Um im just a regular teenager thats a bit unique loll.

Im 15 trying to get rid of 15 pounds
i wanna be 135 or 130
i already weight 148 or somewhere in the 140's

I'm fourteen years old, I live in a small, terrible, fat obsessed village (okay, so it's not a village, but it is really small.). I got interested in health and fitness when I started Tae Kwon Do but I didn't really act on it. I've been overweight my entire life, and I think it's up to me to fix it before it goes any further. I adore working out, cooking Japanese food, Tae kwon do, my lab/chow cross pup, studying Japanese, working with wood lathes, and mechanics.


My current weight is about 180. I'd like to lose alot of weight over the summer and i'm currently dieting.


I'm a 17-year-old from Saskatchewan. I've been fairly thin all my life, but last year I put on around 12 lbs. My body FINALLY started listening to my efforts to lose weight in March or April or so, and I've lost 6 lbs. so far. About 6 more and I'll be back to my goal of 113-ish pounds.

I am 18 and about to start my freshman year in college.

I jus graduated from high school 18 years old 5' 8 bout to go to college in september and i have a job.... I also jus moved and am tryin to lose the weight i started to gain back in my senior year due to being lazy in practice and stuff.....

i am 17..n have lost 30 lbs recently.but from the past past few months i have tried dieting but have failed miserably and have not been able to lose a single pound.i want to lose 10 pounds and weigh arnd height is 5'4 n i weigh 124 pounds..although i dont sound overweight i look like i am coz my frame is not very large


i am 17 and i n gr 12 . i have lost 20 pounds this year and need to loose atleast 15 more

Hello! I am a 17 year old from Clovis, CA. I am Senior in High School, and I want to look better and be in shape. I'm 5'6, ans need to lose about 75 pounds to reach my ideal weight of 150. I am here to look for support from people who are or have been on my boat.

I am seventeen years old. Playing select fastpitch softball year around kept me in great shape for someone weighing 165 pounds, but since I quit, I've put on nearly twenty pounds and lost all of my muscle. I need to get back into shape and be healthy again, because I refuse to be like this for the rest of my life.

I'm a girl from a small town, I've been trying to lose weight all my life. I'm currently 223 and 5'8 and looking for help. I am on a diet, I just need the support to stay consistent. So far I've lost about 20 pounds.

im 16
im a 10th grader
i want to lose 30 pounds
im lactose intolerent

My favorite color is pink. I love carebears. My best friends are very supportive of the parts of my goal that they know so far(i havent actually told them i want to loose weight and they dont know that i need to loose 125 lbs., im too embarrased to tell them). Ive been with my bff's since kindergarden.

17 yrs old

cw-177, lw-163, 5'9. i used to weigh about 188 but i lost over 20lbs during the summer before my junior year and kept it off for a year. Over my senior year i gradually gained most of it back until i was about 184. I've started losing again and i want to be 155 eventually. I was recruited to row in college but i feel that i will be a much better athlete if i lose the extra weight i am carrying around.


I am 16, 5"5, currently 130 lbs, & a Sophomore in HS. My goal is to lose 10 lbs.


I'm 16 years old and slightly overweight. I'm 5'5 or 5'6 (not really sure) and I weigh about 155-160 usually.

I want a lifestyle change and to feel good in my own skin.

I'm 15 years of age and a sophomore in high school. I'm a real geek-- most of my time is spent on the computer, I love Japanese anime, I build websites, I was in the school band, I love reading & writing, and I draw comics. I aspire to be a professional artist; I draw graphic novels and I love traditional pencil work. I also love music and currently jam on the guitar in a five piece, Japanese speaking band. I love to write more than anything and constantly write poetry, plays, screen plays, and novels. My passion is obviously food and although my tastes are wide and varied, I'm extremely picky. I aspire to someday own a restaurant .

I'm Taryn. I'm 17...and live in deerwood, mn. I'm 5'6 and weigh...(well around 186) Other than that... I'm pretty much a motor head....I'm addicted to nascar and big trucks. I love to work on engines and all that kinda stuff. I'm also what some might refer to as a country girl...because I do the whole hunting/fishing/outdoors all the time thing. I've been told that i'm outgoing...(personally I think i'm relatively shy.) and also that I'm spontaneous (i agree with this.). Other than that, i'm not really any good at describing myself...
If there's anything else you'd like to know...Just ask!!

I'm 29. I have a lot of cats. I would like to be a writer someday. I don't really have a lot of time to be online, but I do try. :) I am a strange person and I have learned to accept that about myself. : ) I have a Mom, a Dad, 2 brothers and 1 sister. I work at a hositpail as a Health Information Technichian.

I eat when I am bored whether I'm hungry or not and it's usually baked goods or snacky foods because that's what I'm always craving, even though I definitely do enjoy a great tasting salad or cooked veggies.

