
I am a nursing student who just got married in May. I love animals, children, my husband, friends and the Lord. I am not very good at setting and achieving goals, so this is a step in the right direction for me. I am 5'5" and weigh in at 171 right now. Not an appropriate weight for my height, so i am eager to feel healthier!

I am a 35 year old Christian wife and mother. I have 3 children. Stay at home mother but I watch 2 children. I would like to make new friends and motivate others as I know I will need motivation.

25 years old, just moved to the UK. Been set free from compulsive binge eating (thank God), lost 50 lbs., but am still about 15 lbs. overweight. It's time to do some shaping-up work - I want to get into a weight training routine.

41, 178lbs, wanting to be 160


I am a 55 yr old mother of 4 grown children children are daughter 25,son23 and 2 other daughters 21 and 19. I am 54 . I just became a teacher but I don't have a perminent job yet I am a NYC Substitute for grades PK-6. I love teaching the younger ones and plan I am getting my MA in early childhood/ special education. I am happily married for 26 years. I am very blest! Christ is also the center of my life. I am catholic but I don't believe you have to be catholic to be saved. I love life but I am moody. I eat when I am sad , happy upset . I just love to eat.


I'm a college student and former cross country/track athlete. Though I still run regularly (am training for a 10 miler in November), my eating habits have gotten horrible through my college years. Plus I work in a restaurant, which is probably a bad choice since I have a problem with self control and they let me bring home all kinds of bakery junk. I just want to be me again! Usually my diet improves with my spiritual life, but my spiritual life has needed some revamping, which shows in my poor eating.


I'm 31 yrs old; been married for 4 yrs and have 3 boys. I use to be very fit and active but after having my last two kids 18 months apart; I have really packed on the weight. I am 5'5" and weigh 172 pounds. My goal is to lose 50 pounds by my 32nd birthday in June 2009.

39, live in the great northwest and have a great size to match. I used to think I was baudy and funny. Now I am fat and on a mission to change that.

I am a 33 year old, Christian father of 5. I have been overweight for most of my life. I have had limited success in diets and exercise over the years.

I'm 51, married, mom of 3 grown children, grandma to 1, mom to 3 dogs. Work part time, diabetic, caregiver for Mom, gardener, avid dieter.

I am 24 years old, mother of 2. My 2nd was born in January and I was up to 185ish at the end of my pregnancy and am now down to about 155, but seem to be stuck there!

Married, mother of 4. I work as a substitute teacher. My husband and I also have our own vacation rental business. We own a condo in Gatlinburg, TN that we rent out for vacations, honeymoons etc...

I am 29 yrs old. I'm married with no kids (yet). I love rice and noodles. I am 5'4 and 245. I gained these weights after I got married. It's been 2 yrs. I work full time 12:30-8:30pm, and part time waitressing on Fridays night and Saturday all day. I use most of my free time sleeping. And I tend to fall asleep right after I eat ~this is my problem.

Father of 8, Veterinarian, ex (recently) soccer player. Soon to be hockey player (have decided to take up recreational hockey).

I am a recently married, stay at home/work at home mother of a 5 year old girl. I teach music lessons from home and am extremely active in my church (worship team).



I'm forty eight years old, two boys, ages 21 and 22. I am a Navy Veteran. Have been overweight for many years, after being on steroids for nerve damage in my spine. Desperately need encouragement, don't get it at home. Need to lose the rest of the weight I have to lose. and Keep it off. So far, I have kept all but 8 pounds off that I've lost. I need to increase physical activity. I have many health problems and hope they will improve as the weight comes off. I just need help.

28 yr old female. Tech Support desk position does not lead to active lifestyle. Will turn 30 next year and want to do it looking and feeling great. Want to make cardio and resistance training workouts a part of everyday life

I'm 51, a college administrator. Lost ten pounds in calendar year 2008 and have kept it off so far. Have had trouble getting going on the second ten pounds! Hence the goal.

My name is Corey and I'm 20 and I work at Whole Foods Market which has made me more conscious of what I put in my mouth. I work full time and I will head back to school in January. I want to be an actor and I'm tired of my body looking like a soggy pillow. I think I have the raw materials to look really good.


I'm 5'0, 200lbs. I'm a full time student and a full time employee.//

I am in my fourties and have been steadly increase in weight for about the last ten years. I am married with two daughters.

My name is Joanne and I am a Public Accountant in Montana.
Love animals have 4 dogs, 5 cats, 4 horses. Have a ranch
so able to ride horses alot. I am 66 years old and need to lose weight because of my health as I am diabetic.

