About to hit the big 30. I live in NY, work full time, taking some classes at night. very outgoing. I need to make changes- I am working very hard at it.

I'm a 32 yr old working mom who made the mistake of having an
"all-you-can-eat" pregnancy, and also suffered from severe back pain
that made exercise very uncomfortable… consequently, one year later,
I've got about 40 pounds to lose. I joined peertrainer in April and I'm really getting it together, but need to really focus on sticking to a routine - otherwise things just don't happen (anyone with a one-year-old will know what I mean here!). As soon as I lose these other 25 pounds, I can think about having another baby. That's my ultimate reward!

I am a 27 yo RN. Just kicked the ass of a 10 year run of bulimia!

I am 36, married for 12 yrs and the mother of one sweet little boy. I was an athlete all through college – graduated and put a 60 lbs on in a matter of 3 months. Sadly I’ve never taken the weight off and have continued to put more on. I have been recently diagnosed with arthritis in my hip which has thrown my workouts into a tailspin – as I am not able to run any longer due to pain. I believe I have gotten to the point where I am seriously ready to lose the weight.

I am a 22 y/o female that just graduated from college and am beginning my first job in the P.R. profession. I am currently 5'5 and 158 pounds.

I 'm 28 years old, work full time as a nuclear medicine technologist, have three boys- 13 months, 3 and 5 years old. I just started running, my second race is June 10th.

my weight has been steadily creeping up for the last 25 years and I'm done dealing with it. I hate being sluggish and feeling stuffed in my clothes and all of it. I am professionally employed by the Omaha Archdiocese and I have the flexibility finally to pay attention to my healthy goals I am married and have one child. My husband lost a bunch of weight because of a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. I hate being fatter than my husband.

I am about to enter my junior year of college and I really would like to lose 10 pounds. I never had a problem with my weight until freshman year of college when I gained 10 pounds. I work out a lot, but I have a lot of trouble controlling my eating. I love chocolate which is by far my biggest weakness. I just really need support to get this done and I hope peertrainer will do the trick!

I am a sahm of a 22 month old boy and a year old girl. On the weekend nights I work at the hospital here in the Pediatric Cancer unit. I love what I do because the kids are amazing! I need to get this weight off because lately I have had many depression attacks and I need to be my best for my kids and myself.

I am already on weight watchers. I lost 10lbs in November and I gained it all back after I turned 21. I have a loving boyfriend of over a year but he likes garlic fries and we both like to drink beer.

cw-177, lw-163, 5'9. i used to weigh about 188 but i lost over 20lbs during the summer before my junior year and kept it off for a year. Over my senior year i gradually gained most of it back until i was about 184. I've started losing again and i want to be 155 eventually. I was recruited to row in college but i feel that i will be a much better athlete if i lose the extra weight i am carrying around.

I am 29 and I am a full time Health and Physical education teacher in the city of Philadelphia, a Dean of students at my school, and I coordinate the after school tutoring program, so I am really busy. I am also getting my masters degree in education and my principals certification. I usually get up and work out every morning before school, but I have gotten a little lazy in the summer. I used to do Weight Watchers and it worked great, so I am hoping that this accountability will work again for me. I am a very muscular person, but I have a few extra pounds on the mid section that I would love to get rid of.



Baby boomer living in the Carolinas. Moved from Indy 3 1/2 years ago. Absolutely love life and the Carolinas, but my weight inhibits me a bit. I currently weigh 178 and am only 5'2". I would like to shed the extra pounds and start to feel better about myself.
My husband and I enjoy volunteer work. We have done quite a bit since our move away from our families. I also love gardening.

I am almost 28 and I weigh too much for my height. I let my weight bother me everyday. I am trying to work out more, I average about 3-4 days a week at the gym.

My name is Sarah and I'm 21 years old. I'm a senior at ECSU, majoring in Physical Education. I just moved into my own place on June first. On move in day my boyfriend of five years dumped me. SO I've been feeling the need to go out most nights with my friends instead of staying at home. The only problem with this is that we tend to go to bars and drink. Which isn't very helpful since I want to lose 17 pounds.

I am a 19 year old college student. I will be starting my junior year in September.