I used to work unusual hours so I would eat at 11 at night. I never had time to work out or the determination to either. I need good healthy habits to help me lose weight. I’m doing weight watchers right now and have lost 3 lbs but it’s hard to stick to. I just need support! :)

i'm a teenage man with a weight problem i've had since i was about 10 years old. i know it's possible for me to be skinny because i once was, and i'd kill to be back at that stage. so i went to a nutritionalist which, let me tell you, was extremely unhelpful and really just wasn't even trying to help me. she was the one who stopped our visits. so after trying and trying on my own & failing, i came upon this site and decided to give it a try.

I am 17 and go to a private Christian high school. I have been fat all my life and I have tried every diet and exercise trick in the world. A lot of the time I hate my body, but I also really hate starving myself and sweating until I drop. I need something encouraging that works for me.


I am a high school student and that doesn't really help since I am sitting all day. I would like to weigh 105 lbs (considering my height).

I am 17 years old and I am a runner. I live in the Philly burbs. I am very easy going and love to party.


Hey Everyone! My name is Allie and I am 5'11 and approx 222 . Im from Southern California! I love to sing and I have been in a choir for about 9 years. I'm part of NCL and Girl Scouts and involved in swimming and acting at my All Girls private school in Pasadena. I would love to look great for a lot of important things that I have going on this busy senior year!


i'm a sophmore at high school.
and i don't really NEED to lose weight.
but it would be nice.
i'm not FAT but i'm not skinny either.
sort of on the heavy side.

im 15 i love history i want to be a history teacher......

I am a sophomore in high school and i used to be fit and strong i got a black belt in Teaknowdo and i have gone down hill from there i no longer can do the same thing i used to do. I also have but eating a lot of junk and i haven't been exercising regularly. So i want to become fit toned and lose any unwanted fat i have.

i am 18 and i am a senior, I live in OKLAHOMA!!, i am sothern baptist. i love cooking. i want to major in elementary edu. I love reading and writing. I speak competitvely and plan on going to colege next year.I have 2 sisters 2 parents and a possesed cat that i love. We now also own a demon dog. I love the lord with all my heart and work everyday to put him number one in my life.

my wheight is always on my mind i know im not fat but i reely want to look good in a bikini mostly because im going to hawaii in spring break. my upper body fine my thighs not so good, my stomach thats the one i reely want to work on the one thats always on my mind and i just want to have fun not worrying on how i look just having fun and not being self concious. im a sophmore im 15 i know i dont have much friends because i moved. i collect comics love books and computer games love going to the movies and shopping and basically having a good time with my friends.

I'm 19, with blonde curly hair and a British accent =D (I'm from London). I'm not too big, I just want to be perfect for New Year and really make a fresh start for 2008.

I'm 17, 5 foot 3.5 inches...(yes the .5 matters) I weight 139lbs. I am a Jounior in High school with an extreemly bussy schedual between a Band, Work, full schedual at school, and a ton of clubs I'm in.

Im 17 and a junior in high school. I am on the dance team. I am one of the heavier ones on the team and would just feel more comfortable if i was more fit. Losing weight is a hard thing to do while in high school because most of my friends can eat the most unhealthiest foods and never gain anything, but I could never do that. Good luck everyone!

I am 15 and just graduated out of high school and I really want to takt this change of lifestyle thing seriously

Sydney, Australia.
University Student.


Im 125 lbs but i want to be 100 lbs. Im 5'5 and im sick of being fat.

I love to read, and be by myself, but at the same time i love to be around my friends, which is wat makes me truly happy i always get a rush of happiness when around them and im filled with laughs. Atm im in a stop in my life, i have no money, no job but i have my life, family and friends, i am looking for a job at the moment and my boyfriend keeps me happy and sane while im in a down. I love to learn, and my nose is nearly always stuck in a book :P My wieght has alsways been an issue coming from my mother and step father telling me i needed to lose weight when i was a size 12-14 which started my sneaking food. I look back to when i was 15 and had my size 14 frame and know that thats my goal.


I am a very "put-together" person. I spend alot of time makingsure my hair, make-up (eye shadow, eyeliner, and lip gloss ONLY!!!), outfit, and skin is well groomed. Being overweight probably contributes to my meticulous grooming habits. I feel like I have to make up for being overweight by making sure eveything else is in tact. Since its hard for me to control my weight, I must have everything else about my physical appearance under control. In the eight grade I lost about 40 lbs. for high school, but I gain about 20 lbs. of it back during my freshman year. Then during the summer before my sophmore year I lost about 10-15 lbs. So I know I CAN LOSE WEIGHT, all I need is to find the motivation to do it again. However this time when I reach my goal weight of 140 lbs. I WILL STAY 140 LBS. (with your help of course!!!)