I am a 33yrs old wife, mom and postal officer, fun loving a people person.
Never being thin but was not over wait until my son 7yrs ago since then it's being a constant battle from 200lbs to present 175lbs, within the past two years I have maintain a 175-180lbs but now I am ready for the challenge to take all the way no more excuses!

I dont have alot of time after work for exercise. I live out in the country so its not so easy to run or walk on dirt roads. I go out in my back yard and run laps. I feel like it is better to do this than nothing at all.

I'm married have 2 son's (18 single in college and 24 married with 1 child) I am 43, 5' tall and weigh 182. I am very involved in my church.

I am a 29 year old married mother of 3, I am a stay at home mom, and run the business aspect of our landscaping company. I also recently became a Cookie Lee Consultant. I am active at church, help out at my kids school alot, and am generally an active person, however, over the last year or so have gained about 10 pounds on top of the 10 I already needed to lose. I am becoming increasingly frustrated and depressed about the way I look, and know that there is a slimmer me just waiting to get out! I need to get motivated, and stay motivated!!!!!

First and foremost, I love the Lord with all my heart. I'm 45 yrs old and I've been married for 22 yrs and have a 19 yr old son. I work a 40 hour a week job, go to school 2 nights, babysit a 2 yr old once a week and am very involved in my church.


I am a stay at home wife, my two sons are grown and have their own families. I live next door to my elderly parents and help watch out for them. My mom has parkinson and Dad had a stroke a few years ago so as you can see I stay busy without going out to work. I'll be 57 in February which is hard to believe sometimes. I have always been very active but have really gotten away from it tha last year or so.

I'm 24 and a newlywed. Last year I joined WW and lost 18 pounds. We moved across the state and I can't afford to go to the meetings anymore. (Broke newlywed) I've gained 8-10 pounds back from my low weight. I want to lose those and the last few pounds that I never lost. I'm a newspaper reporter so often my day is quite unpredicatble, leaving me to rely on snacks or vending machines for dinners at city council meetings. I'm at a healthy weight now but want to get to where I can not be self-concious and fit nicely into my clothes.

college student about to graduate, get married, and start Masters program in community counseling.


The Lord is my shepherd...and I want my body to be worthy of Him! I am 38 years old and have always been fat. My dear husband loves me the way I am but I do not like my body this way. It is not a temple fitting for God in my eyes; I have not kept it the way it should be kept...

I am a 44 year old woman, married, with two children and a dog--a Rottweiler. I also have a full time job outside the home.

I'm 26, and I'm at a healthy weight (135 lbs, 5'3"). However, I need to make exercise a habit, improving my cardiac endurance and getting stronger.
I live a fairly sedentary lifestyle, and I want to change that, but I'm not consistent.

I got engaged on New Years '09
I got married on July 11, 2009
I had my baby girl on December 4, 2009
2009 was a packed year and I would like to get fit. My husband and I are planning on trying for a second child in 2-3 years and I want to make sure I am as healthy as can be.

I'm 51 years old, 5'7" tall and a dairy eating semi-vegetarian. I want to loose15-20 lbs, be a size 6 and look fabulous in a bikini, again. I'm a mompreneur turned emptynesteneur. I love martinis, social eating and cooking for family and friends. My concerns are reducing stress, keeping fit and healthy, as well as, postponing the onset of osteoarthritis and age related diseases. I love to ski, backpack and sail.


I'm a 29 year old pastor's wife and substitute teacher, who has gone through a lot of change lately. I recently moved to a new area and quit my fulltime teaching career to focus on my marriage and our ministry together. I have been married for almost 7 years to a wonderful man. We have two dogs named Maverick and Jinx. They are our babies for now... we were pregnant this past fall, but we miscarried. After that I was depressed for awhile and gained weight, I want to be in shape for myself and so that my body can handle future pregnancies.

I am in my last few months of graduate school (I graduate in May) and I just started a new job working at a pregnancy support center. I was married last year in June and I am loving this time with my husband. We are Christians and are very active in our church. I know that I must continually depend on God throughout this challenge.

