I'm a very busy, ambitious person who likes to try everything once. I am a former Peace Corps Volunteer, currently self employed with a business that's open 6 days a week. I also have my real estate license so I work with clients part time. I am renovating an 80 year old house, just adopted a puppy and have 3- 7 month old kittens who likes to get onto everything. So keeping after everything keeps me pretty busy and therefore have developed terrible eating habits.

name: asianfoodaholic
age: 27
addictions: savory spiced ground turkey meat on everything.
occupation: architectural designer
workout music: catchy indie + good hip hop
loves: your witty weblogs loaded with tangents
hates: the fact that now, after 5 years, I can fit into and look good in cute clothes. Due to inflation, I'm too cheap to buy them.
wants: a Specialized Dolce road bike.
other info: I'm quiet lately...not posting much or reading much. I'll swing back though. When I finally got under 200...I felt the need to log back into peertrainer and spread the word. Biggups to the BGB.


I am 23 years old... I love making handmade jewelry. Still discovering who I am and what I want.. as things change I will update. =)


My blog: http://houseofpeanut.blogspot.com
I'm 31, a software project manager living with my fabulous hubby and 2 dogs in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.
I've been overweight my entire adult life and am sick of worrying about it. I've done well at school, work, and have a great supportive family, so there's no reason I shouldn't be able to lose weight and keep it off. But somehow that's been the hardest thing so far.


28 years old.
5'3", 145 lbs.
i gained 20 lbs when i was 14 and i gained another 20 lbs when i started working in an office three years ago
successful at work, not so in private life

I'm a 26 year old female who currently lives and works at a DC nonprofit. I am a former Peace Corps Volunteer, and I'll be moving back to New York in the fall to attend graduate school. I'm really short, so losing 10 pounds is really like losing 15-20 on someone of "normal" size.

i have a love affair with food. i love to eat it, smell it, see it, cook it, think about it... anything that has to do with food makes me happy. 27yo asian female. work 80 hours a week. when not working, am planning to eat or cook.


I am a 34 yo executive. Crazy work schedule and sitting in front of my computer all day and night with foods, coffee and such to keep me awake, frequent 'chocolate breaks' as stress relievers and frequent dining out with friends have taken their toll on my girlish figure. I am determined to get back in the swing of things!!!


I've been overweight all my life... I'm an eater. I'm a professional cook as well, which makes it difficult sometimes to watch everything I eat. And where I work, they use gobs and mounds of Butter and Cream and all other forms of Fat. I'm also painfully clumsy and have never been any good at sports. I recently took up yoga, though, which I've been enjoying a lot.

I'm in my mid-40's, work full time, and play tennis whenever I can, which is not very often.
I do some gardening, some water-skiing, and bike riding. I have a Rottie mix that I take for walks occasionally.


I am a 33 year old professional living in NYC. Like most NYCers, I walk a lot...but I also eat out A LOT! I'm in a long term relationship with a man who seems to be able to eat anything and not put on a pound! Not good for me because one of my problems is that I love to eat!

I'm fifteen and a sophomore in high school. When I was a wee child, my family constantly made fun of me for being overweight when in fact, I was not. Asian standards, I guess.
Unfortunately I was only four and didn't know any better, so I believed them. I remember thinking "Whatever! I'm already fat so it doesn't matter," and stuffing my face with handfuls of Cocoa Puffs. I lived with that mindset for a really long time-- long enough for me to actually become overweight.
Last year I started a diet and lost twenty pounds, and then I hit the plateau. The month right after I did, I went to go visit relatives in Taiwan. Then I just sort of lost it. Unused to the heat and humidity of Taiwan, I found it very hard to kick myself up and haul my lazy butt up to workout. Not to mention the food. Oh man, the super-cheap-super-bad-for-you food.
So I'm starting again, but with extra gusto this time. (And dear family, please shut up. Your Asian cynicism doesn't help anything.)

I am a college student in California. I am spending my summer studying for the MCAT and getting healthy.

I'm a 30's professional male in NYC who is very health-conscious. I love food and cooking which is what gets me into trouble with my weight. I'm into Capoeira, biking, hiking and swimming. I have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do but I quit that since I hurt my knee. I'm looking to lose some of my everlasting baby fat and stay motivated.


Mommy to 2 high energy beautiful boys and sick of being too fat to enjoy them properly.