I love to sing, dance, and act. I'm a Sociology major at my school. I am in a sorority and therefore binge drink a good 4 days a week, hence not being content with my weight.





um im preety athletic i play soccer and im a dancer planning on modeling but in order to do that i have to get down to 116 lbs ive been there before but i gained and now i cant lose it!

Just an average girl who looks pregnant but is not.

I am an 18 year old high schooler preparing to go to university. Currently residing in London, Uk.

I've been quite the fatty all my life. My parents never incorperated health into my diet and I never really cared to be healthy because of that. It was their philosophy that I should be able to eat what i'd like to eat while i'm in my house. Personally, I think that's wack. So I finally grew up and realized what a mess I was, I've been tryin to lose weight and become healthy ever since. I don't really get a lot of real support on the family front, and a lot of my friends say "Oh! You're not fat! Shutup!" But they don't see what I see when I look in the mirror. I basically hate my appearance and that isn't going to change until I make the effort to change it.

My name is Cait Bradbury.
I'm sixteen.
Norwegian, English and Chinese -mixed Eurasian
I was raised in Hawaii, and now I live in Taipei, Taiwan. Attending Taipei American School. Junior! :)

I'm a 17 year old ex-bulimic trying to avoid regressing into my previous unhealthy weight loss methods.

I would like to start a group of teens who communicate with eachother and push them to do their best! If you are interested e-mail me at [email protected] ! My name is Kelsea. I am 13 years old and I'm in 8th grade. I am sad to say I have grown to be about 162.6. I have a mom, dad and two sisters. One is 12 and the other is 1 year. Over the summer of 07 I was doing pretty good with losing weight. Since school started back up and the holidays came it has been harder and harder. I have decided that its time to make a change.



19, seattle.

I’m a 17 year old girl that has technically dropped out of high school at the moment from health problems. I was not I big girl as a child just about 20 pounds over weight at the max. At 12 I just started putting on weight I was probably 4'10" 120 pounds and in 5 years I gained 100 pounds I’ve always been short though, I’m about 5'2" hoping to hit 5'3" by my 18 birthday. But I’m 220-225 pounds we don't keep a scale in the house so I never know exactly, but I'm a vegetarian which doesn't make weight lose any easier, but it's a healthier kinder diet in my opinion. I just found out today that most of my medical problems have to do with my weight, big surprise there, but that's when I found this site and I hope it can help.


I'm 19 and in college. I want to take advantage of my ability to choose what to do and what to eat. Plus, free gym access while I'm a student.
I think I have weight to lose, but I don't hate myself and I don't think that I'm completely unattractive. I just think I could be more attractive or at least more confident if I didn't have to stretch my jeans out after they come out of the wash.
I love to cook - I wish I could cook more because I lose my appetite when I cook. I love to eat - new foods and good foods make me really happy (usually there are friends around, which is probably why).
I'm 5'2" and I weigh 130lbs. Goal: 115lbs.


I am Tracey and i am sick of thinking i am fat. I have always struggled with eating disorders and seem to have fallen back into one recently. I feel like complete shit after gaining my weight back and now i plan to lose it again. I dont care how i do it.I need to lose fifty pounds by april first. I also plan to weigh in at 110-120 pounds by july 1st. I have to lose it and keep it off. It will be really hard to do this with my 5'11 frame. but i honestly don't care. Support me, don't hinder me. I will do this.

17. battling with weight issues,i've always been big but the fact i over eat does not help. am at college.

I'm 17 and I'm 5'3 and weigh 138.


im a college freshman...and i didnt manage to gain the freshman fifteen (yay!) but im still more overweight than id like to be.

I'm a teenage girl who comes from a long line of obese family members, and I have depression. Finally this diet is about me, and nobody else.

sophmore at university



I am a college student trying to get to my ideal weight. I want to avoid eating too much because of my busy lifestyle, and just being healthy overall.




I'm a 19 year old girl who recently put on a lot of weight that i had lost a few years ago. Initially i was 215 lbs but i got down to 160 by starving myself and continuous drug abuse. Fortunatly i've kicked the drugs (and the cigarettes! yay!) but in the process i gained back around 40 pounds. I just want to get back down to 150 or 160. I find it really hard to stay away from comfort foods, especially chocolate and pasta.

I'm 17 years old and weigh somewhere from 214-225 lbs. I'm a photographer.







hello im rachel, i am 15, about 5' 3" and weigh about 107 lb
im not overweight, but i definitely do not eat healthy and i know it will come back to me if i dont stop soon. this year i want to eat healthy and get more exercise :]




17 yrs old, junior in high school, just tryin to lose weight


19, freshman in college, not fat and even kind of toned. But the grass is always greener on the other side, right?

