About to hit the big 30. I live in NY, work full time, taking some classes at night. very outgoing. I need to make changes- I am working very hard at it.

Hi! I'm 24, living in Melbourne, Australia. I'm about to graduate and start working f/t, I like running, swimming & hiking. The challenge over the next week months will be to adjusting to f/t work while finding the time to work out and eat properly.


Female, 5'0 foot, 24 years old. Full time college student and I also work full time.

A 20 year old student not-so-ready to start her fourth year of university in a couple of months. I put on a little more than the freshman 15 when I started college and I want it all off by the time I graduate! For the summer, I'm working part time on campus and doing lots of travelling, having fun while I still can. The biggest obstacle for me is my love of sitting around on my butt for hours playing video games.


I just moved to New Jersey to start a new job and living by myself for the first time. I don't know that many people and want to regain the confidence I once had in my senior year of high school.

I am about to enter my junior year of college and I really would like to lose 10 pounds. I never had a problem with my weight until freshman year of college when I gained 10 pounds. I work out a lot, but I have a lot of trouble controlling my eating. I love chocolate which is by far my biggest weakness. I just really need support to get this done and I hope peertrainer will do the trick!

Hi, I'm 23 years old and wish to lose about 10 pounds. I work and go to school, so it's hard sometimes to fit in a workout.

I'm a 24 year old full time graduate student.

i am 22 years old - almost 23, and work full time in an paid internship position

I am a 24 year old nurse who just relocated to Augusta, GA. I recently lost 50 lbs and have gained back almost 10! I really want to jump back on the bandwagon quickly and I would love support from a group!

I am a 22 year old college student. Im starting my 5th year of college. I am a PE and health major and want to live as an example for my students.
I also want to gain more physical confindance for myself and increase my self esteem.


20 year old junior at Stanford, English major.


I have a 4 year old daughter and getting married in December which means taking on a 5 year old as well. I work part time and go to school full time.

I am 23, married one year on September 17. I am a college student majoring in journalism. I gained weight once I graduated from high school and I had lost some of it, but once I met my husband it seemed like the pounds just piled back on. My father died of a heart attack when he was 45 years old....I want to focus on trying to cut out all of the things that are so horrible for my body so that I can be around for a long time!!


Turning 23 in a few days.... female, 5'6, I live in New Jersey and work in New York.


I'm 24 and need to lose at least 30lbs. The key for me is exercise and it has been quite difficult since working full time.

Hi! I'm Kristan and I'm 21. I've been at this weight for about 2 years now. I've been overweight most of my teen/adult life. I'm looking to start a new chapter in my life! I've just moved to Michigan from Kansas.


I'm 21 years old. I really want to lose this weight, and become more healthier. I'm currently in my junior year of college.

I guess it's time to do a little updating, although there really isn't much to do update. I am 31 years old now and currently not working and having a hard time finding a job which really makes me feel depressed. Which isn't a good thing when you're trying to lose weight in my opinion.

Greetings from Colorado Springs! I am a special education teacher at a high school. My status is single and no kids. I am looking to lead a healthier life at a smaller size. I am looking into dating and want to feel comfortable with my appearance.

I am a 23 year old that just recently graduated from college with interest of entering the fitness field and someday have my own business or gym :) As for now, I just got hired as a personal trainer for Maverick Gym. Its deffinately a stepping stone!

22 year old, recent college graduate, enjoys trying new things, excited about my future!

I'm a 23 year old engineer from Australia working in the USA for 6 months.



28-year old archivist in the DC area. I have many passions and loves: knitting, yoga, cycling, hiking, photography, vegan food.
In 2005, I lost 60 lbs. I hit a long plateau and while I ramped up on exercise, I did not lost any more weight in order to reach my goal. Over the next two and a half years, I gained about 30 lbs back. In the summer of 2008, I became seriously ill with Lyme disease. This illness helped me reach the right mental place to step up my routine and watch every single thing that went in my mouth. As I changed my diet and my exercise levels, I got better. I also had the great benefit of losing weight. From August 2008 until time of this writing (December 3, 2008) I have lost 38 lbs.

28/f wants to be healthy and be happy with her body.

22 y/o female student looking to lose significant amount of weight by fathers day weekend...just need some support!


i'm a college freshman in north carolina trying to eat a mainly vegeterian/vegan diet...while i'm fairly athletic, i've been a bit overweight since i was put on meds. in the eighth grade (i gained about 30 lbs)...and i'm sick of it. i want to lose weight to boost my self esteem. i'm also tired of always asking myself, "does this make me look fat?"...i'm extremely motivated & am happy to be making changes in my lifestyle that will leave me feeling and looking better.


28, 5'11", currently living in Dublin. There's just too much Guinness available here :) I've gone between 150 and 170 over the last few years, and by the end of Feb 2007 I was up to 172 which really freaked me out. This is going to my last and final journey back to 150 after which I'll concentrate on putting on a bit of muscle.


I just turned 24 and I'm in a relationship with a great guy...but, that's the problem. I'm so comfortable I've let myself go. I am currently going to college for Art and Animation in Video Games. I have to really try to be active to be active. Basically I do a desk job and on the side do house cleaning twice a week--not including my own.

I'm 22 years old....and out of shape! I gained almost 20 pounds in college, and then some more once I started working full time. I've started to develop more healthy eating habits (no binging, no junk) and I especially want to improve my cardiovascular health. I'm starting to run, and I plan on running a 5k sometime this year!

As of today i weight 225 (approx) and I would like to be 185 by the end of June.

I'm 21, a senior in college studying linguistics. I've tried different diets in the past but I always run into the same problems. 1) I'm a broke and busy student, so I can't afford to buy tons of groceries, nor do I have time to really prepare food. 2) I lose motivation after about 2 weeks.

5'4, 28 year old female from Prince Edward Island Canada. Mom of 2. I've lost 119 lbs in the last 2 years. Gone from 264.5 lbs to 145.5 lbs. I would like to reach ~135-140 and get really toned.

I'm a 25 year old female. I finished my graduate work at Penn State last May. I currently work in Yellowstone National Park and love it! I love the skiing in the winter and the backpacking, hiking, and campfires in the summer. It seems like with all of this activity I shouldn't have a problem with the hearty eating that accompanies it. There lies the problem. I love food--eating it, cooking it, reading about it. I need to strike a balance between my food consumption and my actual exercise accomplished.

24 year old student who has put everyone else before me. I have been using food as a crutch when I feel anything other than happy, actually I eat then too (opps).


I have been overweight all my life, and I'm finally ready to lose weight for good. I'm going to Europe for three weeks in May, and I want to be comfortable with myself then. Next fall, I'm going to medical school, with all new people, and I want to show up the thinnest I've ever been. =)

23 years old, married, graduated college in December 2007 and have been working full time. I've slowly been gaining weight since starting college. I am about 30 pounds heavier than I was when I started college. I'd like to lose about 45 pounds.

I am a 28 year old Accounting Technician living in NM. I enjoy traveling and hot air ballooning. I am from OKC, OK and have lived in Okinawa Japan with my husband who is in the US Air Force.

am 23, gained alot of weight in college and now i work full time.

I am a 24 year old college graduate who went no where with my initial career search. So I am a full-time nanny for a bunch of families in addtion to an occassional waitress gig.
When I was younger I was considered underweight and had to drink those nasty Ensure shakes. THe transition to high school was hard and I ended up gaining weight throughout it, even while still being somewhat active. In college my bad eating skills and laziness continued. The waitressing jobs caused me to eat whatever was at work, and not watch my weight.
Last year I became very sick, and have had an up and down battle with my health ever since. I have gained and lost weight over that time, but have never felt good. I would like to lose an additional 50 pounds, and eventually 70 pounds.

I am 24, year old graduate student, I work for the university I attend. I was always a smaller person until I hit 21, then it was like my metabolism disappeared and my weight has been yo-yoing ever since.
I lost about 25 lbs. last summer but after graduating and beginning grad. school I have gained it all back. I didn't have an excess gain but, I swore I would never get back up to this weight again and sure enough here I am.
For some reason my weight has a direct effect on my attitude about life, so I hope to be the happy girl I know I am sooner rather than later.