I’m Kim, 40 years old, married 7 years to my best friend. I’m mom to one adorable but busy 5 year old son, we are trying for number 2 but it is slow going. I work full time as an HR manager for a large manufacturing firm here in N.E. Ohio. The only spare time I get to workout is in the mornings so I'm up at 4:30 working my heart out.
I have been up and down with my weight since jr. high school. Crash dieting kept me thin through h.s. and college (although I thought I was huge at the time weighing in at 130 lbs - I'm 5'7). The last 4 years I have been really lax about my weight and health in general. After having my son, I was at my highest weight of 230 lbs. And I knew I needed to do something. July 2002 I got serious and I started eating sensibly and incorporating regular exercise into my day. I started off with 20 minutes a day and worked my way up to 45-60 minutes a day. I started off working out with Leslie Sansone, Donna Richardson, Tamilee Webb, Joyce Vedral and the Firm. I had success and I got down to 177. The last few months, I have not paid attention to my eating and have managed to put on 15 lbs. But I have renewed my focus and have already dropped 5 lbs.

24yrs old. Married with 3 children under 5 and in college full-time.

21 year old college student. Was underweight at one point, then gained the weight back and more. I would like to get back to a healthy, comfortable middle between the two without obsessing. Also, I plan on taking a bike trip through France this summer, and don't want to be dragging this extra baggage up the mountains :)

I am a wife, mother, student, age 41, with 160 lbs to lose.

I am 37. I am married with five children whose ages range from college to preschool.

I'm 30 years old who work as a freelancer in the field of Graphic Designs. Also, I'm a born again Christian who walks in Faith and leaving all things in the hands of God.


I am 29 y/o. I have a son who is 3 and a husband. We are in the process of moving to Kansas City in June. It has been a VERY tough 3 years and I have gained alot of weight.


I am 42 and a mother of three kids, 17, 14, & 10. My husband and I have been married for 21 years. I am a school counselor and I love working in my yard and playing with my cats and dog.

I work in a large church with the pastoral staff that shepherds children and students. I love my job! But there is always tons of treats and snacks in the office and I can't keep my hands off them. PLus we are always getting treated to lunch or 'coffee' or special goodies from our grateful parents.
I am a singer, but have hidden this gift under a bushel, because I am embarrassed because of my weight. In fact there are a lot of things I am embarrassed about because of my weight.
I do have a great sense of humor, a bit self deprecating at times, but I am a very positive person, except for my weight.

I'm 48 and have gradually added the weight over the last few years. It seems about every five years, I need to go on a diet. I don't want to pay for another diet program and know I can lose the weight myself if I have accountability to others.

This is where the dilemma starts. As I said above before I moved I weighed as little as 121. Then the winter came, and with winter my new job. Which has me working 50 hour weeks, and those become 70 hour weeks when you factor in my commute. This means I start my day at 4:30 am, leave my house at 5:25 am, and don't get home again until 8:00pm.
My job is very sedentary, but my day is so long that I'm starving. And I find that I'm eating my dinner, which is usually a meal cooked by my chef boyfriend around 9 pm. I think this late night eating is what is causing me to gain weight. But I don't see a way around it, because our eating dinner together is important to us. And by the time I get home my blood sugar is so low I'm feeling weak and woozy. Even if I try to snack before I leave work at 5:30 (and by snack I mean eat a serving of Kashi cereal with soy milk, or an apple, or a cup of carrot sticks). If I eat anything too filling then I'm not hungry for the meal that my boyfriend has cooked. Another problem is the sheer length and distance traveled in my day. I mean by the time most people have been at work an hour I've already been out of my house for four hours. I just can't find a way to reduce my calories without getting physically weak...and yet I just keep gaining weight and this has to stop...now...


I am 43 years old, married with 3 teenagers. Ten years ago I was 50 lbs overweight and lost it after reading the Weight Down Diet book and realizing that consciously overeating was sin. I kept it off for about 5 years and then weight started creeping back. I used the settingcaptivesfree.com program and lost again but not I am back up about 20lbs. I don't want to let this go any further. I want to get control and glorify God through my obedience to Him and acceptance of my body as he made me. I am only 5 ft tall so I find I can't eat very much without gaining weight.

i love to workout - run, bike and swim. i love to hang out with my fiance and do just about anything outside. i have been to africa and fell in love with the country. i'm studying to be a physician assistant so i plan on doing medical mission work when i graduate in april of 2008.




I'm 29 years old, been married a little over a year and have a beautiful 3 1/2 month old baby girl. My daughter comes to the office with me everyday, she's so fun. I'm a missionary with Child Evangelism Fellowship. I love to be outside and being active. Well, I used to be when I was 80 lbs. lighter.


I'm a laid back young black woman who's trying to discover who she is and what she truly wants. I believe that my weight has held me back from many opportunities and keeps me in my "shell." Want to shed the pounds and the insecurities along with it!


