving!!!!

High school Senior, Vegetarian

I am 22 yrs old and a mother of a very energetic 3 yr old little boy. I started a diet back in novemeber and lost 30 lbs in approx. 2-3 months but hit a tough spot. I have about 15 more to go and want to do it in a healthier way. I was taking appetite suppressants and receiving weekly vitamin injections which worked wonders for the first 30 lbs but now I eat crazy again and just want to learn how to be healthy and maintain.

i am a 21 year old college student. i've gained about 40 pounds in the last 2 or 3 years. i gained the last 24 of it within the 6 months. this is the heaviest ive ever been in my life, and ive never felt more helpless. i have no idea how to get it off. ive started hiking the hill to cal state 2-3 times a week, and it seems to be helping.

I'm a 26 year old newlywed living outside of Nashville, TN. I've been slowly packing on the pounds year after year. While I eat pretty healthily for the most part, I have a weakness for fast food and can never seem to make exercise a habit for more than two weeks at a time. My biggest motivator for getting in shape is the fact that we'd like to start a family in the next year or two.

I am a recent College Graduate (this spring) and have put on alot of unwanted weight during my college carrer. Some of it was just adult weight i put on, but alot of it is just unhealthy. I want to get down to my goal weight of 120 lbs, by Late August 2009, in time for my move to Italy.

i am 17 years old. i just finished my junior year of high school and would like to get fit again for senior year. i've lost about 85 lbs. before going from around 300 to 215. i lost the weight by mostly working out like crazy at the gym and avoiding sweets. I gained back about half that weight do to my lack of an overall strong diet and my love of sweets. Hopefully by september I will be around 225 at least.

I've always been slim and active. As a graduate student I rarely have "free" time, but I like to go sports...and have fun. I'm not much of a dieter...I'm much better at limiting portion sizes (or I used to be).

I am 30yrs old, work 7-4 M-F. I am engaged to be married to a wonderful man and we are getting married November 17th. He loves me no matter what but I don't. So that's why I am here to lose the weight I need to to be healthy.

I'm 38, married to a great guy who is doing the program with me. I have 2 girls, ages 4 and 21 months.

I work from home, infront of the computer all day. Working from home has it's benefits and it's drawbacks too. I feel like I give most of myself to things other than what I should be concentrating on... me... my family. I am married and we have a seven year old.


I am 42, married and a mom of one awesome 9 year old boy! I have over the last 2 years lost about 45 pounds and have been able to maintain that fairly easily.

Stay at home mom to 2 girls ages 5 and 6.

I am 17 years old going on 18 in september and i just recently went to the doctor to discover that i weigh over 350 pds! i was shocked because i am pretty active but i knew i weighed a lot just not that much! I havae never been ashamed of my size until i realized all of the downsides like lets see... death for one and the fact that i cant get the guy i love because i am huge! i want to be healthy becasue i kno it will help me in so many departments even socially and mentally

I am a fulltime working parent of a two year old son and a three year old daughter..I am married and feel very blessed!

45, married, 5 yr old...working Mom - good at taking care of everyone else but me!

41 married 3 children - 2 are on their own & one at home.

22-year-old college student. Lost about 40 pounds since this time last year. I felt good about it for a long time, and worked hard to maintain my weight. The plan has been falling apart as of late, though, but I'm trying to get it back together. href="">

I am a 24-year-old public relations professional originally from Kentucky. I recently relocated to Gainesville, FL after I got married and my husband accepted a job here. I enjoy reading, watching my fave TV shows, General Hospital and Grey's Anatomy, and spending time with my family.

Age: 27 Height: 5'11" Median weight: 230 lbs.

Hi, everyone! I'm a single, thirty-something who needs to lose 60 lbs. I began struggling with weight in the last few years. I had great success with the South Beach Diet, previously. But, took a break for a holiday and never truly recovered.

I'm a 19 year old full time college student. I'm currently taking summer classes and working. I'm pre-med and I'm also majoring in international business. I hope to loose weight so I can have more confidence in my appearance and to be healthier.

Hello! I'm a 19-year old college student and have gained the good ol' freshman fifteen... with some to add. I am the only girl I know who's never really set foot into the daunting world of dieting, but I realize I need to make some changes. I'm doing this with my roommate, and today (6.25.07) is our first day of phase 1... it's been tough. I love carbs. My motivation is to fit into my old jeans so that I can rekindle my denim fetish. I love to be creative with my style and I would like to make dressing less of an issue. ...And of course, my biggest incentive is to feel better about myself and maintain an encompassing sense of self-confidence.

I'm a 19 year old college student who wants a change in her appearance. I am also going on a lot of trips this year. For example, next summer i will be studying abroad in Italy and i would like to be in great shape by the time i leave. Most importantly, I hope that by the end of this i will have more self-confidence and will actually enjoy shopping for jeans. Who knows...maybe by the end of this i can fit into those cute skinny jeans!!! I forgot to mention that my roommate and I are doing this hopefully together, we can reach our goals.

I am 43 years old and needing a health lifestyle.

I'm a 38-year-old single woman on a quest for a healthier me. I'm doing great with the diet, but I'm not doing so well with the exercise part. I have 1 more day of Phase 1. Hurray!!!

I am a 40 year old, mother of (5) and a grandmotherof (3). I am a career woman with a very busy schedule. I am a;lso currently in school for Christian Counseling.

I am a youngish wife w/o kids (yet) who'd like to get my weight and body in decent shape so I can enjoy it for just a little while before welcoming a baby into my life.

23 mom of twin boys, married, p.t college student

37, Married 4yrs, no children and at least 30-40lbs overweight. I'd love to lose weight to improve my overall health and to feel better mentally, physically and emotionally.

I am married, a 36 year old Mom of 2 wonderful kids. Over the last few years I have put on 40 pounds and am ready to do something about it. Recently suffering from an irregular heartbeat my cardiologist has told me I have to lose the weight, and cut out cafeine and sugar all together. HUGE FOR ME! Diet Coke & Chocolate addict! Today I had an MRI, as I am waiting the results of that I am ready to get on track and lose the weight once and for all, the fear of not being here for my kids is motivation to do it. Aside from that, I am a RN, taking time off to be at home with my kids the last couple of years.

I am going onto 14 and entering high school in August. I know that I am over weight, and I play football, but I would just to change for me.

I have 3 kids and have added more weigh on after each pregnancy

I joined Peertrainer for help and support to lose 30-40 pounds. I'm tired of feeling fat and waiting to lose weight! I'm married with 2 young kids. I would like to help other members along this difficult path.

37 yr. old mom that is determined to be fit and lean.

I need to lose 35 lbs. I'm a working wife & mother. My daughter is almost 3 and keeps me extremely busy. I took up running last spring and lost 25lbs. I was running about 10 miles a week. But I started a new job and had a 2 hr one way commute and with the new job and commute I had no time to run. We just moved closer to work and now I have time to run again. My husband is being so supportive too which really helps.

I am 24 years old and currently pursuing my master's degree in speech pathology (speech therapy). I have also been married for almost two years now...YAY!!! I have found that being both a student and a wife has brought a little more stress into my life and with stress, for me anyway, comes stuffing my face with junk food or not eating at all. I am beginning to feel the effects of these bad habits, not to mention see them, so I thought I would give this plan a go. I thought that the Fat Smash Diet would teach me much better habits, which I desperately need!!!

I'm a 20 yr college student. I'm double majoring in World Languages and Art. My life is greatly influenced by music, art, joy, and friendship. When I was in my early teens my eating disorder got really bad. I went into rehabilitation and gained... a lot. I've almost fallen back on my disorder so many times, but I know I'm strong enough to overcome this. I'm determined to have a healthy body and mind. I want to have a positive body image more than anything.

I'm 30 years old and I'm an RN who works the night shift so I usually feel run down and tired. I'm hoping that by losing weight I'll feel better and my energy level will increase. I've been successful with weight loss programs in the past but I've gained most of the weight back. I'm trying to get motivated again!! My husband and are hoping to start a family in the next year, too...and losing some weight is important for that reason as well.

I am 36 yrs old and have 2 problems....I am fat and I have not been able to get pregnant....I went to a doctor today and they weighed me!! 300lbs...I am scared. In addition, we have been trying to have a baby for 2 years and are now working with a fertility doctor. I need to loose weight right away...I have lost before and then I just gain it all back. I get too comfortable and don't exercise at all...I would love support and let's do this together!!

I'm 20 and I'm a junior music education and performance major. I love all things music related and am dabbling in music composition at the moment. I'm sick of being fat. I've had a crush on the same guy for more than a year and I want to turn his head. Problem: he's one of my best friends and I don't see him a lot. Solution: this.

I am 25 yrs old-married to the most gorgeous man ever and we have the best baby girl in the world! I want to be slim and trim for both of them!!

I am single and I enjoy flea marketing, jazz and interior design.

I'm a stay-at-home mom when I'm not going to school full-time as a nutrition student. I have a 2.9 year old son and an 8.5 month old daughter. I just had knee surger 3.5 weeks ago from a sports injury from almost 2 years ago and it's been hell just sitting here doing nothing. I do try to do some housework, but it's better to keep still so my knee can heal.

I'm 22 y.o. and I have been heavy my whole life. Being 5'10", I've always been the big girl in the group but I'm ready to change that. I'm starting my fifth year of college and will soon be entering the "real world" and want to be prepared in every way. I look forward to working with the people in the groups that I join and hope we can help each other reach our goals.

35, 6ft, passionate, relational faith, tats and piercings...i want to be healthy in all areas of my life. work with youth. married with a child on the way in january.

I was born and raised in Memphis, TN. I have always been overweight. I can look back at pictures when I was younger and not think that I was big but I really was for my age.

I have been married for 16 years and have 2 daughters, ages 12 and 8. I gained a lot of weight with my first child over 12 years ago.

I am a 31 year old mother of 3.

I am a 40 year old mother of 3. Two boys 12 and 9, and a girl who is 6. I have been dieting for what seems like most of my adult life. I would love to finally get control of my weight. I have been married for 15 years to a great guy.

I am a 24 year old single female. I am currently in graduate school majoring in social work.

I'm 37, married with two kids aged 5 & 9. I work part time in IT as a project manager. My family are all skinny so have no need to diet. Consequently I'm surrounded by temptations....

School teacher, Deaf & Hard-of-Hearing Educator, K-12, Itinerant/traveling teacher. I feel very alone. I moved to Miami 3 years ago. With the mobility of the job, which does offer some perks, it does not offer much social support.

5'6" - 160 lbs. ~wanna be fit and healthy~ I'm 24 years old and work in Advertising. I'm not very happy with my job lately so I know that has a lot to do with my eating habits. I live with and incredible boyfriend and our equally incredible dog. My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years. I'll add more as I become more involved on this site but that's a start.

I am a 26 year old woman working in health and wellness field. I enjoy sports and the arts. I sell jewelry part time for Lia Sophia.

Hello, I am a 27-year old mommy, wife, and 7th grade teacher. I've always been overweight for most of my life, but recently I've packed on about 20lbs since my son's birth in 2005. Yikes! I love life & want to be healty and fit to keep up with my son. In an act of faith, I recently began taking Capoeria (Afro-Brazilian Martial Arts), and it has been pushing me to new limits.

I am a 31 year old mother of one. I work full time in the accounting field and working on my masters of science in Accountancy. Since I am sitting most of the day, I am trying to walk a couple times throughout the day along with kickboxing twice a week. My work has a biggest loser competition which is just the extra motivation I need right now.

I'm a 42 year old divorced mother of two fantastic sons, 12 and 15, and I am a prosecutor here in VA. We are active in our church. My free time (what little there is!) is spent watching my sons play baseball and football, as well as being their taxi.

Just turned the big 40 this year. I have 2 kids: 1 daughter 18 years just graduated high school and an 8 year old son.

I am 28 and single living in Baltimore. I'm not too big by any stretch but I have gained about 30 pounds in the past two years. My biggest problems are that I can't fit any of my clothes anymore and can't afford to buy new ones! My second issue is that I am terribly unhealthy and never work out.

I'm a single 24 y/o who is super super busy. I work two part time jobs which ends up equalling more that one full time job. I work as a Research Assistant and also as a Substance Abuse Counselor working with teenagers. I am also a full time Grad Student. I have a bad habit of going out on the weekends and canceling out all the hard working out and dieting I do during the week with cocktails and eating out. I had thyroid cancer when I was about 17 which I think is why I was a pretty chubby teenager. I think my highest weight was about 165 (at 5'1'). After dealing with the thyroid issue I lost about 10 lbs per year while in college and have been "stuck" for the past couple years. I seem to gain and lose the same 8 pounds all the time. I'm down to 125 but I would really like to lose 10-15 lbs more.

55 year-old Anglo bilingual educational diagnostician who used to teach bilingual 1st grade. I have two daughters in their 20's and an adorable 2 year-old granddaughter. I'm off for the summer and hope to lose weight before going back to work on 8/15.

I am a married mom of two children, Hannah,7, and Devon,2. I work full time and go to school full time, so I am very busy.

I'm a 28yr. old real estate agent. I am married with no kids yet. This is one of my reasons for getting into shape to eventually have babies one day. We have a dog named Princess and a cat named Sadie. I have lost 30lbs already by walking and counting calories and now I want to lose at least 40 more.

i am a wife and a mother of 3. i am a high school biology teacher and i would like to lose as much weight as i can before school starts in September. i am so tired of teaching the kids what happens to the body of obese people.

My name is Stacey, I am 30 Years old and have been a single mom since I was 21 years old, my two kids are now 10 and 9. I also have my 51 year old father living with me that has Prostate Cancer. I have had trouble with my wait since my first child was born and have been on many diets and work out plans. but with such a busy life with a job two kids and a sick father I have gained all my wait back pluse some. I am ready to get back on trak and lose the wait and keep it off.

I am in my 50's with a husband and two kids. Weight has been a lifelong struggle and it is time for me to get it under control. A few health issues have begun and I need to learn to take care of myself. I am going to make ME a priority.

I'm an emotional eater so when I'm stressed or upset I turn to food. I need to change this behavior. I've put on 30 pounds in the last year. That was sparked by moving in with husband and more emotional stuff and NOT working out.

First grade teacher(am I insane???), mother of two girls ages 9 and 3, divorced but dating an absolutely wonderful man who I adore, want to be the sexy mama I have always wanted to be that I know is in here somewhere!!

I am 36 years old, single and no kids. I work a full-time and part-time job (close to 60+ hours per week).

36 year old mother of 4, and executive secretary at a University in NYC.

I am 34, getting married in two months and want to lose 10 -15 lbs. But, I am already very active and healthy so find it hard to lose weight . Basically I am already working out 5-6 times a week and eat really well - mainly fruit and veggies. Not sure what to do to lose weight except live in the gym - which won't be good for my impending marriage. Any ideas?

i'm a lifelong dieter. i recently gained 20 to 30 pounds and it's hanging on me. i want to lost weight by my birthday in november. i'm going to be 30 this year and i want to celebrate it in style. updated mar 08 well i threw in the towel for my birthday, the holidays, the new year and everything else. i joined the gym in february and have been trying to get back on track.

I am 22 work for my family. Occurred a terrible loss recently lost my dad. Started the fat smash diet weirdly enough its helping me takes my mind off certain things.

I'm a stay at home mom with 4 children ages ranging from 13 to 3 years old

I am a writer and in marketing and PR. I love dogs, my family and love wine. (ohh this will be haaaard) -

Getting married on August 25th. I started with my 2007 healthier living campaig in December of 2006. I weighed 166 at my heaviest and wasn't getting enough exercise. I decided it was time to get my life back in order and regain the strength I had lost thru laziness and comfort foods.

Just turned 30, tired of being tired.

Back in high school I always thought I was fat. Looking back now (42) I see that I was blind and actually didn't look too bad. But now the weight has slowly crept on and although my weight hasn't fluctuated too much in the last few years, it's still too much and I'd love to lose it and get more active. I'm married with two kids and two dogs, a full-time job, plus a seasonal part-time job (photography)

I am married and a mother of 3. A daughter 19, two sons 10, and 7. I am an insulin dependant diabetic.

40 yr old, 2 young children. Stay at home mom. Love sweets and this is my real problem.

I'm a 21 year old soon to be married female college student looking to shed a few b4 the wedding..but mostly me and my future hubbie want to be healthy and happy in our new life together..

I am a 37 yr old single woman. I work full-time and have a lot of hobbies that I love to do. I am an avid card-marker & scrapbooker. I am originally from Michigan but now live in Indiana.

Im 23 work full time for Toyota while trying to finish school to be an elementary school teacher and plan a wedding all at the same time

I'm 26, I'm married and I am hoping to find a buddy to help keep me on track. I really want to get back into the habit of working out, I just have little/no motivation right now.

I'm a 26 year old Elemmentary Music Teacher. I have a boyfriend that is in law school 5 hours away and I live with my father since my mom died about 2 1/2 years ago. I have always been in pretty good shape, but I gained a few lbs when my mom was very ill. I lost about 22 lbs. with Weight Watchers and kept off about 15 of it. I would like to lose an additional 20 lbs. and really clean up my diet. I believe the Fat Smash Diet can really help me!

I'm a 21 year old college student. I've been overweight since I can remember and wanted to get healthier and in shape. I tried weight watchers last summer and lost 15 lbs doing so, but once I went back to school I gained it back from what I was eating and from the drinking. My overall goal is to loose weight and learn the right way that I should be eating. My aunt and I couldn't decide whether to do the extreme fat smash or just the fat smash and we chose the EFSD because it gave us what were were to eat daily which helped me out a lot. So I'm kicking off my soon to be healthy life style with the EFSD and ten gonna switch over to the FSD.

Recently ( 5mos ago) quit smoking and have gained 25lbs. I am a hairstylist, wife and mother of two. I work 3 days a week so have lots of time to work out, its just getting motivated to do it. I also have 2 pekepoo puppies and walk them alot.

I'm a working mother of two boys and currently trying to start my on medical billing business.

I'm a married father of two wonderful daughters. About two years ago now, I stumbled onto Peer Trainer because I weighed over 250 pounds and needed support to lose weight. I'm happy to say that by sticking to the Fat Smash diet, I ultimately worked myself down to 193 pounds. I looked great, and I felt great. But as with all diets, even those that promote lifestyle changes, the bad habits started working themselves back in, and over the last 8 months or so, I've gained back about 25 pounds. I need to lose that weight, and blow past my prior mark of 193. So here I am, motivated and ready to go.

I am 27 years old and a married mommy of a 10 month old.

I am a 6-12 grade music teacher. I just celebrated my first anniversary with my husband. I have a 3 1/2 month old daughter who is my world.

32 yr old sleep tech in Cleveland, Ohio. Wonderful bf named Doug Dog named Rufus. Cats Bianca and Tangi. Love to travel, gamble, cook, watch TV/movies. Addicted to my Tivo and my Ipod.

27 year old, fast food junkie, tired of being overweight, been successful with working out and eating right in the past but circumstances always bring me back to my old habits. Finally ready to make a change for LIFE.

24 female...I want to loose about 15-20 pounds to fit in my clothes comfortably and would like to feel healthy.

I'm finally ready to tackle this challenge. I asked myself this weekend "if you spend so much time fretting about your weight, why don't you just DO what you need to do to reach your goal? Time to take REAL action! (And looking forward to help from ya'll!)

I just recently graduated and being home for a couple a months has caused me to add on some pounds. While I don't need to lose 100 lbs, I thik that losing a few pounds will make me feel and look good!

Married mother of 3

20 year old college student.

I'm a 28 y/o single mother of a 7 y/o daughter.

I am a mother of 2 wonderful boys (5 and 21 months), I work fulltime as a IT Project Manager, and I am married to a wonderful man.

I am an elementary school teacher, mother of two amazing teenagers, have a wonderful, supportive husband.

I have been doing Karate and training physically since I was a kid, but with that I was allowed or able to eat what I wanted and not worry about extra weight. At my leanest as an adult I was 155 and ripped. After a while I put on some weight as I started teaching a bit more and training a bit less with work. then I got married and we had our I look more like the one that had the baby! I am sick of looking round and want to compete one last time and be healthy! Time to train again and watch what I eat!

I am 18 years old and am attending Virginia Commonwealth University next year as a fashion design major. This sumemr I have put on at leat 12 pounds. I am currently appart of the coed cheerleading team, cheerleading is a huge part of my life and i have been cheering ever scene I was in 2nd grade. It is extrememly competitive and i am forced to maintain weight. I have had a lot of emotion stress and because of it I have gained unnecessary weight that could cost me my spot on the team. I have until the end of august to lose the weight, and if I dont cheer next year I dont no what I will do.

I am 42 as an x-ray tech for the past 22 years..have 2 kids 17 and 12, married my high school sweetheart and used to be passionate about life but my weight has gotten in the way for the past decade!!!

I'm 57, weight 172 and know I look like crap, can't get into any of my clothes any more, had my sugar tested last week, came back that if I don't lose weight I will have diabetes, I need help

I am a 60 year old wife, mother, grandmother, and nurse. I enjoy all of those roles. I have had a weight problem all my life, but worse after age 40. Need to lose the weight for my health and self-image. Just had major foot surgery, then complications with blood clot. So am not doing any exercise. Hope to resume PT next week if doc releases after blood clot.

25 year old female. Work in an office, sit all day and snack a lot!! Need to lose 60 lbs to get back down to my healthy weight that I was when I graduated college

I'm a 34 year old woman in the PacNW. I currently have about 100 pounds to lose. Had previously lost 75, and recently regained 40 of it. I work as an accountant for a large company, so I spend 40-50 hours a week sitting. My partner of 3 years is a fitness freak. I'm a former athlete, but after being diagnosed with autoimmune disease in my late 20's have not been doing so well at maintaining my weight.

I am a married homemaker mother of five. I am so ready to change my body inside and out.

I am 23, married and in the Air Force stationed in Germany at an Army hospital right now. I am a medic and work the Pediatric ward working 12 hr night shifts. I have a beautiful 18 month old son. I have always struggled with my weight and I have problems with food which is why I am here. I think about it all the time. I gained the majority of my weight a few months before and during my pregnancy weighing in at 254 the day before I delivered. I lost about 50ish pds (since my delivery) and need to lose about 50 more. I am tired and need to make a change. I have a lot of stress in my life and money is tight... it's hard to eat healthy and finding time to excercise.

Stay at home mom. Need motivation for exercise!

I'm 23 and a proud mother of 2 children. I step child and one birth child. I gained 70 lbs during my pregnancy and have lost some but just started to SMASH and hope to get all my weight off and stop blaming my genes and take responsibility for what I put in my mouth!

I'm currently 27 years old, living in the Washington, DC area. I love to go out and socialize. I'm definitely a people person. I love DC and what it has to offer. There is never a dull moment. I work for a DoD Navy Contractor, where I do budget execution. I love my job. I sit down on all so I'm not too active, which is why I try to go to the gym as much as I can.

I am going to be 40 in just a few weeks!! I am married to my best friend and have 2 teenage boys to keep me busy. I work entirely to much, but being self employeed as a mortgage broker is not always consistent I work part time as a bookkeeper/office manager and go to school online for my bachelors in accounting. We LOVE animals, having 8 horses, chickens, a dog a cat, macaw, cockatoo, love bird and a parrot. Its just like a ZOO!! I love my life, I just dont love me that is the change I am going to make!!

I just turned 40 in May! I have been married for 6 years (my second). We have two awesome daughters, ages 11 and 14 from my starter marriage ;). I work in sales for a software company and I have a bad tendency to let everything else become a priority before taking care of me - so I am trying to take a little better care of me and this is my first step.

I am a 32years old female. I have been overweight for most of my life. In August of 2003 I decided to make a change. I began walking on a treadmill for ten minutes a day/. Keep in mind that at 335lbs that was a chore especially one that didnt have an adjustable incline. Eventually I purchased on that I could control the incline and began 30, 45, hour walks 3-7 days a week. I coupled this with removing sugary foods from my diets and I ate very little processed food. I was able to drop down to 223 by May 2005. I then joined Ediets to get the rest of the weight off. I'd actually lost 38lbs on ediets but then I slowly put that weight back on. I still belong to that program but I need a change.

I am 43, and have been married to a wonderful guy for almost 24 years. We have a 23 year old daughter.

I am 27 years old... soon to be 28 and I am in a long term relationship and living with my partner. I am a theatre director and an educator. I have a dog about one year old. I recently moved back to New York and am also trying to wake way on my own buisness in the arts. I am a leo and come from a long line of great Italian cooks... my dad is a chef!

38 years old, married, 1 child, work outside my home

I'm a 31 year old SAHM with 2 boys (3-5 years old). Will have been married 6 years in October. Besides taking care of the household and boys I run my own online ebay business selling vintage and newer toys and bedding and other collectables.

I'm a 45 year old mother of three teens. I work as a project manager and am working approx. 130 hours every two weeks and the job involves travel. I am also a full time student. I workout approx. 3-5 times a week, but the weight is not moving. I feel like I'm toning my fat so that leaves me to believe that I need to start counting calories again or at least eat healthy.

I just turned 30. I love everything about my life except for the fact that I'm very overweight. I lost 80 pounds once and maintained it for four years but then a rotten breakup started the downward spiral and I gained it all back. I have a job that I love that is extremely demanding and has me travelling a lot- I find it really hard to maintain any healthy habits when I'm on the road.

i'm a 28-year-old assistant who loves movies, television, & photography.

I am 25, not fat but not as physically fit as I'd like to be. That is the goal.

I'm a teacher in santa monica, single. i've been thin my whole life, until the 2nd half of college. I gained 60lbs over 2 years. I've lost 10 just from being more active and eating better. And now i've lost another 100 on the fat smash diet.

I'm a married stay-at-home mother of two girls, 10 & 6. I have slowly put on ten pounds a year for the last 5 years, and I have hit an all time low (or high) in terms of my weight. I'm done. I'm changing my eating habits now before I keep going up.

I am a pretty lay back person. I hate alot of negativity around me. Enjoy the company of supportive, positive and upbuilding people. I love nature and have several cats and a dog to pour my love on. I love gardening and taking walks in the nature preserves by my home. I do have a very high stress, but who doesn't have a stressful job, right?

I used to be skinny only 115 lbs. About eight years ago I had a trouble pregnacy with twins and with that I got up to about 150. Two year later I tried motherhood again with the same results. So now I'm 28 single, no kids, no husband and overweight. Right Im about 205-210. I really need to lose some of these pounds.