20/F: I used to be extremely active and athletic in high school (volleyball). Now a sophomore in college, I have put on close to 60 lbs. since the end of high school (when my depression really began). My problem is that I know how I should be eating and exercising, but have no motivation to stay on track.

I am 27 years old. I work in a library. Right now I weigh around 170 pounds and I am 5.5 tall. 3 months ago I lost 10 pounds. Then lost my motivation but still then I m still 170 at least I didn't gain again. Anyway I need to lose more.


I was 191 pounds in April 2005.
I joined Jenny Craig and brought my weight down:
to 163 by October 2005.
to 155 by October 2007.

I am 25 and have been over weight almost all my life. I have already lost approx 45 pounds but could still lose 60 more. I don't want to waste anymore of my youth feeling uncomfortable about my body. 2007 is the year i will take control! :)

I am about to start my senior year of college. I have gained about 30 pounds in 2 years. I would like to get my life back on track and get in control of my weight. I don't feel defeated and have high hopes.

I'm 21, a full time college student in Minnesota. I'm sick of feeling unhappy about my body and want to get back to the weight that I was in high school, which for me wasn't that long ago. So far working out has already made me feel better about myself, so hopefully I will see some results!


I am a 21 year old student, single with no kids. I am an emotional eater and I want to stop doing that. I lost a lot of weight but due to a very rough year in 06 I have gained in all back and then some. I want to be thin and healthy.

i'm 19 and i enjoy the underground music scene. music is my passion in life. i don't know what i want to be when i grow up, and i'm not worried about it at all. I go to college, but i haven't declaired a major, i just take classes that i am interested in

I'm 27 and live in Northern Virginia/Metro DC area. I'm married, have 2 cats, and work for a non-profit association. In my spare time, I knit, sew, collect Blythe dolls, and play video games with the hubby. :)

Im 21 and have been around my current weight for the past 2 years or so. I need to get my butt in gear and lose some weight and tone up before the summer.

I'm 19 years old, and I love food, photography, and people. I have gone up and down since I was 15 with about 30-35 pounds and am sick of it. College didn't help, especially because I go to school in Malibu... with some super pretty thin people.

I'm 25 and a mom of a beautiful little girl. I'm also an emergency room nurse in a busy hospital and there is always food around. I plan on going back and getting my masters in nursing starting in the spring. I would like to lose about 15 lbs at least and to start a healthier more active lifestyle.


i had major brain surgery and i'm trying to recover from a loss in my equilibrium and balance. PT will help me stay on track with a healthy diet. I really have to push myself to get the results i want!


21 year old Health Fitness major who loves helping others get fit and lose weight, but have bad habits of my own I need to work on. I'm slowly gaining about 10 lbs/year with the ups and downs of losing/gaining weight in between (gaining is winning). I need to take control of my own life and love my body.

I am currently finishing up my rotations in physician assistant school and will be done in August. Unfortunately throughout undergraduate and grad school, I have added a few pounds and would like to lose them before starting a new career. I also am in a serious relationship which hopefully will lead to marriage in the near future and of course want to be looking good on my wedding day whenever that may be, lol.

I am an elementary teacher who used to weight 200+ and have kept most of it off for 6 years now but am feeling the loss of control approaching, which I can NOT accept. I am turning 30 in December and am finally in a GREAT relationship, so there are no more excuses.


24 year old RN who has struggled with weight since grade school. Lost 20 lbs on WW then got a serious boyfriend and have struggled ever since.

I've always been big, but sometimes not as big as I thought (in retrospect). But this is my biggest ever, once I hit 200lbs. I felt like a deer in the headlights having a mid-20's now almost 30 life crisis. I know I want to change but I also want to maintain so I'm trying to incorporate changes I can keep, rather than drastic and dramatic as has worked for me but I have never maintained. Sometimes I feel driven and confident, and other times I feel lost and out of control.

I work for a non profot human servie agency, its high strss and totally demanding. I am also the proud mother of an almost 2 year old. I gained most of my weight while pregnant and just cant shake it.

I'm a teacher. I'm 24. I'm engaged. My wedding is next year and I want to wear a bikini on my honeymoon!

I am 25 years old and I live in DC. I am currently at my highest weight ever, which is 208 pounds. The lowest I have been is 120 and that was back in junior high school. I have always struggled with my weight due to my laziness. I never want to exercise because Im lazy and have no energy for it so hopefully I will change that.

I am 24 yrs old and married to a wonderful husband and I have a 18 month old little girl.


I'm a college student in the Boston area, working to lose about 30 pounds total. I've struggled with body image issues since I can remember, but my weight gain has been particularly problematic over the past couple years. I want to build a better relationship with food, and would like to become a consistent exerciser.

i graduated and i gained soooo much my last year & right after graduation because of stress and other things

22/F/Vancouver, BC; been overweight most of my life and i'm done with it now...

I'm 23 and graduated from college a year ago. I now work 60 hours a week and feel like I have no time to be healthy. I've gained about 50 pounds since I graduated. I did not think that was even possible. I'm tired of making excuses for myself.


My name is Christina and I'm a rising junior at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology double majoring in Economics and Math. I played a ton of sports growing up -- soccer, tennis, field hockey, track-- and never had to worry about anything I ate, but after coming to college, I quit playing sports and watched my weight start creeping up. I want to get back to the fitness and health level I was when I played sports...hopefully!

I am a 23 year old teacher. I was just hired for my first year of teaching and am really excited about it! I have lost weight in the past twice and have gained it back each time.

I am a 23 year old recent graduate. I work as an ECE now but I am waiting to hear from teacher's college in New Zealand. I really want to start this weight loss so if I get the chance to go I will feel comfortable with the way I look. I read about peer trainer in this week's issue of People. I think that it might be what I am looking for to succeed. I have taken this summer off from work and I plan to devote this time to getting in to better shape.

I am a 1st grade teacher in a city that I'm not real happy in. I've put on 25 pounds since last August.



26 years old, female, dating...I've always struggled with my weight. i like sports such as tennis, swimming and basketball, but am pretty lazy. I don't like traditional exercise and don't make time for many activities...looking to finally remain motivated and make significant changes in my life

I am a 22 year old college student getting a degree in History. I have been a big guy my whole life and am now ready to get some weight off before it damages my health to much.

I am a 21 year old female college student. Right now I weigh 132, and I would like to lose 12 pounds over the summer.

I am a 23 yr old female. I live in Boston. Teach 4th grade special ed. I am a great person, but i always seem to make excuses why i can't do something. i am WAY to easy on myself. Im 23 yrs old and i dont want to live my entire life in a body that is "not really mine."

I am 23 years old and I am a teacher. I have a lot of travel plans this year, one of which includes going to Europe in August. I have lost 30 lbs and have kept it off for one whole year! I need to lose 5-10 more pounds which seems really easy but those last pounds are so hard and maintaining the weight has always been a challenge.

I just turned 27 and am tired of being tired! I want to be more active and confident in my body. I want to enjoy being young. I've struggled with my weight since the age of 13 and I don't want to struggle anymore. I'm also getting ready to go back to college to be a cardiac sonographer.

I am a 21 year old single mother who has gained more than 100 pounds in 3 years. I just wanna love myself inside and out.

I am an RN in Pgh, PA. I'm 25 years old. I work every Friday and Saturday night shift, 7p-7a. Plus I pick up extra nights here and there during the week. I have a 1 year old daughter and I am trying to lose the last of the baby weight, but as you know, it is very hard when you are constantly changing your sleep pattern...

I'm 22 and I put in long hours at school, deal with high levels of stress all the time, and end up eating things that are not good for me. I've had weight issues throughout most of my life, but it got progressively worse as I got into college.
I've finally had enough of it and want to spend what time I have left in undergrad enjoying myself.

I'm 21 years old, and a pre-law student at my university (there's been a major change of plans =] ). I'm enrolled in the Honors program and I've managed to maintain a high gpa given my course load. Unfortunately, the stresses of E.C.'s and school have taken their toll on my waistline. I've decided that I need to make a change and stick with it.
Long term, my job as an corporate attorney will be demanding, both mentally and physically. So I need to make a few adjustments now.