I'm a 23 yeard old college student from Portland. I'm working on my prerequisites for nursing school now, which is a full time job for this former English major. Being a nurse is important to me, and I want to be able to "practice what I preach." I've been overweight (ok, morbidly obese) for most of my life, and I'm tired. I'm tired all the time. I'm 23 and my doctor's talking about blood pressure medication. It's time for a change.


I'm a stay at home mom durning the week with my 2 1/2 yr old. I work weekend package at the hospital 2 nights in the PICU or NICU. Looking to loose some weight and get toned.

I am a stay at home...although we are not at home much...Kids are 3 and 5 ....We live on a ranch in Texas with horses and multiple critters everywhere...i need to get in shape for summer...and forever!

i am a 22 year old graduate student studying speech pathology. i am active in my church as a youth leader, and i also sing in the praise band regularly. i have a passion for children, and hope to work in a school setting as a speech teacher when i receive my masters degree in a couple years!
as of 6/12/07....i'm ENGAGED!

I am a 42 year old Mother of 3 who works inside and outside the home. My husband works full-time and is also a full-time college student. We have one pet named Smokey who is a gerbil


I'm in the nursing field, I'm 30 years old..
I weigh 225lbs, and desperately want to lose about 100lbs.
I enjoy the outdoors, but not right now at my weight in the summer LOL
I'll try anything at least once


I am married! We've been married for almost 8 years and we have 2 kids! We are missionaries in Guadalajara, Mexico, but I am originally from Marietta, GA!
I was a dancer growing up, so I tend to become bored w/ workout DVDs, hence the reason I have so many! I love the sense of accomplishment that I have when I reach a physical milestone!

A couple years ago I started putting on weight. A few months ago I did an internal cleanse and changed my diet, and that's helped quite a bit (I lost maybe 15lbs from my max). I'm interested in increasing my strength, flexibility, and endurance to more than they were in my teen years.
32 year old male :: geek :: intp :: christian

I've battled with being an emotional eater all my life. I would like to live a healthy and happy life starting now, in 2010!

I am 53 I am married and have 3 grown sons. I work part time for my church. It is a non-denominational "Word of Faith" church.

I work for a local school system as a deaf ed. interpreter. I'm off this summer and am enjoying my time off. I'm taking this time to work on ME. To tone down and look good.

I am 25 years old and recently married. My weight gain was very dramatic in the first few months. They say you eat when you are happy. Well I must have been really really happy! :) I am only 5'2" and weigh about 155. I was at my smallest in highschool at 116. I would love to be the size I was when I got married which is about 25 pounds lighter. Maybe less, but thats a start. My willpower is lacking, but I have got to try!
A little more about me is that I am an art teacher. I have loved art all my life. I love to do ceramics and especially paint. I was an art major at school for a while then decided, why not teach it?!

I'm a 19 yr. old female.
I'm a Christian.
I spent 5 weeks in Northern India and 3 weeks in Nepal for missions.
I want to find a healthy balance of not over-dieting and not over-eating.
My body is His creation and I believe that God wants me to take care of it.
I love coffee and am a barista.

I am Christian mother of 4 children, recently seperated from my husband of 5 years. I had C-sections with my 3yr. old set of twins and my 1 yr. old child. I've been a vegetarian for 6 years and love it.

I am a 60 year old happily married woman. I have 2 married children and 3 grandchildren. I am a Biblical Counselor and have a ministry of 'Help and Hope" to those struggling with difficult issues in life. I started a ministry call Soul Care Resource Centre www.soulcareresources.com. God has first place in my life and I seek to honor Him in every part of my life.

I am 24 and recently married! I work at a daycare/preschool where I am currently the assistant director. I want to start taking care of the body that God gave me!!

I am 32 years old. Been married to a wonderful man for 12 years last August (only problem is that he is an endomorph - not me - cross species breeding has been fine - our children are beautiful.) I am also a busy wife and mother of 3. I have a 10, 7 and 1 year old. I work 1 day a week as a medical transcriptionist and teach group piano lessons. I have had chronic painful endometriosis for 5 years and so my baby Avery has been a wonderful blessing to me (no pain - except childbirth and nighttime feedings!). Unfortunately, my pain is returning and so is a terror that I will be stuck in my bed again. I am a Jesus follower and am trying hard to look like Him.

I am a 24 yr old Legal Assistant from Canberra Australia. I am currently 173 cms (5'9) and about 78kg (171 pounds), my heaviest weight.

