PEERtrainer Coaching/Training Intensive
A 12-week Program That Teaches The Essential Building Blocks For Sustainable Weight Loss.
About Our Program
PEERtrainer offers a 12-week program that you can start at any time. The program will teach you the mindset and building blocks necessary for sustainable weight loss. The program is designed to stop the yo-yo dieting cycle and the
that comes with continually going back to square one.
Over the course of twelve weeks, you will learn to change the thinking, habits and assumptions that prevents you from achieving and sustaining weight loss.
This Coaching/Training Intensive is designed to make good habits and choices automatic. No matter how motivated and disciplined you are, this process takes work and
this program is there to lead you, guide you and support you each week to implement these changes in your thinking and behavior.
Many participants experience a great sense of relief and happiness when they finally feel in-control of their weight, their relationship to food and their future as a result of being in this program. It has been a great joy to us to see our participants experiencing these life-changing results.
For Those Of You Who Are Members of PEERtrainer, Subscribers To The Tip Of The Day and Participants In The Weight Loss Bootamp:
The free "Tip Of The Day" and the "Weight Loss Bootcamp" have given you some practical tips as well as a basic framework for long-term success. You have been introduced to some new and maybe powerful ideas that
we know
are helping many of you.
We have found that the PEERtrainer Coaching/Training Intensive is like going to a Yoga class or personal trainer at a gym, where the structured environment dramatically accelerates your progress and results.
How Does The Program Work?
Each week you will receive an email from us that will allow you to quickly and easily download a recorded coaching call featuring Personal Development Coach Joshua Wayne, MA and PEERtrainer Founder Jacqueline Wicks
Over the course of the 12 weeks you will get our full unique curriculum that will teach you everything you need to know to make permanent weight loss a reality in your life- regardless of where you're starting from
Each weeks lesson also comes with an outline of the call so you can follow along and take notes if you like
Each call is approximately 30-40 minutes, and can be easily listened to on your computer at home, burned to a CD for the car, or downloaded to an IPOD to listen to at the gym.
You will automatically gain membership in an exclusive PEERtrainer Coaching Program online weight loss team. The value of this cannot be overstated. This will immediately put you in a supportive community with other people learning the same incredible information as yourself.
You will also get access to special premium calls only for PEERtrainer Coaching members and graduates, including interviews with some of the leading voices in the diet, fitness and health industries.
The cost of the twelve week program is $97, and we also have an option to pay as you go for $10 a week.
Click Here If You Would Like To Start Now
We've Seen What Works
Regardless of your specific circumstances, you are not alone. We know first hand how overwhelming it can be to try to do all of this at once.
We also know how incredibly frustrating and hopeless it feels when you fall off track over and over again.
Over the course of the past 4 years of running PEERtrainer and working with some of the top experts in the industry, we have figured out a series of simple, practical ways to solve these problems and make the weight loss process as easy as possible but more importantly, how to stop the yo-yo dieting of losing just to gain it all back again.
We have also found that Coaching Intensive participants also really love the format of this program. The convenience of being able to go through the curriculum on your own time schedule has proved invaluable. You always have the calls and online support team at your fingertips. Many participants love listening to the coaching sessions while at the gym, in the car or just relaxing at home at the end of a long day.
"I really love that I can listen to the calls when it's convenient for me. I can also listen as many times as I want for reinforcement. It makes a huge difference."
C.K., Daytona Beach, FL
You Don't Have To Do It Alone
Almost every challenge in life is easier when you have someone with you to lead you, guide you and support you. With the PEERtrainer Coaching/Training Intensive Losing weight becomes a matter of routine instead of a daily battle. Making the right choices- the ones you know you should make- should not be a never-ending struggle that ruminates in your mind and takes all the pleasure out of everything else.
You shouldn't have to stress out because your friends asked you to meet them for dinner and you don't know how to go and still like the number on the scale that week. You shouldn't have to be overwhelmed when you're going out to dinner with your husband and feel like it's a lost cause because you always eat double when you're with him. Developing the consistent healthy habits that will keep the weight off long term is hard work, but it can become second nature.
Remember how hard it is when you try something new? After a while, though, through repeated effort and good advice from people who have been through it, it gets easier. At some point, you have a flash of a thought in the middle of the day that reminds you of how hard it used to be to turn down chocolate.
You can't believe that a habit that used to own you and control you has actually become effortless to turn away. This is what the PEERtrainer Training Intensive was created for: to bring this new focus, instruction and support so that you have the confidence and courage to live your life differently.
The Temptations Might Not Go Away, But You'll Respond Differently
Sometimes you'll most likely still have that feeling when you're tired and you were scheduled to go workout of, "I'd much rather stay on the couch!" And at times you may still want a chocolate croissant when asked.
The difference is that with these new tools you learn in the coaching program, you'll still go anyway because you've developed a new frame of mind to take action- even when you have that tired feeling. And if the croissant didn't make it into your diet "map"- your "personal GPS in the food wilderness", you'll have the skills it takes to comfortably say "no" without feeling conflicted inside.
Click Here To Register
Your Coaches
These weekly Coaching accountability calls are hosted by PEERtrainer co-founder Jackie Wicks and Personal Development Coach Joshua Wayne, MA.
Joshua Wayne
, MA is a Personal Development Coach and trained psychotherapist with an emphasis on weight loss motivation and mind/body wellness.
In his private practice Joshua has helped his clients achieve their weight loss goals, shape their life direction and resolve a wide range of family problems from relationship difficulties to out of control teenagers.
Joshua has a Masters Degree in Counseling, is a Nationally Certified Counselor (NCC) and a Consulting Hypnotist (CH) through the National Guild of Hypnotists. He has also been intensely interested in and studying personal development, fitness and spirituality for close to 20 years.
"I learned more about myself in 2 hours with Joshua than I did in 8 years with a variety of different therapists. "
Lee S., Publisher, Teaneck, NJ
"Joshua Wayne has a fantastic talent at swiftly and effectively teaching you how to be at your best, where there are no barriers and everything is possible. There are many coaches, therapists, and motivational speakers. The difference with Joshua is that you get calm, cool results."
Adam E., San Francisco, CA
Jacqueline Wicks
, co-founder of PEERtrainer, began her journey after struggling with her weight of 185 pounds at the height of her pregnancy. Since then, she lost over 60 pounds to a little less than her pre-pregnancy weight with the tools and skills from PEERtrainer. She's a wife, mother of a 5 year old and 2 year old and has very little time to prepare healthy meals. Her practical approach she coined as "diet fusion" has helped thousands of people lose weight and regain their health.
PEERtrainer's success stories have been featured on Good Morning America and PEOPLE magazine, and PEERtrainer has been credited in helping members lose 50, 60 even up to a 100 pounds. Both Jackie and Joshua have now merged their experiences and approaches to create the PEERtrainer coaching and training intensive- a fast-track program to help people become a success in their own weight loss story.
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