Over the past 4 years I have gained about 50 pounds and have watched my self confidence crumble. I'm gaining control and getting myself back on track. I know I can do this!

Iam 22yrs old and work full time at a major cable company. I sit at a desk all day and hear that most females that work here gain 20-50lbs from not being active. I dont want that to happen to me. I like to go out and have fun w/friends so I want to look good while doing so.

I'm 23 and a recent college graduate. I've always been overweight, but since I've left college and become less active, my weight has increased even more. I've recently been diagnosed with diabetes, which is fairly common in my family. So I just want to get down to a more manageable weight to hopefully help with the diabetes and be able to participate in sports again like I was able to do back in high school.

s/25/m. work in the insurance industry. Love to have a good time with friends and family, enjoy camping, canoeing and just haveing a good time.

27 years old // 5' 4" // working girl // married now!// just chugging along...
SO, I'M BACK! After a long hiatus and unfortunately, gained 10 lbs during that time, I'm back. I've made a few improvements in hopes to maintain an active and anti-overindulging lifestyle. So far, I have maintained it for a month and I feel good, stronger (I have muscles!), and overall healthy. I have (1) FINALLY joined a gym, (2) going to a body toning class called The Dailey Method to finally start making my body stronger and leaner, and (3) stopped "dieting" and just eat at my pleasure, yet not overindulging or eat at odd hours.

I'm 24 years old. i've played sports since i was 10 years old, soccer is my all time favorite. I used to be pretty good before i injured my back at L5-S1. I've had surgery and it's almost like new. I love having a workout buddy but it does get hard to find someone who wants to workout like i do. I no longer have a buddy but so far have been able to keep my motivation up. I love outdoor activities and want to learn how to kayak and rock climb.



I'm a 22 year old female who has tried to lose weight in all the WRONG ways. I am about 25-30 lbs over weight and am tired of having to buy new jeans because I can't get them zipped up.


I'm 20 years old and have been over weight my entire life. I'm looking to lose between 80-100 lbs. I am finally ready to make this change in my life.

I am a 27 year old teacher from Wisconsin. I have struggled with my weight since high school. Most of my family is heavy and struggle with weight as well. I would like to be the one to take charge and change how I look and feel. My husband and I would like to start trying to have a baby this year, and I want to be at a healthier size and weight before getting pregnant.

i am 28yrs old. i have always been chuncky. there was a time were i was losing alot of weight and was close to be considered thin but i met someone and i gain all the weight back. i am at my heavist now and of course i am not with that person anymore. i weigh 194 lbs, in jr high i was 190. i want to lose weight but its hard. especially having a hugh latino family that loves to eat and celebrates everything. deep down i know i can do this but its hard when i am doing this by myself.

I'm 29 years old, and and am just now beginning to have a problem with weight. My metabolism is finally slowing down and I can no longer eat whatever I want. It's a hard adjustment.

I am a 27 year old woman , mother of 3 , i use to be a dancer and also was in track and field, at the age of 21 I learned i was bipolor, I went into a deep depression for about 5 years i put on about 50 pounds , i now am out of that stage of my life and cant wait to get back to the old me!

I am a 27 year old grad student who also works full time sitting at a desk most of the day. I was always able to eat whatever I wanted b/c I worked out regularly but have found the excuses to not workout, ie. not enough time. I want to get back into shape to feel better about myself, losing the 15 pounds I have packed on would be an added bonus.

I'm a 23yr old mother of 1. My daughter is 7yrs old. Right now I'm living in Phoenixville, Pa, but I am going to be moving to Raleigh, NC by the end of the summer.

I am a 27 year old newlywed and breast cancer survivor. I gained about 40 lbs on treatments & I was already overweight to begin with. One thing I know I can do to lessen my chances of recurrence is to get healthy!

"Your body is not a trash can!"
I'm 25 and grew up doing ballet. I work in the District and dance about once or twice a week (West Coast Swing, Hustle and a few other ballroom styles). I also take a water aerobics class and recently joined a synchronized swimming club. Who knew it would be so challenging AND fun??

Two years ago, I was at an average weight, but college, depression and bad eating habits have caused me to gain unwanted pounds. I am a student and a writer, and I am learning a lot about myself.

I'm a 29 year old woman, business owner & photographer. I love life and want to enjoy all it has to offer! I love to take pictures, dance, shop, paint, design, bake, be with friends and family, and walk Lola.

I am 24 and living in PA. I am getting married in October and I can't wait. I want to look great in my dress and feel healthier!
I also have type 1 diabetes and have been in terrible control for the past 6 years probably. I am hoping to get my health back on track.

I am 24 years old and just started a job at a new accounting firm. I am studying for the CPA exams which takes up a lot of my time. I like to run and bike, but need to do it more often.
High Cholesterol and Heart Disease run in my family and I do not want to become a victim. My Grandma, my mom, a few uncles and I all have high cholesterol. They are on medication and I am trying to control it by diet and exercise and under doctor supervision as I am so young. My mom had quadruple bypass surgery, along with a valve replace and her arota fixed back in March. I also found out one of her uncles had his first heart attack at age 24. I do not want to be have these problems and want to live a long healty life.

I am a 28 year old mother of a 2 year old girl and a newborn son just born on the 15th of May. I do property management and the challenge and other peoples headaches has the excitment gone with the attitude I once came into. In January 2002 I began to diet and workout a month later in 2 months I lost 40 lbs and droped down from a size 24 to a size 20. After moving in with my fiance I began to focus more on the home front and left it all behind even though I increased in weight I didn't go up in dress size. I want to lose weight naturally and not by an alternative method. I don't want to come to the point of getting type 2 diabetes. I want to be here for my children, have energy to play with them...I began my second pregnancy 20 lbs over and it was the hardest longest journey I had to take with a lot of back problems, that I felt it when I had the epidural done. I want to look and feel great.


I'm a single mom of a four year old little girl, I love the outdoors, horses, and the color pink!

I am 24 years old and about 170lbs overweight. I am currently a size 26. I want to get down to less than 150. I have been overweight for as long as I can remember, and its gotten to the point where I need to make a change before I am no longer able to. I have never even been a smidge on the heavy side. I have always been extremely obese. And I honestly think that is part of what has been holding me back. I don't know any other way.

I am 24 years old and about to finish my second year of law school. I have been married for almost four years now and have a golden retriever named Bubba.


My name is Jenna and I am 20 years old. I just ended my first year of college so the "freshman 15" is kind of there! I have the best friends in the world and a great boyfriend, but I am just not happy inside. Summer is here and I want to look like my skinny friends or at least just feel good around them. I am really out going and just need some motivation!!!

I am a 27 year old married mother of a 1 year old boy. I gained 60 lbs. when I was pregnant and need to lose the last 30!

I'm a 911 dispatcher who works 11p-7a. My unusual work schedule makes it hard for me to get on a normal eating schedule. I also have trouble sleeping sometimes and don't feel like working out.

I'm a 23-yr-old in her last year of college. Had always been pretty active (grew up as a dancer, worked out religiously & ate like a health nazi) up until I went through some crazy stuff this last year that resulted in a manic episode, and now experiencing some depression and bulimia (which resulted in some major weight gain 20+lbs). Basically, I went from a free-spirited crazy happy go-go dancer / sorority college girl with a fit body to a sad self-loathing average BMI girl. Determined to recover and gain my health and happiness back! Let's do this! :D

I'm a graphic designer with a passion for travel, culture, food and fashion. I've yo-yo'd 10lbs for two years, but I'm finally staying below 150lb now. it's been a very hard, and slow process for me, but I did it the healthy way and I want to get to my ultimate goal of 120 (which is basically my HS weight) I'm feeling fit and happier, but I would love to get back to my preweight confidence (137lbs) within the next 3 months and love of my body! Ultimate goal of 120 by 2010.