Australian Born Chinese, family history of diabetes and fibroids. Has suppressed immune system and was anaemic. Suffered from anxiety and depression. Has wonderful family support and currently single. Has a sense of humour when not depressed.

hi, my name is jeanette and i live in the bronx, new york city currently attending fordham university. my current weight is 123pounds height 5'4''.

I am 41, born and raised in Hawaii, been over-weight since second grade. Like to improve myself and I have read a lot of self-help weight loss books. I am in Weight Watchers for over a year now and have lost over 30lbs. Still need 20 more to feel healthy and have more energy.



I'm 24 years old. i've played sports since i was 10 years old, soccer is my all time favorite. I used to be pretty good before i injured my back at L5-S1. I've had surgery and it's almost like new. I love having a workout buddy but it does get hard to find someone who wants to workout like i do. I no longer have a buddy but so far have been able to keep my motivation up. I love outdoor activities and want to learn how to kayak and rock climb.

I'm an HR consultant and happily married - no children or pets so I have no excuses for not having time.
I'm one of those asian girls that always feel grossly overweight when visitiing the homeland (Korea) but am considered "slim" by my non-asian friends...

I am 23 and work in health insurance as well as in the astonomy field. Most of my time is spent working and I have gained so much weight. I have always had an athletic build and I have been fortunate to gain my weight fairly evenly but I am so out of shape that now I can't even make it up the stairs w/o getting out of breath. I have lived all over the country including Memphis, Baton Rouge, Pensacola, Louisville, Albuquerque and Chicago. I currently live in Salt Lake City, Utah. I am Korean and weighing 155lbs and being 5'2" is pretty big.

In my mid-40s. Administrator in a healthcare system. work long hours. 2 kids in their teens,


I'm a designer from Chicago - a recent grad who would really like to start off in the professional world feeling confident.

Hi Everyone! My name is Kristine and I am 18 years old. I am currently a college student. I am Chinese American. After my first year of college, I gained the Freshman 15.. if not more. Anyway, I am currently about 150 lbs. I would like to weigh around 125 l bs or 130 lbs. I am 5'6''.

I'm 6'1 and 16 years old. I just want people to treat me with more respect and get girl's attention more. I noticed (just recently) that skinnier people get more respect and have an easier time getting the ladies.

i'm in my heaviest weight. i'm embarrassed and ashamed to admit how much i weigh. i never imagined that i would be like this. i'm just getting started and i know anytime soon i'll be able to say how much i really weigh without feeling ashamed. it's my fault that i'm like this and it's high time i do something about it.


24-year-old female law student. was overweight as a child and teen but slimmed down and toned up when i hit my 20s. flirting with an ED with a BMI of 19 (5'2" and 103 lbs). some say i'm too thin, some may disagree; i just think there's always room for improvement. full-time school, part-time work, maintaining a social life, and making time for the gym keep me very busy. i can never become ana because i need the energy (read: food) to have a life. i'm just here to maintain a healthy perspective on food and weight.



My name is Christina and I'm a rising junior at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology double majoring in Economics and Math. I played a ton of sports growing up -- soccer, tennis, field hockey, track-- and never had to worry about anything I ate, but after coming to college, I quit playing sports and watched my weight start creeping up. I want to get back to the fitness and health level I was when I played sports...hopefully!

Super busy company head honcho, always stressed,40, finally found love of my life but gained ten pounds because we're foodies and love to eat.
I eat when stressed, bored, antsy, happy. Am not metabolizing like I used to, so I get frustrated because I work out as hard as I can and as much as my time will permit, and some people don't lift a finger but stay thin



I'm a 30 year old and very busy professional. One of my 2007 goals is to incorporate excercise into my lifestyle. I need to get going...

I am 21 and I am currently an undergrad senior. my life is very hectic and I stress alot--over every little thing in the world.

I'm an 18 years old eurasian uni student in Florida. :D Starting out at 5'7.5", 159ish lbs, give or take 2 lbs (mostly give...). I have never been able to diet well; each time I've lost weight has seemed like an accident. I'd like to get this right for once.