I'm Pretty:)

I'm a 22 year old lady from South Carolina. I'll be graduating in May of 2008 and then starting my career (ah! big word) in August. I want to teach second grade (may change). My passions are God, children, and life. I love to laugh, sing, hike, spend time with my family (esp. my niece and nephews) and friends, and just have fun. I also enjoy photography, movies, playing the guitar, and sleeping.

I am 42, about 10 pounds overweight. I am married with one child who is going to be 13 soon.


I am a stay at home mom of 1 beautiful 6 year old girl. I babysit 3 other kiddies who are all angels. I have a wonderful husband. I have an even more wonderful God....I have had a rough life (health wise) just had another 2 surgeries in March. I am grateful that God has been with me every step of the way. He has purpose in everything. I hope joining peertrainer will help KEEP me motivated and hold me accountable for my actions!

I'm 31. I've gone through some dieting ups and downs over the years and I finally want to journey to weight loss by changing one habit at a time. I work for full-time in ministry. It is a busy job that I really enjoy. This takes up a full work day, plus lots of volunteer time as well. This leads me to eat food on the run and rush from one activity to another. I realized that by allowing life to dictate my time I'm not truly taking control and using my time as wisely as I'd like. In addition to weight loss, I'd also like to work on planning and managing my time better.

I'm a Christian wife and mother. Enjoy singing in church.


im 16 and in grade 11. i love school and sports. i love God and want to be in better shape so i can do more. i want to be a teacher when i get older (geography and gym). i did loose weight and was down to 160 lbs about a year ago but then i gained it all back (moved, got out of routine, christmas, stress of death of my grampa)

I am 26 years old, married with 2 children. I work full time, spend time with my family and all other time is dedicated to the Lord and deliverance ministry. I am looking to increase my quality of life concerning my health. My main goal is to win as many to the Kingdom on behalf of our Lord and Savior.



I've lost about 10 lbs. since the first of the year. I would like to keep on going! I have been having problems with my knees, so I feel like I am having a "wake-up" call to get back something more healthy.

41, Green Bay, WI. Love a challenge, want to feel good inside and out.


I am 48 yo married and working as a consultant in healthcare industry with frequent travel which has made it far to easy to overeat, underexercise and miss out on fellowship over the weeks and months and years. I am trying to change the pattern, get those priorities straight and deal positively with the stressors of work.

I seek to be healthy once again

I am 64 yr. old. Mother of two, grandmother of five, and great grandmother of eight. I have needed to lose this 100 lb. for several years now, for health reasons and self esteem issues.


I'm a formerly active 27 year old. My weight creeped up to 204 lbs after college - I took a desk job and became less active. I decided to get healthy again in March 2008. I've lost 19 lbs since the beginning of March by exercising daily and making healthy food choices.

im 26 yrs old...been heavy for most of my life. guess i never really cared till now that my knees started hurting. so at 312 lbs i began to change my eating habits. ive gone done to 265lbs. i plan to keep going till i reach a healthy weight for my 5'9" stature.


I'm a christian and would like to join a team that are christian5 5and over soul and spirit with using scripture

I'm a 34 yo SAHM of four kids ranging from 5 to 11 years old. I'm 5'10" and 191 right now, with a goal weight of 160. I am very active in a local competitive rowing club and also help with the youth at my church. I'm stopping my annual cycle of lose/regain this year, and need support to do that. Ice cream is the bane of my existence. ;)


I am a 36 year old wife and SAHM of a 2-year old and a 10 year old. I am also, and foremost, a Christian who loves Christ Jesus and seeks to glorify Him in spirit and in body. Visit my blog at: http://pro31woman.blogspot.com

I have a great son 9 yrs, a great dog Sweet Pea, and a wonderful job. I just lack some self motivation on getting rid of the extra pounds.

I love fashion. That's the hardest part to deal with as a fat girl. I wanna wear clothes that I just can't wear. I'm into celebrity gossip. It's a fun way to pass the time. I obviously enjoy being online. I also enjoy being creative. I'd like to learn photography. I enjoy writing and designing handbags. I've been married for nearly 15 years. I know my hubby would like his hot babe back. I'm 35 and we don't have any children yet. I believe the extra weight and hormone imbalances have made it difficult for me to get pregnant. Ijust wanna be me again, ya know?

I am 62 yrs old and a retired high school and middle school teacher. I love genealogy.

I will be 33 in April, I work for a payroll company, but am currently out on maternity leave until the 16th of February after giving birth to our daughter Jessilyn. I can't wait to get back to work, I'm not much of a home body. I have four children and a man who between home necessities, school, extracurricular activities and home projects/goals, keep me very busy...I wouldn't trade any of it for the world though. We're very blessed.


married 29 year old stay at home mother of 3, very busy and active within my church and families
I'm tired of not feeling good about myself and my weight and knowing that a lot of my problems, physically and emotionally stem from my overeating.