I am the mom of 2 boys and have struggled to lose 20 lbs. over the last 4 years. As I prepare to go back to work this year, I am trying to lose the weight and regain control over my eating.

Systems Administrator for AT&T, teach part-time at local college. Married for 15 yrs and two girls. Just recent ran 1/2 marathon, what an accomplishment!

26 and I weigh too much @ 194lbs

I am 34 yrs old with a hubbie and 2 darling daugters. I would love to include my entire family in a healthier lifstyle.

31, lawyer, two kids. Not much time to go to the gym. Lack of motivation is my biggest problem when it comes to exercise. At night I feel like going to the gym the next morning is a great idea, but when the alarm goes off it doesn't seem like such a good idea anymore. I need to stop compulsive eating, too.

I am 37 years old, mother of one 4 yr old son, Dawson. I have a wonderful boyfriend named Mike. I live in Gainesville Ga.

I'm a 38 year old wife and mom that works at home full time. I've put on 50 pounds in the last 10 years and and realize that if I don't do something now to change it will only get harder. I've always been a picky eater and could live in a world without fruits and veggies so to make through the Detox and actually enjoy it was a tremendous surprize. I can finally call myself a reformed chocoholic. I'm amazed every day when I can pass by the fast food, and bad food choices and don't feel like I am missing out. I also find myself missing my work outs now which is something I never expected.

I am 30 years old. I coach cheerleading. I am a teacher. I run a home based business.

I'm a 22 year old male and my real hopes with dieting are to inspire my mother to make the necessary changes to live healthier. She is diabetic and her cholesterol needs to get under control and I'm hoping by her seeing results from me she'll be motivated to follow my lead.

30 year old active professional

a 39-year-old computer programmer, living just outside London in the UK. I started this feeling depressed, and having no motivation to even start. In the past, I've lost 75 lbs at a time, but ended up putting it back on, and didn't feel like getting all worked up over weight loss again. I also don't want to end up feeling the horrible lack of energy that dieting usually gives me. I've been doing this for over three months now, and I'm feeling great. I realise that anything I do is going to take years, which means that I have to do something that I can keep up for years. Eating 750 calories a day is not something I'm going to keep up for years. And, at some point in those years, I am going to eat a cookie, have a piece of pizza, and go out with friends to a restaurant where things are not diet-friendly. I need to be realistic about that, and not let it kill me. So far, so good. I'm doing Fat Smash, and what's more important is that I feel like this is something I can keep up. I feel so much more energetic. I allow myself cheats quite frequently because that's what makes it sustainable. I feel SO GOOD. Can I just say that again? I FEEL SO GOOD. I am focusing on being healthy NOW. This is what gets me back to the gym now. This is what keeps me going. I'm not exhausted, I don't have low blood sugar. I feel good.

I am a student working on my masters right now. During my undergrad years I gained a little more than the freshman 15 and now I'm ready to lose it. I have recently lost about 20lbs in the last 8 months just because i changed my diet a little, but now Im ready for the last 15.

Chiropractor, Naturopathic Physician, Practicing Hypnotherpist

I am a 26 year old teacher and wife. I live in central Phoenix and I have been aware that I need to lose weight for a long time, but I have been putting it off.

I am a 29 year old self-employed female. I weigh 250 lbs. I would like to lose 5 lbs. over the next 2-3 months and defeat boredom. Boredom is my weakness during the evening hours. I start to have negative thoughts or I get bored wondering what to do around 5-6 pm and the next thing I know I'm eating to fill the time up and to feel better.

I am 42 SAHM, will graduate in July with a BA and will continue in Sept to receive my MA and credential to become a High School English teacher. I have two sons and have been married 21 years. I love to garden, write, decorate, create anyway I can. I have a ton of animals, including chickens and have a garden in progress that I hope will provide me with fresh vegies all summer long.

I am 39 yr. old mom of two teenage boys, 13 and 16. I lost 25 lbs. 3 years ago on WW and have gained it all back. This past year has been very tough, I quit smoking and lost my mother. I wallowed in the grief and ate my way through the pain. I am done with it. I will not destroy myself anymore. I love to jazzercise and the extra weight has had a negative impact not only in that but my body image and comfort. I want to feel good again.

25 year old in AZ. I teach 1st grade. No kids. Not married (yet!) I am Italian so I love to eat all the wrong foods!

I'm a yo-yo dieter who has always been at least 20 pounds overweight, and have only gotten down to a decent weight a few times in my life- and never stayed there. I've tried most diets, and all work for a while - then I completely blow it. I tend to turn to food when I'm frustrated or tired. I find that when I overeat or binge, it really zaps my energy and my productivity, so I need to change my ways!

I am a 30 year old mom of one boy (almost 4 years old). I have a government desk job so I have to get all my exercise elsewhere.

I'm a recent college grad who is starting law school. I was a division I athlete while an undergrad but dont necessarily reflect that because of sub par eating habits. I really want to change that.

My name is Amanda and I am a 20 year old college student. I love being active and doing outdoor activities. I was once diagnosed as obese and have been fighting the weightgain ever since. I gained thirty pound back during my freshman year of college and have been trying to get into my top physical form since!

I am a 33 year old high school teacher. I teach 20-28 students per period 3 times per day. I have 20 minutes for lunch. I am also a mother of two young children w/busy schedules.

I'm a 32 year old mother of two. I was up to 152lbs 2 years ago. I down to135 but want to lose 15 more lbs. I bought the Fat Smash book this week and have been reading. I'm ready to get started.

I am 27 yrs old. I am a full time nursing student and I work full time on midnight shift so I can go to school. My husband and I have been married for three years. He has two children whom I love very much, they are 13 and 11. We are doing this together.

I have been married for 13 years and have a beautiful little pug. I love working out but I also love food. I have a very stressful sit down job. So, snacking is a part of everyday life.

I am 33 years old and am a former Health Care Aide, who worked in a Nursing Home. I left 3 years ago from a back injury which still has not completely left me. I weight train twice a week with a trainer (best investment ever). I eat fairly good but with some vices. I definately do not eat anything white (pasta/rice/flour/sugar). I try to eat as close to nature as possible. The motivation I need is to exercise more.

I just graduated from college in May. I finally have time to work on my health.

I'm 36 and a mother to two brilliant and adorable children, I've been married for just about 13 years. I work FT and attend classes at night FT and volunteer, so you see there is not much time for anything else!

I am 20 years old an extremely busy college student. My weight has gone up and down a bit and I am looking for something to kick it down and stay down.

I am a 26 yr old , married with three children ages 1,5 and 7yrs old.I feel like over the years Ive let myself go.I am def. ready to get back into shape by losing a total of around 60 pounds

24 year old Military wife. Want to lose the weight gained since getting married 3 years ago. Would like to have a noticeable change to surprise my hubby when he comes home in August.

I am a 30 year old teacher. I have a 7 month old daughter and a husband who I love dearly. Weight has been an issue with me since childhood and I hope that I can use fat smash to conquer these "food demons".

I am going through a lot of stress in my life and career goals right now. It has been a very traumatic few years. I lost weight fast and put it on suddenly and it won't come off now.

I am a single woman with an active social life. I often go out to dinner or drinks with friends 5 nights a week. I am looking to incorporate exercise and healthy eating into my social life.

I'm 34-recently engaged-planning a wedding which is definitely one of my motivating factors.

I am a 26yr old Police officer. In college I was over 300lbs, I dropped down to 180 and with my success came a tummy tuck. Afterwards though my will power went away, and I felt like I did such a good job I should reward myself by eating to my hearts content. Two years later Im back up to 203lbs and have been trying to lose the weight again. Oh and I broke my collarbone two weeks ago so working out is impossible now.

THIS IS IT!!! I'm done being fat! This is the last time i'm doing this!!!! I'm making a life change TODAY! Treat every day with the enthusiasm of day one!

I am a 32 year old single mother of a 4 year old boy. I am a Office Manager at a law firm.

I'm a nursing student and I work 70+ hours a week. I'm a busy girl with a lot on my plate.

i'm 5'3", 18, and i want to lose 10 lbs, been trying all summer, just started detox on tuesday


I moved here about a year ago and have been gaining weight ever since! I am athletic and love being outside, but not used to CO winters. I was in a good habit of working out every day before I moved, but its been tough since I moved here. I work in health care, mostly program planning- helping other people stay healthy- gotta practice what I preach. So here I am, needing to jump start my diet and try to get back into some old routines. I love to cook so hopefully I can figure out some good recipes for this diet so I dont miss what I used to make!

Im currently 5'7 and 130 pounds. I'm tired of feeling huge and am ready to get that super-skinny figure that i really disire.

I am 26 years of age & am 5'3 @ 141lbs. I originally was 156lbs but lost it with weight watchers. I later gained some of it back & decided to start the fat smash diet. I just completed Phase 1 & lost 7lbs. I've been on so many diets before & have never reached my goal weight of 125 lbs. I'm done with quitting. This is one aspect of my life that I want to be able to control without it controlling me. This is my final step in overcoming this hurtle... no going back now!


I am a 22 yr old church going girl & urban fashionista...I just graduated from College in May of 07 with a degree in Public Relations...Right now I'm working full time and living in LI on my own. I'm guilty of late night diner visits with the girls, and since I"m on the go so much I was eating lots of fast food and fried stuff...I've been overweight since about the age of 9...however I've always worn it well and was pretty popular because of my fashion saavy...However through out highschool and college I was still uncomfortable though I covered it up. At 5'9, my 190 pound frame wasn't extremely tough to look at, but I am tired of being in the double digit sizes. Currently I wear between a 12 and a 14, although my recent weight loss has made a few of my 14's a little loose. I began my own weight loss journey on 7/7/07 and so far I've been doing well. However just began the formal Fat Smash diet on 7/20...I'm hoping to drop about 25 more pounds in the next 2 months...

I am 25 year old. I am currently in graduate school and working full-time at a graduate school. I have joined this group because I love to encourage people and love to be encouraged. Plus, getting down to my goal weight would and changing my eating habits would be fantastic. I really want this to be a lifestyle, not a fad.

I've gained 60lbs since I graduated from High School. I am now done with college and would like to lose 50 lbs to get back to a self that I am more comfortable with.

After having 2 kids i realized that i need to lose weight and have more energy to offer the best of me for them. I began to exercise 1 month after i had my second son on december 2005, at first i did not see any difference on weight but i had a lot more energy. after 3 months of exercise and healthy eating habits i began to lose weight. i lost 16 lbs and felt much better. I continue to eat healthy and exercise daily. I still need to lose 10 lbs that have been incredibly hard to lose. i'm still working hard and can't wait to ger rid of them...

I'm 27 year old female. I am here for support and motivation to lose some weight. I have been working out w/ a personal trainer at the gym since oct 2006. Since I have joined the gym I have actually gained 4 llbs and have not been able to lose any weight. I am getting ready to start this diet w/ some coworkers. I am not a big fan of diets so this should be interesting.

Different day, same story. Lately my life has been one big routine. Wake up, go to work, come home, go to sleep. repeat. I am single and although children are a big part of my life, I have none to call my own. My main focus right now in my life will be to get healthy and then I will be able to go on to conquer my next goal.

5 foot 3 inches 34 years old. Have 2 children 1 and 3. Currently 149 lbs.

I am 31 years old and feel like I'm an old woman. I am happily married with no children at this time but hope to one day have them. I inspire to be a elementary school teacher but at this time I work in Loss Prevention auditing and coaching stores/associates. I am looking forward to getting back the body I had when I first met my husband!

37-year old, advertising/marketing exec. single, no kids - all by choice.

I'm a 24 year old law student, looking to lose about 15 pounds.

Wife, mom (of one fabulous son) and school teacher.

I am in my mid 30s now and working out alone isn't keeping me fit. I need to watch what I eat now. I like that peertrainer helps you keep track of food.

Im a 35 yr old male from Montgomery Alabama, currently in law school. I've gotten used to eating when Im bored, going to Sonic or other fast food places, and eating out of the vending machine when I study (which is constantly).

I'm a 26 yr old woman and a filmmaker. I love my work and it gets physically exhaustive. I start a film this December and wanna get super fit before that

I'm 53, married (26 years to a really SKINNY man), two children (a son and a daughter...really my best work), have worked for the same place for 27 years and am now entering menopause. I just started taking hormones and am gaining weight!!! Who knew? I want to get off of them. I think I'd rather sweat. I have struggled with my weight for's been an obsession for as long as I can remember and obviously something I've yet to be successful with. I've tried just about everything and I'm just sick about doing this one more time. I'd love for it not to be an issue. But then I suppose that depends on me. I'm not really a negative person, I'm a lot of fun and people like me. I love people.

Recently divorced father of 2. Started Weight Watchers when I was only in 6th Grade because I had issues. I have been on and off over many years and at one point made it to my goal. Life has many challenges and I am now beginning this journey with my oldest daughter. She is in 6th grade now and has followed in her dad's footsteps.

Hi, I am 43 years old, single, no kids. I would like to get married and have kids someday. I am from Indiana and currently live in the Phoenix area. I had some health issues last year and packed on an additional 40 pounds. I would like to lose that and then some.

I am a 33 year old mother of an 11 year old son

I am a 36 year old mother of 3 boys and I am happily married. I have steadily gained weight since having my children and also my job had me confined to my desk all day. I am now a stay at home mom and it seems as though more weight has piled on. I have tried so many times to lose weight and I am so sick of trying and being disgusted with myself. So I decided that this time it WILL work and it WILL be my last time trying.

I am a 44 year old mother of 2 teenagers, (Yikes). I have been on a million diets in my life time and I am looking for somehting I can stick to for the rest of my life. I had success with many, but weight keeps coming back. Fortunately, I have taken away healthy habits from each try. Unfortunately some unhealthy habits returned and so did the weight. I am determined to not only loose but maintain, with my health being my motivation more than my looks.

I am a mother of 1 and married. I work on the phone all day and need to force myself to get up. I used to love to walk, but I am really lazy now a days. I need to find the motivation to get moving again.

Mother of a 13 year old boy, live in boyfriend. We both quit smoking the day after the superbowl and just blew up! Never had to worry about what I ate before, and I am now on day 4 of detox.

I am 31 yrs old married for 9 1/2 years with 3 beautiful children ages 10, 8, and 6 yrs old. I have lived in Florida for almost 2 years and since moving here I have gained about 30 lbs!!! I want to lose that 30 plus another 25-30 lbs. I mean we live by the beach and I am ashamed of being seen in a bathing suit!! I think my problem is that I dont eat enough!! So I am storing everything I DO eat as if in starvation mode. I eat maybe once sometimes twice a day. Sometime my only meal comes after work and after dark not even 2 hours before bedtime. This cannot be good for me. My hair is getting more breakage and all in all I dont feel like I am eating right at all.

Married, stay at home mom of 7 month old girl.

I am 43 marriage with three children and one grandchild. I am current pursuing a degree in computer programming.

Mom of a 3 year old. In grad school, and juggling the stressors of life.

Wife and mother of three

I'm a rising senior. I love to read, study, walk outside, spend time with friends and family, and meditate. I'm pretty introverted and I haven't told others about my desire to lose weight.

I am 23 years old and really want to lose weight. I currently weight 126, which doesn't sound like a lot, but at only 5'1 it is too much. I want to weight somewhere between 105-110, which is much healthier for my height. I was a really skinny child but one summer all my friend and I did was lay around and eat, which started me on my path to losing weight. I went from weighing around 105 to 115. Then I went to college and the stress from being on my own and having to study contributed to the other 10 pounds. And now I am going to the gym and trying to lose the weight, but have only gained weight so far. So I am hoping to try the fat smash diet and see if that helps me lose this extra weight.

I am a stay at home mother and a Christ follower. I love to scrapbook and be creative when I get the chance to. I love to sing and I want to get comfortable enough with myself to sing in front of my church like I use to. My daughter is my whole life right now and I want to teach her to be healthy and active so she doesn't have to go through the same things I did when I was a child.

I am happily married to a great guy of 19 years, we have 3 kids 16,11,10. My life is great except for the weight problem. All my life I have been chubby but cute. Over the years I have lost weight and gained it back. Now that I am getting older I feel the need to live healthier. I work full time and my life is very full with ball games and child related events. My kids keep me busy.

I am 18 and after a car accident set me back with not being able to walk for a good 7 months I gained ALOT of weight now being 218 pounds looking to lose about about 80 pounds

I'm about to graduate from Fashion Design next February. I looooooove what I've studied, and looooooooooove clothes and accesories, but I feel I can't dressed as I would love to because of my body. I'm sick entire of feeling fat and ugly, of not having self-confidence and feeling self-conscious. I need to lose weight, I need to start seeing myself differently, I need to start loving and accepting me phisically.

55 years old, recently widowed, case manager for families of children with special needs

I am a 29 year old married chick, who is a carboholic.. Maybe that will change for me soon.:)

I'm a 32 year old Sales and Marketing Specialist in the Boston area with a wonderful boyfriend. I have always been relatively fit, but as I get older, it takes more work and motivation that I don't have right now. I love hot yoga, running and other new activities.

I am a 30 yr old teacher. At 4'10" every pound looks and feels like 5 and you really can't afford the extra weight. I used to very very active and fit. I played soccer, basketball, karate, and rugby. After college real life kind of took over and left me too exhausted to care about myself and I've gained 30 lbs since. So now I am on a mission to get back to where I was!


Single 32 year old looking to lose 100 lbs total..i've already lost 44 on a combination of weight watchers and Fat Smash.

I am 48. a mother of 3 grown children. I love to cook, to swim, to dance and to laugh. I have a 3 year old male pommie who has become the center of my life. His name is Angel. He is a strange yet humorous mix of dog & human. Its like having a hairy baby.

I'm a college freshman, and i want to prepare myself for a happy healthy life.

I am 30 ,have 3 great but overwhelming kids and an unsupporting husband. So for the last 5 years there has been lots of overeating and constant junk food. Hopefully I can get on track and this life change will work for me!

I'm male, 42, married with 2 children. I am one of the founders of PEERtrainer.

My name is Amie and I'm 31 years old. My weight has always been an issue for as long as I can remember..... even when it wasn't an issue, it was an issue to me. I have a really poor self image.... that's one problem. The other BIG problem is... I LOVE FOOD! I rely on food way too much. I eat when I'm happy, when I'm sad, when I'm mad, when I'm anxious, when I'm confused, when I'm board, oh yeah.... when I'm hungry, and sometimes I eat for no good reason at all. I've been obbsessed with dieting since I was about 9 years old..... mainly because a lot of the adults in my life at that time were all on diets.... for me that was normal behavior. I thought I had to be thin to be loved. I'm over that now. My reasons to lose weight now are very different from my adolesent reasons. I believe my weight may be one of the reasons I cant' get pregnant. My weight has got my hormones all out of wack. About 5 years ago when I had peaked at 200 pounds, I started having hormonal problems. When I was under 200 lbs I never experienced any problems at all. I'm ready to be a mother!!! And I'm not about to let my weight stand in my way any longer.

I am a 17 year old girl who lives in Australia. I have been battling with my weight since I can remember. I have never liked how I look, which is something I want to change. I am pretty active. I am a certified swimming instructor, although I am an adequate swimmer at best. I find that winter is when I put on the most kilos as the pool is closed.

I am a 38 years old, married with three children ( 5 and under). I work with middle school students. I am active in my church and I love learning about the Lord.

30's, married, 2 kids, run a business. I am really starting to get in shape and it took me a long time to get back.

I am 43 years old. Married to a great guy have 4 kids 3 boys 12,15,20 and a 7 year old girl. I have gained about 30-35 poinds since i have meet my husband 10 years ago.(LET MYSELF GO!)i I have joined a gym ready to go. Looking for some support.

I am just starting the Fat Smash Diet today. I am a mom of 2 boys and I work as a receptionist.

31 year old Realtor married for a little over a year.

I am a Realtor living in Columbus Ohio. I am married, and I love my wife to death. We just found out we're having a baby. I've always been somewhat big, although, when I look back at old pictures I think, "Why did I think I was big then? I would love to look like that now!"

As of 8/20/07 I weight in at 294lbs 5'10"

I am a 19 year old college sophomore who has tried every single diet tha exists, and I am finally ready to start a routine for me, that helps me feel the absolute best I can!

I am a 41year old mother of two and been married for 19 years. I work full time and am very busy but I make time for myself and working out.

I'm a full-time caregiver for my mother. She has Alzheimer's disease in the late-middle stages. It is extremely stressful but I'm not ready to put her in a nursing home yet. I'm 52 & single so it seemed natural for me to take care of her after my dad died 4 years ago.

24 year old new graduate nurse working nights! I am on this diet because when balancing my checkbook, I realized most of my surplus money was going towards fast food/restaurants. Oh, and the fact that I could pinch more than an inch on my belly! I'm a Phoenix native and ready to move - hopefully to Washington state. LOVE IT THERE! Have a wonderful group of friends, an amazing family, and a very blessed life.

My name is Kelly and have been married for three years. Live in lovely germany and love traveling about!

Im a 25 yr old Mother/Wife w/ two jobs, mostly in the public eye. (Radio Promotions)

I am 26 years old. I am married and we have a 5 year old son.

37 yrs. old, Married for 16 yrs., mother of one son (7 yrs.) Elementary teacher

I'm 5' 9", generally active person. Over the last year or so I have not been as active. I have a variety of excuses to offer. No shortage of excuses. I do realize the importance of being active and how my body is so acustomed to me being active that any slight change has huge negative consequences.

I'm a 28 y/o social worker living in PA. I work with children/adolescents with behavioral health diagnoses. My work schedule is hectic and I do a lot of my paperwork at home with evening appointments at clients' homes. My husband and I celebrated our one year wedding anniversary this month. We are the proud parents of two dogs.

50 years old working wife/mom. Kids have moved out and it is time for me to take back control of my life, body, etc.

I am 42 years old and have a 22 year old daughter and 17 year old son. I divorced a few years ago and that's when I finally motivated myself to lose weight. I met a great man last summer, but have gotten too comfortable and have gained 17 lbs since I met him. He says he doesn't mind, but I sure do.

I'm a 33 year old single parent of a 13 year old boy. I'm also a full time law student and tired of not being healthy!!

I'm a 21 year-old full-time college student. Between school, work, and my internship, I barely have enough time to get a good night's sleep. I've been up and down with my weight all my life until I was 18. At 18, I started working at a health store and decided I looked a bit out of place next to my gym rat customers. I put myself in check and began a regime of vitamins, healthy diet, and regular workouts. I was able to keep this up until I moved out of state for school. I've gained 40lbs since I've left! I'm tired of feeling and looking the way I do. I'm ready and motivated to get back on track.

I am 24 years old working as a Kindergarten Teacher Assistant. I also have a part-time and a full time student.

I am a 26th year old graduate student. I recently moved back to my homeiown and am bored to death. So to pass the time I have done a lot of eating, where as I use to be much more active. I started the Fat Smash Diet today.

I am a 46 year young mother of 4 children ages 15,14,12,and 7. I work part time as a instructional assitant in a local school.

I'm in my 50s,married 39 years,6 grown children,6 grandchildren ages 2 months - 14 years. I've tryed just about every diet there is.I have been on Fat Smash on and off since 1/2/07 and have lost 40 some pounds.I'm trying to get back on it and lose another 40 pounds

I'm a 34 yr old mom of 3 kids--2 boys(11 & 8) & 1 daughter (4). I am starting this new way of eating w/ my dh (who needs to lose about 50 #), I would like to lose 30-40 #. We really need to change our lifestyle so that we can be around a long time for our kids. We have been married 13 yrs.

I graduated from college in May and started a fast-paced job that keeps me going, but doesn't get my heart rate up. I work with kids, so I feel like I'm working out but it's just that I'm out of shape.

I'm from Canada I have an 11 year old son and a 6 yr old daughter, husband. I have a 9 - 5 job and I'm in Real Estate. We're very busy with travel hockey, travel lacrosse and gymnastics.

35 years old, married 16 years with 2 children.. 13 and 9 years old. Getting ready to finish massage therapy school and re-enter the working world after almost 10 years of being a stay at home mom. The weight has crept on since the birth of my youngest. Just want to be healthy for my kids and be comfortable in my own body.

Mother of 3 (18, 14, 11), working full-time, also pursuing my bachelor's degree in Paralegal studies. Wishing there was more time in the day for various things - which is why I'm here to try and find more motiviation to begin, and stick to, a workout and healthy eating plan. Since I began working full time again approximately three years ago, I have definitely put on some unwanted pounds. Also, because I'm getting a little older, I know my metabolism is slowing down a bit. I'm also very short at 5'3", which means that gaining five pounds is more like 10-15 for someone that's say 5'6" or taller. I have great intentions - my husband even made a fitness room for me in our basement, but can't seem to stop procrastinating and just start doing!! I've also been dealing with a bit of anxiety lately, which doesn't help matters. I followed the South Beach Diet about three summers ago, and found that it did work, but I think the rebound made me gain even more weight. I'm Italian, and living without bread/grains is so hard!! I hope I'll be able to help others and get help while I'm here.

I am 37 and have been happily married for 18 years, my husband and I have been together for over 20 though, and are deeply in love!! We have a wonderful 16 year old daughter who will be a senior this year (scarey and sad) I run an in home daycare, and I love it!! My weight sucks, and always has, I did very strict Atkins for 10 months(longest time EVER on a diet) I got down to 210, but could no longer stick with the plan, and now I am back up to 265. This is still 55 lbs down from where I started 4 years ago, but it really sucks to see the scale go up, and I want, and need it to go back down again.

I am a 42 yr. old old mom of 3 and grandchildren of 3. I am a professional mom working in the tourism field in Wash DC.

I'm married with 2 4-legged kids.

I am 33 years old, have 2 children aged 7 and 10. We live in Okinawa, Japan. My husband is in Iraq, and I would like to lose 10 to 15 pounds by the time he gest back. I weigh 135, but a healthy weight for me is 120 pounds. I work part time from home doing consultant work, and am starting a teaching job at a preschool. I also am finishing my degree, so going to school part time.

I am a married 30 year old mother of 2. I am always on the go, my dad calls me the Long Rancher. My daughter is a cheerleader and that keeps me pretty busy for a least 3 to 4 months and my son plays flag football. I work full time 4 days, 10 hours and enjoy my Fridays off. My life revolves around my family, very little time for just me, but wouldn't want it any other way.

hey yall my name is Tara im 22 years old. I am a newlywed me and my husband married on august 11th 2007. I am not happy with my self and my weight right now I weigh 215 pounds. This is the heavest i have ever weighed! about 4 years ago i was 130. it shocks me to think that ived gained so much weigh in 4 years. i will be moving to washington dc in september and im so excited new town, new people, new life, fresh start. my husband is in the army, so im looking for extra help and support with the weight loss. i am a college student and will be going back in the winter.