I'm a 23-yr-old in her last year of college. Had always been pretty active (grew up as a dancer, worked out religiously & ate like a health nazi) up until I went through some crazy stuff this last year that resulted in a manic episode, and now experiencing some depression and bulimia (which resulted in some major weight gain 20+lbs). Basically, I went from a free-spirited crazy happy go-go dancer / sorority college girl with a fit body to a sad self-loathing average BMI girl. Determined to recover and gain my health and happiness back! Let's do this! :D

Korean in South Africa, married, 28, QA manager.
Hoping to lose the last 8-9kgs.
Height: 1.62 cm. Goal weight: 52kg. Starting weight: 58kg

I'm a 26-year-old vegan struggling through law school as a full-time student while juggling three jobs - (1) part-time research assistant, and (2) part-time professor in 2 universities.


I'm a recent grad taking some time off to study for the LSAT while looking for jobs, hopefully in the art world in the LA area.
I know its important for my health and for job prospects to lose weight. I also have diabetes and high cholesterol in my family history and want to avoid that at all costs.
I love food and love to cook, therein lies my problem. I hope to control what I eat, be healthy and be able to buy all those clothes I've never been able to fit into!

I am 37 and a mother of 2 kids. I am a software engineer . My work requires me to sit before the computer for long hours.

Hi I'm 22 years old. i've played sports since i was young, soccer and rugby are my favorite sports. Used to be active in rugby during secondary school times but now i just play soccer during free times and currently my weight 231 lbs.


I will be turning 31 this December and somehow the weight crept up on me over the past 3 years! Its a lot less fun to take off than put on, thats for sure.

i am 24 yrs old stayed home mom of22 month daughter i want to loose weight desperately to look fit n great because in family functions i find myself with less confidence thn others and i was not likethat before its all hapening cos of increase in weight plz need help

College makes me gain weight like mad. Stress + alcohol + late night snacks = a lot of flab. I'm 4'11 (actually 4' 10 1/2'' but lets round up), so gaining weight is easily noticeable and makes me look like a stump.
I'm in my third year of college right now and I'm studying abroad in Hong Kong next semester, where the "proper" weight for someone my height is 90 lbs. I'm going to go for 98. :)

Asian woman in her late 20s living in Asia and eating Asian food. Mother is naggy and convinced I am obese and hence unmarriageable.


I am 25 |female| in a [LTR]. I am looking for a place where I can get some support and accountability. I'm excited and ready for a change.

Fifteen year old girl. Recently completed grade 11. Considered thin. Hasn't felt attractive her entire life. Wants to feel attractive and confident, and is sure that exercising and eating well will help.
Looking for supportive and non-judgmental people to help her achieve goal weight.


34 year old 3rd year dental student at Loma Linda University Dental School in Southern California 1 .5 hours outside of LA. Single, Christian, Father is Indonesian Chinese, and Mother is Japanese/American Italian. Lived in Hawaii since 1984, however have been going to school in the mainland since 1988. Parents still live there.

I'm 31 year-old Mom.. =-gasp-= oh my goodness I said it and admitted it. I'm definitely not that 21 year-old wanting to go out and party anymore. I need to get in better health for my son and family.

I am a 24 year old guy, Electronics Engineer by profession...my problem is that i feel fatter each day, my sis told me that in my state now, this is the fattest or the biggest state that ive been and upon looking through my old pics, my sister was right... i want to loose weight, and i dont know where to start... please ddo give advice... tnx

I'm a 19-year-old college student and I'm already way past the freshman since as long as I can remember. I used to be 210 pounds, I was able reach 169. Much to my dismay, I've gained about 20 pounds back. I would like to lose 50 pounds and reach my healthy weight of 140-145. I want to feel better about myself and go shopping and actually be able to wear the clothes that I like.


I'm 26, live in Southern California, and have always been conscious of my weight. When I am eating right and working out, I am usually fine. But its so easy for me to not eat right and not work out.


asian, currently in college, living off meal plan. Cooking is the biggest challenge and following a american diet is another challenge. please be critical and i believe we can push each other toward weight loss goal.


I am an high school exchange student and came to USA for one year and i am in the sophomore year now
i was 135 pounds when i came and now i am 148!!! T_T (i am 5'5")
I have only 4 months left here and i have gain the total of 13 pounds so far. If I go back like this my family is going to freak out so bad and I feel very bad about myself. so I am GOING TO drop it
my short term goal is 13 pounds but my long term goal is 26 pounds!

