55 y.o. single woman who struggles with that 50 pounds that I lost 7 years ago...and it now it is back.

I'm a 58 year old grandma with lots of life left in me. Losing some excess pounds would be good for my health.

Born the year before Lizzie came to the throne.
Happily in a non-sedentary occupation (electrician).
This means I can get my exercise by additional mild walks.

I am 52 years old and work as a legal secretary in Detroit, Michigan.

I'm divorced, rather recently, so being so much overweight doesn't help my social life...what social life? I work at a desk, which doesn't help much either. By the time I get home I'm exhausted. Even a 10 min walk seems like too much some days, but I am ready to do SOMETHING.

I am a 57 year old legal secretary in Detroit, MI

I am a stay at home wife, my two sons are grown and have their own families. I live next door to my elderly parents and help watch out for them. My mom has parkinson and Dad had a stroke a few years ago so as you can see I stay busy without going out to work. I'll be 57 in February which is hard to believe sometimes. I have always been very active but have really gotten away from it tha last year or so.

I am am married 50 yr old Admin Asst. I live in Buckeye Arizona.


I am a mother of 2 and a grandmother of 2. I am a massage therapist and a register nurse. I had both knees replaced in 2006 due to ostioarthritis.I am 5'3 1/2" and I wighted 153 lbs this morning

I am 52 years old. I work in the social service field. I love my job, but I realize that I always put myself last. I am trying to make me and my life a priority. When I am taking good care of myself, I will be better equipped to help others.



I am a Christian, a mom, a wife, a grandma, a daughter, a full time office worker (and my behind can attest to the time I spend sitting!) I have a quirky sense of humor......if I didn't laugh sometimes, I would not get thru some of the things I have! I have 2 children who are teachers, and one son who is in the US Navy......and I am very patriotic!


54, married, 3 children and 3 grandchildren
work full time in a retail business

Am 15 months post laproscopic banding (bariatric surgery). It took me 2 years to work up to having the procedure done (felt that having surgery ='d total miserable failure). I've lost 125# so far and have more to go. Weight loss now slowed to expected 3-4 pounds/month but this has always been the point of total impass for me historically (i.e. am at the weight where I "hit the wall", surrender to the negative self-talk and doubt, and gain back all the weight I'd lost + 20-30% more).
I'm 50 years young and despite the degenerative arthritis in both knees and a 'killer' family history of metabolic syndrome/type-2 diabetes/fatty-liver disease with cirrhosis (all due to long-term morbid obesity)--I made the decision not to follow that road to destruction and I truely feel better than I did in my 30's and 40's. I am happily the proud 'mom' of a 20 month-old basset hound puppy, an avid fan of HGTV (goals to attain) and 'my girl' Paula Deen, I love to karaoke and am a jewelry fanatic of the first magatude !

I'm a very young looking baby boomer who moved to South Florida almost three years ago. Married, but husband hasn't moved here yet so he's only in town a few days every month. I eat more when he's around because he loves my cooking and I like to cook for an appreciative audience. He's an avowed meat eater, I tend to do without meat except for when he's in town. I love seafood, poultry and, unfortunately, have a sweet tooth. I'd have dessert after each meal if I didn't stop myself.
Gained 25 lbs. since moving here early 2004. I don't think it's mainly what I eat that causes the problem, I think it's because I've become very sedentary -- long ride to and from work, sitting all day and too tired to exercise in the evening. All that plus knee surgery so I can't run anymore.
But I really want to shed those 25 Florida pounds and I'm usually a positive, focused person so I feel confident I can do it if I have the right encouragement.

50+ female, recently divorced and need to rebound from the drama. Don't really like looking in the mirror, cause who I see is not who I want to be. I tend to eat when stressed and bored. Changing my habits will really be hard...so I need a new attitude. Have a great vacation coming in Oct. so I would like to look and feel like a new person.

54 yr old working in the health care field. I travel daily. Married for 27 years. Two adult children, my son is 23 and a charter pilot and my daughter is 19 and at community college. Quiet at home since the kids are older. I hate to cook. I love to read mystery books.