I am 24 y/o, work overnights as a veterinary technician, and have been married to the man of my dreams for 4 years. Over the last 16 months I have lost 122lbs. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm proud of my scandinavian heritage, but it has also blessed me with a thick 6'1" frame, so I am realistic in the fact that I will never weigh 110 lbs. I am looking to get down to between 170-180 lbs which will bring my BMI to a healthy level.

I'm 24 and have never been able to run due to ankle injuries but I think the couch to 5K program will build up the indurance so I can run without injury.

I am 23 and am currently working a full time office job and going to school. I love life and food thats in it! I live with two girls I did an internship with. They are good friends and good eating partners. All of us have gained weight since being in the internship a few years ago. I try and suggest walks and working out but there is always an excuse why not to.

I'm newly married - well just celebrating our year anniversary next month. No children yet, just a dog. I really enjoy gardening, getting together with friends, scrapbooking, crafts, cooking, and relaxing. I love doing different projects around the house.


I am 22 years old and have let myself go as far as weight. I work in Hollywood and it bugs me that I can't go shopping at just any store.

I'm 27 years old and have been overweight since I came out of my mother's womb.In January 2006 I hit my all time highest and decided to exercise on a daily basis instead of a monthly basis. I lost 50 lbs going into the holidays and gained 7 back. I haven't lost any weight in the last 6 months and have lost some motivation. I have over 100 lbs more to loose and at times it seems hopeless, but with the right motivation and mind set I know I can reach my goals and change my life.

I'm 25, work in an office (45-55hrs per week), am engaged to be married on 6/20/2009. I want to get back in shape to feel better about myself, have more energy, and look my best for my wedding.

I am 21 years old finishing my senior year of college. I am a full time student, part-time employee, and full-time girlfriend. I have started to struggle with my weight as a senior in high school. I always seem to be attempting something but never sticking to it. I have gained over 40lbs since graduating high school.

I am 24 years old and I have recently graduated from college with a Masters in Elementary Education. I want to have a healthy lifestyle.

My name is brittany and i am 21. I have always been overweight. And today i woke up for the first time and realized i do not like what i have become. And i heard about this site and i know i will need support to lose the weight. cause none of my friends and family think i will lose it, and i want to prove them all wrong.



I am a 25 year old graduate student. My weight goes up & down yearly. Within the past 14 months I lost 40 lbs & then gained 50 lbs. I range between 150lbs and 220 lbs & can't seem to stabalize myself. When I have lost the weight in the past it came off with little effort, it seemed like a cycle that my body naturally went through. Right now I can't wait for the cycle to kick in, I need to make it happen for myself. Since I have never done this before, it's going to be very challenging!

I'm 20 years old, I currently live in Chicago working as a Live in Nanny. I am also attending school in my free time to become a Translator.

I teach 3rd grade and have been married for 4 years. I have PCOS and have been trying to get pregnant for 3 years. Losing weight will help me a lot.


25 year old female and lived in the Bay Area all of my life. No place I would rather be. Account manager for an oral surgeon during the day and studying at night [keeping my fingers crossed!] to become a certified financial planner. It is definitely time for a change and hopefully PT will help me reach my goals.

I'm 24 years old, female, 5'6", weigh 199 lbs. I want to loose all this flub that I've gained since I've had kids and tone tone TONE! I want to be that hot sexy mom, one who has lots of energy and feels good about herself!

I am a mother of 2, and legal guardian of another 2, so I have a total of 4 kids at home, ages 7 and 5. My evenings are taken up by dinner, church, and chores. I need to make time for myself.

I'm a 24 year old Spanish teacher and I love my job! I whitewater raft in the summers, but my arms are wimping out on me now! I also love to dance (salsa, swing, ballroom) and my dancing partner and best friend is way too thin for me to dance with right now! I was just diagnosed with cancer (surgery last week) and am done with the excuses. The time is now.

26 yr old female, 5 foot 7 and currently weighing in at about 145-150ish but really want to be down to 125. Am pretty decent about working out (yoga or running 3-4 times a week) and although half the time I make an effort to eat healthy I have a tendancy to eat A LOT no matter what. Oh, Happy Hour comes into play all too frequently. Wine + girls nights = trouble!

I am 25 years old and going back to school in Fall to get my masters in Education. I am going to the doctor tomorrow for my first physical in about 8 years (I know, I know, verrrry bad) and I am terrified to hear what he will say. I know my BMI is way too high and I am probably very close to developing type 2 diabetes if I dont shape up... pun intended.

I'm 28. Full time office job. Married. No kids. I've not taken care of my weight in quite some time. Even though I've lost like 30 lbs 1 year ago. I didn't have any weight issues till 24. I have to do something!


I'm 26, newly married (Oct., 2006). I work full time, and am trying to find things to fill my time outside of work with good, positive things. I have just finished school and haven't really done anything but school and work for so long I can't even remember my hobbies :o). My husband and I just bought a house and got a puppy so that is what our lives have been filled with recently

Im a 23 yo paralegal that loves southern food and hates exercise. I am getting married to a wonderful single dad in August and am gaining a step daughter. I lost a significant amount of weight last year but then got pregnant (unplanned) and gained a good portion of it back after having to terminate (ectopic). While I do want to loose weight for my wedding, I also want to change my lifestyle. I want to prevent health complications that come with being so large. Im still young, which is the one thing on my side. Im also hypothyroid, but don't let that fool you, thats not why im 266lbs, eating McDonald's french fries is why im 266 lbs :). The thyroid disorder just makes it harder to loose but that won't discourage me.

I'm 22 and I'm a hairstylist. I need to get motivated so I can look good at the beach this summer!

26-year-old who has struggled with steadily increased weight gain since high school. College and post-grad desk jobs added to inherent laziness equals 40 extra unnecessary poundage.

Ive been everywhere from 250 pounds to 140 pounds. Ive battled with all sorts of addiction and am now almost 3 years free of drugs and alcohol but cant beat the sugar/carb addiction Ive had since a child. 2 years ago I weighed 210. today Im 176. Hey its a heck of a lot better than 250!!! Ive come a long way but really want to get back into that size 6/8. I felt so good there. I know what to do to get there and its not easy. I meet with a personal trainer for weight training 3 times a week for one hour. This is week 8. Ive lost inches which is really important. But we all know as much as we try not to pay attention to that evil little scale, we do! Ive lost 7 pounds since Christmas. Im on the right path and am so excited to be journaling now. How great accountability can be.

I'm a 27 year old wife and mother.I work part-time and am going back to school in september


I am 5'11 and I am currently 195 lbs. My whole life I have been heavier than all my friends and I have realized that I need to do something about it. My father is a big built man and my mom is also big built. I have looked back at my high school years and realized that I was only 135 to 145 lbs and I used to think I was heavy. Now I wish I could be that heavy again...

I am 26 yrs. old, married, just had a baby girl (Aleeya), from Santa Barbara,CA.

I am in my twenties and have been married to the most wonderful man ever for almost 5 years. I have a wonderful family. Times are rough right now because my father just passed away unexpectedly. I dont know what to do without him. He was my best friend. My father also taught me that the greatest things in life aren't things. So I do my best to enjoy life and give everything to the Lord. I love camping anywhere, gardening, decorating, Thai, Mexican and Italian food and BBQ's at my house.

Back in high school I lost a lot of weight because I never drank, and honestly was able to keep myself somehow eating a minimal amount of food (I guess it's easier when you're in school all day, have a mom that packs lunch and cooks dinner, and go to sleep at 9pm.) I gained a lot of weight in college, and gained even more wait during my first year working. Part of my job is to "build relationships" via lunches/dinners/cocktails. I hate running into people from high school and knowing the first thought in their head is "wow she gained a lot of weight."

I had my first daughter, Kendra, in June 2006. Shes my life. Im a stay at home mom and I absolutly LOVE being able to teach and watch Kendra grow. I have and amazing husband who, in the past, has even gone on the diets with me ((though he has NO need to)) just to be a support to me.
My worst habbits are that I will keep eating till my plate is empty! I eat even when I am full, Im working on that.

I am 45 and have always been able to maintain my wait until recently. I would like to not only be fit, but also healthy. I am hoping to improve my lower back problems with exercise. I am here not only for encouragement, but also to support and encourage others. We Can Do It! I am sunnijean's mom and I am here for her.