I'm a 22-year-old recent college grad and former athlete; I'd love to get back in shape and lose about 30 lbs. I lost a lot of fitness because of injuries (namely, tendonitis and a broken femur in '07) and plan to regain fitness through a careful but challenging workout regimen.



Married. Lost 25 lbs using Weight Watchers. Terrified of gaining it back. Menopause is tough. Diagnosed with osteoporosis and high blood pressure.

Married, 3 kids dd 16 yo, dd 13 yo ds 2 yo. Live on a cattle ranch in a very rural area, spend most days home with the 2 yo. Big veggie garden in the summer. Lots to do, not enough time to do it, but I'm learning its ok to stick to the basics, dinner on time, clothes clean, home not too disgraceful, kids learning and busy, time for Bible study. I like to journal and that helps me alot, need to set aside time for that whenever I need it.

I'm a 52 old SAHM of 6, 3 adult children, 3 teenagers.


I have 4 children and 4 grandchildren. I am a minister and work approximately 50 hours a week. I am currently going to school working on my 3rd Masters.

I am a mom of a 6 year old as well as a newborn. I love music, the outdoors and anything "creative".

58, single woman. Professional.

I am 58. Live with dh, 1 schnauzer/poodle mix named Charlies & hairless mix cat named Sunshine.
I have 1 daughter & 2 grandchildren. I work part time as a substitute teacher & tax preparer.

I have tried diet after diet. I lost 30 pounds in LA Weight loss but gained it back.



I am a married Mom of 4. My eldest son was killed in a car accident 4 years ago. My eldest daughter, by the grace of Jesus's powerful healing, survived a deadly heart virus and is back to normal for the most part. My son is healthy. My youngest daughter has a kidney diease but the surgery fixed one of her kidneys so she is doing ok now. I do a card ministry to my church family, their family & friends and people outside my home church. I am very blessed and thankful to God for all my blessings to my family.

My name is Bonnie. I am 55 and am married with two children, a 15-yr-old girl and a 13-yr-old boy. I've been saying that I never took off the weight after my boy, but the reality is that I've gained another 10 lbs more than right before he was born, _and_ as I typed his age, I just realized that it had been _12 years_ that I have been saying that and not doing much.
22 months ago, my husband found out that he has advanced colon cancer. Our faith in God's love and salvation and the sure knowledge that we are being held tightly in His arms have made this two of the best years of our lives. Dave had two 6-month rounds of chemo after his initial surgery, and the cancer is currently fairly inactive. He and I are both teachers, though I am not currently working.
In addition to caring for my children and husband, I am responsible for an 88-year-old friend (like a mother) who lives in a retirement community, helping my husband with his share of responsibility for his 85- and 89-year-old parents in a retirement community, and handling my mother's estate (she died 6 months ago at age 94).



56 years old, still feel like I'm trying to grow up, become more responsible, find suitable career, and find life partner

I am a working mom. I enjoy a cigar and sipping on a glass of wine every now and then - especially while sitting outside in the fall.


I am 52 years old, a Christian, work in full time ministry, and I have been married for 21 years. We don't have any children, but we do have 3 dogs who are like children to us. My relationship with God is extremely important to me, and it is my highest priority. My dogs are also very important to me and they are a part of my daily exercise regement. Hubby and I take them on nightly hikes, which we consider our "nightly family outting."

I am an active healthy 60 year old who works with developmentally challenged adults. I have been with WW for 12 yrs. Lost 40 lbs the first year and became a leader for 8 yrs. Every winter would put back on 10 ounds. would like to be able to maintain weight throughout the winter months. I do believe we our spirit soul and body. Our motivation must come from the spirit and through the soul to our bodies.

I am 57 years old, I am married, and have a grown son. I'm also a first grade teacher.

I'm a happily married mom of 3 children, a physics prof, and a Christian.



37 yr old husband and father of two. Struggled with weight ever since I was a child (size=husky). I have a horrible sweet tooth and love cookies and cakes.



My grandma wasrecently diagnosed with breast cancer, and I am motivated to try to change my lifestyle to avoid breast cancer as well. I know obesity is a risk factor, one of the only ones I can change. So here I am, ready to make a go of it.

I am a fulltime working parent of a two year old son and a three year old daughter..I am married and feel very blessed!