My name Is reenie im 15, 5'6 and 237 pounds. Im a bubbly, silly, and all around fun teenager from NYC who just really wants to loose wight. I have had a hate/hate relationship with my weight since I was about ten years old. I have fineally reached the brink and im tired of being the fat girl and since most of my friends are skinny I really have no one to turn to on it. Well thats about it. ~Reenie



I am 17 - almost 18 - and graduating from high school this year. I have Type 2 diabetes, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, a couple of learning disabilities, and I'm bi-polar. I have messed up motor skills which, combined with my weight, and my overly large chest, makes exercise really hard. I love to cook and want to work with kids with learning disabilities when I get through college.

Since the past year, I have gained about 40lbs! OMG right? I am only 5'2 and I am about 160lbs, although its not that obvious, I have been very insecure about my body and I find it very hard to shop and try on clothes. I am also getting a bit of paranoid because I am quite a jealous girlfriend, all these fats are magnifying that paranoia even more! I am really having a hard time losing all the weight I have gained during the past year. I really need help. Fast.




I'm 17 and starting a new healthier lifestyle.

I started at 143 lbs. This time last year I weighed about 126. I didn't really change my eating pattern much but packed on the pounds quite suddenly. I would like to get back down to that size but I am having some problems. I find it hard to find a diet that I can stick to ( and one that is budget friendly since i am a college student).



My name is Leah, and I am a high school student. I currently am active in sports at my school, and overall I exercise 5-plus times a week. However, at 160 pounds, I totally could lose 20-25 pounds. I'm not entirely sure how to do this, however, since I've never effectively lost weight in the past.

I am an high school exchange student and came to USA for one year and i am in the sophomore year now
i was 135 pounds when i came and now i am 148!!! T_T (i am 5'5")
I have only 4 months left here and i have gain the total of 13 pounds so far. If I go back like this my family is going to freak out so bad and I feel very bad about myself. so I am GOING TO drop it
my short term goal is 13 pounds but my long term goal is 26 pounds!


I'm a 15 year old girl, 16 in 4 months. I have tons of energy, and a talkative, loud personality. I have both fat and skinny friends, and obvousaly no matter what size any of us are, we don't care, and we love eachother anyways. I'm tired of my personality being so different from my outside appearance. I'm so bold and friendly, but looking at me, without talking to me, you might not know that because I am fat. I have been chubby my whole life and I am sick of it. It's time for me to get skinny!!!

I'm 17 - 18 come July - and I want to be sexy when I go to college -- I want to look good, and be healthy -- I'm also fearing the freshman 15 with every fiber of my being....I belong to a gym, but I'm not sure if I'm actually accomplishing anything there....




Well im 17 and still a full time student. Im studdying A level maths, physics business, german and spanish. I just feal to tired to go to the jim after school i do however walk to school and back (up hill with heaigh heels, is it jus me or is it more wrk when your in heals? ) Anyway im just sik of being the bigger one out of all my friends who are all Uk sizes 8 and 10's. I NEED HELP :)

Well I'm an 18 year old college girl from the North of Ireland, have always been slightly overweight but over the past 2 years the pounds have just piled on. Late nights studying and sitting over a computer working have not helped at all!

Hey! my name is Jordanna. I am 16 and weigh about 225-230 (i thought i was like 220 but im actually like 225 or something so thats not good lol) I used to be very athletic (volleyball,basketball,badminton,raquetball) but now i don't play any sports. I have nothing against exercising i actually like it but i didn't really know where to start until i bought some workout dvd's (Turbo Jam). I am going on a trip to Mayan Riviera, Mexico next year and i want to look great.

19 yr old in a small town in Tx.

19 yrs old, freshman in college, 5 1'', was 136lbs, am 112 lbs =)
goal is to lose 4 more lbs

I used to be 160 last June and by November got myself down to 140 thanks to Jenny Craig and exercise. Then the winter holidays came. DISASTER. Especially combined with classes. I'm really depressed about gaining back 10 pounds. I need to stay positive and get it off. have PCOS so it's important I stay healthy but my chronic asthma makes it difficult. We'll see how this goes.



CPT (Certified Personal Trainer and Health Specialist) showing the community that we are all human. Share yourl ife experiences and get to the bottom of why you are not reaching your goals to a healthy body. The door is open. Stop by and chat with us. No special attire needed and we have plenty of motivation, tips, and guidance from a professional. We have a team because we all believe in team work. You are welcome to join us and it is FREE.
A great place to know you will reach your goals by just learning our many specialized tips. Helping you and helping me too!
See you soon.

Im 15 currently residing in Vancouver and want to lose bout 20 pounds.