I am 52 years old and work full time. My husband loves wine and we drink more of it than we should. It is always good wine to go with the good food we are eating. Not a recipe to lose weight.

retired ,wife ,mother and grandmother . Five foot 4 and 246 lb.now 244.6. Now 243.4 Married over 50 years and still counting.



I'm 49, been married for 26 years and have 2 grown daughters. Although I've always exercised I have slowly put on 15 lbs over the last 10+ years. As 50 approaches (December) I want to get back into my best shape going into this next phase of my life. I have been trying to change up my exercise routine, adding additional w/o's, more weights and longer cardio but it's been a real struggle to lose these extra pounds.

I am recently divorced. I have fallen in love with a man who probably isn't good for me, but I can't stop loving him. I think losing weight may give me the confidence to let go and move on.

Turning 55 in August; that doesn't seem possible! I live in a small town in Northeastern Wisconsin and commute 40 miles each way daily to my corporate job in Green Bay (home of the World Champion Green Bay Packers!!). I own my own home and love to read, play Scrabble and work in the garden. I work full time in a corporate environment. 0 kids, 1 cat, lots of friends.


I’m 57 years old, mother of two beautiful daughters and a grandmother of a 14 yrs old boy and 3 1/2 yrs girl. I am retired and I spend my time babysitting my grandchildren. My husband and I joined a weight loss program and have been successful at losing weight. I currently find myself at a weight loss plateau and feeling frustrating.

55 years old
Live in the country; work in the city


Female, married, with two step-daughters, 55 years old; as an accountant I sit on my " junk in my trunk" all day. I stay about 10-20 pounds overweight all in my rear.
I've ran and walked (based on how much I weighed) 14 marathons and 18 half marathons since 1995. My marathon PR is 4:40 and for the half it is 2:11.
My next half marathon is the Mini marathon in Indianapolis for the Indy 500 race, in May 2009.
I've had a knee and foot injury that has sidelined my running for almost one year, it has been depressing, but hopefully I'm back on the mend. Now I have to get off the extra weight so I'm not miserable when I run.

I had a health scare early last summer and thought for sure I had Multiple Sclerosis. Probably the worst symptom (of many) was the chronic fatigue. By Christmas '06, I had lost 30 lbs from following a very low fat diet. I decided that if I did have MS I owed it to my husband to be as healthy as I possibly could - and if I was going to be an invalid, it would be easier on my caregivers if I weighed less! Besides, there is a small group of people that believe some MS patients don't process dietary fat correctly. What did I have to lose, right? Anyway, it was a nurse practitioner that discovered I had lead poisoning. I got treated, but also began eating what I wanted. By the end of February I had gained some weight back and knew I needed to get my butt in gear. I took an online quiz to help me discover the best kind of exercise for my personality. I was very surprised to find that regularly scheduled classes were for me. I joined Jazzercise and was thrilled from the very first class!

married with 2 children

Self-employed professional, mother of 2 teenagers, recovering from 2 years of chronic sciatic pain that led to serious deconditioning, very interested in classical music, yoga, writing.

I do heavy janitorial for 4 - 5 hrs. a day monday to sunday. All I have for heat is wood so the winter is spent splitting and stacking about 8 cord of firewood. And I have recently taken up snowshoeing, something I enjoy but haven't done for 15 years. And I do all the snow removal on the farm , by hand ,which is no small chore as we have a driveway big enough to park 8 - 10 vehicles as well as keeping all the paths cleared to the various outbuildings.This is why I do not follow a structured exercise program. LOL

49 yrs young, married, three children grown. I have been on many diets.... even had RYN surgery. But gained all the weight back each time. Trying Weight Watchers again, trying to do it healthy this time.