I am 5'2" and weigh around 156, most of the time. No matter what diets I have tried I always stay in the 150's.
I work with my husband so we are together 24\7, which is a good thing, I think. He also is overweight so I try to feed both of us healthy food but sometimes it is very hard, ...so many temptations out there in the busy workplace...


I'm just your average girl who one day woke up and realized that she didn't recognize herself anymore, saying things like, "I don't really care how I look". I almost had everyone fooled but myself. It wasn't until my mother (bless her) decided to put some salt on the wounds and be honest, that I realized that I needed to lose weight.
To start this off, I should probably say that I have always been chunky. Things, however, had never gotten quite so out of control. Yeah, I was chunky but I was also active, thus I never felt like a blob. Things changed, however, when I entered an academically rigorous high school. I started putting my studies and the improvement (I dare call it) of my intellectual self before everything else, including my health. I left high school 10 times smarter but also 10 times heavier and with a well hidden low self-esteem.
That summer after graduating from high school, I set a goal for myself, to lose weight. I signed up at the gym and my mom even paid for a personal trainer. Even though, I will admit, it was a pain in the ass sometimes, I started to see results, even if the pounds were being tenacious and dropping by small amounts.
Then I had to go to college and put the trainer and gym on hold.
That was my first mistake. I went away without having learned how to implement healthy eating and exercise into my everyday life. Needless to say the pounds came back and the saddest day of my life was when I couldn't fit those new jeans that I bought after losing some weight. But that is all going to change, I have no excuse now.
Now I am back from college, called my trainer again, and will start on that road again. I took a leave of absence from college and will be returning fall 2008. I did this to really focus on what comes before everything else. My health and in turn, my peace of mind.


I am a single mom living in Fair Oaks California. I am 39 years old and have about 80 pounds to loose. I actually like to exercise and I love to go hiking. Unfortunately, at my weight, I can't do a lot of the things I really enjoy. My recent Yosemite trip really opened my eyes at what I am limited to because I am so out of shape and so heavy. I hate hurting all the time and I feel a lot older than I am. It's time to do something about it !!

I'm (still) 51, have two lovely teenage daughters, a goldendoodle, an interesting job working from home writing grants for non-profits. Life is good. I need to take care of my health and make that a priority after a year or two of slacking off.
I'd be up for some female exercise partners in the area, if anyone is around northern MA or southern NH and would like to walk or perhaps go to a gym.

I am 39. A father of 3. 11b, 7b, and 3g. I have been way overweight my adult life and it is time to get the weight down.

40 year old very busy mom with heavy duty job that leaves little time for cooking or working out

tooo heavy and a makeup artist and cool


I am a 36 year old wife and SAHM of a 2-year old and a 10 year old. I am also, and foremost, a Christian who loves Christ Jesus and seeks to glorify Him in spirit and in body. Visit my blog at: http://pro31woman.blogspot.com

I am 22 years old and live in Perth, Western Australia with my husband and two kitties! I work part time and am studying to become a Primary School Teacher.
I weigh 70kilos (sorry - I am metric!). I would class myself as overweight, but not terribly so. Need to tone and lose those extra bits of flab!
A year on anti-depressents saw my weight shoot up by 20kilos. I have lost 10 of those, but just can't seem to get rid of the rest. I suffer from an Anxiety Disorder which makes it hard for me to get out and meet people.


Just graduated, moved to NYC.

I am a female 26yr old high school PE teacher and girls tennis coach. I have a wonderful fiance and a great 3yr old yellow lab. We just bought our first house and are so proud.

active single mom of 17 year old senior girl....i work for myself so flexible schedule.....BUT i seem to procrastinate working out and eat way too much.....

Ex-athlete that knows exercise very well but am sometimes lazy and have tendency to eat big portions.

I'm fat, dude.

I am a mother of two children,9 year old and a 22 year old, have a loving and supportive husband. I work as an administrator for a health organization. I gained thirty of these pounds in the past 2 years. I will be walking in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in early October for the third time. I am 5'5" and weigh from 185 to 195 depending on how I stand on the scale...heehee!!

I am 5' 8" tall and weigh about 225 (size 18). I have gained about 20 pounds in the last few months since I quit smoking for good. Ideally I would love to get down to 175.
I work full time in the city and go to school at night a couple nights of week. I have a gym membership that I rarely use so it feels like I am making a monthly donation to NYSC instead of going.
I am also a single mother to one adorable toddler.
I feel like I never have enough time to do everything... and lately I have been feeling so sluggish..... I just want to feel alive and healthy above everything else.