Living at a college dorm for the moment...I don't have my own fridge, the fridge for the buliding stinks so bad.I wish I had my own place to put my food in *sigh* only problem is that sometimes I end up oevereating....I always feel guilty after i eat a cookie, ice cream, or anything considered "bad".

13 years old...
Would like to lose a little weight....
Current Weight:93.8 lbs



im 17. like normal thigns.
eat sooooo much
and drink way too much.
i just want to help others really

Hi. My name is Monica I am 18 years old and I want to lose 35 pounds. I currently weigh 145 and i am 5'2. My senior year i weighed 120 and was so happy. After i met my boyfriend i gain a lot of weight. I want to be thin this summer and stay healthy.

i am 19 years old. i have a wonderful boyfriend, i love going out and having a good time. But i also love to stay in and watch movies.. horror movies are my fav

I'm 17 years old I do not look overweight in street clothes I camoflague well. I'm very solid so losing weight will be hard but I will not need to tone at all.


I am 20, 5'7 and 202lbs.


hi, i'm julie. I'm 18 years old and i'm from belgium. in a few months i'm going to college and i'm very exited about that. i've never been obese, but i've always been one of the "fattest" ones in class. i've tried several diets, but somehow i can never manage to stick to them.. a few minutes ago i read about peertraining, and i thought 'have to try this!' so i hope this will finally help me reach my goals. sorry if me english isn't correct, do correct me if i make mistakes! :)

Hey, I'm Kirsten, but I go by Kirby. I'm a vegan, and I pretty much don't eat junk food, but I tend to eat constantly. I weigh 126 lbs. and am 5'4.5. I dislike my body, and feel ashamed about it. I would love to loose weight.

My job requires me to spend several hours a day behind a desk, and lack of sufficient exercise is a horrible thing for those of us who'd like to be in shape. It's also a no-good atmosphere for that sort of mindless snacking. Too easy.


i'm a dancer. i've struggled with anoerxia, eating disorder NOS, and am still struggling with bulimia. i have been hospitalized for suicide and depression and am trying to find the light.


I'm not what you call fat or skinny.. but I have pudge that I want to get rid of.. My hips are big and I don't like it.

i love to write, and want to play the guitar more than anything. my favorite place to be is london, and i love to travel anywhere. i love meeting people, one of my favorite things is making new friends =]

Hi! My name is Annie. I live in Seattle and am a junior at the University of Washington. I'm studying industrial engineering and applied mathematics.
I have been obese all my life and only within the past four years have taken my health seriously. I have lost 45 pounds so far the good old fashioned way, but reached a plateau about a year ago.

I love dancing, being social, and just chillin.
I was on dance team in high school and also was in a fitness class at school that kept me in shape and at an ideal weight. I could eat whatever I wanted and I really miss that.




im a scholar, working on ma last year in high school. love TV, love billy blanks, and a big joker. i have been fat all my life, but got to shed a bit of weight growing up at the age of 13. i moved from a 65kg's down to a 55, WOW! yep, but im getting fat again! and i want to be normal and healthy!


I just want to be healthy, happy and feel great about myself!

I'm a teenager who has been struggling with weight for a very long time. I have never been morbidly obese and want to keep it that way. I have been overweight for a very long time (4th grade is when I started gaining the weight, I think.) I really miss that I used to be a pretty athletic kid, seriously. I lost a lot of weight before, but did it in an unhealthy way and I've gained it all back. =[ I just checked my BMI, and unfortunately, I'm very close to being obese!!

I am a high school junior and would like to be able to lose a few inches while my skin is still 'elastic' and could find clothes that fit easier. I also have no althletic ability whatsoever and i hate exercising, so losing weight has never been easy for me. My BMI is 23.6, but I'd still like to see it lower.


I'm 13 and currently around 145 pounds. I have been overweight for as long as I can remember. A lot of people say this to me when they haer my story: "you're still young, try exerciseing and eating healthy." Well, I got news for thoe people. I have tried that. I have tried basically every diet in the book, and none of them have worked, and most of them have made me misreable. I would really like to be able to look and feel good by around this time next year (next summer) or sooner. I do exercise a lot, though.. me and my friends will walk around my town (it's veryyy tiny) like 6 times a day, which adds up to about 4 miles.

I am a teen tired of being known as the "fat girl" in school and would like to become more healthy and surrcome to mindless eating and emotional eating.


I love to figure skate and draw cartoon characters.

I'm 17 years old, I'm a student at an all girls school- difficult when everyone is trying to be a stick!- I'm a part time mum (oldest of three, both parents work, also I'm considered 'the mother-goose' amongst peers) I cook a lot, I love to bake (one of my down falls) and I'd rather read a book than ride a bike. But like I said, at my school appearance is everything, so I don't want to be 'the fat one' any more. I have a lot more responsibility in school now with my prefect role and a greater workload with my A-levels coming up in mere months!