I am 49, married with 3 children and 4 grandchildren. I have a part time job as a receptionist in a hospital. I enjoy the outdoors, some gardening, sewing, reading, and of course eating to much. I have gained and lost weight for years and as I get older it gets harder and harder to loose. I would like to be more disciplined but I seem to lack the long term incentive

56 years old, married, computer programmer

just turned 50 looking into the next 50's

I am 50 years old and live in Arkansas. I'm married, I have one married daugther and a 5 year old grandson. I enjoy camping, cook outs, and working in the yard. I've recently got involved with scapbooking and I love it. My weekends are normally busy going out of state north to help out my dad or south to visit my daughter and grandson. It's just my husband and myself here in Arkansas. I am looking forward to meeting some new friends here at PT. Let's lose some weight!

53 yrs. old, 6 feet tall, married 18 years, one young child, retired from first career, in the early start-up phase of a new business.

I am a widow , I just retired after working since I was 18 years old. I have two daughters and many animals. I like to do crafts and shop.

I'm a 57 yr. old married woman with a 23 yr old son (living at home). I've been heavy most of my life, except for a few occasions when I lost weight but only kept it off for about a year. Now that I'm older, and at my heaviest, I want to change my way of eating and start to exercise. I'm Type 2 diabetic and I'm certain if I lost the weight I'd probably be off the oral medication.

I was sick for awhile, put on weight, now I need to build up strength and lose weight. This is hard.... when I was in my 20's I could just stop eating cookies for a week and lose weight. Now I am 51 and not much seems to work. Will power = zero.... sigh.



I am a mother of 3 and a brand new grandma! I work as a full time executive secretary in the Chicago loop area. 2 years ago I lost 40 lbs, and in the past year have put 10 pounds back on. I need the support to keep me motivated and focused.

am 52, single with a wonderful 28 year old daughter. work for a humanitarian peace, justice and development agency; travel to ASia for work several times a year.
Always thought of myself as strong and active ...but reality is i slipped for several years there. Had a big decisive 'health shock' moment in august 2007: planned to lose 25 - 30 kgs (55 - 66 lbs). over the next 6 months, i lost 18 kgs, felt great .... then hit menopause, lost resolve, put about all that weight back on over 18 months without stopping sabotage eating! gulp. spent some time being mad with myself for that ... have now got to the point of saying - okay, pick myself up, and get back to paying attention to my health & do the things that worked well last time - join an active peer trainer group, get active again, limit junk, and plan healthy food.
before coming back to nz in 2005, spent 4 years working in tropical asia and got very lazy (heat / drinking beer cos it was hot!)

Am a retired engineer currently a Home Depot Kitchen Designer

I'm married, a grandma, a quilter, a dog person. I split my time between two small towns and I love to travel.
I try to eat 20 gms of fiber a day and keep blood sugar below 100.
Starting in Sept 2009, I've been consistently exercising and making better food choices. It ain't a diet, it's a life-style change. I've lost over 20 lbs since.

I am a 53 year old grandmother of 2 little boys that has let my weight control every aspect of my life and I am tired of it. I can never stay at a comfortable weight for more than a few months before I am out of control again, resulting in gaining all that I lost plus some more. I am at my all time high weight of 180 pounds after reaching my goal of 145 pounds at WW 3 years ago. I get so mad at myself for not being able to exercise more control with my eating. It is a horrible addiction for me and the excess weight has begun to take a toll on my health, both mentally and physically.



I'm a 52 year old nurse working in a job I love, finally. I eat when I'm happy or sad, stressed or bored, sick or well, tired or energized. Pretty much anytime. Two grown children, no grandkids, happily married, love to read, watch movies, stay home and "piddle"...craft, sew, scrap, anything that is creative.

I'm 65 this month, and will be working full time until they wheel me out drooling. They tell me I'm a young 65 (attitude, not appearance!) and humor is really important in keeping my sanity - especially lately. I have two daughters and two wonderful son-in-laws. Also, I'm an obnoxious grandmother to five - ages 8 to 13. Of course they are all beautiful, smart and funny (LOL - I'm sure no other grandmother feels that way!).

Female, over 50, great job in natural resources. Many opportunities to get fit and be outdoors but I've been in a slump and have gained weight and lost motivation and energy.