I am 34, married and I have a thirteen year old daughter.i am half vietnamese, half caucasian. My mother is Vietnamese, father American. They met and fell in love during the war, awww, how romantic. He brought her home and the rest is history. Full time wife and mother. I work part time in the service industry. I use to workout A lOT, but have been really lazy this last year or two. SInce I hit my 30's I have noticed that I will put on weight if I don't workout.

I am 20 years old and just graduated from college. I want to a fresh start and the first thing to do is to lose some weight!

16 year old trying to recover from an eating disorder which caused my weight to balloon hugely. T-T Struggling but WILL GET THERE and get life back on track. ADD OIL ADD OIL~

I'm a 21 year old college student in Boston, MA, an econ major and an active Hillary volunteer. I'm hoping to get connected with people and motivate and inspire each other for the long haul!


I'm a 21 year old philosophy undergraduate. Asian (chinese), and a recent convert from pescetarianism to vegetarianism. I used to be an athlete (till i was 16). After I stopped training, I went up from 105lbs to a high of 130lbs in about 3 years, due to bad dietary habits (junk food addiction) and a pretty much sedentary lifestyle. Lost 5lbs after I started eating less junk, and another 10lbs from diet (about 1500cals/day)+exercise. Trying to maintain my weight now, and improve my health and fitness in general by eating right and exercising regularly but not excessively.
My interests include art (painting especially), movies (the arty farty types), literature (i usually avoid horrors, thrillers, chick-lit... the mainstream stuff) and music (i've been through many phases. but i can say for certain that i'm just incapable of appreciating hip hop, dance and trance music.)
I also like supermarket-browsing.

Law student =)

I am in my late 20's. I love to travel, hike and listen to music. I am an Internal Auditor. Worked for a big 4 accounting firm.


I work in higher education in Southern California. I try to maintain an active lifestyle and have a hard time making good choices when it comes to food....especially filipino food!


I work at a call center and I'm awake during night and sleep almost throughout the day. I have this motto "I prefer to sleep than eat" When i wake up though - i eat something to fuel me so that i can work out for an hr.

29 year old asian woman trying her best to lose some weight! I'm a retail manager and so my schedule is all wonked. And therefore my eating habits are really poor. I have little discipine when it comes to food and that is why I have signed up.


I'm half-Filipino, 23 years old and in art school, which means I spend a lot of time sitting. I started having pain in my knee a year ago, and decided that being 5'3" and 173lbs was not helping me at all. I managed to drop 20lbs, but with the stress of being a student I've gained half of it back! I don't want to turn into a yo-yo dieter, so I need to get back on track and STAY there. Currently, I'm sitting at a size 10, 164lbs.

5'5, currently 134 lbs. I'm in high school, and want to lose 15-20 lbs.

After winning a pageant and working out regularly for four years, I'm suddenly having a difficult time self-motivating and staying healthy. Moving to a much colder climate, winter clothes, and increased food costs make it much harder for me to leave the house to either buy food or work out. I'm not getting any fatter, just fattier.

HI All!
My name is Kristin and I'm a Casting Director for NBC's The Biggest Loser.
We are currently looking for outgoing and charismatic people who have personality along with the WANT, DESIRE and COMPETITIVE EDGE to vie for this once in a lifetime opportunity to change your lives forever and compete for $250,000!
For more information on auditions and applications, email me your name, date of birth, height/weight, occupation, why you want/need to be on BL8 and a current photo of yourself to [email protected].
Thanks and look forward to learning more about you!


I'm 19 and Japanese. I've always been just a little heavier than all my asian friends. I've tried all my life to be thinner and I never seem to get quite as thin and I'd like but I'll keep trying.

I am a single mom with 2 boys, ages 11 and 8. I am now a full time student working on my RN license. I also work part time as a substitute teacher. I live with my boyfriend and couldn't be happier.
Because of the weight I have gained I now have high blood pressure and cholesterol. I need to get healthier. I had lost 40+ pounds a couple years earlier and I know I can do it again.


I weigh 178lbs.
I have lost a little more than 50lbs over the past 3years or so (at my heaviest I was 230-235lbs).

a guy in his late 20s

Hello! I'm 17, currently studying and want to lose 35lb minimum in 15 months to be a 'normal weight'. I want to look in the mirror and be happy about my appearance. I think I can do it, but need the support!! :D

I am 18 years old, but I feel like a middle-aged woman in weight-loss years!
I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. I am going to college next year.