53 y/o mom of many, grandma to 9 boys! Have gained 60 pounds 'gradually' and with gusto....

I am a TV-fanatic, who works in television! I work in Post-Production, and I am currently working towards my goal of becoming a video editor. I edit pretty frequently, though they are small, non-intensive projects. When I am not editing I do other things at the post facility I work at. I always grew up being naturally skinny. I was even teased and called "Jenny" from Forest Gump because I was super skinny, and have natural under eye circles all the time. They said it looked like I was on crack. Kids are so nice.... I digress.... I was active all through my childhood with softball, dance, horseback riding, and cheerleading. Although I was skinny, I always had a little bit of love handles. Recently I've started to get a tummy in the front too, and THAT is what bothers me. Started FS on 9/17 at 158.6 9/27 153.6 lbs.... 5 lb weight loss on Detox! YAY! 10/3 152.3 lbs! 10/19 150.4 10/26 105.2

A 31 yr old mother of 2, married 10+ years. Full time career with hi tech company. I have a backyard organic veggie & herb garden. Love music, art, writing, and I'm an environmentalist.

I am the 25 year old mother of two girls, 2 1/2 years and 6 weeks. They leave me exhausted. I have little time and ambition to workout and the birth of our baby has left us more than $14,000 in debt, so I can't afford a gym membership or expensive weight loss club.

I am currently 25 years old working as a video editor in a great post production facility. I have found over the years that working in this industry has completely changed my eating habits. Throughout college I was much more active and could get away with the occassion mishap. Now that I sit on my butt all day in front of a computer, eating has become something that I find too easy to do! And besides that, food is all around me where I work.

I am 27 year young female. Mother of a nine year old. Still trying to lose that baby weight!

Hey everyone! I'm a 20 year old college kid, and i've always gone back and forth with my weight. But lately seeing the health conditions of my parents I decided I should definitely get a new control on my weight, so that's when I decided to try the Fat Smash! I'm actually kind of excited about it because I love working out and stuff, so hopefully i'll do well :)

I'm a 23 year old female who works full time as a nursing assistant. I lost almost 100 pounds a couple years ago, starting at my heaviest weight of 274. (I'm almost 5'8") Over the last couple years and many stresses, I've gained almost half the weight back and am having trouble finding the same motivation to get back in gear!!! My life is going well but the things that are missing are my drive and will power. I'm hoping the Fat Smash diet will be the kick-start I need!

Fun loving, energetic mom of 3 that would like to keep going and lose this weight

I am 25 years old. I live in Sacramento with a roommate who has a lot of the same bad habits and I do. We are both starting this "lifestyle change" together 'cause there is really no point if one of us is eating sh**ty food and the other is trying to be healthy. I work 3- 12 hour shifts one week and 4- 12 hour shifts the next week for the local Sheriff's department. I have a lot of time off and spend most of it sitting at home bored...eating. I developed a rare kidney disease early last year which forces me to limit the amount of protien I take in on a daily basis.

I would like to lose 50 pounds by my wedding date.

34 years old. Married and have 3 kids. I work at a desk all day but am pretty active at home.

I'm 25 and have lost track. Work has taken over me and now I can't fit into my "fat jeans".... HELP!

i'm a 19 year-old waitress, currently taking part-time classes, studying journalism. i'm 5'5" &weigh around 150lbs-- i know i'm not terribly overweight, but i would like to become healthier &have a more satisfying physical appearance.

I've struggled with my weight since I was a teen. I don't remember being skinny but looking at old pictures I can see that I was. Those days have been gone for a long time. For me, it's easy to lose weight but damn hard to keep it off. Looking for the long-term solution - which I hope to learn through the Fat Smash plan.

Recently moved to AZ.

I am just shy of 30 and I had my 2nd child in April. I am trying to lose all the baby weigh plus some more.

I come from a sporty background....played soccer, baseball, basketball, track, up until highschool, and then STOPPED! What a mistake....but now I'm on a mission to be athletic once again! I'm currently somewhere btwn 225 and 235 and want to ultimately be 140-150.

24 year old professional, just starting a new career. My career is extermely male dominated and there is a constant pressure to look good and work smarter, faster and longer than your male counterparts.

I am a twenty five year old married mother of 2. I really want to get down to my pre pregnancy weight. I just want to look cute in jeans again!

I'm 30 years old. I started the fat smash diet in September. I'm in Phase 2 now (I start phase 3 soon) and down 12.5 lbs. I'd like to lose 50-60lbs total

I am a 34 year old stay at home mom. Four girls (18,11,8,4) two boys (2,3months). I weigh 215 and would like to lose about 60 lbs by this time next year.

I am a 40 year old wife and mother of 2 beautiful toddler girls. I work in law in Downtown St. Louis. I enjoy bowling, skating, reading and learning anything historical. I especially love traveling with my husband and two daughters and I love getting together with my family and friends.

I'm 25 and an administrative assistant. I spend most of my days sitting in my office and not getting a whole lot of excersise. When I was younger I was pretty active but after college and getting a full time job I became pretty lazy. I never really ate well, fast food has always been a big part of my diet. My biggest weaknesses are pizza and Burger King. I hope to adopt a healthier lifestye, not just to lose weight but to feel better and have more energy.

Within the first few months at college, I went from 113 to 118lbs and have never seen myself go lower than 116 ever since then. Now I'm at 124lbs. My weight is slowly but surely rising, despite my efforts to eat healthy and watch my calories. I'm trying stop this trend before it gets even harder to lose... but it seems to be a constant battle that I'm not able to win. Currently I range from 123-125, and I only want to lose less than 10lbs to reach my goal. Welll, the actual end weight isn't so important as much as my body physique (namely, the abdomen area).. I just try to use that weight goal as an indicator/motivator to get fit.

Ten years ago, when I turned 40, I began running marathons. Since that time I've completed 21 of them. In 2005 I lost my job and retreated to the couch (with lots of ice cream). I gained 30 pounds, which I've been lugging around ever since. Fast forward to 2007, I have a great job and life is good. Unfortunately, I am still carrying around these extra 30 pounds. It's time to ditch this "couch" weight and move on.

I'm a teenager with my sights set high and nothing is going to put me down and out of the game!

Jil with 1 "L" -- I am funny about that! :-)

I never struggled with my weight at all until I went to college. I loved (a little too much!) having all that food around because it was so convenient. The turning point for me was when I decided to purchase a scale for my dorm room. I was 20 years old and realized I weighed 188 pounds. I was so disgusted with myself that I immediatly started becoming more aware of what I was putting into my body. Through weight watchers I was able to lose 28 pounds. I then decided to switch to calorie counting which as gotten me down now to my current weight of 147-150. **1/2/12 - The above section was my "about me" before I had my son in August of 2010. My current weight is 155 and I'm looking to get back to 145-150 lbs.

I am in my late 20s and I have been overweight since I was a teen. I have recently gotten off of a 3 yr stint on prednisone which caused me to gain a lot of weight. I am still working to take all of that weight, plus some, off.

I am 33 years old and have been struggling with weight loss since the birth of my son five years ago. My life is a hectic one and no longer do I want to use this as an excuse to falling back into old habits. My biggest hurdles are exercising consistantly and emotional eating which causes me to overeat. Other things to know about me: Currently in the middle of a divorce - at the finish line but waiting on finalized paperwork! Work full time, I have a 5 year old son - Stephen(love of my life!), love to travel, people, movies, reading and writing.

Hi! I'm a 21 yr old college student who is approaching her graduation. My 3 years of college has been filled with late night chinese-chicken-and pizza dinners and skipping most meals of the day. I never really drank water and haven't seen the inside of a gym for a long while. I want to get back to the basic and better myself. I'm determined to be successful with the Fat Smash Diet!!!

I'm early 50's, Australian living in UK. Been overseas due to my husband's work & have gained 8 kilos in 3 years. In Australia went to gym regularly, never a stick insect' but always in good shape. Basically I'm bored & eat for emotional reasons. My diet is good, lots of fruit & veg, but love to cook & eat way to much, even though relatively healthy. Don't eat take-away or junk very often. I do have an enormous appetitie, always have since a kid, but never put on that much weight till recently.....feel out of control

I have been a yo yo dieter since i can remember. I've always been the type to go for the "fad diets" that never really work. SO, this time i have decided to take my time and really put alot of effort into not only loosing weight but changing my lifestyle permanently. This is why ive decided to go on the fat flush diet which is a 90 day program to change the way you think about food. Im really excited and i hope all goes well!

Mother of two. Married happily to my best friend.

I'm 23 years old and a mother of 2. Austyn is 4 and Abby in 18 months. I've been married for 5 years. I started at 170 lbs and dropped to 152. I've been at 152 for about 6 months now and can't lose anymore. My Weight Chart:
Weight Chart

I am a mother first before anything else.And the doctor told me some of my fertility problems come from being overweight.

I just turned 27 October 9. I had my second baby on July 3rd. I am a special education teacher and a mother of 2 . I also work at a country club on the weekends. I am trying to find time to workout.

I am a 39 year old mother of two great kids--girl 9, boy 5. I have been married for eleven years--to my best friend. I work outside the home where I am the Director of Customer Service for a Consumer Package Goods Company (Energy Products). Food for me is an addiction--I use it to medicate myself--boredom, sadness... Need to remember I am what I eat, I am overweight because I overeat.

I am 34 years old and never had to worry @ my weight until I had my son 15 years ago. Then my daughter 6 years ago. Now it won't leave me!!!!!!!! I want to be a healthy temple for the spirit of the Lord.( and lose 30 pounds) :)

I am 29 years old and have successfully lost about 60lbs already through diet and exercise and now I've hit a wall, if you will. I'll be celebrating my 30th B'day (Dec. 9th) in Ocho Rios, Jamaica with my friends and I want to look and feel fabulous!!

I'm 40 years old and married to a great guy. We have a little girl who's 5. Weighed 154 when I got pregnant. Got down to 140 while breastfeeding my daughter. When I stopped breastfeeding, it was like my metabolism DIED!! I work full-time, am working on my doctoral degree and am a stress eater...not a good combo. Currently weigh approximately 170. I am addicted to sugar and fast food, and really am not crazy about cardio. Have absolutely no energy!! Lost 12 pounds last January working out like crazy at the gym until I tore a ligament in my ankle. Have gained about 8 pounds back. I have never joined a forum like this but it actually feels good to just put some of these bad habits down in writing. Bought the FSD book and started my first day of detox today

I have been sober for 9 years, a Non Smoker for 7 months and I have gained 65 pounds. The good news is that I have not had an asthma attack since I quit smoking! I have to get this weight off so that I can play with my 5 Grandson's. I never Knew that being overweight like this can limit someone so much.

I am 28 and just had my first child. WE moved to the Boston Area for My hubby's job.

I'm a 25 year old Insurance Specialist and mother of one. I was recently diagnosed as a pre-diabetic with arthritis. Due to my family history, I am at a much greater risk to develop diabetes and heart disease unless I cut the excess weight. My motivation is my son. I need to do everything I can to ensure that I'm around to see him when he's my age.

I am getting married in six months and definitely need to tone up before walking down the aisle. Today (November 1) is my first day on the Fat Smash diet, which was recommended to me by a good friend.

I teach full-time, have two young kids, and spend hugh amounts of time driving them around. The distance between school and day-care is about 30 minutes.

I turned 40 this year and realized I had better get this weight off now before I get any older! I am a stay-at-home mother of 3 (ages 6-12) and dabble in art when I can (which isn't very often)

I am 31, wife, mother of a 3 year old, I work from home, so I can be with her, have been able to accomplish pretty much everything I've tried to, EXCEPT for losing weight, so I'm giving my all for this program!

I'm an extremely busy college student. Its hard to eat right when I am trying to cook my own food, save money and I'm always on the go! I used to be really healthy so I am trying to get back into that because I feel better when I eat right and work out.

I am a SAHM to 1 son in Kindergarten. Love to spend time with him. He will be starting 1st grade in the Fall. I need to re-find myself again.

I'm 25yrs old and I work more than sleep so I barely have time to find a decent diet plan!

I'm 47 and have 3 children, 2 grandchildren and a grand dog. And my mother in-law lives with me (she has the start of Alzheimer’s) and my husband is gone from sun afternoons to Friday nights. Currently both my daughters and grand children are with me as well as my mother-in-law. Can you say Stressed! I sit all day at work and work through my lunch hour. Lunch is a protein shake since I hate to eat at the front desk where customers might stop in. I need to be held accountable. I never stick to a plan.

I am 40 years old and am just starting the Fat Smash diet. I went through menopause at 38 and have gained steadily since then. I want to eat heathier so I feel better about myself as well as to help with my overall health. This may be a difficult journey as I am married to a very "meat and potatoes" man who is not very adventurous in his eating! I look forward to the road ahead....

I am 38 years young and the mother of a 12 year old son and a 19 year old daughter. My husband and I are trying the fat smasher diet together. So far so good.

I'm a 30 yr old girl here in NYC. I like to enjoy the city, eat out and go clubbing from time to time. Besides that, I take pretty good care of myself. I'm also a RN and graduate student, I'm constantly busy and exausted.

College weight gain sucks. Pre-college I was about 125lbs and now after three years, I'm about 155lbs. Must lose weight...

I am 42 years old woman. I am married with two kids. I work 3rd shift at Wal-Mart.

I am not giving up on getting to goal. I have also started an exercise program in Feb of this year, which I upgraded in Oct to a more intense program. I feel good about what I am doing and hope the outcome is near my hopes and expectations.

I have struggled with my weight since my early 20's. I was diagnosed with Polycyctsic Ovarian Syndrome and Insulin Resistance, which both make me very susceptible to Diabetes. I am 34 years ol and the happily married mother of one. My husband, David and my son, Caleb (2 1/2) are the most important people in my life and I want to be around for them for as long as God would have me.

Young, single, working female who is trying once again to maintain a healthy lifestyle- no matter what. It seems like I'm doing really well and then one day I wake up and don't want to do it anymore or I listen to people who say- take a break. I take a break and never get back on. The lowest I have been is 180 and I looked great. I didn't even know how small I was until I see the pictures now. I even felt big then because I've always been big. Sometimes I feel like no matter what happens, this is what I am supposed to be. Last year I lost 30 pounds and got to 202 and came right back to my current weight 237. But I am done being sorry for myself and have decided to take the slow and steady pace so I can keep it off. Before I made dramatic changes. Didn't eat hardly any sweets. Lots of salads and I just got tired of acting like a rabbit, no matter what the great achievements I had made. Slow and steady for me. I'm gonna continue to eat what I want but in moderation and making healthy substitutes for things that are plain no good for me. (french fries, either eat 5 or just go home and make sweet potato fries, which are actually tastier- just longer to cook.

I'm a college student, and one of the most unhealthy campuses in the nation. I work part time and go to school full time, and try to find time to eat in between...My biggest problem comes on the weekend when I have the most down time, I guess sometimes I eat when I'm bored...

I have always had weight issues. At my heaviest I weighed 306 lbs. I have had stomach stapling done with great success until a very serious accident undid all my good work. After the accident I lost again and was able to maintain for short time and developed cancer. Now I have cancer gone and am battling with depression. Depression and weight are best friends. So I am again going to try to overcome the obsticals that continue to plague me.

Single mom with two teens, one in college. 54. I own my own business and travel a lot.

I'm 38 and happily married with three fabulous children. We would like one more but I have to get back in shape first. I've always been an athlete but I never lost the weight I gained with each pregnancy. I didn't gain more afterwards-just never lost what I gained and put more on each time. Our oldest is 10 and I still have weight from him! Obviously my activity level has gone waaay down so that is part of my problem.

I am a 23 year old daycare teacher. I work with toddlers and love it but the temptations from the foods they eat are terrible!

I am 26 about to turn 27. Need to get healthier. Just started the Fat Smash Diet on 11-6, so far so good.

Im 17 and a junior in high school. I am on the dance team. I am one of the heavier ones on the team and would just feel more comfortable if i was more fit. Losing weight is a hard thing to do while in high school because most of my friends can eat the most unhealthiest foods and never gain anything, but I could never do that. Good luck everyone!

Early 30's. Software tester. Mother of two pre-schoolers. And full-time college student earning a degree in Molecular Biology.

I am 22. 5'3 and 145lbs, I am so insecure about my weight, to the point where it holds me back from doing a lot of things. I tend to find a way to blame everything on my weights

46 years old

Five years ago I was 200 pounds and very unhappy. I set a New Year's resolution to lose weight and found that running and/or walking helped a lot. I lost 60 pounds and decided to branch out into triathlon. Since then, I have done 2 marathons and several 1/2 Ironman triathlons. I have gained back 10 pounds in the last year or so - and I want to get that off and a little more.

I'm a full time Mom, Student and Paralegal. 38 y/o from Los Angeles. I'm looking to get my pre-Mommy figure back (I lost it 15 yrs. ago)

I'm 33 years old and 6'0". I was very comfortable with my weight a few years ago, before babies, when I weighed about 165 and was very physically fit.

I am 21 yrs old and i have been dating my fiance for 6yrs now. I am currently the care taker of my 12 yr sister and 16 brother. As you know life is a bit hectic, and making time for exercise is crucial.

I am a married 28 year old mother of a 10 year old daughter. I recently started working again after taking about 6 years off. I gained 80 pounds when I was pregnant with my daughter, lost it all and now weight is slowly creeping on.

I'm 29 and have just moved to South Korea from Honolulu. I've gained 16 pounds in the last half year from breaking my exercise routine and eating like my boyfriend - which is to say that my previously semi-vegetarian organic diet has been replaced with Ben and Jerry's, red-meat, and lots of refined sugars.

I'm a 29 year old, single mom, recent college grad, and just starting my first full-time position for my career. I began to have weight issues when I was 9, using food as a method of coping with my parents divorce. By the time I was 13 I weighed 200 pounds, my mom (bless her heart) bribed me to go on a diet so that I wouldn't be so self conscious in high school. I got to 135 and stayed that way for the most part, for the next 11 years, till I became pregnant. I even worked as a weight loss counselor at LA Weight Loss for 1 1/2 years! I would gain 15 or 20 pounds, but would lose it again with minimal effort. I never really considered it an issue. After my son was born in 2005, I worked out and dieted and stayed around 180, I even got down to 174. Which isn't my favorite weight but I'm 5'10'', with a muscular build, so I can carry it decently. About 1 1/2 years ago I hit an extremely trying period of my life, the worst part of my life to date. Through the combination of sadness, stress and an anti-depressant, I gained almost 100 pounds. When all was said and done I weighed about 270. This is a guesstimate because I didn't dare get on the scale till I was around 250. I got back on the diet horse at the end of July and within 2 months, dropped 30#. I struggled through the holidays but have managed to lose another 13. As of this morning I was 207.0. Solid. This makes me happy cause I'm nearly under 200 and I haven't seen that number in a very long time. I have tried every diet imaginable, spent lotsa money, and bought expensive equipment (that collects dust in my room). I just want to finally succeed in this, and not have to deal with it EVER AGAIN! I want to as successful in this as I've been in all other aspects of my life. I see my weight as the only thing that stands between me and my completely satisfied life.

I am a married mom to 3 children. A 6 Year old, a 3 year old and a 6 month old. Since my children my body has gone to heck! LOL

I am 5'7 318lbs with a weight lose goal of 150lbs. I have always been heavy but never weighed so much. I have a 9 year old daughter and a 3 month old daughter. I am struggling to lose weight. I was 289 before I got pregnant and went up to 352. I need lots of help and encouragement. I work full-time and attend online college classes at Strayer University. I eat when I am bored. I love snacking rather than eating a plate of food.

I am a 21year old college student that works ful-time AND goes to school full-time. Since beginning college I've gained over 50lbs. (Not cool at all) Therefore, I decided to work on this because I don't want it to spiral out of control anymore than what it already has.

I'm 49, I have been using the Adkins diet which my fiance' had lost 130 lbs with. But it's coming off VERY slow. I have 4 grown children 6 grandchildren. I want to be around for the grand kids.

I am married to the most wonderful man in the world. I know a lot of people say that...but I mean it with all my heart. We are high school sweethearts and have been together for 10 years. I am 25 years old and we have 2 beautiful boys. 4 and 6. They are the light of our lives. We are a military family and we are currently stationed in Europe and enjoying every minute of it. But the wonderful bakeries have been horrible to my waistline. LOL

I am a 24 year old Male and graduated from college in 2005. After college I began to pick up some weight but was fortunate enough to join a couple soccer teams and lose most of that. Now I am in fairly good shape but would feel a lot better about myself if I picke up some muscle and got rid of my remaining pudge. Also as a side note, I have the worst diet ever. I eat fast food all of the time, I am willing to slow down a little bit but if my exercise plan is good enough to allow me to eat fast food, I will continue to do it.

I am 35yrs old. The mother of 3. I work full time and I am very active in volunteering.

I am a 28 year old and striving to feel better about myself. I went through a messy relationship and when it ended i gained weight. So frustrating because I am a very active. Right now I have a very low self esteem about my wieght. Its always been low, but this is the lowest it has ever gotten. My mom mentions my weight everytime I see her (or she gives her look of disapproval.) I am not doing this for her though. Its for me 100%. Maybe it will help me gain confidence in my dating life. On another note, I am training for my 1st 1/2 marathon in May and another in June. Any tips for motivation will be helpful!

i'm 5'2" and I weigh about 220 give or take a pound. I'm a stay at home mom of a 2 year old. Recently married and finding it hard to loose weight.

29 year old married professional.

im 21, a college athlete looking to overcome binge eating problems.

Hardworking single 32 yr old looking to improve my physical appearance and gain confidence.

mom of 3 ages 15,12 and 10 needing to get healthy...

I am 23 years old. I just graduated from college and am about to begin a new job that requires a lot of traveling and social events. It is going to be a huge challenge not to gain weight, much less lose weight.

I am a 27 year old mother of 3. I have a demanding professional career, and a demanding family as well, which leaves little time for myself.

As you can see from the photo, I am a Mom to five children. I love spending time with them more then anything and enjoy bike riding, taking walks by the river and over all hanging out with them.

I'm a 26 year old student, I guess. I lost my job back in October and I've lost all my self confidence since then. Also I will have been divorced for a year as of 01/08/08. Thats enough to get me down. My boyfriend loves me no matter what but I want to love myself again. I also have 3 cats, Sadie, Sid, And Sylvie who keep me smiling on my worst day.

im 21 i weighted 220 in high school. moved to florida for 2 yrs for 24/7/365 schooling. I gained 40 pounds down there and thensome i lost 15 and want to get back down. ive been heavey my entire life. I work for a production company doing audio and lighting for concerts and events. fast food is a bitch :)

I'm 31. Stop using my birth control pills on Feb 2007 (that I used for 10 years) and since then my hormones are crazy, I gain 15 pounds, now meats (except for fresh fish) gave me an allergic reaction and I get bloated. If it’s chicken the bloating can last 3 days. I’m always getting sick and tier. My doc said that I need to give my body a break to stabilize, and that period can take almost a year. Soooooo, bcs of all these, I’m trying to become a vegetarian…. Having problems on the dairy products and having a lot of problem loosing weight. So, if any one can help me…….. I will really appreciate.

I'm a 38 year old Data Analyst; mother of 4 (14, 12, 10 & 8); student finishing up my Business Administration degree.

I'm a 30 year old chef who was trained in natural foods and nutrition, but I haven't been able to keep my weight in a comfortable range. I always fluctuate and at my heaviest, I was 198, I'm 5'8". I've struggled with my weight my entire life and am looking for a lifestyle change.

I am 28 years old and currently live in Queens with my fiance and 2 pups. I have recently joined Team in Training and am training to run the Long Island 1/2 Marathon on May 4th to fundraise for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Since, training I have become so much more hungrier and am constantly craving carbs! My stamina is stronger, my muscles are stronger, but so is the scale :-(

I'm 32 years old and am keen to look as good on the outside as I feel on the inside. I'm single, and would love to meet a great guy. I'm a self-confessed workoholic in a demanding job that I love. I have a few health issues caused by some benign tumours in my abdomen, which causes chronic pain and is controlled by a few medications, most with "gaining weight" as a side effect.

24yr old about to graduate college, gained the weight i loss by going out to eat and lack of exercises

I am 23 years old... I love making handmade jewelry. Still discovering who I am and what I want.. as things change I will update. =)

I am married and have one grown son and one very spoiled little dog. I work from home part-time. I enjoy the outdoors very much, we love to go boating and fishing and working outside in my yard.

I am 24 years old and have a passion for life, but I find that I am too tired or lazy to pursue life. Many times I feel it's because of a lack of self esteem, and plain ole being tired of hearing and seeing myself in the same light every single day. I'm ready for a change

I am an attorney in Texas. I like running and walking, reading novels, playing with my dogs and cats and sometimes my husband. :) I am trying to get better about eating natural whole foods both for my own health and that of the environment.

I am a 42 year old woman with 2 small children. I fit the profile of gaining 10 pounds per decade and not taking it off. Right now I am between 20 to 30 pounds overweight. Hope that this type of online support can help me do what I have not been able to do for years now.

Hi, I'm 27 years old, single, and I live in Seattle. Sort of. I'm a human performance consultant who travels about 98% of the time for work. I think I spend as much time on planes as many flight attendants! I love what I do for work, and I enjoy traveling to new places and taking scenic photos as well. I enjoy music, reading short stories, home organization / decor and SLEEPING! I am ashamed to admit how much I've let the travel schedule, long work hours and constant eating out pile on the pounds. I have gained 60+ pounds over the past 18 months and can no longer even squeeze into my jeans or comfortably button many dress shirts.

I am fun loving, smart-arsed, 37 year old woman - I have a husband and two wild little boys that always manage to make me laugh and smile. I work in the design world - graphic design, that is and in healthcare - which means I SHOULD KNOW BETTER THAN TO BE OVERWEIGHT!!!

I am a married mother of 3. I work a full time and a part time job. I study my craft, which is hospitality as well as the stock market. I have to some how some way, fit in my health and fitness program.

50-something, professional. Former chef and dreadful foodie. Quit smoking & gained 30 pounds over the next two years. Have wrestled with weight off and on through the years, but not for a decade or so. I want to get it off and recapture my active lifestyle.