I am a mother of 2 ( 3 and 7 months) I worked out through pregnancy so I would not break the scales and then I lost all but 5 pounds and headed back to my office job and gained 15 pounds. My daughter is at the stage of speaking the truth and she said I had a big butt. I don't want a big butt anymore. It is time to get rid of it and be healthy once and for all.

I'm 46 years old. Married to my childhood sweetheart for 28 years. Mother to two sucessful sons - John 28 and Dan 26. I'm doing this program because I feel like I have the head knowledge I need to lose weight. I also have the heart to want to do it. I just can NOT seem to master the pschology that is keeping me from doing it. I've been overweight for 25+ years now...and I need to turn this around NOW!

Mid 50's; US Navy veteran; divorced, no kids.

I'm a 31 yr old mom of a beautiful 13 yr old daughter and 1yr old handsome baby boy. I'm a stay at home mom. My son was not planned and I had my weight under control. SInce having him I have maintained but have been unable to loose. I am only 5 feet tall so the 155 lbs is not feeling or looking good. My husband is completely supportive and is always willing to eat health food but I just can't get motivated.



I am 56 years young. I live in upstate NY. I'm married. I have no children. I am a Born Again Christian, and Love the Lord. want to be a healthy temple for Him and a healthy vessel for Him to move through. I love worship and spending time with the Lord. I want to be a good example of how to live a healthy life style for other people who are struggling to loose weight. It breaks my heart to see obese people and even more to know that I am one of them.

I'm in gr.11, and want to start getting healthier and thinner the healthy way, and if possible, the fastest way. :)

I am 18 and currently a full time college student. My favorite things to do are sing, hike, run, hang out with friends, read write, go to the beach, backpack (I have not done it for a year though) and almost anything not that picky. I also like going on mission trips. This summer I went to Nepal for about 1 in a half months and helped out at an orphanage. it was a real learning experience. I used to be anorexic/bulumic. Now that I have recovered I am ready to lose weight. I just want to be healthy weight now not overweight and not too skinny. I need a balance.


I am 49 years old, married, with 2 children. My weight gain started about 4 years ago when I lost my daughter. The stress and depression really impacted my weight. As I gained, I kept telling myself it wasn't really bad. I still looked good. My husband still loved me even if I was a few pounds overweight. Last Monday, Nov. 16th, I stepped on the scales and was amazed to find I had gained from 142 to 183 in the past 4 years! That was enough to send me running to a friend who had lost 50 pounds on weight watchers a few years ago. I have been counting points since, but still have a hard time staying within my self imposed limit of 20 points a day. I work in an office, so I am behind a desk all day and don't get a lot of exercise. I have a Wii and the Wii Fit, but havent used it in several months. I really enjoyed it, but have been so overwhelmed at work lately, by the time I get home, I dont want to do anything but sit on the couch. My husband is very supportive of my weight loss ambitions and will do whatever I ask in order for me to be successful.

I'm 18, 5'9", with blue eyes and brown hair (at the moment). I started college this fall, and gained about 7 or 8 pounds in the first two months, and that's my reason for joining! I'm a Christian, I am studying to become a registered nurse, I love reading, and I love my family, friends, and boyfriend :)

I hit 50 this year in May, and realized that I still was over 200 pounds. I have had many health issues over the years including utirine/ovarian cancer surgery in 2005 with major complications, Cervical spine surgery (between C5 & C7) in 2006, double incisional hernia repair in 2007, and currently osteoarthritis.
I work for the library system in Miami-Dade County. I am in the final 4 classes to complete my Bachelors in elementary education. There will be 12 weeks of student teaching, and then in May 2010 I will have that degree in my hands!
I have 2 sons, ages 21(in Dec) and 23(in Jan). The youngest still lives with me, along with his friend.
Over the past years I have successfully gone down from over 400 pounds to 245 today. I went to weight watchers and lost 20 pounds (257 down to 237). As you can see, I am creeping up now a tiny bit at a time.
My recent diagnosis of osteoarthritis has hit me hard. I was in bed for 2 weeks in horrific pain before I got diagnosed. Thank God I know what I am dealing with now.

My name is marisela im 19 years old from california. I currently work and am looking foward to going to college this summer. Ive been overweight most of my life or at least felt that way. I want to loss weight to be healthy and feel great, do things i cant do now but know i will be able to do soon.