I am a 34 yo male who has always been oveweight. This year we were blessed with a beautiful baby girl. Now I am more motivated than ever to lose the 'spare tire'.


I am 28, and love to run long distance. I ran one marathon, on Dec 10 in Las Vegas and have plans to run many more. As far as weight loss goes, I could lose about five pounds.

I am a part time student, part time work-aholic. I've recently converted to a much enjoyable hollistic lifestyle. From former couch potatoe to daily yoga and organic fruits/veggies, I depend on my peers at PT to motivate me through this experience.

I'm a college student, just getting into my sophmore year of college. I'm looking to lose about 40 to 45 pounds and get back into shape for doing fun runs and hopefully this summer to be ready to do a triathalon!

I am 26 years old and ever since entering my 20's I have traveled up and down the scale. My goal is to get back down to 117 lbs and stay there.

I'm a 33 year old mom currently living in the UK with my parents and 2 year old daughter.. going back to the US (New York) June 1.. would love to have lost more of this post-baby weight by then. 15 pounds in 6 weeks, please! Just joined the local leisure center, plan to start adding exercise into the mix..


I am 25 yr old self employed painter and softball coach. I have been overweight...hmmm.....since birth. Dieting off and on since college, but have never reached a goal. Now....I'm determined to reach a goal and hold accountability for myself. I wonder what it's like to wear a bikini?
I recently moved home, after living away for 7 years. I have had a hard time adapting to my parents cooking or takeout style. I take the lazy way out and opt for whatever is being served than making healthier choices.

29 yr old MD, always on the run, with lots of food habits I'd like to break

I feel better about myself but I need the support that you guys will give! :). I updated my profile with new pictures it always amazes me how much I let myself slip back in the day. NEVER AGAIN. I am not perfect and I fall off the waggon sometimes but I always get back on.. 85 more lbs and I am going to be a sexy BIATCH!

I'm 27 years old and a wife and mommy to a 6 year old boy named Gabrael and my daughter Marina is 2 years and 2 months. I am a registered dental assistant. I just recently lost my brother 1 year ago and my mother on 8/17/07. When I lost my brother at first I couldn't eat, now I am finding that eating is very comforting. Right now I am trying to avoid comfort eating and really want to get back into exercising more so to be healthy. I 'll be damned to leave my kids feeling the way I feel without a mother. So I am looking to lose a few and/ or maintain where I'm at. I hope I can find other's out there as well. I have already lost 50 lbs.

I am a FT working mom of two children 12 & 3yrs old. I can barely find a time for myself, but I am trying to start a routine of walking around the neighborhood as much as I can.


I am a single, 54 year old diabetic female. I was diagnosed 3 years ago this month. I started out great but got cocky and careless and let old habits take over. I have been battling control for the last 2 year and if I don't turn this around it will lead to much more serious problems.

Im a 38 year old male based out of Toronto working as a professional in the Corporate world. Im 5ft 11 in. I desperate to lose weight. I weigh 284 lbs. I dont have a very active lifestyle, but am trying to spend time at the gym and control my eating habits.

I am 37 year old woman living by the ocean I live with my boyfreind who is a very fit body builder. who works out almost everyday..and i have been hoping it would rub off on me! I have lots of oppoortunity to be fit and live healthy so now is te ime to do it!
I am strong but not active enough to help me lose wieght also i need to control portions sizes and reduce wheat and sugar.


I am a corrections officer and firefighter in Mississippi, 40 years old, have 4 kids and one granddaughter and another on the way. I love outdoor activities, and graduated the Fire Academy in March '06 and Mississippi Corrections Academy in November '06. You're never too old to do what you've always wanted to do!!!

I am a determined person who loves to try new things. Once motivated I can acheive wonders, but until then I am pretty much a failure.



I'm 48 and have always thought that I had a weight problem of course now looking back at picture of myself 20 years ago I only wish I was that fat again.
I'm 5'4" and when I started this new way of eating I was 179 lbs. I'm in my 3rd week and have lost 6 pounds.