I am 52, married for 35 years, 1 child. I am a prior diabetic and that is just a very recent accomplishment for me. I have already lost some weight but I am falling back because of no excercise, not eating properly, not managing stress. I never had a weight problem until 3 years ago. Diabetics tend to gain weight because medication and I have arthritis and used the excuse of pain not to exercise.

I'm retired after a busy career in public service. Loving retirement life in wild and wonderful WV.
I have many interests: Mah Jong, golf, bridge, crocheting and knitting, computers, reading, and travelling.
I am Grammy to 2 beautiful grandbabes that give me great joy.






I am a mother and grandmother. I work part-time in retail. I love spending time with my children and grandchildren. My hobby is sewing.

I am a 51yo professional woman who began gaining weight after my first pregnancy 26 years ago and steadily continued for my next 2 pregnancies. I feel very educated about the WAY to lose weight, but need to be accountable for my choices and figure out ways to not eat due to emotions.

I am a 55 y/o single parent female.

I am 56 years old I weigh about 65kgs live in Australia and have been working out for the last 7 days. I just got serious about this diet then. I renovate houses.




I am a 59 year old female who retired on April 25th. I have always battled my weight and have been able to keep it from getting totally out of control (5'6" and 160 pounds) but have not been able to get to my goal weight for years. I exercise an hour a day 5 days a week as part of my maintenace and to stay healthy. My goal is to lose 25 pounds by May 1- thus the 90 day challenge.

53 retired full time business woman and grandmother to four little ones under 8.



I am over 50. My husband and I like to go out and have fun, we go out for dinner or out dancing. I have a professional degree and work full time. My children are all grown up and we have a great relationship. I consider myself very trendy with fashion when it comes to shoes, bags and clothes. I know how to take care of myself, but perhaps too much when it come to food. I always have a positive outlook on life and feel pretty much contented with what I have accomplished so far. (except for losing wt.)

50+, married. working-administrative desk job, Gemini-love people, love food, love having a good time. Hate looking fat, recently told I had a level of cholorestorl too high.

I am a 65+ real estate developer. I had open heart in 2002. I am type 2 diabetic (Just found out). I enjoy an active life. I am married to a younger and more energetic woman. I need to stay healthy and in shape to keep up. She is very encouraging.

I am 50 years old, married, have 4 adult children and two marvelous grandchildren! Work full time in a library. Like to read, craft, take leasurely hikes, trying to get back into camping.

CPT (Certified Personal Trainer and Health Specialist) showing the community that we are all human. Share yourl ife experiences and get to the bottom of why you are not reaching your goals to a healthy body. The door is open. Stop by and chat with us. No special attire needed and we have plenty of motivation, tips, and guidance from a professional. We have a team because we all believe in team work. You are welcome to join us and it is FREE.
A great place to know you will reach your goals by just learning our many specialized tips. Helping you and helping me too!
See you soon.




Sales professional, too much sitting!


I am 53 yrs old. I am retired from the public school system. I have five grown children all out on their own. I have been smoke free for 14 months after smoking for 35 years. My husband has a Harley and we ride for pleasure every chance we get. My husband is my downfall on my weight. He loves me anyway I am and says I am beautiful no matter what size I am and HE loves to eat so therefore, now that I am not smoking, it has become one of MY favorite things to do.

I am 57 years old and work fulltime as a speech-language pathologist who works with families with young deaf and hard of hearing children. I find it difficult to find time to get exercise-but I need to start setting time aside for myself.
I live by myself. I have a 27 year old son who lives in his own apartment in a nearby community..

I am a working, married mother of three-20,17,15. Life is comfortably hectic but I want to have more energy and be healthier. Just turned 50 - the realization was daunting- and I am now ready to take care of me and not just everyone else.


design jewelry that turns into other venues
teach kids with special needs
patient with everyone but me

I am 51 years old. I am a high school English teacher and yearbook adviser. I am a farmer's wife and I have two grown children.

I'm a 53 year old wife & mom to a teen, and also mom to a great rat terrier who helps me exercise with 2 long walks each day.


I am a 60 year old educator. I was very thin when I was younger, but have gradually put on weight and now weigh 40 lbs more than I did in my 20's.