On the brink of 30. I have alway struggled with my weight. The most I weighed was 180 pounds then four years ago I got really motivated and lost 60 pounds by working out and eating healthy. My lowest weight was 115. But I guess I let myself go in the last year or so. I gained about 20 pounds, weighing around 140. I am able to maintain that weight but I am having trouble losing it. I know I can get motivated again to lose this 20.

i am a 22 year old graduate student studying speech pathology. i am active in my church as a youth leader, and i also sing in the praise band regularly. i have a passion for children, and hope to work in a school setting as a speech teacher when i receive my masters degree in a couple years!
as of 6/12/07....i'm ENGAGED!

I am a 21 year old college student, about to graduate and get married. i want to find a job after college and feel confident, both inside and out


Im a 24 Year old who works in a Doctor's Office and Love my job, since ive gotten married ive put on some weight and would like to tone up!

22 year old male. I like cooking, acting, and anything artsy. I want to lose weight, get fit, be happy, all that jazz.
Right now I live in North Dakota, US. I'd love to live abroad(Australia would be awesome)..maybe someday!
Also I am hoping to go to a Culinary Arts school...but not if I don't learn to control my weight.

I am 20 years old and was born with a heart problem that has left me battling with weight for most of my life. My doctor has finally given the go ahead to work out harder without restraint and I intend on it. I want to lose the unhealthy weight I've put on in my lifetime and since I started college three years ago.

I am a 23 (almost 24) year old grad student. I am going to school full time to become a Doctor of Chiropractic. I also work on the weekends. I am in school about 7-10 hours a day (on avg.) and I just feel like I never have any time. After getting home for a long day at school, its so much easier to eat something quick so I can study, shower and try to relax for about .5 seconds. I am about half way through my grad program. My weight increased by about 20lbs in college and I've kept most of that. I'll gain or lose about 5 lbs here and there depending on the time of year.
I played sports in high school, which stopped in college and grad school. I also drink socially every now and then. I just need to get into a routine of working out and eathing better....and STICK TO IT!!!!! I go through phases, but its just the worst when I get into a bad phase of health and lifestyle!

My name is Jessie I will be 21 next month. I have done weight watchers and actually lost 30 lbs. i really haven't been watching much, ive stayed the same but would like to lose more. i currently weigh 217, i wanna go down to atleast 160

22 yr old student.
150 lbs 5'4".
weight has been an issue my whole life.
d/t depression in the past i quickly dropped to 130 by skipping meals.
started smoking weed around 18 and the weight gradually came back.
i need to take control of this and get my sexy ass back into shape and quit doing things that are keeping me from what i want.

I'm almost 24 I'm at the biggest weight I've ever been 205. I laugh at how I used to think I was soooo fat when I weight 135. Right now I'd be happy If i could get back to 150. For the most part I'm lazy. But once I get started I actually like working out. Which I was doing last year until I threw my knee out. I let my gym membership lapse and I hated that gym anyway. All my friends are either married or practically married and I still live with my parents and sometimes just feel like a big fat loser. I just need help getting motivated.

I am 21 years old, unmarried, and no kids. So basically I have no excuse for this excess baggage other than pure laziness.


25 year old female about to start law school this fall. I am struggling with the weight gain that came mostly as a result of an irritated herniated disk that has been giving me trouble for the past four months. Extreme pain and tightness left me unable to partake in much physical activity and now that I am well enough to start being physically active again, I am lacking motivation.


I recently graduated from college and I'll be going back to school for my Masters in the fall. My interests include reading, writing, movies, the outdoors, anime, horses, photography and long naps. :P



I'm 26 years old, 6' tall and 230lbs. I "used to be somebody" back when I was in high school/early college - I was a mid-distance track runner who clocked in around 1:55 for the 800m. I weighed around 140lbs back then. In college, I grew three inches and gained about 100 lbs. I want to get down to something that makes me feel better about myself and regain some of my lost athleticism. I'm moving to Colorado at the end of July and want to be physically fit for all the new people I plan on meeting! (lol)

22 y/o working in NYC full time.

I am 24 and live in Connecticut. I am currently a restaurant manager, but I will be starting a graduate program in elementary education at the end of May. I tend to yo-yo diet and I can't take it anymore, so here I am! Ready to try something new!

I graduated from college in '05 and am now a working in San Francisco. I love Starbucks (there's one on every corner in this city) and was totally heartbroken when I found out how many calories are in a Maple Oat Scone. I've lost 12 lbs since I got serious about getting healthy and have 10 more to go to reach my goal!




20/F: I am going to be a junior in college and I finally want to get rid of the weight I gained when I went away to school and I am hoping to do that this summer.

I am a mother of two, engaged to a wonderful man. I have a great supportive family and am an avid, worker, volunteer and also work in suicide prevention in teens. I love to help others, and usually put everyone else before me. I am working on that though. I am also a poet, a writer, and a great shopper :)

I live in a small town in east Texas. I am a single Mom of two beautiful boys. My youngest, Heston is 10 weeks old and my oldest, Landon is 3 yrs old. I''m 25 years old. I'm starting my last two classes in college in June, and will be graduating with a bachelors degree in Social Work in August.

I am a 19 year old college student struggling to fit in with today's society. I currently weigh about 250 pounds. I want to lose weight to build up my self esteem and feel comfortable in my own skin again. Besides I want to be able to walk in a clothing store without worrying whether or not they carry my size.


I'm 27. I have 25 more lbs to lose for a 100 lb weight loss so I want to get that first. Then maybe 10ish more - we'll see. I lost most of the weight from 2000-2003 and have been back and forth with the current 5ish lbs for nearly 4 years. Little downward progress in 4 years is frustrating but maintaining it is an accomplishment and I never stopped trying or working out. Something recently in me has changed and I really believe I can achieve my goals. I recently broke into a number I haven't seen in a while. :) It is awesome. I currently work out 5 times a week, mixing cardio and weight training. I keep track of calories, fat, carbs, protein in an excel doc and have recently added in counting Weight Watchers points. It's easy to do at work and I'm trying to get better about sticking with it through the weekends.


I have a 2 year old, have had recent emotional/financial stresses. My motivation for my self comes in spurts (when I feel good)

I'm 22 and graduated from school a couple of months ago and now working for a consulting company in DC.
I actually love to be active - playing all kinds of sports. I'm 5'9, 177, but used to be 155. I'd love to get down to 145 in a perfect world, but that's apparently not possible according to my trainer. He's set up a goal of around 170 but replacing some of the 12% body fat with muscle, and hopefully getting to around 6%. I know it's going to be a long process but getting the weight off and then keeping it there is important to me.

29 year old mother of 4. I need to lose about 107lbs. I weigh 247 today.

I am 26 years old, and I am a graduate student at the University of Maryland, College Park. I study government and politics. For me the past few years have been kind of crazy as I have transferred schools (I was in CA before) and broken off an engagement with a guy I had dated for three years. In response to the craziness of my life, my diet has been all over the board. I did train for and run a marathon last year which kept my weight in check, but after the marathon I stopped working out because of finals and x-mas and I soon put some weight back on. Right now I am trying to get back on track with healthy eating and working out and hoping that this time it sticks. I would really just like to stop yo yo'ing.

I am 24. I live in the East Bay (Alamo, CA). I currently am going to graduate school to become an Occupational Therapist.

I am 21 years old and have been married to my hubby Jonathan for over a year now. I am going to school for secondary education and hope to be a 3/4rth grade teacher someday.

I'm 27 years old, a speech-language pathologist. I live with my lovely boyfriend and cat and generally am loving life. I've struggled with my weight all my life, successfully shedding 60 lbs several years ago- settling at about 160 lbs, at 5'7. I kept it off for several years but have gained 25 lbs back. I currently eat pretty healthy and live RIGHT beside my gym, but rarely make it. The only thing I am missing is positive motivation and accountability. I think this site looks great and am excited to get started and get this weight off!