I am a mom to five amazing children. It seems I never have time for myself. I really don't know how to fit in an excercise program because most of my days consist of pulling out of my drive at 7 am and returning at 7-9 pm. I work full time as a teacher, all of our teenagers are active in sports, and I am a BeautiControl consultant, so days are jam packed! My husband and I spend $100 a month on two different gym memberships, and rarely grace the doors. :)



I am a personal trainer and yoga teacher... mother of 2 and married for 19 years. I love everything fitness and living a healthy life. I love love food!! I love coming up with new recipes and experimenting in the kitchen.. good stuff my husband is an amazing cook and we have so much fun together in the kitchen.. i love life and try to live it to the fullest..

RN-- I work the night shift
Mom to 3; son, married with new baby; daughter, in college; special needs son in residential treatment.
Working towards MSN.
Live in Hawaii!

I am almost 31, (Health Psycholigst!) and cannot be called fat. People are telling me that i put on weight and i can also feel it, which makes me incomfortable. So i want to lose all the extraweight.
I work a lot, like to eat good food, and love my husband and God

I am 61 years old. I am retired. My husband and I raised 6 children. We have 15 grandchildren. I worked in a library for 17 years after my children were grown. I need to lose weight and become the heathiest I can be, with the Lord's help.

I am married with three children ages 7, 19, and 20. I am a full-time student majoring in Health care Management. I am very active in my church where I am an evangelist. I want to loose weight to be healthy because I have high blood pressure, pre-diabetes, high cholesterol, and back pain. I am an evangelist in my church and I enjoy singing, praising and worshiping the Lord, writing, reading, and spending time with my family.

33, female, single, no kids, Christian, work in the fresh produce industry (work from my home office), one cat (new kitten, named Beetlejuice)...

27 and have been struggling with my weight for 4 years


52 years old; on the road a lot for my job; Grandmother of 4; looking for more balance between work, family, health, and faith.

I'm a full time mom, part time teacher. I have two wonderful boys, 4 and 2 years who keep me going all the time. I've lost most my weight this year with Prism, a Christian weight loss program, and now am trying to keep it off and lose the last problem pounds.

My name is Vanessa, I'm 18 years old and I'm going to be a sophomore in college. Despite the fact that I've always been quite athletic (Field Hockey & Softball), I've been struggling with my weight since middle school. Especially now that high school is over and my schedule is no longer packed with practices and games.. As a first year college student, the work was somewhat overwhelming and fitness unfortunately was the least of my worries. I'm hoping to develop the perfect fitness plan for myself and to maintain a healthy lifestyle when I return to school in the fall. :)

I love sports primarily basketball. I coach high school girls and love it. I enjoy playing softball and volleyball in the summer. I am a fairly active person I would say. I am also a strength and conditioning coach, so the knowledge is all there, it's just the motivation that I need.

I love food, art, fashion and family. I've always been a bit overweight and never thought I had the ability to control my eating or overcome my laziness and actually work out. I've learned that by making small changes that I can live with, I can be successful and achieve my goals.
My road to weightloss began last year when I ran a 5K at 245 pounds! From that experience I learned that I can achieve dificult goals by being consistent and never giving up.


6'1 248 lbs. have had good gains but no weight loss and i am more determined than ever now


Moved to Dalls from Michigan back in May '10. Love my job, friends and family and Texas!

I am 51 and a grandmother- still at home after being a homemaker but looking to see what challenges exist for me in the work world.

I am a 49 3/4 yr old father of 7 and grandfather of 11. My father died in 1987 of a massive heart attack at the age of 52. I'm here because I know I need to get serious about my health so I'll be around for my family. My goal is to lose 70 lbs. I want to do it in a healthy way however long it takes.

I'm 26, 5' 8'' and I live in the fabulous San Francisco Bay Area. Some of my interests are writing, knitting, sewing, arts & crafts, reading, theatre, volunteering, peace vigils, and walking/hiking.
I have been a vegetarian since March 2009, after two years of slowly cutting meat out of my diet. (Though, I still eat eggs and fish.)
I've been overweight for, well, since I can remember. But all that's a-changin'!

I'm a 46 year old male who used to be fairly active. Due to professional responsibilites, I have not been able or have
elected to do other things that have hindered me from working out or even eating healthy.



I'm 56 years old married male and work a stressfull job. need to drop weight and find ways to deal with stress.

I am 51, a single mother of two children, an 18 and 15. I work full-time, very active in ministry, and working on my second master's degree. By the time I get home exercising is the last thing on my mind. I need to change this.

I am following a habit building process developed by Charles Duhigg in his book titled "The Power of Habit". You can read about this process and my progress log on the Progress, Not Perfection community tab.