Retired soldier currently working for a small police dept. Retired 9 years ago and seem to have permanently gained 3 pounds a year since retiring. I am trying to turn things around now. I live in Central Florida with LittleMissFancyPant my 13yo English Cocker Spaniel. I am in the middle of remodeling a home I built 7 years ago, I also am a fulltime psychology student. Will add more as days go by.


I am a 34 year old, photographer/artist/educator wife and mother. Im Italian and therefore red wine+ starchy food = emotional Identity :) My husband and I work together and from our studio attached to our home. this provides a great deal of flexibility in our schedules so I have been able to exercise an hour or more, most days. unfortunately I constantly graze and binge so I have to exercise an hour or more just to maintain. Ive lost/gained 30 pounds in yo-yo fashion over and over and I am less than happy about that. Im ready for permanen t change.

33 years old. Recently divorced mother of 3.

I'm 5'6, 29yrs old and I want to lose 20 lbs. I work in fashion merchansiding. I love good food and wine. I live with my boyfriend and not eatting the same portions of food he does is a priority. I am focusing on my weight loss goal for the vacation/friend's wedding/reunion coming up in late April, but as a more long term goal, I would like to ring in my 30th birthday (in slightly less then a year) as healthy and SKINNY as ever :)

I'm 35, a career person, with 3 young kids and a wife who is a professional. Kids are 6,3 and 1 - so like most everybody, I'm pretty busy :). I generally am ok at working out 4 times per week but am brutal at anything resembling a good diet. I eat lots of good food but lots of bad food too. Need to change that ratio! I am also the family camera man and can hardly find any pictures of me on the pc and none without kids - here's Quinn too!

I am 48 years old and mother of one teen and one grown daughter. Married to a great guy who always... has Candy in the house.

I am 52 years old. I am a seventh grade school teacher. I love to travel and consider myself a life long learner. I have a loving family which includes 5 grandchildren. I want to have increased energy to support their activites. I heard about this diet on January 4th, 2008. I hope to find a book or more details to be successful. It sounds like common sense.

I am a 39 year old mom of 3. I have a great husband of 7+ years that is going to do this with me (he'll lose his 5 extra lbs in 1 day!), our 3 kids are 6, 4 and 2 and the absolute joy of my life.I am a SAHM but am always busy. Oh and I paints children's art on the side. I have always struggled with my weight but it has always been 20 lbs (give or take a few). I am very athletic and I kid that I am built like an apple on a stick!

I'm married and an empty nester. I really love to exercise, once I get there. It's just getting there. Zumba is the latest craze and it is a blast! I work in construction and do most of my work in the local hospital.

wife/mother of 2

Ok I started this because I am fed up with how I look and my self esteem is poor. I am 24 years old 5'8 and weigh 170. I was 20 lbs less a year ago and am so disspointed that I let myself gain this much. I am a size 12. and want to be a size 8.

I am 29 years old, mother of 2 beautiful daughters. Work full time. I am ready to get on this diet and start losing weight fast.

I'm a mother of three little boys 3.5, 7. and 9. Very active so I eat on the run alot. Not good.

I am 6'0" tall and people are always telling me that I carry my weight well and I don't need to worry about weight. It really bothers me because I know that for my body type I am heavy. I have a small frame and eventhough I am tall, I still have rolls and fat that hangs over my pants. Eventhough I may be able to gain ten pounds and it doesn't show as much as a shorter woman, it still effects my confidence.

Friends have called me a shape shifter. I have lost 100 pounds on two occasions ( 35 & 46), maintaining for years, now I need to do it again. I thought my last time was the last, but this must be the last time and I must find the strength to do this. I am 55 and healthy except for the weight, but I have a young child and I do not want to die on her early. The excess weight has to go! We are on a multi year , open ended trip around the world, so I have some unique challenges with losing weight: We are on the road now until fall 2008, so I will not be able to check in too much, but you can always reach me through our website soultravelers3. I did great this winter and hope to at least maintain as we travel and hopefully lose some more .I will be working hard again and completing the loss next winter when we are in one place for a while.

married and a mother of 3

I was a very skinny kid, underweight really. I was lucky to go through my teen years with an amazing metabolism - I could out eat ANYONE and stay around 120 lbs. at 5'7". Slowly over time and through a pregnancy, my weight kept creeping up, but I managed to lose my baby weight and get into great shape with a divorce being my motivation. I entered into a new relationship, and eventually, the weight started slowly coming back. I am now currently at - GULP - 182. It's difficult for me to deprive myself of foods I love, and I LOVE to cook. Growing up being able to eat anything I want makes it so hard to tell myself NO. This is my biggest struggle.

I got married 3 years ago and weight 140 lbs. I got pregnant with my daughter and gained about 50 lbs.. I lost a couple of pounds after but seem to be gaining a lot more since. I was always a very out going person but now I just feel so uncomfortable with myself that I don't even want to go out.

I am a 25 year old that was recently married. My husband is awesome! I want to feel good about myself always and maintain healthy eating and work out habits. I am a domestic violence and sexual asault therapist. I love my job!!

I'm a 29 year old lawyer, former beauty queen and junk food a-holic

I'm married, a grandma, a quilter, a dog person. I split my time between two small towns and I love to travel. I try to eat 20 gms of fiber a day and keep blood sugar below 100. Starting in Sept 2009, I've been consistently exercising and making better food choices. It ain't a diet, it's a life-style change. I've lost over 20 lbs since.

Married with three children. Trained as a medical assistant. Gained about 100 pounds over the last year and a half and have many health problems. Doctor wants me to lose 60 pounds but need to talk with others who know how I feel

I am married and have 3 boys that are 14, 12 & 11 and they are busy and very active in sports. I am on the road daily as a merchandising rep, so eating is here and there.

I am a 21 year old student who really wants to lose weight for graduation day! I know I can do it but this hardest part is getting started and staying motivated!

I am a 22 year old recent college graduate. I will be attending graduate school soon. I have already lost over 100 pounds on my own. However, I have been on a plateau for the last year. I am diligently working to break this cycle and get to my goal weight. I would like to lose 40 more pounds total.

33 year old mother of 1 bright eleven year old boy. I love animals, I work all the time, I recently quit smoking and have started working my way towards a healthier lifestyle.

I'm 45 years old. Had a weight problem my whole life, until now. Have successfully lost 60 pounds and want to lose at least 10 more. Working out is a part of my routine now.

I'm 37 and am starting to feel (just this year) that my metabolism has slowed. Previously I could eat anything- now I'm having to be more careful. We eat very healthy-I just eat too much. Not liking the way I'm looking and feeling right now. I'm tall at 5'9' but now I'm looking "big" instead of just tall.

Soon to be 48 y/o RN, married mother of two very teenage girls. I have come to the realization that just because you "iron" your scrubs, they do not and should not constitute an "outfit". That is how close the the bottom I have come. Anyone in the same boat???

I am nearly 54. My goal is to lose about 100 pounds. In the past I was very active, almost addicted to exercise, but since my son died from suicide nearly six years ago I had first lost the few pounds I had allowed myself to gain, Then after the initial shock wore off, and I'm just left with guilt and depression, I gained nearly 100 pounds. I am having a difficult time finding who I am again. I quit my job of over 20 years, and went back to school, and started a new job about 6 months ago. I really want and need to lose the weight, but can't seem to get my motivation back. I use to enjoy exercising, and dieting was always something I just did whenever I felt I was 10 or 15 pounds over weight. I am hoping this will help me get on track again. I don't think I will ever be happy again, but I need to get control of my weight, and try to survive for my surviving children.

I like hiking , swimmimg , lifting weights , camping , sunshine

I'm 25 years old. Me and my husband live in the San Francisco Bay Area. I have 3 kids ages 2, 4, and 6. I work full time. After my third child I've had a hard time losing the weight. I usually go through (sometime unexplained) fluctuations. I started losing a little bit of weight in 2007 by moderately watching what I ate. I started going through an emotionally stressful period in my life around September 2007. From September 2007-December 2007 I've put on a lot of weight.

I'm a 37 yr old single mom with 2 kids. One who has Duchennes Muscular dystrophy.

I'm a 5'2", 25-year-old grad student. I don't have a lot of time and a bunch of diet restrictions (vegetarian, plus I can't eat tomatoes, potatoes, pepper, or eggplant), which makes dieting a working out a little difficult.

I am married with three children. I work one full time job and two part time jobs. We are a very active family. We are involved in our church and community.

I'm 33 years old, with 2 kids. I work in the marketing research industry, developing training materials & managing the learning management system for our employees. Hectic schedule between working and caring for kids, but I'm trying to stay active to lose weight and tone up.

I'm a 20 yr old college student in my third year. I'm majoring in International Business. My best friend is having her wedding in the summer and I'm also going to be studying abroad in Mexico in September. It would be nice if I can be in shape before these two occasions.

I love going to the gym i go 5-6times a week, i'm a student and have lots of spare time on my hands! Moved in with my boyfriend around 8months ago - the best decision we could have made! I love films, music of all kinds, seeing my friends as much as possible, running and long walks.

I'm a 25 y.o. mother of 2...a 3 (almost 4) y.o. and a 20 month old. I have gained a LOT of baby weight throught over these last 4-5 years and desperately NEED to get it off

I am a 39 yr old married mother of 2 who works fulltime. I was a thin kid who was into cheerleading and gymnastics growing up. I never had any problems with my weight until I had my first child in 1992. Everything went down hill from there.

I am a varsity athlete in college in Maryland. I run the hurdles and do high, triple and long jump. I've recently become a vegetarian. I also avoid dairy. I'm not an ethical vegan so I will consume dairy when I'm hungry and theres no other option. I'm still struggling to learn what my body does and doesn't need and I love being able to log my food and keep track of how I feel. I've already lost 20 lbs so I'm fairly content with my weight, I'd ultimately like to lose 5 more, but that last bit is always so hard that I'm just gonna worry more about what I'm eating.

I am a 29 year old mother of two. My youngest is 9 months and my oldest is 8 years. I need to lose the weight i gained from my last pregnancy

I studied abroad in Italy a year and a half ago for 4 months, where I gained almost 10 pounds. Over the next year I gained another 5, so 15 total. I was never thrilled with my weight before, even though it was okay--I just wanted to be more toned. I'm a 4th year in college, and luckily I'm past the point where I need to drink at least once a weekend, because alcohol is really problematic for weight. I actually enjoy working out, but I like doing weights more and I know that cardio is more important for weight loss.

I am a 46 year old father of twin daughters. My wife and I are teachers and live in sunny Southern California. In high school and college I was always in great shape and was a pretty good athlete. When I turned 40, my physique went down hill quickly! I want my former self back in a big way!

I was always a thin woman until I passed 40. (An dear friend wrote a book about weight loss and described me as "skinny".) Then with a change in metabolism, demands of motherhood, lack of exercise, etc., I gained about 50 pounds and health problems ... hypertension, mild depression. But that's not me! So I'm fighting back. I'm 48 now. Here's to a fabulous 50.

I'm a 31 y/o married mother of 2 children and after my 2nd child my weight has gotten out of hand. I've gain about 45 pounds in the last 5 years and it's time that I do something about it. I work and as we all know being a mom is a FT job, however I have to stop making excuses and step up to the plate (no pun intended) and get back to my pre-2nd child weight!

Well, I am 22 years old and my family and I just moved to Carthage, MO. I have a wonderful husband and we've been married 3 years. Besides my husband, I have two other little men in my life... my sons Logan who turned three in September and Landyn who is 10 months old. I had him January 7th 2008 so I'm trying to get rid of all this baby fat!!! Sooo I'm a stay at home mom while my husband runs our business.

I am a stay-at-home mother of 4. I homeschool my children and my husband is going to school right now to be a pastor.

I am a 34 year old mother (and wife) of 3. I am a teacher. I am a fitness fanatic and have been since I was a teenager, although my mind, body and soul have gone on "vacation" during certain periods of my life! I want to feel good, look good and be positive from here on in. Wasn't convinced about joining peertrainer, so I am out on a limb, here! Hope to learn from all group members new ways of positive thinking and workout Ideas. I run, kickbox, lift weights....I'll do almost anything to lose weight and look leaner.

Preparing to move next month to Bowling Green, KY. I am currently working as a CNA in the Behavioral Medicine Unit at the local hospital. I am hoping to become an LPN in the future, but I know I will be a better nurse by being fit and healthy. I will also be a better example to patients.

36 years old. Full time student and mother of a teenager. Moved to Missouri 2 years ago.

I'm 51-year old grandmother who has put on 10 lbs. in the past year. I'm having a hard time getting through menopause and have noticed a big loss of stamina and strength. I'd like to look and feel like myself again!

I am 34 years old and live with a wonderful man who is quite a bit older. We have been together 13 years, but have not been able to have a child of our own. We are currently raising two grandchildren, who I love dearly. However, I would still like to have a child of my own.

I have struggled with weight most of my life. At my highest weight, I was 260 pounds. I had a modified version of standard weight loss surgery. The modification is that the surgery only changed my stomach size and nothing to do with my digestive track. I have lost a great deal of weight, but I am still not at goal and won't get there without addressing food and fitness.

I love the arts, foreign films, music, dancing, and creating. In the last two years I've gained 15 pounds, joined church, became unemployed, car reposessed, and lethargic. Currently, I am employed, paid of the car, reestablishing a career and walking to the train. Looking forward to waking up and participating in my own life--doing the things I love.

I'm 28 a mother of four.I have a 8 year old son,a 5 year old daughter and 2 year old twins,boy and a girl.I did L.A weight loss program and loss all of the weight and got down to 110. With in a year i gained all of it back,i was going back to L.A weight loss,well the first of the year they sent out letters that said they are closing all they took everyones money and closed! I'm trying to find a diet that works.

I am a 26 year old accountant and a single mother of a 2 and 1/2 year old. I have been struggling these last few years to get the 15-20 lbs off that I would like to. I try to exercise and eat right but find that I constantly "fall off track" after being on a diet for a week or so.

I'm a 19 yr old ivy league student struggling with depression/anxiety. This spring I am on medical leave from school so that I can take some time to get better, so I should have plenty of time to work on my weight, too. I live in new england and love going outside and being physically active; I used to run xc in high school.

I have a busy at-home business so time is very limited. I tend to chose quick less-than-healthy meals or eating out over healthy time-consuming meals. While I do make it to exercising twice a week, I need to spend more time doing cardio (fat burning) exercise. Between being the mother of five children (ages 18 through 3), time is one thing I don't have much of. Oh yes, the husband wants time too! :)

I am a 26 year old mother of two handsome boys I work full time and go to school full time and I kinda stop taking care of myself along the way.

40 yr old married no children. Looking forward to feeling better and losing weight.

I used to be a fitness finatic. When I was 17 I started at a gym and used to work out 6 days a week. Im 36 now and just stopped working out when I was 35. I left my husband and started to party alot. Just the last few months I have noticed the pounds creepin on. Just got a new gym membership last friday. I have only gone once tho. Its sooooo hard to get back into the routine! I just bought the fat smasher book. I hope to go get groceries tomorrow for it.

I am a 22 yo Grad student. I have always struggled with my weight but I am finally committed to trying to lose weight.

My name is Jessica. I am 21 years old and a single mom to a beautiful little toddler named Gianna. She is my world. I am currently in college to become a teacher, but it's a slow process as of right now.

I am 22 and a college student. I also work two jobs, so I am very busy! I am getting married in 3 months to a wonderful man and I really want to look fabulous on my wedding day! Last summer, I lost a lot of weight, and really looked great; then I went back to college and gained it all back. I want to feel that good again!

I am a 33yr old Mom of 3. Recently diagnosed with diabetes and high blood pressure. I have gained weight throught the years part due to steroids for asthma and part due to bad eating habbits. I am ready to make a complete change!!

I'm a 22 year old college student in Oregon, finishing up school and getting ready for the CPA exam to become a public accountant. I'm looking to start losing the weight that has trickled back slowly but surely over the last year. or so. I started my diet/workout plan at 170 pounds, and 38% body fat, wearing size 10s (and straining the buttons!!). I dropped down to 128 pounds, but have put on 20+ pounds.

I'm a 40 year old fulltime mom with a fulltime job. Born and raised in NYC where there is tons to do. I want to be fit, healthy and of course feel beautiful, LOL. I love food, cakes, snacks - you name it. but it's taking a toll me.SO it's time to do something about it. I'm ready!

I'm 36...married with 2 little boys (Derek 6 and Joey 4). I work full time as a physical therapist and I just started a side business making cupcakes/cakes/cake pops called "Mommy Make a Cake" work, the kids schedules with sports and birthday parties, sometimes life just catches up with me and I cave...I love working out and I love eating's just that TIME and STRESS sometimes get in the way of doing what I'm supposed to do...

34, Married, 3 children Full time Web Designer (very sedentary) Very active in my church ministry

Hey! my name is Jordanna. I am 16 and weigh about 225-230 (i thought i was like 220 but im actually like 225 or something so thats not good lol) I used to be very athletic (volleyball,basketball,badminton,raquetball) but now i don't play any sports. I have nothing against exercising i actually like it but i didn't really know where to start until i bought some workout dvd's (Turbo Jam). I am going on a trip to Mayan Riviera, Mexico next year and i want to look great.

I'm 21... a dancer and performer, im a Radio City Rockette... trying to lose some weight before i go back for the season

I'm a 24 y/o stay at home mom. My baby will be 1 in may. I've been married almost 3 years. I've almost always been a bigger person but since the baby came i have ballooned up. I now feel aches in my joints and I just hate the way I look. So, I'm turning to you guys and the Fat Smash Diet to help me get my boo-tay in gear.

I am 33, married with 4 kids ages 13, 11, 4 & 2. I work full time outside of the home.

CPT (Certified Personal Trainer and Health Specialist) showing the community that we are all human. Share yourl ife experiences and get to the bottom of why you are not reaching your goals to a healthy body. The door is open. Stop by and chat with us. No special attire needed and we have plenty of motivation, tips, and guidance from a professional. We have a team because we all believe in team work. You are welcome to join us and it is FREE. A great place to know you will reach your goals by just learning our many specialized tips. Helping you and helping me too! See you soon.

I am 32 yrs old, with 3 kids and husband, and work Full and commute 45 min to and from work 5 days a week.

I am a 30 yr. old Massage Therapist, Yoga instructor, and Wellness director ( go figure). I am a recently divorced mom of 2. I am an emotional eater, and the past year has included two of the most difficult but beneficial changes of my life! The stress of these events caused me to gain 2o lbs back of the 60 I had alraedy lost!!! I was only 10lbs away from my goal. Time to take action

I'm 33 years old, black, not very active black woman, who loves to party.

24 years old - sitting all day working at a desk job post college in addition to increased appetite due to boredom at work (which I am no longer doing - I quit to go back to graduate school!) caused me to put on more weight than I'm comfortable with. Even 10 extra lbs goes a long way on someone like me, who is 5'2"

I'm a 20-yr old massage therapist working in a day spa. So, I work around a lot of fit, cute women (it's our job, after all, to look good), and all my friends are thin, as well. I avoid bikinis/shorts/cute belly shirts because I hate how I look in them. I want to be in shape for myself and also for better self esteem. I'm going to Europe this summer, and I don't want to be the "typical overweight American".

I'm 31, 5'4" 150 lb as of March 1, and I want to get down to 120 by June when I go on vacation... This belly and I have been friends for too long and it's time to do what it takes to be more svelte!

I am a 28 yr old mother of four who has never gotten back in shape after the twins were born in 2003. Im tired of looking like i am still pregnant. All I want is to be healthy and feel good about looking myself in the mirror.

I am a new mom and my goal is to loose 30 lbs in the next three months. I have just purchased the "Fatsmash" book, and plan to start Sunday.

i'm 5'7.5" and 150 pounds. i've struggled with anorexia and since recovering, i've found it difficult to maintain a healthy relationship with food. i eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, and lean meats and i eat very few unhealthy foods. however, whenever i eat, it's in massive quantities and it's usually just because i'm sitting down.

I'm a 18 year old vegetarian student at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. I've been overweight my whole life and struggled through various eating disorders. So now I'm here to lose weight the healthy way and change my perspective on what a body should look like!

44 yr old female, married, one child. All ready eat well, get some exercise, but can't seem to lose a darn pound.

I'm a single mom with 2 kids, 2 dogs, and 2 cats. (Gee, I guess I like pairs of things! LOL) I'm a full-time student and looking forward to rejoining the workforce when I graduate this summer. I'm sick of homework!

I am a 30 year old SAHM till I go back to work as a School Psychologist in september. My weight has always fluctuated a bit but has never reached these heights before (except for when I was prego). I can only fit into one pair of my jeans and i refuse to buy a new pair. So, I do laundry all of the time. LOL

I am 17. I am a 2nd Degree Black Belt in TaeKwonDo. I am graduating next year (2009). I am a pretty outgoing person.

I'm 28 yrs old/ female. I am a mother of one, 9 yr old boy. I would like to use weight so that I can gain back my self confidence and hopefully have another child (cross my fingers). I recently moved back to FLA from Atlanta.

I'm a NY through and through, although I spend weekends at home in CT.

I'm 25 and live in Dublin Ireland, have tried fat smash before and lost a lot of weight so back on it now because i have gained back everything i lost :( Am at 152llbs now so my goal is around 138/139

I am 28 years old, I work as a medical assistant. I have one daughter who will be 8 in June and she carries a diagnosis of Turner Syndrome.

I am 32 ,married mom of 3. I live in East Texas. I love going to Mardi Gras with the kids. Next year I am hoping I can keep up with them!

im in my 30s and loving it, but my confidence is lack luster due to my weight..its my time i have to much to offer to be afraid and be held down........

53 year old, mother , grandmother

I am a 26 yr old mom who lives with her boyfriend and 7 year old son. I am a pretty positive person and like to be creative in my artwork. I love surfing and music but I am almost too fat to enjoy my favorite sport anymore. I gained alot when I had my son and never really lost it all. I was down to a healthy weight for me about 2 years ago before I met my boyfriend and since then have gained around 30lbs. I have recently gone back on my health kick and simply need some support. My boyfriend is super lean and never been fat a day in his life and most of my friends live far enough away or are busy with their own lives to be a buddy system to me. I work as an administrative assistant so most of my days at work are sitting which doesn't help my dilemna. Just need some positive influences to help keep me motivated and on track to reach my goal which is to lose 30-40lbs by the end of the year (preferably the end of August) which is when I will turn 27 :) So far eating & exercising somewhat regularly and healthier has lost me 4 lbs in one month, thank the heavens I am coming closer to those skinny jeans!

I am married to my best friend..about 10yrs now..and we have a 7yr old daughter, and a dog that we adore..named joshua. I have a business that I run out of my home..I do makeup for weddings, print, T.V. and Boudoir photoshoots(women hire my team to create beautiful sexy pictures for their husbands and boyfriends) I have been getting alot of clients that want to have a photoshoot after they lose weight or overcome an obstacle in their life..and I am ready to feel as good as they do(very inspiring)! I also design bridal jewelry and have an all natural skincare/bodycare line that I created. I am pretty busy..but I balance it all out pretty well. I do about 4 weddings a weekend and travel..and during the week I get to be at home with my family..being a mom and enjoying life! My husband loves to eat...and we both have put on some pounds! It is time to come off... I love to paint children's artwork, murals, read magazines and spend hours in barnes and Noble reading art books and anything I can get my hands on..I also like to dance and be crazy with friends. My little girl is my life..and my best friend we spend alot of time together. I am very blessed. I guess it is just time to take a little more time for my health and fitness goals!

I am 60 yrs of age , I am retired ,I am semi active and am loking for a more healthy appearance and to feel more energetic.

I've been super skinny for most of my life but after getting through college, I've put on some not so needed pounds. Now, I am trying to lose that weight and get down to where I was when I started college, or at least close to it. I work out everyday and eat very healthy but I seem to be plateauing at this point and am getting discouraged.

I am 28 years old married and working as a dispatcher and always on the run

I just had a baby 3 months ago. I gained 45 pounds during my pregnancy. I lost 30 pounds within two weeks, and since then I haven't lost anything despite eating well and working out. I'm trying to jump start my weight loss. I have used peer trainer in the past and found it to be really useful. I've been working out 4-6 times a week and trying to lose the weight, but it hasn't been going well. My hope is that my getting on PeerTrainer I can motivate myself.

34 year old mother of 3 with a wonderful supportive husband who is Fat Smashing right along side of me. I'm would like to lose 50 pounds and have a healthy BMI. I love running and losing weight makes it all the more enjoyable.

I'm a 53 year old wife & mom to a teen, and also mom to a great rat terrier who helps me exercise with 2 long walks each day.

I’m a 22 year old newlywed. I’ve been with my wonderful husband for 4 years and packed on 60 lbs in the process. I currently weight 180 lbs, and I’m determined to lose down to 125 lbs!

I am a homeschooling mom. I have 4 kids 9,6,3 & 18mo. I have lost about 30 lbs in the last year. I want to eat better so I can keep loosing. This looks like a good way to me. And my husband says he will do it too :)

18 year old student learning to become a teacher that loves drumming, music and photography.

I am a 25 year old stay at home mom. I just had my 4th baby Janurary 25th.

I'm 39 & married to a great guy for 11yrs this May. I have a 12 year old daughter who is my heart & soul. I work 4 days a week as an accountant's assistant (sooo boring). I also sell Avon & I've been a girl scout leader for 8 years. I'm a military wife which has a good & a bad side. I couldn't be more proud of my husband for what he does for our country, but at the same time, it has taken it's toll on me. Before my husband left for Iraq, I was doing pretty well w/my weight loss. I had lost 38 lbs on my own. Once he got his orders - I think I ate my way through our seperation. It just didn't feel right having to be a single parent & be married at the same time. But enough about that. He's home & no more excuses.

fiancial advisor in Boston, 36yrs old, male

Currently, I am 25yr and am a family counselor. I live in Amherst, NY. I am married and have been with my husband for 7 years. We have a 3 yr old who is my life! I have always struggled with my weight. In the last 3 years I have lost 125lbs, but am struggling with the last 50lbs. This time around I will utilize my support, stay active (use the gym membership that is paid for and personal gym we do have my husband invested in) and quit FREAKING BINGE EATING AT NIGHT!!!!

Hi! My name is Chelie. Im 22 years old and live in Deerfield Beach, FL. Currently, I weigh about 230lbs. I want to try to get back to where I was in high school, which was around 140-150. An office job, and hanging around with video gamers has caused me to become very inactive, and I want to try to change that. I bought the Fat Smash Diet book, and found this website this morning and thought I would give it a try. I hope it works!