I'm a single 24 y/o who is super super busy. I work two part time jobs which ends up equalling more that one full time job. I work as a Research Assistant and also as a Substance Abuse Counselor working with teenagers. I am also a full time Grad Student.
I have a bad habit of going out on the weekends and canceling out all the hard working out and dieting I do during the week with cocktails and eating out.
I had thyroid cancer when I was about 17 which I think is why I was a pretty chubby teenager. I think my highest weight was about 165 (at 5'1'). After dealing with the thyroid issue I lost about 10 lbs per year while in college and have been "stuck" for the past couple years. I seem to gain and lose the same 8 pounds all the time. I'm down to 125 but I would really like to lose 10-15 lbs more.

I'm 26 and I just started a new job in a new city and i'm hoping to get a new body to go with all of that. I used to be athletic but since I graduated college I've stopped excercising so much and I've put on the pounds.

I'm 24 years old and married, I graduated from college last year with degrees in computer science and math. I work for a bank. I have a dog which is like my child, a beagle named Izzy.

Age: Late 20's
Height: 5'5''
Weight (most): 155lbs
Weight (current): 120lbs! ( :
Total "lbs" lost (35 lbs! and 15 lbs to go!)
Student PT, Work PT and Volunteer PT
Married and with a baby.

I am 20 years old and have always struggled with my weight. I have been on multiple diets and cannot seem to stick with them for more than a week! I hope that by having the support of others i will obtain the sense of motivation that i need to reach my goal!

I'm a 21 y/o junior in college. Since I started college I've gained 30 lbs and while I was active and worked out my first two years, this year I haven't done anything. I used to play tons of sports and go to the gym 4-5 times a week, but somehow I've just gotten out of the habit...my college food doesn't help either.

I am 24 years old mother of a 20 month old. I gained 40 pounds during my pregnancy and have not lost it.

I'm 22. I officially weigh the most i have ever weighed. 142 pounds.

I have been a big girl pretty much my whole life. So years more then others. I am turning 25 at the end of the month and would love to enjoy my body more in my older age. I had a hard time when I was younger and would love to put all of that behind me.

I am 26 years old and have struggled with my weight all my life. I've been married a year and a half now. No kids yet. I've gotten down as low as 105 pounds when I was 17 and now I weigh 180 pounds. I am an emotional eater. I want to stop the dieting/bingeing cycle and just learn to be "normal"



I am 28 years old and am going to school to be a pharmacist. i am finally getting married to my long time boyfriend.

I'm 24 years old and have been married for 2.5 years. We have a 3 year old Great Pyrenees, a dog. I live in Seattle now, but my husband and I are moving to Oregon in a few weeks. We just bought a house (which was REALLY stressful!). I'm a Graphic Designer and recently decided to go solo and be a freelancer 100% of the time. It's a little scary but exciting, and I'm looking forward to having a more flexible schedule to hit the gym and prepare meals.


I am a junior in college and a bizzy bee. I dont eat healthy because i live on a college campus and healthy food is not an option. I maintain my weight okay but i need help learning how to eat and how to find time to work out when you are a busy college student.

I'm 23 years old and have been big, yet atheletic all my life.
I have about 150 pounds that I would LOVE to lose, but would be content with 100 or so.
Ive tried various plans, such as Weight Watchers and Atkins and now Isagenix and find that this system is more than a diet tool, but a lifestyle tool, and I'm learning so much about nutrition and a balanced diet, more importantly about reading labels and proper portion sizes.
I plan on continueing with the program right through to my target weight and then move in to the Isagenix Maintenance Program of 1 Cleanse day a month and 1 shake a day. :)

I'm from Northern Ireland and live away from home most of the time. I'm about to go into final year of a degree in social work. I wouldn't class myself as overweight yet but over the last 2 years as a student I've managed to put on over a stone. Just the normal habits have gradually been putting the weight on. I've went up a dress size and I'm scared that I'm just gonna expand without even noticing!

I weigh 178lbs.
I have lost a little more than 50lbs over the past 3years or so (at my heaviest I was 230-235lbs).

I'm the heaviest I've ever been and I'm feeling very down about it. I turned 25 on February 10, 2010 and decided it was time to make a real change. I joined Weight Watchers Online on February 15 and could use the support of others going through the same process as me.

I am 25, married, with no kids. I work in a bank at a desk all day long. I workout at Curves (sometimes).

I'm almost 20. Im a college student, hoping to major in Business Managment. I have a wonderful boyfriend who is station in Iraq. I have a very supportive family. The hardest thing for me in a diet would be maintaing the diet.

I'm a 19 year old going into my third year of university. I've been on diets since I was 13. they've been successful but I never stuck with it, so the weight just kept coming back! I love reading, movies, travel, and being with my friends! I'm studying art history, communications and international relations.

I'm a 27 year old software engineer from IL who misread the memo on the "freshman 15" and put on a "freshman 50". Since leaving college I've already lost 30 pounds, now at 215, and hoping to lose another 35 to 40 with the combination of diet and exercise.

22 year old college graduate.

I am 5'9" 244 lbs, 21 years old and not happy. heart disease runs deep in my family, i am bipolar and most of the time depressed. If im not mistaken it's time for a change. All i want is to be healthy first and then happy because being healthy usually leads to being happy. Last summer i lost about 40 lbs by running. somwhere between there and now I lost my drive (depression) and gained most of it back. I am heading out to Wyoming this summer, like last summer, to work on a ranch camp for kids and while there intend to take the oportunity to kick start my start into health. In the past year i have been through alot and learned alot. One thing that i know now more than ever is that making a mistake is not the end of the world. yes it is a setback but not a good enough reason to stop everything and just give up!

I'm 23 years old, I live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I have a very hectic life due to work commitments. I don't even know how to explain what I do without taking up 10 pages. Basically I'm in entrepeneur I work directly with someone who is basically my mentor. (if you've ever seen the show "The Real Estate Pros" on TLC, my life is freakishly like Ginger's just without the camera, yet, and not in real estate) At the moment I am actively involved in getting 3 businesses off groung and running (all at different stages). Because I have a very un-balanced lifestyle. I basically live and breathe business. I work irregular hours, which I find makes it difficult to stick to a gym schedule and not be tempted to just grab anything to eat.
How I gained weight:
When I first went to university lI was about 180 (I'm 6 feet tall which probably be taken into account, I also have a naturally larger frame and I've always been very ahtletic). Like most I gained the classic freshmen weight. At my heaviest I was 210. Then during second year I progressively lost some weight, down to about 190-195. Then in my 3rd year I transfered universities because I was recruited to play bball. So basically talk about a crash boot camp in getting back in shape. So I ended up being between 180-185 but crazy amounts of muscle. At the end of that season, I stopped playing but maintained good eating habits and relatively high level of activity. I proceeded to lose some muscle mass and a few extra pounds of fat. I was 168 pounds, and I looked amazing!!!!! I felt so great about myself and looked so healthy I was glowing all the time.
Anyway this lasted until a year and a half ago when I became very depressed due to the loss of my best friend. I lost all motivation in life. I gained more weight and have been hovering around 190 since then. I really want to be fit and healthy again. I've fought tooth and nail to pull myself out of depression. I have a fabulous life again. I'm still not perfect. I still struggle with the past, I can't seem to let go completely. I still have very large flood-gates controlling my emotions. I'm a completely different person from who I used to be which is sometimes scary just due to the unknown. I have new goals and ambitions and driving forces.
Anyway I really think my keys to success will be giving my health the focus I give other areas of my life, time management and staying positive. Probably the thing that would keep me on track the best is to have a support system. I'd really like to make some friends through this and help each reach our goals.

I'm a 26 year old, graduate student studying psychological research. I've been training for a 300 mile bike trip I'm going on this summer. I gained some weight when I started college and haven't been able to lose it. I'd really like to have a flat stomach and wear a bikini sometime soon!!