Hi- I'm a fairly active 64 yr old who feels younger than that- I walk every day or I'm cranky. I play tennis twice a month indoors in winter-I have eleven grandchildren which includes two sets of twins in one family- ( I like to visit them as there's no time to snack- or sit around !)

I've had problems with eating in the past (both anorexia and bulimia) so I need support in eating normal amounts whilst still losing weight.
I'm a university student, so I have a busy lifestyle too!

Sophmore highschool; im in the prime of my youth I want to be smoking.




Desire the second half of my life to be vibrant and healthly (55 y/o). Work with Sp Ed children, (love them), am in process of getting myself fit (food, mind, body, spirit). Enjoy politics, arts, music, reading, being w/ friends & family, entertaining.

I am a mom of 2 (son almost 14, and daughter almost 12). I love being a mom and as of yesterday I am a sahm (got laid off). I have to now try even harder, as I am an emotional eater.


I have an eight year old son. I live in Orange County, CA. I am a counselor and a Realtor. www.DrClarityCoaching.com

I just turned 37 and am feeling it everywhere. This has been a good but difficult year. Getting into graduate school, being in a good relationship, making good friends but the weight gain has brought me much stress, strain, depression and physical limitations.

I am a 23 year old female. I try to get out and play sports for my exercise but do realize that the gym is important too. I have always had some weight issues and it changes so much when I watch what I eat. Weight watchers keeps me accountable which is important to my loss.

I'm 22 years old....and out of shape! I gained almost 20 pounds in college, and then some more once I started working full time. I've started to develop more healthy eating habits (no binging, no junk) and I especially want to improve my cardiovascular health. I'm starting to run, and I plan on running a 5k sometime this year!

I am a 44 yr old male, and am single now, which may be the primary motivation for wanting to loose weight. I was very active in my younger years and remember the feeling of weightlessness vaguely. Would like to recapture the moment (lol). I am learning how to live one meal at a time...

i'm 31. i exercise regularly and try to eat right, but am having a difficult time losing the 10 pounds that crept on during college. i'm a runner; a few years back i did a half marathon but lately i've been doing 8ks. i think that what i'm missing from my daily routine is more weight training, and i've started to add that. i might also try spinning. i'm also need to eat better and pack lunches.

I am normally a very fun person to be around but I have not been so much fun since I have gained so much weight. I am miserable.

have lost over 120 lbs over the past 4 years. my highest weight was 316 and I have hit a plateau the last few months. I am now in the 190s and I am ready to get into the 180s. I teach full time and am in graduate school. I am ready to make the steps towards reaching my perfect weight!

I am a 22 year old college student trying to get through my last year of college with out gaining 500 lbs lol anywho.. I am going to school for computer animation which is very intense....

I am a mother of a 14 month old and I want to have the energy to keep up with him. I also want to look good for ny hubby.

26 y.o. Dental hygienist who eats out way too much. I sit ALL day and take the train to work (I live in Mission Hills and work in Carlsbad).

I hog. I should shed. Period.

I am a 23 year old graduate student always stressed out from school. I lost 30 pounds last year. Over the course of the past 10 months, I've gained 25 of it back. I really want to lose at least 20 of that again by the time I get married in August. I want to be healthier and look and feel better.



I'm an almost 39 yr old stay at home mom with three kids, 6, 3 & 2. I've been trying to lose the baby weight for the last year and would love the support for the last 15 pounds.

44 years old and turning into my mother! I get a shock every time I look in the mirror!.... Happily married mother of 3 (15, 13 & 10), Primary school substitute teacher, 5'8" tall (though I think I'm shrinking...) Always been the skinny chick with no curves but now I have curves but only because I seem to be melting into a pile of flabby flesh...


I'm 31 year-old Mom.. =-gasp-= oh my goodness I said it and admitted it. I'm definitely not that 21 year-old wanting to go out and party anymore. I need to get in better health for my son and family.





My name is Jessica, and I am a 20 year old full time college student. I had lost a total of 40lbs over the course of a year (2005-2006), dropping from 180lbs to 140lbs. My all time low weight was 138lbs and my lowest body fat was as 22.7% which was in June of 2007. However, over the course of a few months I have managed to go from 140lbs to 147lbs...and sadly my body fat has gone up to 26.4%...it's driving me absolutely crazy and I seem to be stuck in a rut. It's not because of lack of motivation, it's lack of self-control.