I am 26 year old stay at home mom. I have 2 daughters, ages 6 & 7.

I am 23, and have a wonderful 2 yr old son. He keeps me so busy! I am also a military wife, and have been for almost 4 yrs now. Currently I'm working on becoming a text editor, and going back to school to be an Office Systems Specialist with a focus on medical transcription. In the next couple of months my husband will be home, and I will be relocating to Missouri from Florida. I am excited but scared I have no idea what it's going to be like out there, and I like the beach!

I am 32 yrs old I have two girls... I'm not liking the way I look right now.. I wanted to loose some weight.. not just for me but for my girls I want to promote excerising healthy eating in my home.

My name is Shacara Kimes. I am 27, single, no children. I work full time and love to have fun!

Hi, my name is April and I am 31 years old. I have a wonderful husband and 2 great kids. I am wanting to lose around 25 lbs total to be around 120/125. I have tried diet after diet with short success, then back to my old routine. Hopefully this summer will be my summer to get it right!!!

I'm a 25 year old looking to lose about 12 lbs. I've never been a big dieter but was really good about exercising last summer and in early fall weighed 128. I'm hoping to get back in shape for this summer.

I am a married 32 year old professional with a high-stress job. I don't have any kids just a dog and a cat. I moved out here from Colorado a few years ago and have slowly put on weight. I weigh the most I have ever have and am the most out of shape I have ever been.

I am 47 years old. Mother of two daughters. Divorced in 2002. Now in a wonderful relationship. Work as an Adjunct Professor in ESL / English.


I am a 40 year old mom of two boys. I'm 5'2'' at 21 I was 118 at 31 I was 129 at 37 I am 158. at 40 I am now 135!

I work in the medical field work my ass off three days a week and then totally couch potato out for four days. i am 36 years old and hitched with a guy that loves to eat and i love to cook and eat. we are a match made in the kitchen!!!

I'm a 22 married college student.

I am a elementary teacher. I am married to wonderful man for 6 glorious years. I have been struggling with my weight for 7 years.

Married with a little girl.

I am a 34 year old mom of 3 boys. 8, 7, and 3.

I'm 22,   I moved to Dubai from the UK 8 months ago.  I was already in pretty bad shape,  but the life style out here has caused me to put on an additional 14 pounds since I've been here.  Once i get into a habit of working out i really enjoy it.  I like dancing, going out with friends, and generally having a good time.

I'm a 24 year old full time college student as a Public Health major, part of the reason I want to become healthier seeing I've learned a lot about health in this major. I am in no means overweight, I am where I should be for my age and height but I do not like how I feel or look. I need to tone up and shed some stuborn pounds. I also work part time, and with school and work it is really hard to eat right and exercise. I played sports in high school but after that I have been back and forth with my weight. I have a gym membership, that I actually use... and some home exercising equipment, such as a tred mill, and I utilize them frequently but not as much as I should or want. I am usually too tired by the time I have a chance to exercise. I basically just want to be comfortable and confindent in my own skin.

I'm a 32-yr-old therapist and college professor, single, also a huge history buff. I volunteer at 2 history museums, and love to dress up in historical costumes. I'm a member of the Junior League of Chicago.

48 years old. Never lost the baby fat after the birth of my daughter. She is now 23!

I am 27 year old mother of 1 who is trying to get back in shape and to be healthy so that i can keep up with my daughter.

I'm a 36 year old full time working mother.

I am 25 and have a one year old daughter. i have not been able to loose the 30 extra pounds that I put on with her and I am ready to get to it!

Im 24 and well I have been eating unhealthy for years now and it's finally catching up. Im ready to make a change in my life

I'm a laid back young black woman who's trying to discover who she is and what she truly wants. I believe that my weight has held me back from many opportunities and keeps me in my "shell." Want to shed the pounds and the insecurities along with it!

I'm a 43 yr old mom of 4 boys (15, 11, 9, 9). Teach PE full time. Battling choesterol issues that dr says can be controlled with diet. Want to lose weight too.

Hi! I'm a working mom with a supportive DH and kids entering their pre-teens. I'd like to get down to a healthy weight for someone in their 40's.

I will be 40 this year. I am a librarian with 2 children (9 and 3) and a husband who works a lot. I am busy, and that has been my excuse for not making the right choices.

I'm 39 yo professional, married and anxiously awaiting the adoption of two children. In order to prepare my body for the active life with children I want to lose 50lbs. Plus, working out will help me with the stress of waiting though the adoption process

25 yrs. old 5'4" Want to lose 20-30 lbs Dance and Track background

56 (gasp) Mom of 2 men Grandma to 5 under 4!! Use EFT for centering & personal balance

Gained a whopping freshman 25!, sophomore 15! (holy crap!) ready and willing to get back on track.

I'm a 24 year old mother of a 6 year old son who works full time I just started a daily work out schedule.

38 years old. Got focused on fitness over the last year, have lost almost 20 pounds. I have the last 13 to lose and no matter what I do I can't loose it. I work out doing cardio, weights, Crossfit, and Yoga 4-5 times a week.

Recently divorced, mother, college student working towards a nursing degree.

College student

I'll be 47 Friday. I'm married with one daughter and one granddaughter.

I am a 37 year old mother and wife of 3. I'm also a graduate student and working to become a teacher. I have a wonderful husband who loves me just as I am and gives me compliments daily. Even still, I'm uncomfortable with my weight and the issues that come along with it--both mentally and physically.

I am a married mother of two. My children are 3 and 5 and I think it is time for me to start living. I am 32 and I want to be an active mother. I am turning to the Fat Smash diet because I know it works.

I am a college student and i am engaged to be married to the most wonderful and supportive man ever, throughout life i played so many sports once i graduated freshman 15 hit me like a ton of bricks, i want to get back in shape like when i played soccer.

I am a 50 year old stay at home mother of three teenage girls. Talk about hormones... I am a professional dieter, I have tried them all but with limited success. I'm looking for motivation and inspiration, hope you can help.

in my late 20's, quickly approaching that 30 marker. work for an insurance agency and it is not always easy to make the right food choices. easier to stay on track when i am not alone.

I am 29 year old software Engineer who loves to have (too much) fun and to cook. I'm 5'5 and weighed 177lbs at my heaviest. The lowest I have gotten was 149lbs and it felt fantastic. I maintained nicely for a year or so, but have gotten off track in the past 6 months (guy troubles :()... I am currently 169.8lbs and this time around I am aiming to reach (and stay at) 145lbs with a lower than 20% fat percentage. See you there! ;)

25, publicist, very into sports

I am an RN whose priorities in life will always be my hubby and family...BUT i am also aware i have let "me" go by the wayside....i am not going to beat myself up tho...i will remain positive and push forward!

I'm a 39 year old mother of 2 daughters and 2 step sons.

Im 27 yrs old . I coach cheerleading, play softball and love to be around friends. Did I mention I love to eat haha thats why I am over weight!

Am married, 3 teenagers (1 boy and 2 girls), work for a school district.

I am the proud mother of a 8 month old little girl! I've been married of about 2 yrs. I want to be healthy for myself and my family.

I'm 27 years old, My first year married....I gained 88 lbs...and now i go for the rest...45 lbs.

I am a 26yr old hotel nite auditor who has just regained control of my life. I finally got my finances situated, I'm working towards getting a new car in the next year and I want to improve my health because I have PCOS and the doctors tell me between my high cholesterol, weight, heart strain and elevated risks for ovarian cancer, I'm not gonna live life as long as I'd like.

i recently gave birth to my second child. during the pregnancy i gained 27 pounds. which is about 7 pounds more than my first child. i am eager to get the weight off. when i found out i was pregnant last july, i had just lost about 15 lbs. i love food...but i know that i can eat better and still love it. i am striving to do it the "right" way so that i can keep it off.

I've worked out regularly for the past 12 years but haven't ever reached my goal. I lose slowly, get discouraged and go off plan because of it. I have quit working out altogether for the last 3 months due to the above reasons and some health issues. So, I've started to put on a few lbs...not too many yet but I need to stop this pattern I've gotten into before it gets worse. I've been having trouble getting motivated and what I read in the Extreme Fat Smash Diet book is helping me to get back into it. I am the gamma all the way. So, here goes....

I'm a 29 year old stay at home mom of 2 boys.

WE like to wrestle.

i'm 20, and am studying to be a mechanical engineer, I'm starting to feel the work load! ek, lots of HW, I've kind of let my diet slip b/c of my school work. but I'm working on it! and hope to be healthy.

I am 30 years old and have began to get comfortable in my relationship...a little too comfy!

I’m a 25 year old female, working professional in Virginia. I have a 6 year old border collie, who is going to be my work out buddy; he just doesn't know it yet, 2 horses, a TB mare of the track and a just turned 1year old registered APHA. I ride Hunter Jumpers, and rode for my college equestrian team. I have a wonderful long term boyfriend who has committed to helping me get back to my happy weight, (as all the dates and eating out did lead to the "happy fat" I have gained...LOL) and we will be walking every night I don’t spend at the barn with the horses. All the riding does keep me active, but as I get older and my metabolism slows down on me, I need to do more to maintain weight and do even more to lose it!!

25yrs old. 5'6" and may weight is between 127-131lbs. I'd like to slim down and tone up. I'm typically around 125lbs, but was 118lbs in the winter of 2006 and loved the way I felt, so I would like to get back to that feeling (even if I don't weigh 118 again). I really want to do get healthy both physically and spiritually.

I'm 33, mother of one, married. work full time, earning a Bachelor's degree.

Im a college student who has biiiiiiggg tummy:(

I am 28 years old and work as an office manager. I am getting married to the most wonderful man this October 4th. I am two classes away from finishing my bachelors degree in business. The last few years I have gained a few pounds and would like to develop habits that keep me from gaining a more pounds as I get older.

Father of 2 trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle

I'm 27 years old and live in Florida so it's really hot which makes it hard to exercise especially if you're overweight. I got myself a dog named Saffy who is my baby. I call her my fuzzy brown exercise machine and I'm hoping shes going to get as much out of this as me.

I have struggled with weight throughout the years primarily because I like desserts and other sweets. I have los 80 lbs in my past and over the last 2 years have managed to gain approximately 20 lbs. I am relatively active and love to move and walk; however, it has not been a match for my appetite or the amount of sweets that I eat, so I am hoping to devise healthier eating habits and watch the weight come off!

22 year old student in Sydney, Australia. Training to be a Group Fitness Instructor (almost there!) Need to 7kg in order to run marathon more efficiently

I am a 38 yo mother of 2 teenagers, I use to be a bodybuilder in my 20's and that caused me to have these big arms, and look at me now. You would have never guess I use to be a body builder and 50 pounds lighter. I have had several surgeries on my stomach therefore my ab muscle is split and fat keeps building up there. I have fibromaylgia and that stops me from exercising due to pain. I work from home on ebay. I am tired, and lazy and sick of all of this.

Im 18 and going to college in NYC in the fall. I want to be prepared for the transition by making myself happy with my body. I am not "fat" but I am not skinny or average. I would like to say that I am chunky. I am roughly 140 lbs I would assume. I am in shape and do workout but not as intensely as I should and I do not diet. In comparision to others my height (5'3) and my weight I speculate that a lot of my weight is muscle. So a huge goal of mine is that while I am dieting to maintain a workout schedule as to not lose muscle. Ive attended a boarding school for the past 4 years and I blame a large part of my weight to that. Mostly all the food is deep fried or pasta. It has made maintaining my weight near impossible resulting in my gaining of 20 lbs during my sophomore-junior year. I want to lose it now to get ready for the fast paced, hectic lifestyle I will have in NYC. Also, what is most important to me, is gaining the willpower to just live healthier. I want to cut red meat out entirely-not just for health reasons but for environmental reasons. I want to cut out all soda, even though I usually always drink diet soda.

I live in a small town in northern California with my boyfriend and dog. I work for an insurance agent and am an active member of the Soroptimist Club. Last year I decided to go back to school through University of Phoenix Online. My life has become so busy, I don't have time to work out as I should.

I am 37, I am very happily married and have an awesome dog. I enjoy life, have a great group of friends and like my job. My aspiration is to become a more active individual.

I will be 30 this year and have 2 boys, 6 and 2. They keep be busy but not enough to lose the extra weight. I have never considered myself fat and have felt good about myself. Since becoming pregnant the first time I finally started eating the foods I should. I used to live on chips and soda and was much thinner. My problem is I can not seem to stop eating when I am full. I have 3rds many nights and I do not need it. It is hard right now also because food is so expensive, it is easy to buy processed foods instead of fresh.

about to turn 26 and still unhappy with my weight, really want to get serious about this now and do it!

college student with active social life, full time summer job

I'm a usually active guy. I've been training martial arts since I was 7. Although in a certain time I trained 5 to 6 days a week, I was always a little fat. For about 2 or 3 year I had to stop training and I gained about 7Kg. I currently weight 104, 105Kg and I'm 1,70m in height. I'm just looking to be lighter so i can can move even faster and jump easier and higher.

I am 33 years old, 5'5 and my weight is 135. I am a Training Resource Specialist at a Police academy. I exercise 6 days a week and watch what i eat. I am just not 100% satisfied mith my body. I do have some health issus dealing with my stomach so that tends to bring me down and self-concious.

Graduate student of Span/Portuguese Linguistics

40/m divorced with 2 kids. I have a managerial job that does not allow for much excercise.I try to stay active, hiking, backpacking and such, but I tend to overeat.

30 yo coach's wife and mom of two awesome kids - a 3yo girl and 9mo little boy. They are all very fun and I love being with them. I work part time as an Associate Youth minister at my church. I love the Lord and love helping students come to know Him.

hiiiiiiiiiiii :P im abi ive been doin the cambridge diet sine jan 28 nd lost 4 stone :D well happi i have started bei v v norty now and keep eating bad foods so im really tryin to fous again and am starting the fat smash diet and gonnastart workin out i need to loose 3 stone in 3 months :D

I'm 33, a detective and a dancer.. belly dance and african dance.. some combinations huh? I'm a thick chick.. and lately i've been packing the weight on in my belly.. not cool super cool for bellydancing! Right now i'm about 195.

38 yrs old, mom of two, want to become healthy!!! and feel GREAT

34 year old man, moving to Lansing for a 1 year project. Very active 10 years ago with no weight problems, and want to get back to a healty lifestyle.

I am 29 years old, 1st time mother, wife of 2 years, and a writer for as long as i can remember. I have battled with my weight all of my life and its because I didn't see anyone leading by example and then I was so stuck in my ways I didn't want to change. Well after having my son I am ready to make these changes for him, I lost my father in October 05 due to past lifestyle habits like smoking and drinking which took its toll on his body, so I want to practice preventative medicine. I don't want to wait until I have a problem to fight the beast.

I'm 29, am a writer, love news, arts, and my fiance. I was a runner for years, even competing in college in cross country, then an injury and college life slowly made me less active and less fit. Now at a desk all day, I am the master of making excuses not to get my butt moving.

I am a working mother of 2 school age boys and the wife of a fabulous man (going on 10 years now)

I have been on some fad diet, my whole teen and adult life. I'm an emotional eatting, this diet has helped me. I started the fatsmash diet 5-19-08 and so far I've lost 8 lbs.

I feel like I have been on a diet most of my life.

I am 21 years old and a graduate student at Hampton University.

I am a hardworking dedicated human services professional dedicated to my community. Somehow I left out myself and stop paying attention to the foods I consume and the lack of exercise. I am in a fight to become a better person and this involves self love.

I'm 38, 5'7" and weighed in this morning at 195.6. I've gained 20 lbs in the last year, and want to get rid of those plus the additional 30. About 4 years ago, I weighed my all-time heaviest, 244, so I've had some success, but never can stick to anything long enough to get the real results I want. 144 is a perfect weight for my height, and that's my goal!

I'm a culinary student and I'm looking to get healthy and start exercising again now that I'm not consumed with school.

i want to improve my confindence, to be in control again

I am a 33 year old mother of 5, ranging in age from 10 to 1. I have struggled with my weight from my first pregnancy. I stay home full time, and am a homeschooler. I long to glorify God in all things- including my body. I have 45 pounds to lose.

Hi I'm 27yrs old and recently got married in January. My husband eats everything in sight all day & night and doesn't gain an ounce. I on the other hand have put on at least 25lbs since getting married. It hasn't helped that last year I had to have my gallbladder removed which I believe has been a Huge source of my recent weight gain. I am Motivated to make a change to a healthier lifestyle and am very thankful to have found this team as I know I will need the support.

used to be a beautiful actress, and have let myself go.

I'm 44 years old, married and have one beautiful, 8-year-old daughter. I don't want to just exist, I want to live and enjoy all the time I have with my family and friends. I want to be able to serve the Lord wherever I am to the best of my ability, and to take care of the body he has given me to serve him.

Gave myself an excuse to eat whatever I wanted after my mother passed away and gained 15lbs in additional to the 10 I regained after I had reached 130 with WW.

Height - 5'9" Current weight 175 Goal Weight 145-150

32yo male. Married with an infant. Learning how to manage eating and weight when time is a invaluable commodity. All while working on much less sleep.

I'm a 42 year old woman. I have been married for 15 years and have a 9 year old daughter.

I just turned 29. I am married with two little girls, 2 years and 8 years old. I work at a high end retail store. So I would love to feel better about myself and buy a new wardrobe there. I am also finishing my degree in education. I gained a lot of weight after our wedding, eating out a lot. After our second child, being pregnant gave me an excuse to eat more. I tried this last year, but I quit after the 6 detox day I gave into eating out and I did it again this summer with really good results but after a few months I went back to eating unhealthy. I feel blah about myself and I want to feel better.

35 yrs old. Married with children. Educator. I am an overeater, not satisfied until uncomfortable. As embarassing as it is, I must admit I'm a smoker. (Could use some suggestions with that too.)

I am 25 married and have a 7 year old. While preg with my son I gained over 100 pounds and 7 years later I still have them with me.

23 with an office job. Have lost 15 pounds since graduating college, want to lose 10 more.

Chronic emotional eater, trying to learn new behavior and stress relief.

I am a 23 year old teacher. When not busy with work, I am a very active person.

I'm a 31 year old single parent and work full time as a cost accountant.

45 Year-old guy with a history of bad eating choices and some emotional eating. Lost 80 poinds a couple of years ago on a modified South Beach diet, and have kept that off except for a 10 poind fluxuation now and then.

I love to excercise and eat healthy -- until 8pm. That's when I tend to relax with a glass of wine and follow that with a late night snack, usually something involving chocolate. I am dating/living with a wonderful guy but he is not very supportive when it comes to diets. He does not care if I am 130 or 230 it seems. That's great, but it is hard to motivate myself often. He needs to lose weight as well but does not like to "diet". Our jobs are probably the #1 problem affecting our diets .. stressful and there just isn't enough time to prepare healthy meals EVERY night.

I am 22. I have been married for 4 years, but we have been together for 8. I have PCOS which causes infertility and is what made me gain a bunch of weight along with the depo shot. uhh

I am getting married March 28th 2009. I am in my late 20's.

I am 23 years old and I have the most awesome 3 year old little girl that i love to death...and that is why, well that is part of why i am making the choice to change the lifestyle i am living... About 7 months ago my father had a mild heart attack and that woke me up...he was only 52 so that means yes it is genetic...also my grandfather on my mothers side died of a heart attack about 5 years ago at the age of 69 ....sooo i now have heart disease and high blood pressure on both sides of my family...WAKE UP i feel like i really need to do something about this now...i have ALWAYS had a weight issue and i know that its something i am just ganna have to deal with...but i think i am finally ready to start making the change! ;) i am 5'9 and my highest weight was after i had my daughter, 250lbs... when i got here to europe about a year ago...and slowly i have been working on it...i am now 220lbs and i am ganna keep going until i have met my goal! and for once i am excited about it!!! :) currently living in Europe and my return date back to the states is Oct of 09 and i would LOVE to be able to come back home (San Antonio TX) and be look'n and feel'n great!

I am a mom and a wife. I run a daycare out of my home and feel like I never have time for myself or my family.

I'm Jen, a 29 yr old SAHM with 3 girls - a 3 yr old and baby twins. I've been heavy my whole life and never really tried much to lose weight until after I got married and wanted to have kids. Since then, I've been slowly losing. I'm not very good at losing, but I do pretty well maintaining because of the lifestyle changes I've made so far. My highest recorded weight was 313lbs.

I am 48 years old, a performing arts teacher and mom to a 9 year old girl wonder. I I got to work out much more before motherhood and have a good foundation of healthy eating habits. Still, I tend to gain about ten lbs every three years or so and then I try to whip myself back into shape. I'm midway through the whipping now. I've gone from 145 to 138 lbs over the past month and would like to get down to between 130 and 133.

Young Professional. Christian Enjoy hanging with friends and spending time with family

college student,

I am 55 years old.I have two sons, a daughter and 6 grandchildren. I am married to a wonderful man. This year I completed 30 years in education. I teach third grade and Sunday School. I am a christian.

New mom of a baby boy. 24 years old. Live in Marietta, GA. Graduated from Auburn University in 2006 and am launching my career. Seeking to return to grad school (Law School) in about a year. Very active in my church (Faith Christian Center, Smyrna GA). I enjoy lots of different activities: watching sports, chatting with friends, clothes, learning new things, etc

I'm almost 21 and I love to cook and eat. I'm going to school for culinary arts so it's hard to stay on track when your constantly tasting yummy things. A taste turns into a bite, and a bite turns into a whole cheesecake lol. I also enjoy going out with friends and when your eating out and at the mall its hard to be good and count points. I'm a "nanny" to two kids who I take to school and run around to various activities after school. And they have big sweet tooths. So discipline and routine is a big thing for me.

I'm 27 year old male. Married with a child on the way. I am just so tired lately I have know energy and I really need to push myself to lose the weight so I can have the stamina I will need to chase after & care for my Little one.

Singer / Songwriter who loves to cook.

I am 38 married with 2 dogs. I have been through a lot in the past going on 8 years. I have lost special people in my life as well as other have become sick. I have aloud myself to become a hermit and be depressed. After the weight gain started happening, my psoarasis started to get bad and then I really did not exercise. I have always worried about what people would say and think if they saw me with that all over me. Now I feel strong and want a change.

I'm 25 and I work part-time as an ICU nurse. The rest of my time is spent with my family. My husband is a bi-vocational pastor/construction worker, so our schedule stays pretty full. Up until I started having children, I maintained a slim figure with no effort. I just had my second daughter 9 weeks ago and it's time to loose my baby fat!

I am a science teacher who loves to run.

married mother of two, girl 4, boy 2

I am 23 years old, and I weight 240lbs on my 5'5 frame. Im at the largest weight I have ever been and now I suspect that Im suffering from a few health problems. Diabetes and High Blood Pressure runs in my family and I want to avoid those potential health problems if possible. I have a 2yr old daughter, and because of lack of energy I dont play with her much. So I want to lose weight and get fit so I can have more energy and enjoy more time with my child, family, and friends.

My name is Michele, and I am a receptionist/personal assistant for a video surveillance manufacturer. I live with my boyfriend and his best friend in Deerfield Beach, FL. I want to loose weight so I can feel better about myself inside the office and out!! I want to be healthy and free from all the junk food and sodas that have such a hold on me!!! ...not to mention I want to be able to throw on a cute outfit and not feel self-conscious!! hehe!! :)

36...soon to be 37 in November. Want to lose 20lbs before I try to get pregnant. Need a healthy lifestyle and I need to learn how to eat the "right" foods.

I am 28 year old wife and mother. I recently relocated to Ct due to a miltary move on my husband's part.

I have been married for 16 years, I have a 5 year old little girl, I am a pediatric oncology nurse and I have struggled with my weight for about 10 years.

28 year old living on the coast in Maine. Graphic Designer/ Bartender No kids (yet)

A full time student, preparing for her "A" lvl Love Dancing [chinese dance], listening to music

i'm about 5"2" and i weigh 194. i'm a certified nurssing assistant.

I turn 39 (...EEEK!) tomorrow, July 20th. I have worked as an educator for 14 years, as a classroom teacher and now a program coordinator. I really like my job (the most I've ever liked one) but I have gained about 30 lbs. in the past year and cannot get rid of the belly. I feel like I just look at food and gain 10 lbs! I'm single and have the obligatory "cat" but do have a boyfriend who has been in rehab for the past 7 mos (that's another story altogether....)

I am 20 years old and I am living on my own. I've always had self-esteem issues and I KNOW that has to change. I am a pretty cool person on the inside - now it's time to show it on the outside. :-) I want to start living a much healthier and more active life because it would make me feel so accomplished.

I'm in my late 20's and have gained so much weight since moving back to Philly. I don't feel good in my clothes and I am ready to change the way I see myself.

I am a 25 full figured, single, mocha, caramel, black women!!! lol Seriously, I am an assistant teacher, I coach cheerleading and I am a waitress...yeah, a lot going on with little time to TRULY focus on me and my health. I am looking for some friend to help support me as I will them! I can not do this

Hi! I'm Jodi. I'm a stay at home mom. I have a 2 year old and I'm married to the greatest guy on earth. We just celebrated our 3rd anniversary.

36, Married, with a very supportive husband.

I am a 30 year old female and have been overweight all of my life. I remember my first diet was when I was 11 years old, I have been on everything imaginable with little success in keeping it off.

I am 20 years old, about 5'3, 252 lbs.(as of 02-23-09), I have 117 lbs. to lose before I reach my goal weight. My highest weight was 296 lbs., so I have succeeded at losing weight in the past using LA Weight Loss; it's just hard for me not to fall off the wagon sometimes. In the Fall, I will be attending school. It would be ideal to have developed consistent eating habits and a workout routine in order to avoid those freshman 15 I've heard so much about.

I am the mother of two teenage boys. One had a life saving transplant last year. I have been married for 6 years to a wonderful man of God. I love books and own a bookstore. I love my family and Jesus my lord and savior.

I'm 51, and I have four grown children. I am not a big person I tend to game weight around my mid-section which is hard to get rid of. I sit at a computer most of the day all week long. I would like to start me a homebase business, so when time for me to retire from this 8-4:30 job, I can supplement what ever kind of income I will have at that time with working from home.

29-year-old Army nurse looking to get fit and be closer to my weight when I joined the Army in 2006. You wouldn't think that being active duty would allow you to gain weight, but now I must do physical training on my own. I work at a hospital. Have a hard time self-motivating to work out.