I'm 19, been working out for years but can't seem to quite look how i want.

My names Lucie, please to meet you =]
Im 17 from North West UK.
Looking to be comfortably with my body.
(I am not overweight)

I have successfully lost 65 lbs I currently weight 203 now, my height hides it (I‘m 5‘9). I would like to get down to 180 because I just want to get to a healthy weight not a materialist weigh that people feel pressured to be in. I currently exercise 30 minutes of cardio and strength train with weights, I have been doing this not even 2 months yet so I have to see what the results behold because they say wait 2 months to really see results. In college it’s hard to keep from temptation from the food but I know my limits when I eat school because my college has a buffet so they are different variety of foods, so I try to eat protein and carbs more than anything. This is only November 2nd,2009 so I’ll see what I’m talking bout around Christmas.

Well i guess im an average teenager who is 5ft tall and weight 108 pounds.. i guess i have been feeling like i have gain weight and i want to lose it i dont like what i see and i want to lose it the right healthy way.

I am a full time student and a full time athlete but i cant seem to keep the weight off for good.

I'm a teenage girl about to go off to college, 5' 3", 140 pounds, looking to lose 20-30 pounds. I like watching new movies, reading old books, playing with my dog, practicing my Spanish, and baking. I'm a passionate singer and actress as well, and a Catholic.
I was a dancer from age 3 to age 13, but I stopped dancing in high school because I moved and it didn't feel right to me to dance without my beloved studio. There can be no doubt that I miss dance, though; I always have dreams at night that I am back in ballet class. I've thought about trying again so many times, but right now I am so out of shape that I couldn't bear to walk into a room full of bony girls, or to watch myself fail at something that I used to be able to do.

I'm an 18 year old college freshmen who's having trouble losing the last bit of weight. I know how to and love to help others with weight loss, but I can't seem to make these last 15lbs go anywhere.

I'm on a roll, to lose all the weight I can. not giving up.

Hi I'm 14. Hope to get lots of motivation from here and keep going you guys!

I'm a 19 year old athlete. I play softball basketball and soccer and I've still managed to be overweight. Looking to slim down for myself, my boyfriend, and so i can keep up in my sports.

I am a kind of loner, I am quiet and have a few friends. I an trustworthy and listen and observe others.

my name is destiney im an artist and a senior in high school. im 17 and i had always been skinny up until last year. my mom put me on the depo shot but i just cant seem to lose the weight. im really smart and i would really love to reach my goal weight of 130 so if anyone has any pointers please help me.


I am 16 going on 17 in June. I have been overweight since 1st grade. I never cared how I looked like until I started going to middle school, I started to look good and be healthier until I got pregnant, gained 30lbs with the pregnancy I just need to at least lose 50lbs until my daughter first bithday where a lot of pictures will be taken and saved for ever.

Hi, a freshman in college. I was pretty active in high school, being into competitive sports etc. However, after I've stopped competitive sports, I started eating unhealthily (I kinda thought what I ate didnt matter anymore bcos I didnt need to watch my performance/fitness anymore. I just ate whatever I liked.) Over the past 3 years, I have gained a HUGE 30lbs!! In 2007, I started exercising more frequently (to the extent of being obssessed.) and eating very little. I lost 17lbs. the next year, I gained everything back on. :(:(
Now, I play some recreational sports with my friends, and run/gym on my own. But all these exercise dont seem to be of much effect because as a matter of fact, I have been yoyo dieting (depends on my mood). As a result, I cant lose any weight.
HOWEVER, for a start, i have am very determined to LOSE 25LBS BY END OF MAY! After that, another 10lbs would be nice, preferably by christmas! hope u guys would help me out. we can encourage one another! :)


Hi my name is Kylee.
I am currentley attending Mohave Middle School. I am 13 and i weigh 169 pounds.
I come from a genes of obese familey.
I have a pretty face but I cant say the same about my body......
I do have a limit to eating, only because I have a diseace called Ceilac Diseace. That cuts out all of my (Wheat,Flour,Soy,yeast,Gluteen.)
So far i have lost 4 pounds in a week.(This Diseace causes massive weight gain and bloating.)So try it. Ask yourself if you want to be fat or do you want to be thinner.


I am a junior in high school and I love school, drumline, and music. I do not like leaving things half-done, yet, Iosing weight is something I struggle with. I am trying out for the tenor spot on my school's drumline this season. (Tenors are the heaviest drums - they weigh 45 pounds!) When I looked at the calendar and saw how close the auditions (and band camp) are and when I had a major clothes dilemma this morning (nothing even fit right to go work out in!), I knew I had to get serious about losing weight. I dug myself into a rut over the course of 2-3 years, now it's time to get out and stay out.