I'm 22, I moved to Dubai from the UK 8 months ago. I was already in pretty bad shape, but the life style out here has caused me to put on an additional 14 pounds since I've been here. Once i get into a habit of working out i really enjoy it. I like dancing, going out with friends, and generally having a good time.

I am happilly married and I have 2 little sons. I work full time. High levels of stress at work with my clients, and at home, with the busy kids.

i love to write, and want to play the guitar more than anything. my favorite place to be is london, and i love to travel anywhere. i love meeting people, one of my favorite things is making new friends =]

27 y old medical student wanting to loose th 15 pounds that have been piling on since college. Am 5'8 1/2 and 180lbs. Though I am muscular I would still like to be 167ish and more toned in my quads/calves.



I graduated from college a year ago. I am 23 and want to get into shape!

I am a 60+ grandma and married

I am 27 year old mother. I have gained 40 poundds in 2 years and would like to get it off ASAP!! I hate to diet, but don't mind working out, But.... I don't have a lot of good time to work out.

I am 38y/o male married with three kids. I work as a Instructor-Counselor at a Psych. hospital and partime pro photographer/DJ


I am new to peer trainer and to being part of a on-going chat group. I am excited about meeting people who are trying to reach the same goals I am and I like the idea of being held accountable. I am 5'11 and want to loose 20-25 lbs. I have a lot of muscle and a large frame so I think between 160-165 lbs would be my ideal weight. I would like to reach this goal by Christmas 2009.

I am a new college grad 5'10'' 175 pounds I use to weight 192 lbs, at my heaviest I was 200lbs. I would like to to be 150 lb. I want to lose 25lbs. I lost weight the natural way with diet and exercise the first time, it seems a lot harder now to drop the last 25lbs. I joined a gym,I go an hour every day and burn about 700-1000 a day depending on what kind of day im having. I need motivation. I feel like if I lose weight my family wont like me. I have this big guilt over my head. My family likes it when im on the plump side, then it means im eating and im healthy. Anytime I try to lose weight i get negative comments and it puts me down then I stop. Im hoping this group helps me achieve my goal in one month.

In June I will be 50,I have 2 beautiful grandchildren and would like to keep up with the youngest who's autistic and very fast.and just a joy.

i've been struggling with my weight for the past 6 years or so - always feeling a bit uncomfortable and helpless in losing the extra pounds. i'm fairly active - i run and walk a lot and do some weight training - and i also eat fairly healthy, but i tend to lose focus and eat too much or reach for unhealthy things to make me feel better. it's a pretty vicious cycle - feel crappy, eat crappy, feel worse....


I'm 25 years old and live in Brooklyn, NY. I've always struggled with my weight and have even battled some eating disorders as a teenager. While I'm active, I'm still overweight and am very self conscience about my body. My best friend recently lost 85lbs and has inspired me to get serious about my own weight loss.



I am a 56-year-old early-retiree from a successful office administration career. I am married and have two adult children - a boy and a girl - who have already finished grad school and on their own now. So I am a housewife now making sure that my husband gets his meals as he has to work to take care of my medical bills. I am hoping to get information on some activities that I could be involved in to help boost my morale and give me something to look forward to that will make me try even harder with the weight loss plan.

I am a 28 year old medical student with a hectic lifestyle. Since college, I've probably gained 30 lbs, and it's time for me to stop using my schedule as an excuse and start making my health a priority. I'm ready to make the necessary life changes to lose this 30 lbs once and for all!



I'm a 15 year old girl, overweight in a school of stick-thin girls. Not saying I want to be one of them, but I'm tired of being fat.

I am over 50. My warranty is up! I recently lost 30 lbs. and do not want to regain it. I need to be in a group to "commit to my committment." I am not sure why that is - but so be it. I have a desk job, so it is critcal that I get my workouts in and eat right. When I am focused on this- it works. Help keep me focused.

I am 26, I live in Houston, TX and work in Student Services for a University. I work a lot and I have an active social life. Working late and planned events with friends and family makes it easy for me to eat unhealthy and skip the gym. I'm hoping to learn better eating habits and learn to motivate myself to make time for the gym.