I am a busy mom of six (ages 19-6) who loves to read, craft and lunch with friends.

I am back for round 2 of fat smash. I lost 61 pounds from July 2008 to March 2009, then I fell off of the wagon. I gained back 10 of the pounds that I had lost. So, I need to lose 15 pounds to reach my goal weight of 125. I'm married with 2 daughters ages 17 and 16.

I'm a 30 year old single fun-atic. I got out of shape in Orlando Florida ... eating all kinds of junk and i managed to lose about 25 lbs 3 years ago. Ii need to revamp and kick the rest out so here i go!!!!

I am a mother of 2, wife of 1, and teacher/coach of many. My jobs require loads of energy that I don't have at the moment. I am tired of my athletes looking at me like....."Why should I run this if you can't?" and my children looking at me like, "Mommy, let's go swimming"......

I am 39 years old, married, have a 21 month old daughter and I love sweets (cakes, donuts, cookies) anything starchy. Lord help me.

23 yo F. graduated with an A.O.S. in professional catering and culinary arts

Hi everyone! I'm back at it again! I just started the fat smash diet again on Sundy. I am a single mother with 9-year old twins. I want to lose 55 lbs. I am looking for some strong support because i am easily tempted by food.

41 years old, mom of three kids, married 15 years

I am a 39 year old mother of two boys 6 and 3, married, work full time and commute an hour each way to work. My job also requires some travel.

46, mother of two grown daughters. Married. Work as a univeristy administrator. Like cooking, gardening, boating, live music. Always overweight, but want to be back to the size 10-12 type of overweight I used to be in my 20s/30s.

I am 5'4" and currently 147lb. Last fall I was at my highest weight ever- 170 lbs! I lost the 23 lbs from October- April but since April I haven't been able to loose a single pound. I workout 6 days a week and make a real effort to eat healthy. I have also given up all sweets, have never drank coffee and rarely drink diet sodas so I am stuck and need serious motivation!

I'm 32 years old. Mother of 2 kids and Wife for 7 years. I am an overeater and have been for years. I started the diet on 7/27/08. I want to learn how to eat healthy.

I am married and have two daughters and two sons (fur babies).

I am a mother of 5, a wife and I work full -time behind a desk for 8 hours. I would like to get back to eating healthy and lose 50lbs.

Single, 37 female, Business owner, Hobbies: piano, writting, hanging w/family and friends, travel

I'm a 28 year old electronic musician and graphic artist. I spend the majority of my time in front of a computer, and it's definitely taking a toll on my health. I'm 5'8" and 156lbs.

I've always struggled with my appearance and self-esteem. Any diet I tried in the past was for the sheer purpose of losing weight. Often I wouldn't eat just to lose weight.

Recently, I've started noticing things like my leg and arms going numb, feet swelling, exhaustion... and I fear the disregard for my health is finally starting to catch up with me. It scares me to think I could possibly be killing myself; I obviously value my life way more than I thought I did.

Which brings me here... I was introduced to this plan by my younger sister. Two months ago she was hospitalized for depression, and she now looks absolutely alive. I noticed she has the energy to be a single mother of two boys, whereas before I could tell she was struggling.

So here I am, on day 2 of Phase 1... and I feel great. I love my veggies and fruits. I also have an awesome boyfriend helping me through this :)

I'm 47, married to a wonderful man. I'm a mother of 2 beautiful children - boy 11, and a girl 10. I'm a nurse educator in the ICU in Kelowna, BC. I enjoy life, but lately have had an enormous amount of stressors to deal with and have let healthy eating and fitness go by the side of the road. I have had battles with asthma, knee and hip injuries, and surgery last spring. These things have kept me from exercising. But no more. Don't know what started me to be so motivated the past month, but I'm going with it and taking everyone with me. Yay me! Yay all of us!

I am a married 33 year old female who is attending college to obtain my Bachelor Degree in Business Administration.

I'm going to be a junior in high school, and I'm looking to lose weight and get in shape before school starts which is in 3 weeks.. my goal will be tough to accomplish in that short of time but I'm going to try and if I work hard enough I might be able to do it.

I'm 31 and weigh close to 300lbs. I'm married with no children so I really have no excuse for my weight. I've been over weight my entire life. I've gone up and down the scale and am now at my fattest weighing 291lbs. 5'2 (8-3-08). In the last 2 1/2 years I have gained close to 50lbs. I am so tired of being this big, but I just feel I have no will power so I welcome any help. My dad offered to buy me a vespa or a smart car if I lose 100 lbs. I'm getting that smart car for sure. Wish me luck!!

hello i am 52 in need of looseing 78 pounds need all the encourangement i can get been dealing with alot of stress goottn off track but am back more determemned than ever on a mission to loose

I have two kids (3 and 1). I stay home with them during the day and work in the evening. The only time I have to myself is when I am driving to and from work...

I'm a married mother of 2. I lost 75 lbs about 5 years ago and a year ago went through a major depression and gained all but about 25lbs of it back. I just changed careers and I'm tired of being fat again! It's really affecting my self esteem! I want to look good for when I turn 40 next July!

I am a 25 yr old stay-at-home mom (my daughter is 3 months) and full-time student. I like riding bikes with my husband, scrapbooking, taking pictures and watching TV shows from the 80's.

I am a 43 year old mother of two and grandmother of three. I work as a front desk assistant at a very well known lasik eye surgery center. I also presently attend school for medical assisting on a part-time basis. My daughter is 25 years old and lives of her own and my son is 16 and lives with his father. I take care of my four year old granddaugher, since birth, on a full time basis and have been in a commited relationship with a man for 12 years.

I am soon to be 33 years old, I have struggled with weight throughout my life. I yo-yo diet all the time trying the next new big secret to losing weight without having to do anything. I was so self-concious that when I was 28 yrs old I got lipo suction, I thought it was the easy way out, it was for the time being. I looked great a year after the surgery and stayed that way for about a year. Soon I met a great guy, we moved in together and the weight just started to come back. We are talking marriage now and I am so scared that I will be fat on my wedding day, I want to start now before we set a date and I just want to be healthy and not go for the quick fix. I am looking to lose between 15-20 pounds.

I am 28, a full-time student, wife, and mother of one. I've been overweight my entire life with the exception of those years directly after high-school when eating was not a priority. Motherhood has definitely put the emphasis back on food, but while I try to make good choices, the fact is that thinking about food makes me feel hungry. Argh!

45 year old mother of two. I work full time and have been doing Weight Watchers the past year. Although I've lost 12 pounnds, can't seem to get the last 8-10 pounds to budge. Running 20-24 miles a week plus weight training and Zumba, I know I need to tighten up the food choices if I am to get past this point.

I am a lifetime dieter who turned 60 this year and now hates the word DIET. I am learning to think diet as in lifestyle rather than diet as in doing without certain foods. Moderation and healthier choices, along with lost pounds, is the direction I'm heading in.

married 2 years mother of 1 year old. would like to loose baby wieght and then relationship weight

I'm a 25 year old former submariiner for the US Navy. I currently handle Marketing Operations for a large corporation. Since returning from the military, I have put on about 20 lbs of fat all in the stomach and am very unhappy with it. I look forward to losing the weight and getting fit again.

I am 59, a retired English teacher. I volunteer at the local humane society.

32 yr old nurse and mom of 11 yr old

I`m 38 years old, My current weight is 215 pounds,5`3feet I have one child,I`m working in retail .

I am 21 years old. I work, live and go to school in New York City. Stress is inevitable when living in NYC. In order to manage stress levels, I want to implement a plan that consists of healthy eating and exercise. Let's hope for the best!

I am a mom of a 2 year old and a 9 1/2 mth old. (I know, I know... I have my hands full ! ) LOL! I live in Austin, Texas. I have lost about 30 pounds since January just buy working out and eating better. I am now STUCK!!! I actually gave up and said I am going to go back to eating whatever I want. Well that lasted for about a week. Then I saw a reflection of what "used to be me" and freaked out. So now here I am again trying another book. I hope this works for me.

Female 42 years old Litigation Assistant No kids love my partner and the outdoors

I am a 33 year-old graduate student in central Illinois who is ready to get moving. I have led a sedentary lifestyle since the beginning of winter. I have a deep desire to exercise for my health, longevity, mental alertness and elevated moods that result. I am here for motivation, inspiration and accountability.

I am a 24 year old college grad who is getting ready to go back to school. In the past year I have gained a tremendous amount of weight because I have been forced to be more sedentary due to a broken knee. I have decided to become a doctor and I figure I should be as healthy as possible if I plan on becoming a health care professional. I now work out everyday as a part of rehabilitation for my knee and hope that this dedication will help me shed my unsightly pounds.

I am a 36 year old wife and SAHM of a 2-year old and a 10 year old. I am also, and foremost, a Christian who loves Christ Jesus and seeks to glorify Him in spirit and in body. Visit my blog at:

I'm 39 year old female and would like to be healthy in my forties!

I am a full time working mom of one boy (5 years). I have been separated since 2005 yet remain good friends with my ex. The death of my father, along with a lot of daily stress has led me to gain a lot of weight. I am at the point where I know I can't make excuses for it anymore. I can't use food as a crutch because it won't solve my problems. I am working on what stresses me out, making the right positive changes and not letting myself make excuses. It is MY time to be accountable now.

I am 25 and have been married for 2 years. I have always striggled with my weight. I lost 35 pounds before my wedding to get down to 132, now I am 150 (seriously!!) the first few pounds was from the pill but then I just started eating husband sized portions...and not ever telling myself no... I am a Christian a photographer and a lover of the outdoors

I'm a newly married woman who's trying to balance career, friends, husband's need, and my own needs as well.

I am a stay at home mom to my 13 month old daughter. Although I was only about five pounds heavier than my pre pregnancy weight after I gave birth to her, staying home all day has really taken a toll on my body. I eat when I'm stressed. I am not a morning person, so getting up with my daughter is very hard for me, my motivation has been food, and not healthy food. For the past year, as soon as I wake up I'm eating chips, ice cream, or anything that can be made fast, usually not anything healthy. I continue that pattern all day. I also eat a lot right before bed, since that is my time to myself, I do somthing I enjoy...eating. I have been yo-yoing for about three months, and I'm now realizing where I went wrong. I waited too long before I tried losing weight for summer, and I spend the whole summer on very extreme diets, trying to get a "beach body." I could never stick to any of the diets I tried, and as soon as I'd have a slip up, I'd give up all together. Now that summer has come and gone, I have no need to rush my weight loss, so I'm hoping that I'll be able to stick to a more realistic diet and excercise program.

I am a disabled veteran. I suffer from fibromyalgia so i have a lot of trouble exercising but am doing what I can. If i can lose a good amount of weight I would have less pain.

I'm a 39 y/o single Mom of a teenage son. I work full-time and am also a pre-law student.

I just turned 37. I am a mother of eight children. I have a set of three year old triplest. I have always worked untill three years ago . I have two sons with disabilites downs, and autism.

38 married mother of 1. My weight has gone up and down over the years. After my baby was born my body has never been the same.

height: 5' 2" frame: medium age; mid-forties

I am a 57 year old male and I am 5'6" tall. My body is looking fat as I now weigh 181 pounds. I want to look good and that is going to take losing some weight.

I am a 34 year old mom of 2. I work full time and I am happily married.

34 y.o. social worker, recently married

Highly energetic mom of 12 year old son, working and enjoying two jobs outside my home.

well i'm a working mom with a gr8 husband and a beautiful daughter

Well i'm 21 years old. I have 2 boys a 5 year old and a 11 month old. I am currently enrolled in school and I'll be done in April. I have gained weight with both my pregnancys over the years and i'm not happy with where my body is. Excercise isn't my problem, its the temptation that gets me everytime.

I'm an accountant, I have 3 kids two of which are twin boys. I hardly have anytime to do exercise but i have gained a lot of weight and have been struggling to get it off since i had the twins. It been a battle, I lose then i gain it back. I would really like to lose at least 30lbs and feel better about my body. I have started to take Alli. This is my first week and I have not had any bad side effects from it. Makes me eat less fat and that is good for my weight loss quest.

I am a married 34 year old mother of 3 girls (12, 9, and 5). Over the past year I have lost 20 pounds and I still have 40 more pounds to go. I work as a Real Estate Broker which at times makes it hard for me to eat three meals a day (when I'm showing property). This year will be the LAST year I struggle with my weight. I have great support at home by my husband who is very active, a complete gym in my basement, a trail of over 50 miles behind my house, and a personal trainer! I have no more excuses! 2010 is my year to WIN!

i live with my boyfriend...who is skinny! lol i love kids,dogs, and meeting new people.


Married father of 2. Pounds and inches have creeped up on me ever since I've been married - a little each year but when I see my wedding pictures I know what I want to look like (again)!

I am a twenty year old college student who has always been over weight. I remember a child hood of fast food and junk food and I'm ready to change that.

37 yr old divorced mother of a wonderful 4 yr old daughter. Took me sometime to realize i was fat and overweight bc i am tall and was skinny for the majority of my life, hence, needless to say, it has caught up with me.

I am 35 yrs old, married with a beautiful (and rambunctious) 2 yr old son. I was lucky enough to only gain 15 lbs during my pregnancy with him. I had been carrying the additional 10 lbs for 2 years with no serious diet regimen. I did Fat Smash approx. 3 months ago and finally lost the last 10 lbs! I am on it again since I was not so good during the Holidays..gained 3 lbs )o:

Stay at home mom, five kids, oldest autistic, age ranges 22-13.

I'm a 23 year-old college senior studying international relations. I have gained 25 pounds since last summer, and have become really discouraged about my appearance. My self esteem is suffering. I hope to slim down significantly by May, using eating right and exercise...

I am 25, very active and yet very fat! I want to feel good in my body and loose 35lbs. I can't fit into most of my clothes and I keep from seeing certain friends or doing certain things because I am not satisfied with my body. Time to stop talking about it and do something, something that I will ACTUALLY commit to!

I am a mother of 2 teenage boys Have my own embroidery/monogram business Married 23 yrs

I am married for 17 years to a wonderful man I have two daughters and just joined the Grandmother's club My granddaughter just turned 1 years old and will be calling me Grammie I am an Executive Assistant for a golf profession for 19 years I love the beach, shells, volleyball, ping pong, dancing, laughing

I am a 45 year old married mother of 4 teenagers ages 14, 16, 17 and 18. I recently completed my Masters in Counselling Psychology and gained a lot of weight during the process

26 year old workaholic woman who is trying to battle a busy schedule and too many work lunches in order to lose weight.

I'm knocking on the door of 40-years-old and want to have a happy and slim decade! Not that I thing being slim automatically makes you happy, I just know that this is going to be a very active time in my life with my husband and two girls. I want to do everything I can with them all. I've been on Weight Watchers, but don't have the time to spend on meetings anymore. Starting last Sunday, I'm on the Fat Smash Diet. I'm ready to drop my last 30 pounds!! I started at 197 with the birth of my second daughter in 2003. I'm now down to 160. As a "medium" person, 130 will feel great!

I am 49 years old and trying to find that beautiful woman inside me. Its here, under all this fat.. I could post my before picture of 300 pounds, but yuck! who wants to see that.. I am on my last 30 pounds and its been tough. I am currently starting the couch to 5 k program at and I am GONNA to it.. Please join my group 5K run in 2009!

I am a 33 year old mother of 3 and I just let myself go I love being thin and able to run after the children and do things with them. I want to be around to see them grow up and also to teach them how to eat properly.

I am 30 years old and I started putting on weight little by little at 25 when I quit smoking. I have never "dieted" before and have never really believed in them but I now relaize I need a schedule to adhere to that will keep me on track. Extreme Fat Smash is more of a lifestyle than a diet to me so I feel thta it will work much more than all those fad diets.

I am an avid reader as well as writer. I also am a Great cook. I tend to stay out of the kitchen more since my weight has went up. I love to spend time with my Grand Children 3 years and 3 months old. The rest can come later. (Smile)

I am 29 years old and mother to 2 adorable girls: Sadie (3) and Catie Beth (9 wks). I have always struggled with my weight and finally took control of it when I turned 21 when I went from from 180 to 115 lbs on Sugar Busters. I kept most of it off but had crept up to about 135 in 2005 when I got pregnant. I gained and astonishing 85 pounds and it took nearly 2 years to get back to 150. I was up to 160 a year ago when I got pregnant again and gained 55 lbs in that pregnancy. I am now at 195 and am desperate to lose this weight! I feel like I'm walking around in someone else's skin and I want out!

Single mom to 2 boys ages 9 and 7. Work full time and struggle with my weight constantly.

I am a 30 year old single mom. I am disgusted with myself because I weigh more now than when I did when I gave birth to my son 11 years ago. I am very athletic but it is very hard for me to lose weight. I have struggled with my weight for almost 15 years.

I'm a out going vibrant person but my weight is getting my confidence now. I'm very observant now of what people are looking at now are they looking at my weight or what. I'm not myself anymore and I'm always tired.

Fun, formerly fit girl with 3 awesome kids 4 and under, wonderful husband, and a sweet dog. Work part-time, from home, and adore cooking (and eating, natch) cocktailing with friends. Also love to exercise, but time is limited so I like to be brutally, efficiently sweaty.

23, 5'4'' Benefits coordinator for a dentist practice in roseville, northern California. Stress Weight gained. 5'4'' I bet like.... 130 lbs... Goal: 5'4'' 105 lbs.

I have been overweight all my life but not like now. I had three kids in 4 years and have gained a lot of weight now. I want to take control of weight and not my weight take control of me. I want before to turn that page in my life on my 30th birthday.

My name is mona and im 19 and im a student and i love to hang around with friends,read magazines,watch movies and sometimes like going to the gym, thats only sometimes tho.

A few years back I was diagnosed with Dilated Cardiomyopathy and almost did not make it. I have since come around and am feeling much better. In the process I gained 30lbs. as a result of the medications and not being able to do much activity wise. I want to get back to my pre-sick weight of 140 lbs.

I an in my mid twenties and am married with two little ones. I gained weight with the pregnancies because "the baby" needed milkshakes and cheeseburgers. Then I went through an illness that helped add on some more weight. I am about to start nursing school and I'm looking foward to looking and feeling like my old self again.

I am a 38 year old mother of 3 (2 boys - 13 and 8, girl, 13) and the wife of a firefighter. I am a busy working mommy. I love spending time with my friends and family. I want to get this weight OFF

36 year old stay at home mom of 3 boys

I am a 45 year old mother of two teen age boys. I live on a horse farm in Ohio. I teach people to ride and show their horses in show jumping competitions. I also use to ride and show, but since I hurt my back a few years ago, I don't ride anymore. You have to be very fit and have stamina, which I don't have. I have gained weight and have been miserable since my back problem. I did lose weight on the South Beach diet, but really missed fruits and veggies.

63 widow, living on sandwichs since my husban died last year, need to get on a good eating habit.

I'm a divorced mother of two boys age 12 and 9. I'm a manager for a telecommunications company

I am a 20 year old African American college student. I came to college and let go of myself a little bit. I was in denial a little bit about my weight but seeing recent pictures and older pictures I now see what everyone else see. I currently weigh 160 and I would like to go down to atleast 140

I began a weight loss program in 2004 at 205 lbs. I got down to 143 but gained over the last few years.

I'm a 51 y.o. female with a husband, 2 kids, multiple pets, and a full-time job.

I'm 36 years old,married and have 3 current wieght is 147 and my goalis to lose at least 10 pounds of my 5'3 hieght. I love coffee,i love to read.i'm a medical Technologist.

I'm a 48-yr.-old divorced woman w/ a 12 yr. old son. After adjusting some medication dosages last year, I gained 13 lbs. in 2 months, and it all came in the form of belly fat and cellulite on my rear and hamstrings. I never had a weight problem before, and this new "fat suit" is making me very uncomfortable and self-conscious, right when I should be trying to make new friends and start dating again! bleah!

I'm a 42 yr old woman of 2 young adults, I've always been big boned, thick as they called it, I stopped smoking in 2005 and gained over 100 lbs. I've always been a walker but ever since I quit smoking I've gained all this weight and I didn't notice it until it was to late. I've never had a stomach and now I look like I've swallowed a beer keg I still walk but no where near as far as I use to and the lower part of my back kills me.

I am 39 years old, married, no kids. Living in Spokane, WA. since my 30s the weight has been creeping up higher and higher. When i moved back to my hometown, Spokane, he weight really piled on and I can't seem to lose it. I know what I need to do. I've joined Weight Watchers countless times. I've read tons of nutrition books. I just lack the motivation and willpower to do it. there are lots of food related issues that I need to tackle. I am hoping that this program will help. I am a Youth Services Librarian. I love to knit and spin yarn. I also love to do outdoor things. I love running, hiking, camping.

Turned 31 last week. Mother of two beautiful, busy boys (5 and 19 months). Wonderful husband with a naturally high metabolism, which means he can eat what he wants and not be concerned (lucky guy). Recently quit my desk job and am trying to make a go of it on my own. Have a crazy sugar addiction, which I must overcome.

I'm a work-at-home mama to 4 boys (9, 7, 5, and 2), running my own business while trying to keep the house organized, the family in harmony, and my life in balance. It's a constant struggle, LOL!

I'm 25 years old and weight 165! I need to lose about 30 lbs but we are going to start with a goal of 20lbs by March 15th. Thats 10 weeks and if I'm good I think it can be done

32, not married, no children, administrative assistant, funny, intelligent, and o'yeah FAT!!

Recent law school graduate trying to get rid of this school weight.

I'm a 36 y/o mother & wife. I am the only woman in my house & have to feed 3 very big eaters. It seems like my weight came out of nowhere right after my wedding in March of '07. I was going to a personal trainer, but now that I'm laid off, I cannot afford it. I need some type of support system, because I realize that I'm a nervous/stressed/emotional eater.

37 year old mother of one

hi!! im felicia! i'm 21 and i am looking to lose about 40 lbs... i want to be healthy happy and a better me! i know this will be a huge struggle bc i love to eat out and i love to just be lazy!! but i know that i have to take action now before it starts to get 2 late. i currently weigh 177 and i am 5'4 and i just hit the obese section on the bmi!! i think that more than anything was a wake up call for me!!! i'm gonna need help so i am looking to this website for encouragement and just general help!!!!

I am 57.told I have high blood pressure and I need to take better care of myself. I am 50 lbs overweight

I am a 24 year old graduate student. My wonderful husband and I are blessed to have a gorgeous little girl. She is getting ready to turn two. I work for a non-profit organization and go to school full-time. My husband has been blessed with the metabolism of a 15 year old boy. He can eat whatever he wants and not gain a single ounce. He has been the same weight for 20 years. I, on the other hand, have gained about 65 pounds since we met about seven years ago. I just need to be healthy for me. I'm sick and tired of being tired all of the time. I have noticed some more pain in my joints and a decrease in self-esteem. I deserve better than what I am giving myself. I weighed 270 pounds this morning. I am putting away the scale for thirty days. I don't want to get stuck on the number that stares back at me. I suppose that is enough for now. Time to get healthy.

I am a 45 and have an administrative job where I mainly sit all day. Six months ago I was able to run up to 10 miles and work the rest of the day. I lost my motivation and found more pounds than I care to mention.

I am a 30 year old graduate student (b-school) trying to lose 60 pounds. I started the Detox phase on 01-03-09.

I am a 30 something mother of 6 living in Mass and have been struggling with my weight for years (especially since having my children). I am determined to focus on losing the weight I have gained over the past several years. I know it want be easy but I am sure with the support of all of you it will happen in 2009.

I am a new mother and have struggled with weight loss since I was a teenager. Since having my son, I can feel a physical difference in my body - my muscles are weakened and my skin is not as firm. I simply want to feel better and see myself in a more positive light.

I am a 45 year old mom of 2 teenagers, 13 and 15. I am currently unemployeed and take online college classes from home. I have my minagerie of critters to keep me from going nuts during the day. My man is in grad school and is constantly working. The kids eat like teens and my guy is terminally thin, can eat anything. I have struggled with my weight all my life and after my divorce in 06 I just started packing on the weight. I am as heavy now as I was when I had my daughter. I feel and look like hell and it's time to get off my butt and do something about it. I use to be quite the social butterfly, now I dont go anywhere there are people if I can help it. I have a ton of clothes, that are probably back in style by now, that I would love to fit into.

I am a 23 y/o wife and mother. My son is 19 months and my husband is a recruiter for the Army. I had gained 50 pounds since high school during my pregnancy. While pregnant I gained 25 lbs. I lost the baby weight in about 2 months but since then I have gained an extra 20 lbs. I want to love 100lbs. But I procrastinate!

im a college freshman who is now ready to take control of my weight problems

I have never had a weight proplem until i hit thirty I swear it is like something triggered on my 30th and bam i gained 65 pounds in a years time. I do not want to be "skinny" again I just want to be comfortable in my own skin

I'm 27 years old and I have 1 child who is 6 years old. After the birth of my daughter, I never lost the baby weight and in fact, put on more weight. I currently weight 253 lb, or that's what I weighed 3 days ago when I started the fat smash diet. I have a big goal to reach and I am determined to get there.

I am a 44 yr old mom of 2. I work part-time and taxi my kids to their activies. Now it is my time!

I am a retired 65 year old ex research nurse in Central Texas. I had been aa very active person with much energy. Now, not so much. I am renovating a hundred year old farmhouse Victorian house. Lots of exercise here.

Mother of two, always rushing off to school events and sporting activities. Work full time at a job I love.

I am a mother of 3 ages 12, 10 and 4. I have been married 16 years to a wonderful man. We have a cleaning business that we are trying to expand. I also babyset during the day for a school teacher so I get summers off. I enjoy doing crafts and chocolate is my down fall.

I am 43 years old and married for 2+ years and am a Christian. I was laid off from my job in Dec and consider this time a gift to get re-focused for the next step as well as to get healthy. My husband is a wonderful guy and has the problem of needing to gain weight so this will be particularly challenging for me. We are trying to get pregnant but are also looking into adoption.

I finished graduate school last year and now I'm applying for jobs closer to home to be closer to my family. I want to have a baby, but we have been trying for over a year with no luck. I lost 25 pounds 2 years ago at about this time of year, but it has crept on over the last 6 months due to stress and travelling a lot.

I am active duty military. I have my semi annual fitness test coming up and need to get in shape quickly.

I am in my mid 50's have a beautiful marriage and two grown children. I work full time and enjoy spending quality time with my husband.