I am 21 and a second year pharmacy student in Omaha. I am hoping that I can reach my goal of losing 25-30lb within a year, however, since I would love to be more fit and have better diet habits within the next 2 and a half years when my boyfriend and I plan to get married. I used to be a ballet dancer before starting college 3 years ago, and I miss it a lot. Right now I couldn't even hope to feel good in class, and while I have no desire to be a stick, I would rather be slender again. My metabolism seems rather slow since I've been unable to eat very high numbers of calores, but my major problem is I've started nibbling/binging on strange foods. I want to get to where I eat a variety of healthy choices and I don't feel threatened by foods around me.

Im a 21 year old senior in college. The last 3 years here at school have done a number on my body. I used to run track everyday in high school and i was physically fit. My interested changed when i got to college, from bench press to beers and it shows. I want to get fit, lose the stomach fat, and bulk up my muscle mass.

Hi everyone.... i'm a 20 yr old acollege student in Houston...between work and school, I have devolped horrible eating habits! I used to run cross country and since the 3 yrs I have stopped I have gained almost 40 lbs.! I went to the lake yesterday and for the first time ever, I was unable to wear a bathing suit because I felt so bad about myself! I am joining to lose at least 20 lbs, get active, and stay healthy!!!

Hi everyone! I'm 25 years old, love an adventure, love my city, love myself, but feel like the only thing that ever holds me back is my weight. I am 5"2 and weigh about 175 lbs. My struggle with my weight has been a lifelong one, and I have had many ups and downs along the way. I'm really hoping to find people on PT who will be a positive influence and help me reach my goals!


I gained 20 pounds my senior year of college. I just graduated and I want to get it off. i'm working as a paralegal and don't have much time to work out.


Hi! My name is Rachelle. I am 28 years old. I just finished my doctrate of pharmacy. I weigh 335lbs. My goal is to be 150lbs. I have been obese my entire life. It's not a family thing. I tend to starve myself thru out the day and binge eat at night and I am not physically active. All in all I hope to make friends, learn more about myself, and loose weight in the process.

I'm a twenty one year old student. Having lost almost two stone on total food replacement I want to lose the rest healthily.

I'm 20, finished my first year at a university and decided to take some time off of school. I am currently working full time M-F and really enjoy working out on a daily basis.

I'm a 24 year old who has been yo-yo'ing for 10 years of my life. It's time for me to take control and get over this thing. My objective is to drop down 65 pounds by my 25th bday which is in 4 months. I want to start my next quarter of a century as a person with an active lifestyle, and as someone who will enjoy life to its fullest :)

I am a 21 year old female who gained about 50-60 pounds in the last 1 1/2 years. It drives me nuts to look at the clothes I used to fit into and realize i can only fit my darn arm into the pant leg of my old jeans. T_T

I always liked sports but have never had the body for it. I guess I just love food too much even though I pay attention to WHAT I eat I think my biggest problems is HOW much I eat

I'm 28, full time bartender. One beautiful daughter (she's 4) a great boyfriend who has 3 kids thats 6 of us in 1 small house

27, 5'9, about to start graduate school in UMICH...currently in VA. I have gain over 40lbs in 1 year :( TAKING BACK MY LIFE!!!

I suppose I would describe myself as outgoing and fun but its all those times at the bar or having drinks with friends which have led to my weight gain and struggle to accept myself.When i'm not battling the mirror I like to do typical girl stuff shop get my nails done go to concerts anything really.I'm a social butterfly but have also become a gym goer over the past months Ive become consistant.When i'm not with friends or family i'm busy in university or working in Human rescources.

I am 24 years old and I come from a family of big women. I live in a culture of eaters and talkers but talking does not burn the calories consumed by eating. I am a positive thinker and I strive on raising my thoughts so that my human condition can be raised as well. I am also a singer and a musician and I enjoy beautiful things. I do have a high self esteem despite my excess fat because I know that I am beautiful and that I have great deal to offer. I believe that feeling bad about my appearance hinders my relationships with other people and myself and I see no point in it. Right now I work at an athletic club in Anchorage Alaska and I sub for water aerobics. In the fall I will be going to school for Massage Therapy so my lifestyle will have to change so that I can handle the physical labor involved with that profession.

Working mom of 2. Stressed. lol



I am a newlywed, have been married for two months. I have a full-time job working at a hospital in the financial area. My husband and I own a house in a busy neighborhood that isn't really friendly to outdoor exercising like taking walks or bikerides. In my sparetime I like to read and be outside.

I'm 26 and i'm trying to loose weight i figured i needed a buddy system to support me. I'm currently back up to an 18 i recently had a preemie and gained weight with all the stay at home nothing i've been doing. Just started to get serious about walking again. Have 5th anniversary comming up and want to renew vows so it's a major motivation to look nice in photos.

I have been skinny my entire life! I had my first son, Colby, when I was 22. The weight literally fell off after I had him. I had three miscarriages between him and my second child Ryan who I had at age 24. I lost most of my weight after Ryan using Michael Thurmond's 6 week body makeover. Then I found out I was pregnant Logan and had him at age 26. Five months after he was born we lost everything due to Katrina and Rita. So I went off my diet and into emotional eating. I started nutrisystem which really did work. I lost 25 pounds using it. However i had some major health problems and a few surgeries so I gained it all back. I am currently at 210 pounds and would like to get down to my 135 that I was in college before I had kids. I am married to a wonderful man who supports every diet I go on, if I could just get the kids out of the house for a while I could probably lose the wieght! LOL



At 26, I have found myself at 190. I have a goal weight of 140. I am a graphic design student who finds herself wanting to weight what she did as a senior in high school as a senior in college.

Lost 30lbs but have been in a platue for a long time. I'm WILLING really WILLING to lose 60lbs. this year.

I am 22 years old, in a great relationship with a man I completely love. I work in a call center and hate it haha. I want to go back to school and become a teacher, I also eventually want to be a stay at home mom.

Hi my name is Jess! I was hoping to come here for some support in losing a couple pounds. I am not trying to lose a lot of pounds, but mostly trying to keep the OVEReating down and a steady weight. I know that my weight will continue to climb if I don't be careful!
Also, I work SO much. I work around 50 hours a week at a desk job. Also factor in around 20 hours of week of commute.
I used to be VERY underweight. I don't ever want to be underweight, just a healthy weight with plenty of exercise and good eating!

I am 23 years old. I work full time and go to law school at night. I'm trying to figure out if working out in the morning or at night works best for me to squeeze in a workout.....we'll see
My doctor just put me on a 1200 calorie diet as I was diagnosed as being a borderline diabetic.
I have had weight issues my entire life- mostly because my family eats like crap and all of our events consist of EATING.
I am determined to get fit and eat right and I'm hoping that I can get the support I need here.


I'm 26 and counsellor in Australia. Have always struggled with my weight, lost a lot in my early 20's but now put even more back on, and bigger than ever at 175 lbs.


im just a simple girl here in phlippines..living a normal life....i love singing,dancing & fashion...love to wear different kinds of clothes,,,i have my disappointments sometimes in my self coz...lots of clothes i want but wont fit...

I guess I am a little late to this site as out of college I was 220 lbs but I am 6'2". Immediately a change of lifestyle dropped me to 190 and now I am down to 185 and people say I'm skinny and look healthy. My goal is to tone up and get some muscle. Even though I was 190, I could only do 12-15 pushups at a time. 2 months later I am able to do 50 in one shot.

*** BACK FROM SURGERY AND READY TO ROLL... or rather... lose the rolls!***
I'm 22 and newley married to the love of my life Sean. I am a below the knee amputee due to congenital birth defects but that has never held me back. I was very active growing up, I played soccer, and ran track, however, as I've grow my activity level has dropped to practically non-existant.

I am 23 years old, I have gained at least 10 pounds since I graduated from college in May 2007. That is a lot of weight in such a short period of time (Well, actually I guess that's only 2 pounds a month, funny how weight sneaks up on you). I have always felt kind too big, and it ends up being a source of insecurity. I am going to get a handle on this weight issue because I believe that everyone deserves to be happy and feel comfortable in their own skin. I do not want to spend my life insecure or overly concerned about my weight. I want to be able to pick up and go to the beach when ever I want or pick something out of my closet to wear and not have to ask myself... "do I look fat?" I have never been that big, although I have felt that way ( mostly because I have big hips and a butt... think beyonce. *lol* As I've gotten older I have grown to love my curves, I just want to reduce my size overall)
Oh and I love running and the rest of the time I'm studying... I'm a first year medical student. [change] I am a SECOND year medical student
I ran a half-marathon in 2005
a Marathon 26.2 miles in 2006
another half-marathon in 2007
(So I must say, this is why I feel guilty constantly complaining about my body. My body has done some amazing things and I want to be proud of my shape. This is the reason, I am going to change my life style and lose weight for good! I deserve it... and you do too!

