Members profiles: |
I am a 35 year old mom of a 5 year old son and an 19 modaughter (brn 3/04 and 11/07). I am married, have been since 1999. I used to have a pottery studio until we tried selling our house and now there is just no time. We live in Maine. I am 235 about- and want to be at 160. I am 5'8"
In June 2006 I started Intuitive Eating instead of dieting.

I am 38 years old and work an office job. I like the outdoors but I can't stand being in the freezing cold! Looking to change some of my behavoirs when it comes to eating.



33, female, 1 child, married. I am 151 pounds.


I'm 46, female, single, hetero-sexual, European-American, creative, honest, joyful, loving, fearful, grateful, busy... on the path to enlightenment (through yoga, internal growth, sacred ceremony, practice, et cetera).... work as a personal assistant and coach (vegetarian chef, organizer....) I tend to spend alot of time helping others... I am changing that and making time and appreciation for myself.

I am 35 years old, 5'2" and weigh 210 lbs. I am married with no children. Although I was overweight when my husband and I first met and when we got married 2.5 years ago, I have gained another 10 or 15 lbs since then. My unhealthiness has been a bit a big issue in our relationship and, along with being worried that his wife is killing herself, he also refuses to even consider having children until I am healthier. Whether or not we ever do have children (which I want very much), I want to finally focus on myself and become healthier so that I can have a happier life.

Live in Boulder,CO (so many fitt people here) & somehow after moving here I went from 120lbs to 160lbs! My stress level increased and when my now husband moved in our habits (good and bad) didn't mesh right.
I used to keep the weight off by dancing. Found swing dancing back in '98 love it (i.e. user name HepCat, corny I know) but since my now husband moved in in 2000 I have been less active, more stressed, and ate horribly so I gained the weight! I've lost some of it in 2006 with the Nourishing Traditions diet approach but I need to exercise.
I have a 15 year old son, who through eating right (most of the time) and doing the Nourishing Traditions is in excellent shape & putting me to shame! I also work a 'regular job' while I am trying to two businesses off the ground (my husband & I both are starting different ventures but I'm involved in both).
I'm 33 (34 in July), 5'-5", 155 and the mother of a 15 year old boy.

I am a 21 year old college student living on long Island. I went vegetarian nine months ago and havn't looked back since. I am a huge animals lover with 6 different types of pets and 21 total.
I like to read and am about game for anything that sounds interesting. I read non-fiction, fiction, and comic books, fanfic, just about everything.

I'm 46, married for 22 years, and mother of a 17-year-old daughter. I feel young and thin inside and hope that this support I get along with the support I can give to others will help me to get back the body that is waiting to return. I'm really tired of being out of control in this part of my life -- I feel like I have it together in most other areas.

very self concious

43 year old homeschooling mom of 9, 7, and 6 year old daughters. I am going to lose 25 pounds by the end of the year using IE and exercise.

62 year old male ... both knees replaced January 2006 ... current weight 230 ...6'1" tall ... computer tech for 2 doctor's offices.

42, married, 2 cats I am an artist

36 y.o. mom of 2, ages 1 and 3 1/2. Working half-time (summers off!!). Love to be with my family, spend time outdoors.


I am a 26 year old single female who is balancing an internship and grad school. My biggest reason for being on this site is to overcome my emotional binges and to trust my hunger/fullness cues. I was in an eating disorder treatment facility which used the intuitive eating approach and I loved it! I am trying to get back to a place where I trust this method.

Last year I lost aprox 30 lbs on Weight Watchers. But somehow I lost motivation and have been gaining weight again steadily. I've been too afraid to weigh lately, but I know I've gained at least what I lost.
My husband and I farm in New Mexico. It is a somethimes hectic life, but one we feel has many rewards including the closeness in our family that comes from working and spending alot of time together.
We have two children a boy 13 and a girl 10. They are a real joy, but I sometimes get very frustrated with them, because they leave their brain unengaged. From what I hear that is not an uncommon trait.




I'm 32 and a SAHM of 3 great kids, 2 boys and a girl. I've tried everything to lose the weight, but my motivation aways lags after a few days, and then it's back to the old bad habits. I really enjoy cooking, and baking...which is part of my problem. I'm hoping with the help of this site, I can get on track and stay there once and for all!










26 year old medical student. Always seem to be hovering around 140 pounds. Would be much happier and healthier at 125-130.
5'6" 140 pounds

I have run for over 25years, many of those racing for college teams on athletic scholarship for long distance running.
I am the owner of Blonde Runner Health, LLC ( in Utah and love to promote health.
I am a certified personal trainer and running and triathlete coach. I believe in living a healthy lifestyle. It can happen even when you have four little children that keep you hoppin'.
5K PR: 18:06.17



My given name is LaVerne, but taking on the screen name LaVenus because my body type is much like the classic painting of Venus rising. I'm a 55-yr-old library services consultant and romance author who works from home. I have been facing the reality of eating attached to my emotional state and/or discomfort of any sort for a long time. I'm a spiritual person connected to my church. I knit and crochet, read voraciously of romance and mystery. Enjoy fantasy and science fiction. I love my life except for eating too much, so I'm ready to change that.

I'm 25, a regular runner and outdoor enthusiast. I've run 2 marathons, in DC and in Venice. I'm just beginning my Masters in Geneva, Switzerland and look forward to getting back to school.

I'm a 21 year old undergrad struggling to lose the last ten or fifteen pounds. I'm trying to learn to love and take care of my body after a lifetime of disordered and emotional eating. I'm an active musician (violist) and have a passion for learning about health and nutrition.


I live in Montana with my husband and 2 dogs. I have never been a very active person, preferring to curl up with a good book. I am trying to make changes, and last year decided to run a half marathon. Currently am challenging myself to do 2 weight workouts a week along with some cardio and yoga.



I'm 28 years old, I live in Minnesota. I've gained a lot of weight in the last two years. My mom passed away, I changed jobs, I moved and I have trouble with emotional eating which led to the weight gain.

I'm currently on hiatus from PEERTrainer, but I'm blogging about my first 30 days of Intuitive Eating at

Here's a few things most people don't know about me...
1. I stopped eating beef and pork around 1995 (with one exception- my Dad's bacon pizza)
2. I have an obsession with George Michael. Not the George Michael from Arrested Development (although he's cute in a little boy sort of way). The singer. I find his voice very soothing and he's one good lookin' man. (who cares if he's gay)
3. I have a weird thing for aquariums. Whenever I travel, I always go to the aquarium in that city. Some day, I'm going to buy a huge salt water fish tank.
4. I'm working on my Phd and I have 4 year old twins. Somehow, I told myself right after the twins were born- wow! this would be a perfect time to go back to get my degree! What was I thinking? I don't know...
5. I think my favorite food is cookie dough. Isn't that gross? I've eaten entire batches of cookie dough before without ever actually making the cookies. In fact, I'm not tempted by the baked cookies at all. But the dough? Yum!

I am a 28yr old female. I have been married for just over a year now and very happy. I am a creative soul and a teacher. Need to practise balanced and 'normal' eating patterns.

I am extremely active--triathlete and marathons--so I tend to think I can eat anything. And I do.



I had my first child in May 2012. I gained a ton of weight AFTER giving birth with in the first two months because I was overwhelmed with the new responsibility. I am an emotional eater. I don't believe in diets, I think they're short term solutions to a much more difficult problem of being an overeater.