I'm sixteen years old and looking to loose an additional 15-20 pounds after loosing 23 earlier this year. (:

My name is Candice, I'm 18 years old and I weigh 305 lbs. I never realized how much I had let myself go until I saw this picture. I have a boyfriend how loves all of me and is happy with me, but sometimes it seems that it would make him more happy if I wasn't so big. I know it would make me happy. I've tried diet after diet, pill after pill, and obviously none of it has worked. I just want to be happy with myself instead of the continual lies. I want to play softball once more and look good in American Eagle, and not be afraid to eat in public or anything. I thought I would give Peer Trainer and myself a try. I know I'm capable of losing weight, and if I have support, I know I can do it. I want to do it. I have to do it.

i lost 40 lbs 2 years ago only to gain back 25 of it! Yikes! I did a severe protein only diet, so needless to say it came back with eating anything, even fruit& veg's. This time I really want to focus on healthy eating and portions.

I'm 19. Have been on a roller coaster for a year and a half (gain, lose, gain, lose....) I just lost 15 and now I've gained 7 back. I want to lose that 7 again and then keep it there!

I am 19 years old. I have tried different kinds of diets and even starved myself sometime with no result :(. 5 years ago, I found out that my weight problem was because I have a thyroid problem and ever since I have been struggling more with my weight. I kind of almost lost hope but right now I am more determined to lose weight and be healthy. However, I have gained more weight in college because of the stress.

Stay-at-home professional. 43 years young. Married with two daughters, 11 and 9.

My name is Monica and I'm a 22 year old graduate student. I have been struggling with my weight since I was younger and now that I am 22 and am about to graduate again in 2010, I figured it would be a good idea to try to really reach my goal of losing weight for my 2010 graduation which is a year and a half away. I weigh 291 pounds right now and so I need to lose 121 pounds as of now.

Manager, Paralegal, Great Grandmother.

Married, Full-time working mom of two teens. Very full plate (pardon the pun), trying to make time for self. Use to enjoy exercising, but lost the desire and find myself too tired or too busy to squeeze it in.

TRM - "The Real Me" - I'm here to be honest. I'm in my 50's, married, no children. Weight has been the one thing in my life that I have not been able to master.

I'm a sophomore in college and I've gained 10 pounds in the past term. I managed to avoid that all of freshman year, but the excessive partying and stress of academics got to me. Now I'm trying to get back on track with healthier eating, stop the binge eating, and get back into running shape.

I am a 28 yr old married mother of 2 boys (8 & 2). I didn't have problems with my weight until after my second child. I'm only about 10lbs lighter than I was when I was pregnant. I'm done being overweight. I need to get back in my cute

My name is Nicole and I am 36 yrs old. I live in Northern California, Bay Area, with my husband Jerry and our two Pugs, Kona & Niko. I am currently about 157 lbs at 5'3" and would like to loose about 15-20lbs. I am currently training for a beginers Tri-athlon in May 2009 (4 mile run, 13 mile bike, 0.5 mile swwim). I was very active in highschool and in my 20's and early 30's but have slowed down for no particular reason. A co-worker of mine asked me to do a Tri-atholon with her so I thought what a great way to get in shape and get healthy. I have a desk job so it's hard to be active during the day but I've recently got a personal trainer to help me get ready for the Tri-athlon. My husband is a very active walker and has completed many 3-Day Breast Cancer walks in the U.S. so he is a good inspiration for me and helps me get motivated. I'm really excited about the Tri-atholon and my goal is to finish the race.

I am a professional woman with three children. Making time to take care of myself is a challenge. But it is a priority for 2011

I'm 23 yo female, 5'1 and 152lbs. I'm a recent college grad.

I'm lazy and my will power is zilch when it comes to molten lava cake and other sweets.

South african girl, almost in my mid twenties. I had a serious wake up call when i saw an old school photo of me. it shocked me to the core. I need to get back on track and shake all the weight ive gained. and i have gained a tremendous amount

I am 23 years old. I graduated from Western Conn. State with a Bachelor's in Justice and Law. I am in the process of becoming a police officer. I love working out and spending time with family and friends. Working out is a way of life, but I love food more than I thought I did as of late. I had accomplished mostly everything on my own up until this point and I am seeking help in the worst way from people who know what I am going through

40 year old stay at home mom and married for 5 years.

I am 39 years old and knocking on 40's door. :) I have slowly put on the weight for emotional reasons - two children, stressful job, divorce, etc. I've really cut a lot of my stress down so now it's time to tackle the weight. I don't like the health side effects - higher blood pressure. I don't like the physical side effects - shortness of breath going up and down stairs, HOT most of the time, aches and groans. I also don't like what I see in the mirror. I am a single mom and am going to have to become the beautiful person I am on the inside - also on the outside. It's a shame our society looks at the outside package but they do - me included. I want to find someone who is fit - then I guess I better become what I want. :)

I'm 25 year old stay at home mom of a 2 year old i have been married for going on 5 years

I'm a 29yr old wife and mother of two, a 9 month old son and a 4 yr old daughter.

Cindy Golden - 35 year old married Female living in Raleigh NC with my husband, Mike Golden. We both started the Fat Smash diet on Monday 6/15 and we want to lose 50lbs or more each. We both own successful businesses, I have a pet sitting business and he own a Real Estate & Property Management Company, it's time to look like we are successful by being healthy and fit for life.

Married 5 years approaching 40 (March 1st) I have a 13 month old, two step children 12 and 10 also raising my 16 year old sister. Prior to pregnancy I wore size 7/8 since high school. Never ever been on a diet. When i didn't loose the weight soon after giving birth to my daughter I became very depressed. I had no idea I would handle it this way. Now I'm tired of feeling depressed and sorry for myself I'm ready to make a change.

I love music, I love to dance. I have 2 boys ages 9 and 12, and I'm married to a wonderful man.

I need to get in shape and lose weight. I am 22 years old. I was once 180 pounds years ago and i finally lost 30 pounds over time. I got down to 145 over the summer and i gained a good 15 pounds these last couple of months. I seriously hate looking at my stomache its so gross and it smiles at me lol. i hate it. When i do the fat smash diet i see results so quick. Im lucky that i have a body type that loses weight quickly- but also gains it quickly. I need help getting back in the healthy mode. Its starting to depress me!

I'm a 27 and not very active. I want to change that ASAP. So, I'm starting to watch what I eat (respecting my body more) and also exercising. I'm on the Fat Smash Diet (Phase I, Day 5) and I've lost 4 lbs already!!!

Im 26, married and currently living in Japan with my husband Ronnie! He is active duty Air Force! We have no kiddies yet just enjoying the two of us! Im finally ready to commit to getting into shape and living a healthier lifestyle!

I'm a single lady who is a social worker for a health insurance company. I enjoy singing, spending time with family/friends, and traveling. I also enjoy reading the bible and surfing the Internet.

I'm a stay at home mom of 2 wonderful boys ages 2 and 7. I've been married for almost 7 years. I've been overweight basically since I graduated high school. I'm tired of hiding behind this fat on my body. I want to feel good and happy.

I'm married, no kids, lots of pets and live in the country. I'm a city girl at heart and love the beach. I would like to eventually go back to South Florida where I grew up and lived for most of my life. I love going to concerts, the mall and spending time with my family.

I actually weigh less now than before I got pregnant but since I had my baby 11 months ago and I want to lose at least 15-20 pounds. I also want tone up my stomach since I had to have a C-section.

29 year old married mother of two

I am 30 years old and have a 2 year old daughter. I am the largest that I have ever been and it's becoming harder and harder to cope with all of this weight. I am trying the Fat Smash Diet, I hope it works.

Married with 3 kids. Love to read. High School science teacher.

25 and working in the fashion industry. It's hard being surrounded by people who are thin, toned and making wearing clothes that much nicer. I have never been stick thin, but I was at a good weight until bad breakup--which then I discovered I am definitely an emotional eater. I started binging and it's been difficult to lose it since...

I am a 45 year old wife and mother who is feeling horrible about herself (physically). I am lacking motivation but I am inspired by other's success. Why can't that be me? Well, it can be!

I am a freshman in college and unfortunately I've caught the freshman 15 bug.

33 year old, single, professional. Just moved to the D.C. area one year ago. I have been blessed to be in good health, but with a family history of various maladies I cannot continue to risk my health and just pray that I don't get sick. Time to make a change!

I had a baby March '08 and still have not taken all my weight off.

i'm 34, married, 3 kids, i work full-time and go to school

I am a married mother of 4. I have 2 adult daughters and 2 young sons. I just turned 48 and want to get my weight under control this year. I'm planning for my fabulous 50th.

I am 27 a wife and a mom of 5 and a care coordinator.I am always helping every one I am ready to start takeing care of my self.

I am a 27 year old single mom and lawyer. I have been preparing for the IL bar exam since july (failed once) and have been eating fast food four times a week. Now I still have 20 pounds of baby fat and 10 extra pounds of Bar Exam fat!! I have just started the extreme fat smash and I am hoping that I can loose the 25 ponds by summer!!

44 year old female,work full time in the computer field. Started Doing Atkins 6 years ago and lost 70 kilos so far. Hit a Stall about a year ago and since then have been unable to break it. Also Found it was too limiting in fruits and vegetables ...which I love

I am a 37 mom/wife and have generally been overweight and dissatisfied with my body throughout my life. After the birth of my second child in aug 2006 my weight was a whopping 95 kgs. I started to train and make healthy eating choices and by June 2009 had come down to a more satisfying weight of 72 kgs. Since then things started to change and I had to move overseas and was there for nearly 4 months and now back to Sydney end Dec 2009. All this took a toll on me and have gained again to 82 kgs. All this while i have neither exercised nor eaten healthily. I have finished my study to be a personal trainer and want to start training people and the only thing that comes in my way is my own personal fitness and weight. I will slowly start to bring in my old lifestyle, of exercising 5 times and making healthy food choices, back into my life.

I am 29 yrs old (almost 30) I am a wife and mother of an 8 yr old and a 2 yr old. I am determined to lose 30 pounds, not necessarily for looking good (I am already curvy and attractive). As a nursing student I am learning so much about the impact that excess weight has on the body and that's my motivation for losing this weight.

Hi everyone! I am 47 I weigh between 165 and 167. I am 5'10. My goal is to lose about 15 pounds. My biggest problem is toning. I am in desperate need of toning! I have had two abdominal surgeries, one c-section and the other an ovary removed so I am not sure if there is hope for my belly! I sure hope so! I have untoned arms that are not appealing. I do not look bad but would like to look better:)

I am going to be 40 in October and am determined to get back into a healthful way of eating and exercise. I was always great about it up until the last year and I have basically been so busy with family and work, plus having a baby at age, that I have really let myself go. Eating whatever is convenient and not taking time to exercise...always excuse after excuse. Now I am ready to move forward and leave the excuses and excess weight behind.

I am 24 years old. I just gave birth to my daught Emily 5 weeks ago. I have a 16 month named Nash. I teach first grade.

I’m a married mother of 3 and recently certified personal trainer. I love helping others get in shape and take control of their lives.

33 yrs old, Graphic Designer living in the suburbs of DC. Married and have a 2 1/2 year old son. My schedule is hectic as I am a working mother. The only time I have to exercise is either 4:30am or, the food choices I have been making have caught up with me. I'm looking forward to logging in my daily intake/exercise goals so I can keep myself honest.

I'm a 31 year old grad-student in my last semester of school. I am interested in alternative health care, yoga and nutrition. My weight has fluctuated over the years, but I have mainly been wanting to lose 10-20 lbs forever. I am currently 146, and want to get down to around 126. I haven't seen that weight in about 4 years.

I am a 28 yr old mther of two:) Lately Ive been having some digetion problems and I feel its due to my horrrible eating habits so with that in mind its time for me to take action! I must start making better choices because I want to live, I here most of my cowrkers complain about their, diabetes and high blood pres. and so on and that scares me to think when Im their age I'll be in the same situation having to take medication and being in and out of the hospital.THIS I DO NOT WANT! so what choice do I have? TAKE CONTROL OF MY EATING HABITS. easier said then done but its doable and I knw I can with a little support and motivation........

41yr fem. marries, no children. Ill for 1 year and put on all medications, gained 3 dress sizes as become a zombie, bedridden lazy, couldnt even cook.

27 year old mother of 2. I am desperate to be 150 pounds again. Right now, I am weighing in approximately 175 pounds. I would love to lose the extra weight and regain some of my confidence.

Young professional attempting to fight winter weight and to continue a healthy life into my mid-20s.

I am a 34 year old married mother of 1 beautiful little boy that is 2 years old. I have decided to stay at home to provide full time care for him. Although some days I feel like I worked less at work than staying at home.

Hello, I am a 26 years old. I weigh 175 and I'm 5'5 1/2. I am a single mom of two, and a full time college student. I also have a full time job. All the these things have led me astray as far as my fitness. I am praying that this way of life works for me.

Wife to a wonderful and loving man. Mother to an amazing 1 year old.

I am a college student and a vegan, which both interfere with my exercising and eating habits. Living in the dorms has done more harm than good to my body, and I've been extremely lazy in trying to change it, I'm watching myself fit into less clothing and feeling my confidence slide, yet seem to be incapable of changing this pattern without any external motivation (which is why I'm here).

I'm a 45 y/o mother of two boys that are now out of the house. I'm looking forward to grandchildren some day, but want to be able to feel good enough to play with them. I do good for awhile on a diet, and then I slip up and totally fall off. I'm going to try the Fat Smash diet because it sounds like it's the most like what I know I should eat like anyway.

I am 28 year old newlywed that has put on extra weight since getting married, and I am ready to get rid of it. I want to have kids one day, and I want to be in the best shape of my life.

56 yo Hospice Nurse. I work 10 - 11 hrs a day, sit at my desk, in my car, or visiting families.

I am 5'4", small frame, and 128lbs. I would like to weigh 110lbs.

I am a mother of two boys ages 3 and 6. I am currently in school trying to obtain my nursing degree. I have a very hectic life between work, school and my family. I have neglected myself. But with every thing there is room for change. I am ready for that change. From here on out I am making more time for me. I just turned 30 and I am tired of carrying this weight around. It makes me feel like an old women.

I am 39 years old. I suffer from Rheumatoid Arthuritis. I know that if I can get my eating habits under control that it will be less strain on my joints with having to carry around the extra pounds. I am goal oriented and once I set my mind to do something I do it with my whole heart,

An avid surfer, runner and all around athlete, I split my time between three great hometowns, attend art school and am grateful for everyday I am given.

I'm 30 years old and have been overweight for as long as I can remember. I've decided to do something about it.

I am 27 and I have struggled with weight loss since the age 9 ys old. I have gone up and down in weight. There were times that I did lose weight and I would go right back up. I have never been slim, I have always been on the heavier side. I am very down to earth, sociable, outgoing, love to laugh and go out. I kind and caring, once you get to know me there is no way you would hate me lol

I am a 45 years old working mom to two beautiful boys, 9 and 24, happily married for 26 years. I work full time outside of home as an IT Manager in a highly demanding environment. Between my job responsibilities and being a mom to a 9-year old responsibilities, I struggle with making my eating habbits, fitness and apperance as a priority. I gained 25 lbs. over the last two years and went from size 4 to size 8. First I attribute my weight gain to having a neck surgery in September of 2006 and not being able to exercise for a while, being at home for a while wearing pj's with elastic waist and eating non-stop to comfort myself and fight the boredome while recovering from the surgery. Then after returning to work I got a new boss and situation turned to hell, I was pretty miserable, so I ate and ate and ate, and got very depressed and coudn't find the drive to return to exercising. Now I started a new job 2 months ago which I love and I am trying to get back to my old self, energetic, fit, active, and yes thin, and yes to fit back to all my cute clothes size 4 I still have in my closet. I have been on a pretty good exercise schedule for 6 weeks now, however I struggle to get control of my eating. I am being "good" while at work, then I come home and grab whatever I see that's eatable and after finishing eating it I don;t even know what it tasted like. This is where I think the Beck's approach will help me most.

I'm 48 years old, mother of three and married for over 16 years. Attending my 30 year High School Reunion in late August. Used to be very active but kids, marriage and work had given me great excuses to not take care of me. Now it's my time!

I'm a single mother of 3 teenagers that are soon transitioning in to adults, joining the military and leaving home. I have dedicated my life to them and want to dedicate my life to be and start living healthy.

I am a teacher and a single mom. I love both, but there has been little time for anything else. I love to read, am into politics, and I used to love to ballroom dance.

I am a 23 year old mother of 1 (little girl) and wife. I am blessed to be able to stay at home with my daughter. My husband and I recently moved back to my hometown in, yes...Kenai, Alaska! New place, new habits, new start!

About to turn 29 yrs old and would love to be back to weighing 127 lbs.

I am a 28 year old law school graduat. Over the past couple of years pounds have crept on and I want to put a stop to it before I turn the big 30.

I'm 33 years old, married and I have two boys (a 4yr old and a 15 month old). I just started working out again and plan to stick with it.

I'm 23.I woek in a nursing home as a Restorative aide. my husband and i have been married for about 8 months..but been together for 7 years!

39 married with no kids aIthough I treat my dog like one; enjoy working out ~ just need to get a handleon the nutrition part; desk job so not much moving around at work.

I majored in dieting and minored in cheating. I have been on a diet for ever. And, I am past the big 60 by almost a year. It is now or NEVER!!! I have a very active lifestyle, my son owns a restaurant. We love to entertain and drink some wine. My life is all about food, it seems.

My name is keosha and have tried every diet in the book. I have yet to find one that works well for me, and a friend told me about fat smash. I will began tommorrow and I'm so excited to go SMASH IT!!!!!

I am 34 years old and I am a mother of two.

I'm 38, mother of 5 great boys. I want to be healthy and around for my children for a very long time

I am a 32 year old single woman who has been fat all my life. I am generally comfortable with myself and body but once i got into a relationship i packed on the pounds...about 40. Right now, i would like to shed those excess pounds plus my tow-tier stomach.

am 50 years old, a professional mother of 3 . I was thin all my life but after I had my 3rd child at 42, gained weight that I never took off. Though I am continually trying to lose weight., I seem to gain 5 pounds a year. Though I weighed 130 into my 40s now I wiegh nearly 180!! I am beginning to have foot problems which I am sure are related and just want to get back on track. I hipe that this will help.!

Medical conditions in the last two years have caused me to gain over 70 lbs thanks to a very slow metabolism. Now that I have it under control, I need to lose the weight I lost originally. =[ I am looking for networking and support, will gladly do the same for anyone who is struggling to lose the weight and keep it off the healthy way.

I'm a happily married mom of 6, ranging in age from 10yrs - 30 yrs. I was always thin until I quit smoking 16 yrs ago, since then, I've gained 100 lbs, 85lbs of it was within the first 6 months!

Im 20 years old I had a baby 5 months ago and have put on a lot of weight over the last 3 years due to depression. awith the new addition to my family I feel like I need to make a better me

42-year old mother of two sons, ages 18 and 14 years. Happily married for 24 years, and a nurse educator.

I am 26 yrs old. Mother of 3, twin boys who will be 10 this month and a little girl who is now 3. I am a paralegal so I sit a lot during the day. Can't really think of anything else to put right now

Im a mommy a wife and a super woman.

~I am 28 years old and I love love love to eat. I could probably be the ultimate champion of the potato chip eating contest. Right now in my life there really isn't much going on and the reason for that is I made time for myself to get healthy again. I'm debating on returning to school for a Master's in Accounting and I really need to get in shape and stay in shape before then. I know it will be crazy trying to work and go to school at the same time. I used to be very fit and healthy and now I feel like I have no control over my body. It's a terrible feeling. Before I started my junior year in college, I was at the gym 2 hours each day, working hard to stay in shape. I also ate VERY healthy (absolutely no junk food)!! I felt so good back then. Well, now it's my time to get back to the old me.

I am a 22 year old recent grad and am trying to lose between 7-10 lbs on Fat Smash, I am 5'5 and weigh about 132. I graduated from Wake Forest University in May and am now employed by the University as a part of their one year long Fellows program . Overall I am an extremely healthy eater, but I tend to crave sweets. It is also difficult to maintain such healthy habits when socializing (eating out, partying on weekends).

really busy nursing student and having a hard time balancing my time and maintaining a healthy diet with my outrageous schedule. i just completed my first half marathon but i honestly gained more weight. i now have fat and a combination of muscle making me look big and bulky for a really small girl. Im really short so i want a longer leaner, less bulky figure

I am a 35 year old mother of 1 married to a WONDERFUL & SUPPORTIVE man:)....over the years I have let myself go and gained some unwanted weight...and now I am ready to SHED THE POUNDS!

I am 27. I am married and work as a TV editor.

I am between 195 and 200 pounds. Its really hard for me to get motivated. If i do get motivated, i work out for like 2 weeks and then stop completely. I joined weightwatchers in march and lost 13 pounds in 3 weeks. i just recently gained the rest of it back. i cant seem to get back into the swing of weight watchers. i am a member of a gym that i pay for and dont go to. Im sick of the coments that my family and boyfriend give me. I want to eat better and get in shape, im concerned for my health because i have an addiction to food and cant seem to make the right choices. I want to get to the point of being able to go for a run everyday.

52 year old, married female. I've slowly gained over 50 pounds over the last 10 years. I want to lose it. My husband works hard physically and is in great shape. He can devour a lot of food - he loves bread, cheese, pizza, cookies and desserts. It's hard for me to prepare meals for us both and I don't like to cook to begin with. So diets are really hard for me.

I am 26 years old and looking for a healthy lifestyle change.

Single black female 31 years of age

I am knocking on 40's door and I plan on leaving the rest of my life as a Fit and Fabulous Women

I am 45 yrs old, Married to a wonderful man, I have 2 daughters ages 9 and 4. I work 30 hrs a week and take care of the home.

My name is Maggie - I am a 28 yr old wife, mother of a 15 mo old little boy and a nursing student. So, needless to say, I am busy busy. I have been struggling to lose this remaining baby weight - about 7-10 lbs (depending on the day), but also need to lose a bit more! I know a lot about nutrition and exercise and have successfully lost weight and stayed fit for years in the past, but my weight crept up before I got preggo and now I am having the HARDEST time losing!!! I dont know what the deal is and I am getting DESPERATE!!!

I love music, dancing, writing poetry short storys, Horseback riding ect...

I am a 30 yr old mother of 3 children. I am engaged and the wedding is coming up soon. I need the motivation to get up and lose the weight and start eating healthy. I know that I won't be able to lose 60-70 lbs within a month, but I have to start. I am also working on my B.S. and have a full time job, so time is my issue! I am looking for people that are supportive and that will help keep me on track.

I'm 25 years old finish my last semester of Grad School, work 2 jobs and I am very active in community service. I like to stay busy, so I'm usually always on the GO! I like trying new things, reading, cooking and singing!

I like to read, write , and do crossword puzzles

I love spending time with my family. I play music in a band when I can, I'm a preschool teacher, I do enjoy the kids. You just never know what they are going to say!

I am in my forties,fat and female! Yes FFF, that's me! I have high cholesterol levels and takes medication for hypothyroidism. I am 5'4'' and feels as if I am gaining weight every week! Seems like even when I am 'good' there is ni change. So frustrating! I am am married to a great guy, have 2 teenage daughters. I enjoy doing Pilates 2 times a week but need to do more exercise. I am a Christian. Loves the beach.

I am a new mom and i want to lose the baby weight in addition to become healthy. Also I want to feel better about myself.

imagine how it would feel to be 30lbs lighter. I want to feel that lightness. I am embarking on this program with some doubt - I hope that can be turned around and I can reach my goal and live the best life I can.

I am 37 years old, a wife, mother of 2 young children. I've been 50 lbs overweight for almost 11 years. I want the next 25 years of my life to be my healthiest.

I am a full time mother, Active Duty wife, full time student, part time customer service worker and cake business owner...does that sound a little busy? ;)

I'm 50 yrs old and have 2 children .I eat for comfort.

I have always struggled with weight issues. In my 20's I was 40 lbs lighter than I am now. In my 30's I was 20 lbs lighter than I am now, and in my late 30's and early 40's I gave up and became 50 lbs heavier than I am now. I lost and gained the same 30 lbs from 2000-2004, and finally lost and gained that last 10 lbs for a total of 40 for the last 2 years, and have recently taken another 10 lbs off for a total of 50 in the last year. I am working out now 5-6 days a week and lifting a lot of weights. I have always excercised including running, but now I am subsituting 3 days a weeks of weights. I really want to get the last 25 lbs off and keep it off for good. I am looking for support to keep going and get this last 25 off

I am a grandmother of 4 that wants to be able to run and play with the kids without falling over! I have lost quite a bit of my body weight so far but I still have a way to reach my goal. I may add that I lost the bulk of my weight with PT. I stopped for awhile and I have gained some of the weight back. I will get there one step at a time.

I'm 23 years old, 5'1.5", and working everyday to be a healthy human being. I have a great job but it means a lot of time sitting in the office. I'm making new habits and bring on the health :)

My name is Brittany. I will be 21 next month and I am obese. I am also a wife and a mother. My daughter is 18 months old and I have been married for almost 5 months. I love these two, they are my life, my motivation, my inspiration!! I would love to have more kids, but I want to lose the weight first.

College student, female, like to work out and run, but also love to eat. I want to get in great shape and be very fit. My lowest weight was a year ago, where I was 5' 6" and about 120. This past summer was my heighest weight at 152, now I'm about 137 and just trying to get down to about 125-128.

I'm a 31 year old female looking to lose weight to gain energy and get healthy.

College student who gained 30lbs. Lost 15 on my own but having a hard time losing the last 15. Need all the support and motivation I can get. Hope to meet good people out there!

I am 30 year old woman looking to regain my sexy. I am a wife and mother of 2. I love being a mother and wife but need to put myself on my list of priorities with my children and husband.

I work as a public relations professional in health care. Throughout high school and college, I was extremely active and slim. Then I started working full time and getting my masters, and everything went down hill from there! I am ready to make being healthy a priority. I know if I want to look good, I will always have to work hard at it. My body likes to gain weight! :)

A full time worker and student, trying to get control of my health.

Happily married, working mom. Trying to stay active and healthy

I am married with 3 wonderful kids. I weighed 129 a few years ago. When I had surgery I began packing on the weight, and as we all know, weight is easy to gain but hard to lose. I lost 15 on the smash fat diet, but regained. I am ready to give it a try again, because I felt better on this diet. I am currently 185 5 ft 2 inches tall. Ready to began a new year. A NEW ME !