I'm 16 years old, I live in Ireland, and I just graduated from secondary school (i.e. Highschool). I'll (hopefully) be starting university next year, and i want it to be a completely new beginning, which is why i want to have lost most of the weight ive put on over the past year or so by the time i start. I love to sing, dance, go out with friends, and basically just have fun, but it always seemed like my weight was impeding me from truly enjoying myself, because half the time i just felt so insecure. But hopefully, this is the last time i'll ever feel this way.

Other than my weight issue, I love music & film.
I want to be a glamorous hollywood actress.
So i gotta be fit!


well ....ive been a bit chubby or overweight for as long as i can remember ....i started dieting and tryin to excercise i think since 8th grade ( im a freshman ). my problem is tryin to keep the weight off...i can lose up to 10lbs ..then get a lil full of myself haha then start eatin watever i want thinkin i deserve it ( "just a lil cheesecake ...i already lost 10lbs ...i deserve it")...then bam ..all my weight is back ...the highest i ever gotten is 180lbs lowest since 7th grade is 135lbs ...i now am at 172lbs me! haha ...jk jk on a workout program now and i am trying to get healthy for life now ..set good habits like regular exercise and healthy food.

I'm 18 and a college student going into nursing. I'm usually anti-social and stay isolated in my bedroom due to not having friends because I'm too shy and self conscious to make any. I cry too many times because I don't know how to change, because the way I live is all I've known. I'm currently at 210 and a size 18. And the thing that hurt the most is when I mentioned something to my mom about being overweight, and her telling me that her boyfriend asked her if I was pregnant. I'm here to try to finally do something about it and lose the weight I've gone way too long wanting it.

I am 17 years old and a Senior in high school. I have always been a little overwieght. It seems I have always been dieting, but never stuck with it long enough to have results. I want to lose weight and keep it off I used to have a personal trainer, and I still have a lot of muscle mass. I mainly want to flatten my stomach.

I'm 13 years old and am in 8th grade. Have always been bigger than the other kids but at the same time, stronger and faster than them. I love Jesus and he is my main motivator through all of this.

Hey! I'm Kylie, 15, and from Australia. My weight has been slowly creeping up on me over the years, and I would really like to do something about my eating and exercising habits. I weigh 73 kg (161 lb) at the moment, and would like to get that down to about 55 kg. I'd also really like to become fitter, especially with my cardio. It's just so hard to get motivated though, so I'm hoping y'all can help me out, and I'll try and do the same for you :)


Im Hispanic. Im 20 years old. Outgoing, like to hang out with friends, have fun, laugh a lot and just chill.

I'm a 16 year old from Maine, and I have tons of interests, including writing, reading, hanging with friends, and having fun. I work part time and am finishing up high school, and have lots of other things that keep my schedule busy.

i'm 17, a female, and weigh 201 pnds. I've been exercising for days and i'm expecting a huge change. I'm a size 15/17 and i really need to get down to an 9/11 and fast!

My name is Sarah and I am 18 years old.I love anime, Martial Arts cooking and singing.


My name is Vivian. I'm 18 and a college student. Over 3 years I've gained well over 20lbs! and i feel really uncomfortable with my body! I've been trying to lose weight but i always fail to follow through.




I love to read.
Awesome boyfriend who backs me up in w/e i do, however, doesn't no how to tell me NO when it comes to me snacking even when i've asked him to.

I'm 15 years old, 5"9. I'm a bit of a health freak but I have a TERRIBLE sweet tooth. Main problem with weight loss is not having time to work out and just those bad food obstacles that get in your way. School takes up so much of my time.

i am 16 years old. a year ago i was over 300 pounds. I have lost 80 pounds, but recently feel like giving up.

I am 13 & i am 162 lb i am ugly and i want to lose about 63 lbs soooo......... 5:58 4/23/2010


I'm 19 and have only felt comfortable with my body intermittently throughout the years. I was chubby in middle school, but went on to outgrow it in high school. Right now I feel like there are fifteen or so pounds between my current discomfort and future body and lifestyle. To reach that goal I Iook forward to adjusting my eating habits and mentality, maintaining a sustainable healthy diet, and getting back into an engaging exercise routine.

I'm 17 years old, 5'2, and 113lbs. I have had a problem with trying to lose weight for a while. It wasn't until recently about a month of so that I have started losing weight. I run track, and my main event is pole vault. I know I do not need to lose any weight, but I just want to lose some body fat - like 5lbs of fat. I weighed 121 in January so I have lost some pounds.