I am a college professor teaching computer science/networking/security for a community college. I have been married for 28 years (to the same man! LOL), have two sons ages 21 and 23. I also have 3 dogs....

I am 52 years old, married, mother of one grown son. I work as an office manager in a local nursing home. I love reality t.v. and home improvement programs.


58 year old female, divorced. Own my home, work full time as office manager for the past 18 years, starting my own business to take me into retirement. Children's ministry director at my church.

52 year old wife, mother and grandmother who has recently given up full time job to "baby sit" 2 of my beautiful grandchildren ages 5 and 3 months! Need to lose 50 pounds! Would like to motivate other family members to lose weight. Look forward to being an active member of PEERtrainer.

I am 51 years old and am a software developer at an insurance company. My job is way too sedentary, and over the last 10 years I have lost energy and gained weight. Now I am starting to have problems with my knees - enough is enough.


I am a high school teacher (I teach foods (duh). My kids are grown so I am an empty nester. My wonderful husband is also overweight and we would like to lose weight for one another.


I am an RN, single, 3 grown sons.




I play piano, sew, and oil paint for fun. Hmmm....those are all sitting things, aren't they? Well, I do walk quite a bit too but always need a destination (usually a restaurant, store, or bar).I am 57, been married 36 years, have two daughters who married guys named Brian and have two granddaughters - I adore them all.

I am a 50 year old widow with about 50 lbs. to lose. I have an underactive thyroid but am on medication so that's really no excuse. I live alone and work at home...sitting on my fat behind at the computer!


I am 52 and have always been thin but it is becoming increasingly hard to keep the pounds off. I have three daughters - 30, 29, and 27. One is married with three little boys 4,3 & 1. She lives about 15 minutes from me. About 10 years ago, I left my husband of 25 years and struck out on my own. The divorce has been LONG and hard but I found a new husband on E-Harmony and I'm a true believer. I could make a commercial! We have known each other for 4 1/2 years and got married last August. We travel alot and it is so hard to stay on a diet while you are out of your element. I'm finally happy though and I want to enjoy life to the fullest and that includes staying thin. I feel so good when I look at myself in the mirror and I like what I see. It also turns me on to know that my husband feels the same way. I feel like I it is a gift to him to stay thin and he is so good to me.

54, artist and musician (rock, folk, blues) singer/songwriter and music teacher. Love to cook, love to eat, love my doggies and my husband and our little house. I'm going to lose 30 lbs by June 1 and as of last week started calorie counting, keeping track of everything, doing (almost) daily aerobics and walking my dogs at the park. I'm a happy camper but totally Out Of Control sometimes! Glad to be here, nice meeting all of you.


53 year old female undergoing major lifestyle changes that include last child going off to college, becoming a grandmother, moving to another state, new job, new home ...to name a few...

I'm 52 going on 53 female (Australian) and have been carrying extra weight for many years now, but that is well into the process of becoming a thing of the past, woohoo for me!!


I am 58 years old and and have been in the teaching profession for 15 years. I am about 80 pounds over weight and during the school year a work-a-holic. Stress and lack of sleep are my biggest challenges.

I am 54 years old, single, no children, (no one to blame my weight on!) like to play tennis, love horses and dogs, reading. I work in IT so I SIT all day in front of the computer. (blech).

I am a grandmother who is trying to restore my health by healthy eating and exercise.


50 years old. Enjoy sedentary activities like sitting at the computer, reading books, and watching TV.

I am a substance abuse counselor...lol




I am a retired school teacher ( 58). Never been really fat, but always a little overweight... always wanting, needing to lose 20 pounds or so. Fairly active, but love to eat... especially carbs! and especially like to eat after dinner... all night long.
Like to walk, hike and travel. Going to China for an 18 day tour in Oct. Don't want to travel as the "fat American", also need the energy to tour, and less girth to fit into the cheap seats on the plane.

I crossed a milestone of turning 50 this year and realized I hadn't made my goal of weightloss. A lilttle weight gain each year has really added up. I am a grandma and I want to share and enjoy life with my beautiful granddaughters, and still be the woman my husband wants to retire on the beach with when we are old.