I am a 22 yr old college student. I am in my 4th and final year of my psychology degree. I have always been really active; I have run a few marathons and played for the varsity university soccer team. I have stopped playing soccer this year though and have gained a bit of weight. I am still active but I have let my cardio go, due to lack of time and excuses... I would like to get to my goal weight of 130lbs and sustain it in the long-term. I tend to be an emotional eater and unfortunately I love sweets and greasey foods. I MUST EAT HEALTHILY AND MINDFULLY!!

I'm a extroverted person for the most part but at times really quiet. I love reading, learning new things, watching Foodnetwork and cooking. I hope to become a paediatrician or paediatric surgeon someday. Currently, my goal is to get in shape=).

I'm 29 and fed up being overweight! I want to loss the extra weight once and for all!!

I am a 36 yr old single mom of two wonderful kids. I have a boyfriend who lives with us and he has two great kids as well. I love spending time with my family and friends, reading, shopping, animals, camping, gardening and enjoying life in general.

43, paramedic, 3 kids, 2 grandkids

Bride-to-be. My favorite thing in the whole world is cooking, but I'm really making a big effort to cook healthy and light. Always looking to swap recipes!
I struggled with an eating disorder through high school and college, and now I am determined to get my body back on track!

I am a Graphic Design student trying to finally finish up my degree.
I am 5' 4'' and have already lost around 40 lbs. I have 30 more to go.

I'm a graphic designer. Doing anything creative gives me a natural high and joy and I am so grateful to be able to make a living off what I love. I am your cliche emotional eater, I was just diagnosed with hypoglycemia. It's bringing on new challenges and frustrations to my weight loss journey. With this you have to eat frequently or you feel sick and if you don't eat it can be dangerous for you. It makes me constantly feel tired and I usually feel nauseous or have a headache so getting to the gym is harder. I really need all the extra motivation I can get right now, and that's why I am here.


27 stay at home mom. I love food and cooking. I don't mind excercise its just getting started that is my problem.

I'm a college student who has had a problem with binge eating for the past year and a half. I used to be really fit and I'd like to get my self confidence back!

I am a 49 year old teacher. I am single and do not have any children. I lost weight 10 years ago and kept it off until 2 years ago when I had a bit of a binge - I had kept the weight off before by restricting, so when I started to eat normally it felt like a huge shock and, for a while, I couldn't stop eating

Hey Yall! I am 23yrs old and a senior in college. I have recently lost 60 lbs. in the past year and now I am at a stand still with my last 25lbs. I just really need some motivation to get me going again:) Good Luck Every1!

I'm 35 - a single mum of a teenager. Lost weight using weight watchers a number of years ago but it has crept back on. I want to lose 10 lbs to get back within 5% of my weight watchers original goal.

I go to the gym very regularly, but I have a crazy weakness for sugar and carbs. When I try to cut out sugar, I find myself feeling really hungry all the time so I overeat and end up putting on weight anyway. It's so frustrating going to the gym frequently and yet feeling like there are no results!

I used to be very active and naturally thin. Before I went to university I was 126lbs. Now a lot of issues have caused me to put on weight:
- stressful times at home (emotional eating)
- nothing to do during holidays (boredom eating)
- university lifestyle (lots of drinking and partying)
- flat mates keep baking lots of cake
- don't take as much exercise as I used to

i starting gaining weight in 5th grade when i started getting my monthly. i was a smalll child who ate all she wanted and was hyper active till the end of elementary where everything changed and turn im guessing from the hormonal shift. i have been trying to lose weight sense 8th grade and have dealt with a lot of heart ache and pain and humiliation. being made fun of and me hating how i look and the cloths i wore and life. i have struggled so much and finally am were i wanna b but am so scared i dont know if maintaining weight is possible. how do you go from working out all the time and eating a little of healthy foods to working out less and eating more healthy foods i just it scares me after this dramatic loss i have had in weight and i hope i keep it off i have tryed and done and gone threw so much :'(


I recently got married and was down to 132, than slowly the weight has been creeping back

I'm in my early 30's and have a 5 year old daugher. My weight's been going up consistently for a while. I'm 5 foot 6 and weigh 154 pounds. I'd love to lose about 20 of those pounds, preferably mainly from my stomach.