I have just graduated from OU this year with a bachelor's in Liberal Arts and for the moment am a customer service agent for a newspaper company and am enjoying the ok pay and DAYTIME HOURS!! When I was a customer service supervisor I worked all kinds of hours and my weight went up like 40lbs overnight. I am enjoying a mellow life right now.


im from alberta canada , growing up playing hockey in the winter was a struggle , ate lots of pasta and fatty foods which caught up to me , im getting married soon and id like to loose those pounds so i can get down to 115 pounds before then


20 year old college student

My name is Lindsey. I'm 5'7" and 185 lbs. I have always been overweight, except for maybe back in the day when I was like five years old and a ballerina. A couple of years ago I went to the doctor and weighed in at 232 lbs and could not believe it. Over the course of a year I was able to lose about ten pounds on my own, but soon decided that I needed help. Last April I joined Weight Watchers starting at 225 lbs and have lost about 40 pounds on the program. I am now 185 lbs. I am going off of Weight Watchers and hoping that, with some extra support, I can lose another 40 pounds and meet my goal weight of 140 lbs. I know I can do it- I have done it. I want to be that ballerina I was destined to be.

24 years old. I am married and have a daughter (6 months old). I work M-F 8 - 5. I also go to school in the evenings M - TH 6 - 10. I'm working on my B.S. in Computer Science. I am 6' 11" and weigh around 235 lbs.



I am 25 years old. Female. Work full-time in front of a desk. I love to cook and need to get motivated in working out.

I'm 25 years old. I have been married since Nov 9, 2007. I don't have any children yet, but definitely see them in my future. I work at a bank where I sit at a desk 40 hours a week.

I'm 27, 5'10, 169 pounds. I love tattoos. I love food. I love my boyfriend, and my dog. Snowboarding. Sad movies... I work at home. I write standardized math tests. I want to get down to 150. I'd love to wear a bikini this summer.

I am a student at SF State and will have my masters in Communicative Disorders in 10'. I also work full time at a Law Firm in Menlo Park...I definitely do lots of sitting on a daily basis.



I am 27, 5'9''. I am a librarian and like to read, play with my dog, cook, eat, and start craft projects I never finish.

I've been married for a year and a half and I have a 7 month old son. I've steadily been gaining weight since 7th grade. I was never able to lose weight but since my son was born I have lost 63 lbs and am looking to lose 60 more.

I am 22years old married with a beautiful daughter who will be one in February


I'm a 22 year old college student in Oregon, finishing up school and getting ready for the CPA exam to become a public accountant.
I'm looking to start losing the weight that has trickled back slowly but surely over the last year. or so. I started my diet/workout plan at 170 pounds, and 38% body fat, wearing size 10s (and straining the buttons!!). I dropped down to 128 pounds, but have put on 20+ pounds.



I've always been a healthy eater but inthe last Five years my activity rate has plumeted. I feel that i am 20-30 lbs overweight and I want to get rid of this extraness and feel lighter

Weight 2 weeks ago:165lbs
02/12 - 164 lbs
Have 1 yr old baby...so sometime its difficult to concentrate on my diet and exercising.



m a 25 yr old currently pursuing masters in Australia. i was painfully thin until i was 21 wen i suddenly developed some health problems and d docs put me on all possible medications to get rid of it. d problem dint go but wat came in was a lot of weight as d side effect of drugs. my metabolism suddenly changed and wat ever litlle i ate i started putting weight. i eat a lot now due to depression and stress and currently weigh 189 pounds. my eating habits hv changed since i've moved to australia n end up eating a lot of junk. m really unhappy cuz my partner is only 120lbs. i feel ackward going out wid him though he doesn't hv any prob wid my weight. he is very supportive n helps me in wat ever way i want. i really wanna lose around 65lbs in the next yr. i don want ppl laughing at us in our wedding which is likely to happen around d same time next yr

I am a 23 year old college student at Willamette University in Salem Or. I am a muic education major. I have struggled with my weight my entire life. June 5th I will be moving to Texas to teach kindergarten. I am so excited to start my future career.

24-year old web marketing consultant in NYC.
I'm 5'10" and 170.0 pounds. In the past three years I've worn 5 different dress sizes and fluctuated by 30 pounds.
My 60 hour work week, proximity to the candy basket, and stressful job have made it easy for me to blame my bad exercise and eating habits on my circumstances and not my willpower ;-)

I am a 20 year old college student weighing about 245lb and measuring in at 5'5". I have always been overweight but now I realize that I need to change that in order to be happier and healthier. I am somewhat active but lately I have stagnated... due in some part by depression and sheer laziness. Now I need to change.

I currently work two jobs and study part time! I eat all the wrong things and dont exercise!! I've been overweight for as long as I can remember but this is the heaviest i have ever been! Dont want to spend the rest of my 20s as l spent my teens and early 20s

I am just starting to "get back on the horse." The past several months have been verry stressful for me with an ended pregnancy, losing my job, all while going up and down an extreme emotional/health rollercoaster! I am changing my attitude and working on eating healthier and staying active.

I'm 22, I moved to Dubai from the UK 8 months ago. I was already in pretty bad shape, but the life style out here has caused me to put on an additional 14 pounds since I've been here. Once i get into a habit of working out i really enjoy it. I like dancing, going out with friends, and generally having a good time.

27 y old medical student wanting to loose th 15 pounds that have been piling on since college. Am 5'8 1/2 and 180lbs. Though I am muscular I would still like to be 167ish and more toned in my quads/calves.

im 26 yrs old...been heavy for most of my life. guess i never really cared till now that my knees started hurting. so at 312 lbs i began to change my eating habits. ive gone done to 265lbs. i plan to keep going till i reach a healthy weight for my 5'9" stature.

I'm a musical theatre nerd who is studying classical voice (Opera, mainly). I'm a moderatly religious Buddist Jew who meditates daily, and am learning about holistic health. I've worked at our states Ren Faire for the past three summers as a "honey wench".

I got married 2 yearsr ago and gained about 20 lbs in 2 years....
I have no children... I try to workout but I just cant control myself when it comes to food and sweets.... I know for a fact that my husband isnt happy about the way I look like right now and is really scared that its just gonna get worse... for being so young and out of shape its just scary for him.... i understand how he feels and he is very supportive about me getting back in shape again....

I'm a 5'10", ~20 year old female who had a stable weight of 160 before getting sick. At one point my high weight was 187. My weight stabilized around 177, and in the past month and a half I have gotten down to 164 (loss of 13 pounds). I am looking to lose 9 pounds more by July 4th (to be 5 pounds below my original weight), and more after!


I work with children and families as a mental health therapist. I love reading and being creative.

I'm 22, and work two jobs, both computer related. This pretty much guarantees that for 54 hours a week, I'm going to be at a desk. I've never been in great shape, but I've never been as out of shape as I am now. I have trouble staying motivated and find it hard to get the ball rolling. Hopefully that will change this time around.

I am a 25 year old single girl living in Kansas City, MO. I love sports, and going out with my friends. I work for a medical company that make equipement for obese people.


25 years old, married for 2 years, active, but not a ton to do in my town and people are not usually super active here. Not unhealthy, getting thicker round the middle, gained about 10 lbs last year, yikes! I work for a Christian non-profit with college students (InterVarsity anyone?) and have a really hard time eating healthy with them. Lots of snacks, ice cream, and fast food.


I am 24 years old living in Plymouth, MN. I work at a computer all day long and try hard to stay active. I live close to a lake with nice trails and try to get out and walk as much as I can but lately have had little motivation. So...thats where this comes in!