I am 54 years old, mother of 4 grown kids, no grandkids yet. I am a professional and work with people all day. I live in the country outside a small town. I like to bike and walk and horseback ride and camp out. I have done triathlons and hope to do more. I also like to sew, quilt, garden, read, watch movies (my not so active pasttimes). I want a balance between all these.

I am 51 years old, married with two grown children. I work at home (medical billing).

I'm 56, married, work outside the home. Try to walk on my treadmill everyday. do some light weights 3 times a week.
Love to Scrapbook, never find the time to do it.



67 year old...retired wife, mother and grandmother.

I'm an author, comedian, director, actor, computer nerd, and a dad. Been overweight most of my life.


I am 58 years old. I am in the second half of my life, the wife of the most wonderful man in the world; he is my heart, my soul, and my rock. I have two wonderful adult children and 10 grandchildren. I have spend the first half of my life taking care of others. Meeting their needs, making them happy. Now in the second half of my lfe, I want to work on me and to remember the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in myself and others. I want my sould to be free to sing, dance, praise and love!! I want to be healthy to be able to do that!

51 year old female, married for 30 years, have a married daughter and 2 grandchildren.

LA Weight loss didn't work for me. Joined 2008 and am back to my original weight. I thought the price to join would make me responsible and stick to it. I just couldn't stick to it.

I am married and have 5 beautiful children and 12 grandbabies. I am blessed.


51 yr old English divorcee. 3 kids and one grandchild. Lost 20lb when 27 yr marriage broke down, everyone said I looked great and I could by all those clothes that I'd never worn before. I felt young and full of life. Sadly those pounds have piled on and no one says I look good any more.

I am 55, single, work as an HR Manager, have 2 girls and 2 grandsons. Live in SW Missouri and love the outdoors.

I am 54 and stopped smoking 3 years ago and gained ugh 30 pounds. Between that and menopause, the weight doesn't come off. My husband and I love to cook and therefore eat. We are retired and volunteer with several organizations.




Happily married for 20 years; mom to 2 kids (13 yrs and 10 yrs); writer and editor; work from home

This year I want to do 56 new things. I am now 56 and I was born in 56! One of those new things is to be healthier.

Turning 59 in July - Ready to take off the extra weight I have been carrying around with me for ever..... Need to make working out a habit. Want to eat a more healthy diet.

I am 63 years old. I have 4 beautiful grandchildren...I need to be healthy for them! I want to dance at their weddings!! I also work full time, and have a pet sitting business. My husband is in the early stages of Alzheimer's . Needless to say, my plate is full. I often fall in the "Fast Food" trap because it is easy and convenient. My first goal is to cut out the Fast Food...



I'm about to turn 52, married for 32 years with 3 grown children and 3 grandchildren and have been a Christian for most of my adult life.
For the past 15 years since returning to the workforce after being a stay at home mother, I have worked in a Christian organisation.
5 years ago we moved from New Zealand to Australia and loving life here.

51 y/o and at that stage in life when things really slow down physically. I'm eager to switch that up and eat in a way that creates better energy and health.

I'm now almost 58 -- I want to get healthier, eat cleaner, need to exercise more and want to check in often with like-minded people who talk about the healthy lifestyle.

51 year old woman feeling like I'm in the prime of my life, but have been struggling with excess weight most of my adult life. The past few years I have gone through a divorce and hysterectomy. I gained 22 pounds very quickly.

Interested in long term change and living a healthy, whole life in every way.

I am a 76-yr-old retired child development specialist. Since retirement I have been a docent at San Diego Botamic Garden. I do a story and music program there for preschoolers once a week. I also manage a kindergarten garden at my grandsons' elementary school where I teach lessons about plants and nature..I have 2 grandsons, ages 6 and 10, who live 3 miles from me. I volunteer in their classrooms and care for them after school. I have 2 granddaughters, ages13 and 16, who live 3,000 miles away in Washington, DC.. We see them often. I'm busy and active and enjoying life.
