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former spotlight members
If you've ever been in one of the spotlight groups, join this team! This way we can easily keep tabs on each other after the groups end! (If you're currently in one of the spotlight groups, you can join, too! You'll be a former member eventually, right?)
Last posted:
Monday, May 24, 2010, 11:50 PM
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Members profiles:
I'm 33 and need to lose this extra weight. I don't care what the scale says! I live by how many inches I'm losing!
I am a 44 yr old male, and am single now, which may be the primary motivation for wanting to loose weight. I was very active in my younger years and remember the feeling of weightlessness vaguely. Would like to recapture the moment (lol). I am learning how to live one meal at a time...
I live in a tiny town in NE Oregon and love it. I took up running a couple of years ago and love the thrill of a good race. I've only run two 5Ks in the past, but this year, I'm pumping it up and I'm going to run my first 10K and Half Marathon! Yay!
I have two children ages 9 years old and 1 year old. I have recently left the job market and become a stay-at-home mom again. I am looking at this opportunity as a way to get myself together. I have been concentrating on my family and ignoring my own needs and have somewhat lost myself. I am attempting to find myself again - as well as find my body again! I have plans to become a high school science teacher and started 0school again in the fall of 2006.
A finance
35 year old mom from Philadelphia. Tried all kinds of diets in the past. Getting back on track after 2 babies.
I am a recent college graduate. In my second year of college I was diagnosed with a condition that no longer allows me to run. I had surgery and was one of the few that it did not work on. Prior to the diagnosis, I was running 15-20 miles a week and just starting to train for my first triathlon with my sister. Those dreams came to a halt. After learning that I could not run anymore, I lost all motivation to exercise. In my mind, there was nothing better than running and nothing else burned enough calories. Needless to say, I packed on the pounds. That was over 2 years ago. This January I stepped onto the scale and topped out at 175 (I am 5' 3"). It was this day that something clicked in my head. It finally dawned on me that I could not be living my life like this anymore. It is my hope that by losing the 47 pounds, I will be able to slowly work my way back to small amounts of running. I know that someday I will have the "runner's high" and that is what keeps me motivated.
I'm 34, vegetarian, a college professor, and an all-around great guy! I find that training for specific athletic events is really helpful for me in attaining my goals. My greatest fitness accomplishment, is that I climbed the Hustle up the Hancock (94 flights of stairs in a timed race) in 2004, and I'll do it again next year (if I don't get wait-listed again)--I count it as one of the most amazing experiences of my life! I'm single and gay, and trying to date--but it seems like all I can handle is one mission at a time, so for now I'm pretty happy just to focus on getting my health in order. . .
I am working on my teaching certification and when I am at work I dont eat. I am rushing in the morning and I forget to pack a lunch because I have to be at work before 8 am. I am planning to change all of that this year. I would also like to find a good african dance class in my area.
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