I am a 25 year old Project Manager in Atlanta. I enjoy being active and having fun, but as a person in the construction industry, and on the road a lot, I find it harder to eat the correct foods and exercise regularly.

50 yrs. old Mother of 4..Living with RA so eexercise at times is very challenging to say the least.

I am a active person, who likes to eat juke food. I am looking for a way to eat better.

21. Full-time job. Interested in nutrition. Love being in the water. Determined to get fit.

35 year old wife and mother of 3 boys 14, 11 an 1. Stay at home mom who does contract admin work and on weekends sings and directs music director for my church. Been on Fat Smash since July 09 and have lost 30 lbs so far. Hoping to lose my last 20lbs by this Easter! When I do I will have lost 100lbs since I was pregnant. Woo hoo!

i'm a 36 year old mother of 5. until about 7 years ago i was always physical and involved in sports. i'm not sure when i stopped being productive. i suppose i met my husband, got comfortable and got pregnant with our last child. but i'm done with that! i'm going to start eating right and get fit!

I love to run. Have completed 57 marathons, including 2 Bostons. Used to run competitively regionally in Dallas all distances. Love the marathon distance. Separates the girls from the GALS!

I'm 22yr old single female who has struggled with my weight all my life. I've reached my heaviest weight (sz 22) and I am now fed up! Weight gain came from mostly bad relationships and depression. I will be starting the FAT SMASH diet officially on 2/14/2010 after having the book almost a year. I hope the wonderful members on PEERtrainer will keep me motivated.

I am 38 years old and have two daughters, Delaney (11) and Bella (8) and a3 1/2 year old little boy, Martin! I work part time as an Innkeeper at a beautiful Bed & Breakfast and also help my husband with his Chiropractic business (marketing, computer work). My family and I try to live a healthy lifestyle though this can sometimes be a challenge!

I am a 27 years old. I work full time. My husband and I just bought our first home, so we spend a lot of time working on it together. I am looking forward to starting a family later this year but need to shapen up my lifestyle first!

I'm a 27 yr old female, married for 3 yrs. I've been on all sides of the scale. From 98 lbs-195 lbs and everywhere in between. I was at my thinnest when facing emotional traumas that lead to eating disorders. Inevitibly the weight came back (as they say it does!) My goal for 2010 is to be a HEALTHY me!!!! I recently found myself unemployed after working 60+ hrs a wk and being a part time student (graduated 12/09). I have all the time in the world and no motivation to buckle down and exercise! Excuses like, its too cold to be outside, I embarassed to work out infront of my husband, I'll just eat this today and tomorrow I'll be good... have held me back for far too long!

33 years old.Married to the love of my life and best friend.2 step sons 21 and 17 and my kids are 17,16, and 11.CNA by trade but out of work for last year and a half due to this economy.In my free time I spend time with my family and my other baby(my 8 y/o rottie),reading,anything outdoors and just the simple things in life.

I'm a 27 year old single woman who has been overweight, and come to think of it single, for the majority of my life. My goal isn't to be a skinny girl. Just comfortable in my own skin and able to look good w/o layering clothes to hide my fat rolls ;-) (Short term however. I am desperately trying to lose 20lbs in time for my best friend destination wedding in May)

Mom of three children. I am married to a man that I am deeply in love with, we just don't know how to live together...and I have an incredible boyfriend whom I am in love with as well. We live together and make the best life that we can. I have been anorexic and bulimic and thin my whole life. After having baby number three and hitting mid thirties, my weight is becoming increasingly hard to get off and keep off. I can't starve anymore, plus I have learned to LOVE food too much over the past two years. I just want to be a happy and healthy and ACTIVE mom.

I am 23 years old and a "yo-yo" dieter. I flucuate between 10lb and I really want to lose these 10lbs and keep them off. I think the key to this is learning portion control and to stop eating when I'm stressed and bored.

Motivated to get in shape!

I am 35 work full time, going to school part time,and I am the mother of the most brilliant and beautiful little girl on earth (a little biased). LOL! Been working out for almost 2 yrs and hvnt seen the results!!! Thus a friend told me abt Dr Ians book and the next day I got into it!!!

I am 35, married 16 years w/ two children daughter Logan (15) and son AJ (11). I have always been over weight to a degree, but it has gotten a lot worse over the years. Time for me to take control!

I'm 31, 5'2", I weigh 123lbs, and I have been going to the gym but I haven't added a good, healthy eating program. I feel that it is necessary to take full advantage of working out and getting fit. My husband and I are trying to extend our family and I want my body in tip top before, during and after I have a baby.

I am a 39 year old stay at home mom, trying to lose weight and get fit and healthy.

I currently weigh 169 pounds and my goal is to weigh 140 pounds.

I'm 25 and I've hit my peak, weight-wise. I don't even know how much I weight and I'd prefer to keep it that way. I'm starting the Fat Smash diet today, March 8th, hoping to lose 50lbs at the end of all of this. I have a great team of support and I'd like to keep this going forever!!

Age 57, need to lose 20 pounds & find some BALANCE. Trying to lose obsession with weight. Also focusing on eating & exercising for health now.

Young female post grad professional. Was pretty active and always in the gym throughout college, but now I barley have time to work out because of life, jobs etc. <-- excuses! ready to get fit!

Well I'm a stay at home mom of 5. About to enroll into culinary arts school, and have been stalling because of my insecurity about my weight. So i've decided to do this so i can stop putting my life on hold.

I'm 22 and married, working full time and going to school.

30 year old wife and mother of three boys. I work part time in a hospital as a registered polysomnographer (sleep studies). Used to be quite athletic but have gradually packed on about 50 lbs through ten years and three pregnancies.

I'm a mother of two (5 year old and a 6 weeks old). My goal is to become a Zumba certified teacher, but I need to lose some weight as well. I just had a baby 6 weeks ago, and feel the need to start working out again and eating right.

I am a 29 year old mother of one, and at 5'3" I weigh 140 lbs.

I am married mother of two girls. I am 34 years old. I am currently going back to school, I am taking computer technology.

I'm a 31 year old mother of 2, A Hospice Massage Therapist, and have gained a lot of weight since my hysterectomy 6 years ago. I've tried so many things and nothing has worked for very long. I lose focus and give in to the convenience of eating poorly. I am ready to make a life style change with this diet.

I am a mother of 3 and soon to be a grandmother. Married to my wonderful husband for the last 6 years

21. Classy & Fabulous college student focused in Management Information Systems. Pursuing happiness through God, love, and life.

17 years old female

Over 30 something mother of two teen agers.

I am a 32 y/o mother of 4. Also a professional nurse who spends a lot of my work day snacking

Lilve in Mariposa work in Sonora. Just starting day 3 of fat smash diet.

In June I will be 50,I have 2 beautiful grandchildren and would like to keep up with the youngest who's autistic and very fast.and just a joy.

I'm a single mother of 3; 2 older children and one who is 10, so they're able to give me pointers!!!

I'm 31 with a husband and 2 kids. I work full time at a desk job and need to lose about 40 lbs.

I am a 33yr old wife and mother of three (5,6,14). I work full time and am a part time student. I plan to take more classes and become full time in August, so I know I need to get my health on track. I have been diagnosed with diabetes for a year and I am now getting serious about my life.

I am seventeen years old, and my approach in losing weight has had it's downfalls. I over-came bulimia my sophomore year in high school. I would like to do this program because it will teach me to lose weight in a healthy way, unlike my diets in the past. I have not weighed myself in about two months. I plan on weighing myself every two weeks, and hope this program is as successful for you as I hope it will be for me.

i've been struggling with my weight for the past 6 years or so - always feeling a bit uncomfortable and helpless in losing the extra pounds. i'm fairly active - i run and walk a lot and do some weight training - and i also eat fairly healthy, but i tend to lose focus and eat too much or reach for unhealthy things to make me feel better. it's a pretty vicious cycle - feel crappy, eat crappy, feel worse....

I'm a self motived person, who loves to learn and laugh. I have a one year old son and wanted to get back to my old weight only to realize that I'm already at my old weight and that my old weight is no good.

I am a 30 year old single mom with 3 kids, 11, 7, and 2 years old. I work a full time job and i also attend school online for computer technology. i have been tryin to loose weight for a long time but all i do is eat.

I'm 22 and my birthday is coming up in a month and a half and i plan to stick with what i'm doing to get the results that I want! I go to school full time, and I work full time nights. The nights I work and go to class in the mornings will be hard. Even working through the night, I just have to make sure to have enough fruits and veggies on hand to snack on!

They say: It's not how many times you fall down, but how many times you get back up. Here I am, getting back up again. I am 46. I am single. I have gained 40 pounds since moving to a new city four years ago. I need to make the changes to get back to the lifestyle I had when I lived in NY. I was on peer trainer before. But I dropped out. Twice. I realize that I need support and accountability. My perfection-problem is the cause. If I'm not doing it perfect, I might as well just quit. Need to work on that. I made a career change that has put me in an office. Before I worked at home and had a stressful job. Now, not stressful, but people are always bringing in cookies, cakes and candy. Things I would never have in my house are now sitting on the counter calling to me. I have to make a commitment. Something I have struggled with in the past.

I am 30 years old. My weight has yo-yo'd since I was 10. I was at my thinnest when I was in high school (being 5'5 and weighing 125 lbs then). Since college my weight has flucuated alot. I was at my highest at 216 before I started Fat Smashers. Since stating the diet 3 days ago I have lost 6 pounds. I also got up to this weight a few years ago and was able to get down to 170 on my own. I have been struggeling to get this weight for my wedding in September. I am pretty luck because my fiancee is also doing this with me!

I weigh 120-121 pounds, all my life I've been petite but this year I've gained so much FAT weight because of emotional eating it's a never ending and viscious cycle that has completely effected my life and is holding me back. I am hoping to have support on here and motivation. I really just want to eat only healthy foods but it's hard when I don't know bout much to eat, please help! I'm almost 17.

For the past 10 years I have struggled with 10-15 pounds and have lost and regained weight. Jan 7th I started The 4-Day Diet and felt great, lost 4 lbs in 4 days, continued and have lost 7 lbs over the past month and 1/2. Bad habits are creeping back into my life.

I call this my "Fork in the Road Diet" because I've reached that age where weight loss or even maintenance is more difficult. Today I choose between a Fit or a Fat Future.

18 year old athlete (Basketball) who is looking for tips on how to get rid of hard to lose fat. I am a workout junkie, but I just can't get the results I want.

I'm 54 years old, married, one dog,no children, and am a hair Stylist. I live in Montana and I like to paint watercolors.

The last few years have been really rough. I have gone through a divorce and learned the hard way that I'm stronger than I ever thought. I have a Gorgeous 6 yr old daughter who is just *SIGH* Perfect to me. I have been BLESSED to find an absolutely WONDERFUL man who has asked me to be his wife. We are hoping to exchange vows in November. I am very involved in our Church. I just love everything about it. They have been such a wonderful support for the change in my daughter and my life. I am an AWANA leader and am on the music worship ministry.

I am 67 years old love to walk 2-3 miles a day 5 times a week do weight training.

i'm in my mid-twenties and have over the last year developed a really bad emotional eating habit. before then, i was in great shape and food wasn't an issue in my life. i've spent the last 18 months trying to come to terms with my problem but to no avail...i've picked up 20lbs and am feeling really frustrated. i'm hoping to find some encouragement and support at peertrainer so that i can get back on track.

Female needing to become more discipline with food lifestyle change.

27 yo female wanting to change my eating habits and lose this weight.

I am a happily married mama of 3, ages 6,4,1. I need to lose my excess weight by the time that I am 30yrs old in November:)

36 year-old mom of two. Eat well most of the time, but crash when tired or busy. Want nutrition-based eating to provide me with more energy and long-term health benefits.

I gained 60 pounds during my pregnancy. At one point the weight started to come off, but it all came back thanks to mirena (20 pounds gained in 4 months)

I'm 37, 5'2" and weighed 138 at the beginning of 09. I've lost 6 lbs so far with no dieting really until this month. I have 2 boys - ages 5 and 3. I'm mostly a stay at home mom. I do work 1 day a week as a school nurse.

Mother of 3 - 5 yr daughter and almost 3 yr old twin boy and girl.

Emigrated from England in 1954 with my family, but both parents are now deceased. My dad was a lively Scotsman, and my mother a true Cockney. Lived in So.Calif. for 20 years, then moved to way No.Calif for the next 35 yrs working as a nurse all the way along. I have 2 sons, both married, and with whom I have a wonderful relationships. Fortunately, two of the worlds cutest little girls are my granddaughters. Just moved to a 55plus community, and am getting used to freeways and congestion again. I have put on weight with many excuses. Worked the night shift, sore back, torn tendons in my arm, too hot to exercise, love good food--the list goes on. I have found it impossible to stay with any 'program', though have tried many.

I'm 22, live with my boyfriend of 3 years, and our 2 dogs!

31, and need to lose weight. I want to lose 50lbs. I want to keep it off this time. I really need support. Although I am self motivated in most areas I even enjoy working out alone ( to avoid distractions). I really will enjoy reading stories from people who are sharing this experience with me, in this moment. It will help me to stay motivated. I really believe in Dr. Ian Smith, I started the program months ago but did not complete this time I am going all the way

I'm 18. I weigh 163 lbs and Im only 5ft. I stopped growing taller so i can only get wider, which I don't want! I attend college far from home so i do not have the luxury of always choosing my food. My food budget is 20 dollars a month at walmart since my campus already has food (mostly unhealthy).

I'm 28 years old and recently recovering from a kidney transplant that took place on March 16, 2009. My younger brother donated to me and we have both recovered extremely well!!! =) Now that I have a new outlook on life, I am ready to lose this weight and make a healthy lifestyle change.

I'm 52 years old, with 3 fantastic daughters. Married 27 years to a good man, but we're not a good fit anymore. Maybe we never were and it's just becoming more apparent. I'm in the typical siuation of many married people...wanting to stay, yet wanting the freedom to be me and start a new life...and be happy. I joined PeerTrainer last year, with the goal of maintaining a 30-lb weightloss. I was unsuccessful and have gained the 30 lbs back, using food for all the wrong reasons. I work 4 days/week -- very long days and tend to snack at desk when stressed and overwhelmed. I'm back and wanting to try again. I am challenged in that I've hurt my knees and need some minor surgery to repair torn meniscus, so my usual workouts are severely curtailed.

I'm 28 years old. I like to read, cook, and play sports like softball, volleyball, and racquetball. I've been married for a little over a year and my husband and I have 2 adorable hound dogs and a cute little cat. I'm a third year optometry school student. My schedule is really busy most of the time with studying and it can be pretty stressful at times. I like to spend time with friends and family who can make me laugh :)

I had my son at 45 after many years of trying. Bad back and first signs of old age make it hard for me to keep up with the lively lad. I know my fat is aging and I hate it when people ask whether I'm his grandmother. I work from home (I teach Applied Linguistics) and spend too many hours in front of a computer. Hobbies include cooking and knitting.

I am 36, I have two children, 17 and 11. I have been overweight almost all of my life, sometimes more than others...I have always wanted to be a runner, and to just be average-sized.

I work in a hospital as a financial advisor. I am recently divorced. I have 3 small children. I am a fun loving and outgoing person.

I have about 20lbs to get to my pre pregnancy weight.

I am a 38 year old female. I'm active duty Navy, and I just moved to my last duty station before I retire in Pensacola. I work with sailors in addictions counseling. It's focused on alcohol, but I see so many parallels to my own attitudes towards eating. Aside from my focus (almost obsession) on food, I love to read, I'm looking for a Church to call home and I love yoga, though I'm lazy about practicing.

I'm 22, married, work part time and I am a full time student getting my Masters in Counseling. Life is busy and wonderful!

I work in an office, sitting down most of the time. The only physical activity I do is walk to work (short distance) and walk my dog.

I have been overweight my entire life. No kidding - I can show you my picture from kindergarten! Anyway, weight has never really gotten in my way... I've always been active, a clothes horse, and have felt good. I am now 48 years old and I am no longer feeling good, everything hurts, my blood pressure is teetering on the edge of abnormal, my blood sugar is high, my LDL is high and my HDL is low... I gotta do something now, before it gets worse! I am about 130 pounds overweight.

New mom

I'm a 24-year-old Canadian medical student. As you can imagine, the importance of eating well, exercising, and maintaining an appropriate BMI and waist circumference are things constantly reiterated to us. My own health, as well as the desire to be a role-model for my patients, motivates me to continue battling my for my weight and health. In my late teens, I lost 40lbs thanks to diet and exercise, and have kept it off. Nevertheless, I'm still overweight and, particularly with the demanding workload of med school, struggle with finding time to exercise and cook.

I am a 29 year old women with a 6 year old daughter (soon to be 7 on halloween) 8) And a 4 month old boy! 8) Before my daughter i weighed 170lbs i was in pretty good shape athletic build.I gained 70lbs with my daughter at the end of my pregnancy i weighed 230!!! I got down to about 185-190. With my son i made sure not to gain so much i only gained 25lbs and all my weight was gone two weeks after giving birth!! yey!! 8) Now i am trying to loose the weight from having my daughter! Wish me luck!!!

Mother of 3 small children, former runner still jog short distances inconsistently. Yoga 3 to 4 times per week when I am on my game but lack discipline.

I have had problems with my weight all my life but the last few years I kept climbing and now I have reached the point of enough is enough.

33 yrs. old, 5'2, 289.6 lbs as of today 11/8/10.

42 years old married to a great guy I work full time have one child = 11 yr old we have one dog - english bulldog no time to really work at dieting read about the Fat Smash Diet and thought I'd give it a try - starting next week. hard to get motivated to exercise - enjoy running on treadmill, walking in the neighborhood and pilates

I am 49 years old, divorced, born again Christian. I work in the food service industry (which is how I gained weight) I am a 3yr breast cancer survivor. I have one son that will be graduating from Va Tech this May.

I am 28 years old, married, and have a son who was born in June 2008. I am in my seventh year of teaching. I currently teach 8th grade Reading and English. I acompleted my MA in Educational Leadership in May 2011--looking to become a principal. I want to look the way I feel. I feel happy and enjoy life, but my body is overweight and slows me down. I also feel I can't wear the clothes I want to wear because I don't look good in many things. I am just tired of being overweight and want to feel like I look good more regularly. I have been overweight since I was in third grade. My mother's side of the family is all overweight. My father's side is not. I just don't know where to start and what to do.

I am almost 32 years old, married to a great man, and have a beautiful daughter born in May 2010. I am now a stay-at-home mom, which I love but I don't have the time to get to the gym.

I am a 33 year old mother of a 2 1/2 year old daughter. I have always had to watch my weight, but have been able to lose weight easily in the past. Working full time, (I say I have three full time jobs, Mom, Wife, and Career) has made it extra hard to lose the weight I want to lose now. Some motivation, and peers going through the same challenges might be just the thing I need!

I love family and reading the bible.

I'm a 28 year old new mom. I have gained weight over the years and on top of that I just had a baby girl who is now 7 months old. I gained extra 20 pounds when I was pregnant. I really need to lose all theseweight at this point.

i'm a simple woman with many facets.

I am 42, a wife and a mom to a 16 yr old daughter and step-mom to 17 y/o boy and 15 y/o girl. I work fulltime in a office job...siting all day. I had VBG surgery (veritcal banded gastroplasty) in Sept 1999, lost 115 pounds, but have gained back 35 pounds. I want to lose that again and keep it off!

I'm a graphic designer. Doing anything creative gives me a natural high and joy and I am so grateful to be able to make a living off what I love. I am your cliche emotional eater, I was just diagnosed with hypoglycemia. It's bringing on new challenges and frustrations to my weight loss journey. With this you have to eat frequently or you feel sick and if you don't eat it can be dangerous for you. It makes me constantly feel tired and I usually feel nauseous or have a headache so getting to the gym is harder. I really need all the extra motivation I can get right now, and that's why I am here.

I am 53 years old and have gained tons of weight in the past 3 years. I need to lose 55 pounds.

Work full time, in grad school as well and extremely active w/2 professional organizations. Gradually gained weight over the past 4 years. Have tried numerous diets/workouts but NEVER stuck to them. Found this site by accident but am hoping I can interact with people who have had the same dedication issues as me and who would benefit from trying to motivate each other. I lost 15 pounds last year while having a 'workout buddy' in which we both emailed each other etc and kept each other motivated so I know that type of interaction works for me. I'm kooky, funny, ambitious, and ready to take on the world in my's just trying to get my body to follow that is the problem

I'm have half greek & half black. I have 1 brother ands 0 children. I don'

I'm a mother of 4, the last 3 are stair step babies and i'm having the worst time dropping all the extra baby weight.

I am a bride-to-be (Spr 2012 wedding) and have a very hectic work schedule. I need A LOT of support with is my least favorite thing when trying to lose weight :( I love to eat out, drink socially and have a good time.

I'm married with 1 child. My workout journey began Oct 2009 & I haven't stopped since. I have lost all the "baby" weight & now hoping to loose 10-15lbs & i'll be at my goal weight :)

i m a 16 yr old..

I'm 36 years old with a 18month lottle girl. I was in great shape before the baby and have strruggled since she is born to get back there. I have read Dr.Ians books and really want to give it a whirl. I am so tired of WW and have not had any recent success with it. Ready for something new.

I am almost 32 mother of 2 put on a lot of wieght with 2nd chlild lost about 20lbs two years ago but let myself go again ready to enjoy life more in a smaller body

30 yr old female just had a baby looking to lose 30-40 lbs. Needs MOTIVATION

Early thirties, working woman trying to take off pounds gained in grad school before getting pregnant.

I'm 52. My current weight is 179.2. I'm married. I have no kids. I teach so I am busy and stressed and don't get a lot of sleep for 9 months of the year. I like to do things like bike, walk, hike...but I live a pretty sedentary lifestyle inbetween walking, riding etc. Essentially I am a lazy person who likes to relax and read and surf the web more than exercise. One thing I really hate doing is "cooking". I don't eat fast food, I am a coffee addict (quad shot cappuchino or double Americano's only). My downfall is sweets (chocolate, ice cream, chocolate).

A 37 yr old step-mom of two beautiful kids and wife to an awesome husband. Trying to get pregnant and I want to be at a better weight before conception and in a routine to have a healthy pregnancy.

My name is Ana and I'm a 24 years old woman who studies and works all day long, so usually I don't have time to go to the gym. I live in Uruguay near the beach but since I'm very unconfortable with my own body I never get to enjoy summer fully. Last year I tried a method to loose weight that really worked, (it was at private clinic) but after I broke my tailbone all that weight came back.

I'm a 37 year old stay at home mom with 3 beautiful kids who keep me extremely busy! Prior to my last pregnancy I weighed about 40 lbs less than I do now and was exercising (running) 5-6 times a week. Since then, I have not lost the pregnancy weight and have actually added to it! My fitness routines have been pretty minimal. I have had a VERY hard time maintaining motivation to eat well and exercise! I really want to get back to a healthy lifestyle!

My father's really fat.. and I'm well on my way... I used to be thin a long time back.. but gone are the days... I am 20 kg's overweight, want to lose all of the extras...

Work full time. Enjoy working out in the gym, hiking, playing tennis, words with friends

I'm 26. I'm a stay at home mom to an active 1yr old. I want to finally get this weight off! My mom struggled with weight her whole life. She finally got gastric bypass a few years ago. Although she is now skinny the bypass caused many side effects, like nerve damage in her legs. I don't want to end up like that. I need some motivation, please!

have always that i should lose weight but just not so motivated to do so and not very determined to be consistent. so i ended up in losing weight then gaining them back again

I am a dancer. I love all things creative.

Almost 45 year old, married with 3 teens (17 yr DD, 16 yr DS, 12 yr DS). Have been on Atkins with a primal leaning for over a year. Have binging issues big time. I sort of sabbotage my diet every few weeks and get very frustrated. Love to exercise and try to do so at least 5 days a week. Can stay for weeks off "bad" foods but then go and eat 10000 cals without hesitation of all the foods that make me sick.

I am 34 years old and a full time wife and mom of 2 adorable boys, 9 and 7 years old respectively.

I am 29, have been married for 8 years and I have amazing 4 year old twin boys!

I am a single mom of two very active boys.

Hello Everyone... I am a 40 year old mother of one and have, for the most part, been at a reasonable weight. However, there's always room for improvement! After a great birthday and Mother's Day week, I'm ready to lose about 15 pounds. I've been conscious of my weight for the last 15 years, since giving birth to my son. My co-worker introduced me to this book a few years ago but I never made an effort to try it. Of all the diets I've done, this one was not one of them. I'm starting day one of phase one tomorrow. I'm pretty excited about the end result. My destiny has been to keep a sensible weight and I plan to keep @ it until have complete control of what I consume in my body daily. I look forward to all the comments and advice. Thanks and Happy Journey!

Late 50's I have 3 kids and 4 grandkids I love to decorate homes, garden. Love to live by the water, walk on the beach.

I am 18, and recently graduated. I grew up in a family of performers and artists, and I danced my entire life. About a year ago I discovered aerials, and recently have decided that circus arts are what I wish to pursue in life. I know, not every day someone says they're running off to join the circus and they actually mean it, but I always was a little different...

I am a 37 year old mother of a 6year old. After having some difficult times, I found myself eating just to eat, mostly late night. At 157 I finally had enough. I started the fat smash about four weeks ago and after completing the detox phase I had lost 7 pounds. Instead of going on to phase 2, I decided to start clean eating. I am also starting to "train" for a 5k Rugged Maniac race (like a tough mudder) and am not a great runner, but I figured it would give me incentive. At this point I am thinking of going back to the detox phase for another 9 days as it felt pretty good, but I lacked recipes. Would love to share and trade some new ones

I'm 42 with a VERY active 4 year-old little girl. I can't keep up! It's not fair to her, and I want her to continue to stay active and healthy, and not pick up the bad habits her mother has.


40 year old female, I am married and I have a daughter.


hiii ...i m 21 yrs old...i am a student.....i love dancing,playing badminton and reading novels....

I am a US Navy veteran. I got out in 2008 one month before giving birth to my first daughter. I use to work out 6-7 days a week and eat clean. I gained over 60 lbs during that pregnancy. Although I lost half of that within 10months, I hit a plateau that lasted over two years no matter what I done so I gave up and gained all that weight back. I then got pregnant in September 2011 and gave birth to my second daughter with N additional 45 lbs on top of what I already had to lose.

I am a Registered Nurse and mother of 3. I have been married to my best friend for 20-years.

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