I have been having a hard time committing to losing weight, though I've been wanting to be 115 for several years now. But now is my time yo!

teen, recently took up tennis, and am working on eating healthy

I'm a 17 year old girl, 5'4", pretty active and in shape, I like singing and dancing and have a boyfriend of 3 years :] I lost about 15 pounds within a short amount of time and gained it back.. so I'm trying to take it slow and steady to get down to 115-120.

Im 15 years old and Im from Los Angeles california. Im 5"2 and 147 pounds. I pretty much like anything social. Forums, myspace, going out, you name it. I love talking to people. Sometimes I scare people away though, I dont have very good manners at all. I have a bad sailor mouth and Im trying to quit but its not working out.

Entering my third year of college, and working this summer!

I am 14 years old and want to be on the track team when I start high school. I have watched both of my parents struggle with their weight and health and don't want to have that happen to me. My dad is currently on the Atkins diet(low carb to no carb) and my mom is craving her teenage figure back (she was as skinny as a stick!) However, my parents' diets affect me so that disadvantages me a lot. My mother eats anything she wants but my father doesn't but my mom usually feeds me. I love running but I've never ran on a team or anything so my plan is to use my father as a role model (he lost 40 pounds in the last 3 months!) and coach as he helps me train with running and use my love of running to my advantage.


I am almost 18. I am 5'5 and I weight around 280. I lost alot of weight my freshman year about 80 lbs. and I gained double back.I am going to be a freshman at UW- Milwaukee. I enjoy singing and writting and dancing.

My name is Raven. I am a senior in high school (in the next month), and I don't want to live unhealthy and in risk of so many unhealthy habits. Around middle school is when i became noticable of my weight gain. When i reached 8th grade i wieghed 205Ibs. I was teased and enrolled myself in athletics to try and comfort myself with some kind of pysical enforcement. Because i did so i lost 25 since then. I am now 17 5'5 and i weigh 179. But my weight has always been of and on for the last past years. Right before I joined i calculated my BMI which turned out to be 40.0, classified as Morbidly Obese or Class III extreme obesity. I'm the only one out of four children who struggles with my weight. I don't nderstand why when i believed to have eaten as much as they did! When I do try and become involved with fitness my family thinks its a joke. So i came here today to find a different approach. One that'll help and motivate me to go beyond. And to find a team and friends as well.

I'm going to be a SENIOR this year whoot whoott! So excited to graduate and go to college. I pretty much hate highschool because of the profiling and cliques. I get picked on alot for my weight and I'm tired of it so I'm ready to lose weight. Losing weight has always been hard for me because I've grown up in the southern environment eating southern food which all southern people know is not all that healthy! Food = family gatherings!
So here's to losing weight and getting healthy!

Ni Hao,
I am Maryann, I am 17 and having trouble staying on track with my weight. I've been over weight most of my life, and that has brought me down a lot. I don't like to be in public much and have a hard time accepting myself.
Overall, I like to read, draw, write, and play Guitar.

I Am 17 . Senior In High School .
I Will Be Going To College In The Fall And The Last Thing I Wanna Be Is 300+ lbs When I Start My New Life. :]
I am 5'11 - 6' ..Maybe 325 lbs -__-

I'm 18 going on 19 and i weigh about 196 i go to the gym alot but i need to change my eating habits one i do that i think or i hope things will fall into place. i hope i can find support with you guys and we can all acheive things together.

I'm 19. I've been wanting to be slimmer since 5th grade. Pretty sick, but thats the truth. Unfortunately I am a procrastinator, and I have a bad tendency of emotionally eating. I live in a house where no one supports me and my attempts to lose weight. I've been pretty insecure my whole life because of it, ive grown into my own skin over the past year, but getting to my ideal weight goal of 130lbs I feel would give me a new sense of confidence and finally a healthy relationship with myself.

Im 19 years old. I weigh 162 and im "5"2. I have wanted to lose weight for some time now. I just never put the effort into it. This time around i just want to look healthy, look healthy and feel great.

I'm a teenager, 5'5 and 150 pounds. I know I'm not really over weight but I think I'd feel alot more secure in myself if i didn't feel so fat. I have very big thighs and butt and I really let myself go this past year.

I'm a 16 years old girl from Copenhagen in Denmark. I weight 126 lbs, and I am 5,2 feet. That maybe not sounds of much, but trust me, I look like I weight to much. And two years ago I weight 107 lbs.

I am 17 years old and have never been skinny. I am not overweight, never have been, but in the past year i have gained 7 kilos and now i am teethering at a 25 bmi.

Im just a normal 18 year old. Im a senior in high school and off to college in august of 2013

I'm 15 yrs old and am really anxious to lose weight, I just need some support.

Im a sophmore in college. Im looking to loose weight and gain a healthier life style in the process

I am following a habit building process developed by Charles Duhigg in his book titled "The Power of Habit". You can read about this process and my progress log on the Progress, Not Perfection community tab.
